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click [links] Listen: UK:*UK and possibly other pronunciationsUK and possibly other pronunciations/ˈklɪk/US:USA pronunciation: IPA and respellingUSA pronunciation: IPA/klɪk/ ,USA pronunciation: respelling(klik) ⓘ一个或多个论坛线程和你的搜索词完全匹配 定义 | 西班牙语 | 法语 | 英语同义词 | 英语搭配 | Conjugator [EN] | 上下文 | 图像

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 click n (sound)SCSimplified Chinese 咔哒声 kā dā shēng TCTraditional Chinese 喀嚓聲  The door closed with a click.  门咔哒一声关上了。 click n (mouse button: press) (电脑)SCSimplified Chinese 单击 , 点击 dān jī  One click should let you access the link.  只需点击一次, 即可访问该链接。 click⇒ vi (press computer mouse button)SCSimplified Chinese 单击 dān jī   SCSimplified Chinese 点击 dān jī,diǎn jī  Click here to return to the homepage.  请点击这里返回主页。 click [sth]⇒ vtr (press computer mouse to select [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 单击 dān jī   SCSimplified Chinese 点击 dān jī,diǎn jī  Click this link to view a list of FAQs.  点击这个链接,查看常见问题列表。 click on [sth] vi + prep (computing: mouse) (计算机鼠标)SCSimplified Chinese 点击,点选 diǎn jī,diǎn xuǎn  Click on the program icon to open it. I never click on links that I receive in emails.  点击那个程序图标来将其打开。我从来没有点击过电子邮件里所附的链接。 click⇒ vi (make sound)SCSimplified Chinese 发出咔哒声 fā chū kā dā shēng  I can hear the pen clicking.  我能听到笔的咔哒声。 click vi figurative, informal (people: like each other, get along)SCSimplified Chinese 相处得来 TCTraditional Chinese 相處得來   SCSimplified Chinese 关系融洽 guān xì róng qià   SCSimplified Chinese 合得来 hé de lái  I only met her sister a couple of times but we really clicked.  我只见过她姐姐几次,但我们真的很合得来。 click with [sb] vi + prep figurative, informal (get along with [sb])SCSimplified Chinese 与...相处甚欢   SCSimplified Chinese 与...关系融洽  Shawn immediately clicked with his new brother-in-law.  肖恩很快与新妹夫相处甚欢。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 click n (linguistics: stop consonant) (语音学)SCSimplified Chinese 吸气音 TCTraditional Chinese 吸氣音  Some languages use clicks. click vi (keyboard: make sound)SCSimplified Chinese 键击 jiàn jī  Petra could hear the keyboard clicking as her brother did his homework.  佩特拉能听到她兄弟做家庭作业时发出的键盘敲击声。 click vi figurative, informal (suddenly be clear, understood)SCSimplified Chinese 突然明白或理解 tū rán míng bái huò lǐ jiě  Suddenly it clicked; John was the elder brother Maria had told me about.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

复合形式:英语中文 click beetle n (winged insect) (一种昆虫)SCSimplified Chinese 磕头虫 kē tóu chóng TCTraditional Chinese 磕頭蟲  The click of the click beetle is so strong that it will bounce the beetle into the air. click into place expr (events go smoothly)SCSimplified Chinese 咔嗒一声落位   SCSimplified Chinese 步入正轨 TCTraditional Chinese 步入正軌  After the initial setback, everything clicked into place. double click n (computing: two presses)SCSimplified Chinese 双击 double-click⇒ vi (computing: press twice)SCSimplified Chinese 双击 double-click on [sth] vi + prep (computing: press twice on [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 双击 double-click [sth]⇒ vtr (computing: press twice on [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 双击 pay-per-click n (Internet: business model) (互联网)SCSimplified Chinese 点击付费 pay-per-click n as adj (relating to this Internet business model)SCSimplified Chinese 点击付费的 PPC n initialism (pay-per-click)SCSimplified Chinese 按点击付费 PPC n as adj initialism (pay-per-click)SCSimplified Chinese 按点击付费的 right click n (pressing right mouse button)SCSimplified Chinese 右键单击 right-click on [sth] vi + prep (press right mouse button)SCSimplified Chinese 右键单击 right-click [sth]⇒ vtr (press right mouse button)SCSimplified Chinese 右键单击 snap your fingers, click your fingers v expr (click finger and thumb)SCSimplified Chinese 打响指 dǎ xiǎng zhǐ TCTraditional Chinese 打響指 / 捻手指  Mrs.McCredie clicked her fingers and a maid appeared to clear away the plates. If you want me, just snap your fingers and I'll be there!   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: click [klɪk] I vi 1 [device, switch, camera] 发(發)出喀嗒声(聲) fāchū kādā shēng 2 (Comput) 按 àn 3 (inf: get on) ▶ to click (with sb) (和某人)一见(見)如故 (hé mǒurén) yī jiàn rú gù 4 (inf: become clear) 豁然开(開)朗 huòrán kāilǎng II vt (=make sound with) 使…发(發)出喀嗒声(聲) shǐ…fāchū kādā shēng III n [c] 1 (=sound) 喀嗒声(聲) kādā shēng [声 shēng] 2 (Comput)▶ with a click of one's mouse 按一下鼠标(標) àn yīxià shǔbiāo [下 xià] to click on sth (Comput) 点(點)击(擊)某处(處) diǎnjī mǒuchù to click one's tongue 咂咂舌头(頭) zāzā shétou to click one's heels喀嚓一声(聲)立正 kāchā yī shēng lìzhèng 在这些条目还发现'click': 在英文解释里: downvote - PPC - snap - snap your fingers - upvote 中文: 点击 在单词列表中: Things you do with a pen or pencil, PET Vocabulary List - C, 更多……同义词: tick, snap, crack, noise, clap, 更多……习惯性搭配: a [right, left, double] click (of the mouse), with just a click of [the, your] mouse, You're only (ever) two clicks away., 更多……

标题中含有单词 'click' 的论坛讨论:

Click this link for available vacancies at our company 'click' vs 'click on': in computer instructions - English Only forum (Click/Submit) vs ( Click / Submit ) - English Only forum [English doubt] Click for a challenge - English Only forum a click (of a mouse) - to do/to make it (or neither). - English Only forum a click away - English Only forum a click of finality - English Only forum A one-click subscription to - English Only forum a Texas-click-point-pow - English Only forum After (the) click - English Only forum AmE to smack one's lips/to click one’s tongue - English Only forum As soon as you click on this link you are entering - English Only forum as they went 'Hick hack...' the mill went 'Click clack' - English Only forum at the click of a button - English Only forum be to click... and to tap ..., not to spend... - English Only forum Can their chemistry click? - English Only forum click - English Only forum click - English Only forum click - English Only forum click (here) to learn more - English Only forum Click (on) something - English Only forum click (on) the URL / link - English Only forum click [past participle?] - English Only forum Click * to see * - English Only forum click /misclick vs. tap /mistap - English Only forum Click = compatible? - English Only forum Click a picture or take a picture - English Only forum click and dial tone - English Only forum Click and Tap - US English - English Only forum click around - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'click'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "click" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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