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WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 coach n (sports trainer) (体育运动)SCSimplified Chinese 教练 jiào liàn TCTraditional Chinese 教練  The coach showed the boys how to throw the ball.  教练为男孩子们示范如何投球。 coach n (instructor)SCSimplified Chinese 私人教师 sī rén jiào shī TCTraditional Chinese 私人教師   SCSimplified Chinese 辅导老师 sī rén jiào shī,fǔ dǎo lǎo shī TCTraditional Chinese 輔導老師  His voice coach helped him sing better.  声乐老师帮助他把歌唱得更好。 coach n (tour bus)SCSimplified Chinese 长途汽车 cháng tú qì chē TCTraditional Chinese 長途汽車   SCSimplified Chinese 长途客车 cháng tú qì chē ,cháng tú kè chē   SCSimplified Chinese 长途客车 cháng tú qì chē ,cháng tú kè chē  The tour group travelled in a coach.  旅游团乘坐长途汽车去旅游。 coach n (railway carriage)SCSimplified Chinese (火车)车厢 huǒ chē chē xiāng  This train only has three coaches.  这辆火车只有三节车厢。 coach [sb]⇒ vtr (train a team, player) (体育运动)SCSimplified Chinese 训练,指导,当…的教练 xùn liàn,zhǐ dǎo,dāng … de jiào liàn TCTraditional Chinese 訓練,指導  Bob coaches the basketball team.  鲍勃是篮球队教练。 coach [sb] in [sth] vtr + prep (train in a sport)SCSimplified Chinese 在某方面训练某人  Miss Martin coaches the girls in football and cricket.  马丁教练训练女孩儿们的足球和板球。 coach [sb] in [sth] vtr + prep (instruct or train)SCSimplified Chinese 训练, 指导 xùn liàn , zhǐ dǎo  Ed coaches his clients in public speaking.  艾德指导他的客户如何进行公众演讲。 coach [sb] to do [sth] v expr (sports: teach [sb]) (体育运动)SCSimplified Chinese 训练某人做某事,指导某人做某事 zhǐ dǎo mǒu rén zuò mǒu shì  Bill coached the boys to pass the ball better.  比尔指导男孩们如何更好地传球。 coach [sb] to do [sth] v expr (teach, assist)SCSimplified Chinese 教…做   SCSimplified Chinese 指导…做  The father coached the mother to breathe as she delivered the baby.  准爸在准妈分娩时指导她呼吸。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 coach n US, uncountable (travel: standard class)SCSimplified Chinese 经济舱 jīng jì cāng TCTraditional Chinese 經濟艙 备注: Though most airlines now use "economy class," many people continue to refer to it as "coach." I'd love to travel first class, but all I can afford is coach.  我倒是想坐头等舱,但我只付得起经济舱的钱。 coach adv US, abbreviation (travel: coach class)SCSimplified Chinese 经济舱地 TCTraditional Chinese 經濟艙地  I always fly coach, as first class costs way too much.  头等舱的价格太贵了,所以我总乘经济舱。 coach n (carriage)SCSimplified Chinese 马车 mǎ chē TCTraditional Chinese 馬車  The princess waved from her coach.  公主坐在马车上挥手。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

复合形式:英语中文 basketball coach n (basketball: manager, trainer)SCSimplified Chinese 棒球教练  A professional team will have both a basketball coach and a business manager. bus station (US), coach station (UK) n (coach terminal)SCSimplified Chinese 公交车站 gōng jiāo chē zhàn TCTraditional Chinese 公交車站   SCSimplified Chinese 长途车站 gōng jiāo chē zhàn,cháng tú chē zhàn  I arrrived at the bus station at 6 o'clock. coach driver n ([sb] who drives bus)SCSimplified Chinese 长途客车司机 coach driver n ([sb] who drives carriage)SCSimplified Chinese 马车夫 mǎ chē fū coach house n historical (rest stop for carriages)SCSimplified Chinese 马车房 economy class, economy-class, also US: coach-class, coach class n as adj (train seating: standard) (火车)SCSimplified Chinese 二等座的   SCSimplified Chinese 经济车厢的 备注: push0717 I am going to buy an economy-class train ticket.  我打算买一张经济车厢火车票。 economy class, economy-class, also US: coach-class, coach class n as adj (plane seating: low cost) (飞机)SCSimplified Chinese 经济舱的 TCTraditional Chinese 經濟艙的 备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun, push0717 I purchased an economy-class ticket so that I would not have to dip into my savings.  为了省钱,我买了一张经济舱机票。 football coach, football manager (UK), soccer coach (US) n (soccer: trainer, manager)SCSimplified Chinese 足球教练 TCTraditional Chinese 足球教練 football coach (US), American football coach (UK) n (trainer of American football team)SCSimplified Chinese 橄榄球教练 swim coach (US), swimming coach (UK) n (person who trains swimmers)SCSimplified Chinese 游泳教练   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: coach [kəutʃ] I n [c] 1 (Brit) 长(長)途汽车(車) chángtú qìchē [辆 liàng] [美 = bus] 2 (horse-drawn) 大马(馬)车(車) dàmǎchē [架 jià] 3 (Brit) [of train] 车(車)厢(廂) chēxiāng [节 jié] [美 = car] 4 (Sport) (=trainer) 教练(練) jiàoliàn [位 wèi] 5 (=tutor) 私人教师(師) sīrén jiàoshī II vt 1 (Sport) 训(訓)练(練) xùnliàn 2 (Scol) 辅(輔)导(導) fǔdǎo 在这些条目还发现'coach': 在英文解释里: advisor - baggage car - bus station - car - drag - manager - motor bus - physical trainer - railcar - route - tour bus - train 中文: 教练 - 巴士 - 辅导 在单词列表中: Top 2000 English words, Football (soccer) words, Leaders, 更多……同义词: train, train up, drill, instruct, teach, 更多……习惯性搭配: coach the [team, players], a [basketball, football, math, life] coach, took the coach bus to [Boston], 更多……

标题中含有单词 'coach' 的论坛讨论:

coach/walking tour ... and, now as a coach, I am happy... - English Only forum 'coach and sixty' (Dickens, 'A Tale of Two Cities') - English Only forum a bus or coach? - English Only forum a cycling coach for the University of California - English Only forum AMERICAN - Golf Coach Tours - English Only forum an army coach - English Only forum assistant coach for the golf team? - English Only forum Bob is a short guy for the basketball coach to put in the game. - English Only forum bus or coach - English Only forum bus vs coach - English Only forum bus/coach additional info - English Only forum Business Coach - English Only forum by coach - English Only forum coach's resignation after Cup is about respect - English Only forum coach - English Only forum Coach - derivation of sports usage - English Only forum coach - form of address in a letter - English Only forum Coach / train car - English Only forum coach and four - English Only forum coach drawing heavy behind - English Only forum Coach Kondo the film - English Only forum coach on - English Only forum coach or coaching dating - English Only forum Coach painter - English Only forum coach the stylists how to present their information - English Only forum coach through the back-and-forth - English Only forum coach to performance - English Only forum coach was asked to create a game plan quickly - English Only forum coach-builder - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'coach'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "coach" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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