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spread 英 [spred] 美 [sprɛd] 复数形式:spreads 第三人称单数:spreads 现在分词:spreading 过去式:spread 过去分词:spread spread 词典解释 及物/不及物动词展开;伸开;(使)传播;(使)散布 名词范围;连续的一段时间 及物动词涂;把…覆盖在…上(over);把…敲平;散发(气、烟等) 不及物动词(景色、景致)展现;传开;(人群)散开;软化 形容词张开的;[语言学]双唇展开的;(宝石)扁薄发光的;(文章、照片等)跨两栏(或多栏)的 spread 词典例句 及物动词 The table was spread for supper. 桌子已摆好,准备吃晚饭。 The bird spread its wings. 这只鸟展开翅膀。 不及物动词 The fire spread from the factory to the warehouse nearby. 火从工厂蔓延到了附近的仓库。 Coloured banners spread in the wind. 彩旗迎风招展。 名词 The bird's wings have a spread of three feet. 那鸟的双翅展开有3英尺长。 spread 网络解释 传播 ...品牌吸引力与行业认知度得到了迅速提升(Upgrade)吸引了宽大同行以及众多媒体的关心(Care),他以建设(Construction)环球化国际家居财产的信息门户网络媒体与电子商务在线交易(Deal)平台为己任;传播(Spread)国际家居文化,推动家居上下游财产链的相互整合,... spread 英英释义 noun act of extending over a wider scope or expanse of space or time Synonym: spreading decorative cover for a bed Synonym: bedspread bedcover bed cover bed covering counterpane farm consisting of a large tract of land along with facilities needed to raise livestock (especially cattle) Synonym: ranch cattle ranch cattle farm a conspicuous disparity or difference as between two figures e.g. gap between income and outgo e.g. the spread between lending and borrowing costs Synonym: gap a haphazard distribution in all directions Synonym: scatter the expansion of a person's girth (especially at middle age) e.g. she exercised to avoid that middle-aged spread two facing pages of a book or other publication Synonym: spread head spreadhead facing pages process or result of distributing or extending over a wide expanse of space Synonym: spreading a meal that is well prepared and greatly enjoyed e.g. a banquet for the graduating seniors e.g. the Thanksgiving feast e.g. they put out quite a spread Synonym: banquet feast a tasty mixture to be spread on bread or crackers or used in preparing other dishes Synonym: paste verb cause to become widely known e.g. spread information e.g. circulate a rumor e.g. broadcast the news Synonym: circulate circularize circularise distribute disseminate propagate broadcast diffuse disperse pass around become widely known and passed on e.g. the rumor spread e.g. the story went around in the office Synonym: go around circulate distribute or disperse widely e.g. The invaders spread their language all over the country Synonym: distribute become distributed or widespread e.g. the infection spread e.g. Optimism spread among the population Synonym: propagate spread out or open from a closed or folded state e.g. open the map e.g. spread your arms Synonym: unfold spread out open distribute over a surface in a layer e.g. spread cheese on a piece of bread cover by spreading something over e.g. spread the bread with cheese move outward e.g. The soldiers fanned out Synonym: diffuse spread out fan out strew or distribute over an area e.g. He spread fertilizer over the lawn e.g. scatter cards across the table Synonym: scatter spread out spread across or over e.g. A big oil spot spread across the water Synonym: overspread adj distributed or spread over a considerable extent e.g. has ties with many widely dispersed friends e.g. eleven million Jews are spread throughout Europe Synonym: dispersed fully extended in width e.g. outspread wings e.g. with arms spread wide Synonym: outspread prepared or arranged for a meal especially having food set out e.g. a table spread with food spread 词组短语 spread oneself 舒展四肢仰卧, 夸耀, 努力 spread oneself thin 同时干太多的工作致使一样没干好 spread it on thick 夸大, 奉承 spread [spred] 中考 高考 四级 六级 考研 中文翻译 1 n. 传播;伸展 2 adj. 伸展的 3 vt. 传播,散布;展开;伸展;铺开 4 vi. 传播;伸展 英语释义 1 n. process or result of distributing or extending over a wide expanse of space 2 n. a tasty mixture to be spread on bread or crackers or used in preparing other dishes 3 n. two facing pages of a book or other publication 4 n. the expansion of a person's girth (especially at middle age) 相关单词辨析 distribute, propagate, spread, circulate 的区别和用法

这组词都有“传播,散播”的意思,其区别是: distribute: 指把一定数量的东西分成若干等份进行分发。 propagate: 指自觉地努力推广,也指宣传或散布。 spread: 普通用词,使用广泛。指传播疾病、思想、文化、习惯或谣言等。 circulate: 既指某物在一物体内循环流动,又可指在一定范围内传播物品、刊物或思想、语言等。

scatter, diffuse, spread, disperse 的区别和用法

这组词都有“使分散、使散开”的意思,其区别是: scatter: 普通用词,指用暴力等手段使人或物向四处散开,或把物随意撒开。 diffuse: 指光线、声音或气味等在空中传送或散布,强调覆盖面积与物质分布相对密度之间的关系。 spread: 指一直延伸、蔓延,侧重遍及。 disperse: 多指把一群人或物等彻底驱散。




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