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贵州省2024年初中学业水平考试英语模拟试题卷(二)全卷共五个部分,满分120分(贵阳、黔南);满分150 分(七地州),考试时间为120分钟第一部分 听力 (共五节,30个小题;每小题1分,满分30分)第一节 听对话,选择相应的图片。(读一遍)第二节 听句子,选择最佳应答。(读一遍)B7.A.It is big.  B.The red one.C.Here you are.C8.A.Have a rest. B.See a doctor.C.Put on a coat.A9.A.I'm not sure. B.I don't agree.C.I won't do it.B10.A.I went by air.B.It was wonderful.C.She looked excited.B11.A.Sorry to hear that.B.You're welcome.C.It depends.A12.A.Kind. B.Reading.C.At school.第三节 听对话,选择最佳选项完成句子。(读两遍)C13.The weather will be ________tomorrow.A.cloudy  B.rainy  C.sunnyA14.Nick went to school today________.A.by car B.by bike C.by busA15.The man wants ________ sandwiches.A.chicken B.beef C.eggC16.The man has been to Xi'an________.A.once B.twice C.three timesB17.Lucy's favorite fruit is________.A.bananas B.apples  C.orangesB18.The lesson is mainly about________.A.nature B.safety C.invention第四节 听对话,根据对话内容及问题,选择最佳选项。(读两遍)听下面一段对话,回答第19、20题。C19.Where did Bob get the tomatoes A.In the market.B.On the farm.C.In the vegetable garden.A20.Who taught Bob to grow tomatoes A.His teacher.   B.His father.C.His cousin.听下面一段对话,回答第21、22题。A21.What time does Judy get up on Saturdays A.At 7:00.   B.At 7:30.C.At 8:00.B22.What does Judy do on Sunday afternoon A.She walks her pet dog.B.She does housework.C.She watches TV.听下面一段对话,回答第23、24题。C23.Why did Jim go to Beijing A.To travel.B.To visit his friends.C.To learn Chinese.C24.How was the weather in Beijing A.Hot. B.Cold. C.Warm.第五节 听短文,完成表中所缺信息,每空仅填一词。 (读三遍)Friendship DayTime on the 25.first Sunday of August every yearWays of celebration send a 26.card to your friend buy 27.presents for your friends go out for a camp or a 28.picnic with your friendsMeaning to 29.express love and thanks to your friends to make your friends understand how 30.thankful you are第二部分 完形(共两节,贵阳、黔南:满分16分;七地州:满分20分)第一节 (共6个小题;每小题1分,满分6分)(贵阳、黔南考生请完成1-6小题)第一节 (共5个小题;每小题1分,满分5分)(七地州考生请完成1-5小题) 阅读下面短文,从框内7个选项中选出能分别填入6/5个小题空白处的最佳选项。A.from B.about C.these D.activitiesE.while F.play G.newThanks to the “Double Reduction” Policy (“双减”政策), many students have more time to enjoy after school 1.D.It is helpful for students to take part in 2.C activities. First, it is a good short break 3.A study. After the break, students can do better in their school work. Next, students can make some friends 4.E doing after school activities. Finally, students can get some 5.G skills from the activities. For example, students can learn how to 6.F basketball or how to dance.第二节 (共10个小题;每小题1分,满分10分)(贵阳、黔南)第二节 (共10个小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)(七地州)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入各题空白处的最佳选项。Zou Aimin is a border defense soldier(边防战士).He __7__on top of Changbai Mountain in Jilin province.The 29 year old young man came to the outpost(前哨)after Zou got his PhD(博士学位)from Jilin University in 2011.He is one of the few soldiers in the province with such a high __8__ of education.Heavy snows there in winter can stand as__9__ as 2 meters.The weather is too cold—the lowest __10__ in recent years was 47℃.“At the beginning,it was very __11__ to fall asleep with the wind outside crying like a wolf(狼),”Zou said.The road leading to the outpost is often__12__off in winter because of heavy snow.Then there is never enough __13__ on the mountain top.So the soldiers can only take a bath once a month.Although it's hard,Zou and his team also spend time training __14__ to take on many other tasks—they learn to cook and cut hair for each other.Most of the soldiers were born between 1990 and 1999,but they like to__15__ the difficulties as valuable experiences and stories that they could “show off” to their friends at home.“Sometimes we shout and sing songs__16__.That is the cheerful moment we can feel what ‘defending(防守)our border’ means,”said Zou.A7.A.works   B.studies    C.standsC8.A.group   B.point    C.levelC9.A.long   B.short    C.deepB10.A.weather   B.temperature   C.riverC11.A.clever    B.perfect    C.difficultB12.A.put    B.cut     C.goneA13.A.water    B.air     C.snowC14.A.himself    B.yourselves  C.themselvesB15.A.act     B.treat     C.knowA16.A.happily    B.slowly    C.clearly第三部分 阅读 (共三节,贵阳、黔南:满分44分;七地州:满分50分)第一节 (共12个小题;每小题2分,满分24分)(贵阳、黔南)第一节 (共12个小题;每小题2.5分,满分30分)(七地州)阅读下面三个语篇,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出各题的最佳选项。AIn our survey of 1,000 teens,40% say they have been hit or almost hit by a car or bike while walking.When asked what happened when they were hit or almost hit,teens say:Teens who have been hit or nearly hit report they cross the street while:In short,half of teens say they walk in the dark alonesometimes.We know that three quarters of teen pedestrian fatalities(死亡事故) happen between 7 p.m.and 7 a.m.A1.In the survey,________teens say that they have been hit or almost hit while walking.A.400 B.500 C.600C2.Which picture can be put in __△__ in the passage A. B. C.B3.When are accidents most likely to happen according to the passage A.At 8 a.m.    B.At 10 p.m.C.At 5 p.m.C4.The passage above is most probably ______.A.an ad B.a notice C.a report▲B(2023·徐州)You stand in a garden.A low noise reaches your ears.You see a small insect flying near your head.You turn to look,and it flies out of sight.There it is again!You move slowly.You can see yellow and black stripes on it.Is it a bee?It lands on a flower,and you take a closer look.Bees fold(折叠) their wings onto their backs when they stop flying.But this insect's wings reach out like a fly's.That's because it is a fly—a flower fly.Many flower flies look like bees.This helps keep them safe from animals that may want to eat them.Insects with yellow and black stripes usually have stingers(刺).Insect eaters,such as some birds and frogs,need to get stung only once to know that stripes mean trouble.Flower flies can't sting,but insect eaters see the stripes and leave the flies alone.Flower flies spend most of their time looking for food.Like bees,flower flies eat pollen(花粉) and nectar(花蜜).This makes them easy to find in a garden full of flowers.They are helpful garden insects just like bees.Adult flower flies move pollen from one flower to another,which helps some flowers grow into fruit.Flower flies can stay in one place while flying.Most insects move forward when they fly.But flower flies can twist their wings,much like hummingbirds do.Twisting keeps them in one place,so they can remain over flowers,leaves,or even you!A5.In which part of a magazine can we probably see this passage A.Nature. B.Culture. C.Fashion.B6.In which way are bees and flower flies different A.The food that they eat.B.The shape of wings when they stop  flying.C.The way they help garden flowers grow.C7.What does the underlined word “them” in Paragraph 4 refer to A.Bees.    B.Flowers. C.Flower flies.B8.What might the writer of the passage agree with A.People usually prefer bees to flower flies.B.People sometimes mistake flower flies for bees.C.People should stop birds eating bees and flower flies.▲C(2023·邵阳)Are you dreaming of future travels to space Your dream will come true soon.It's reported that people will have an “out of the world” experience by staying at a hotel high above the earth in 2027.The hotel is called Voyager Space Station(VSS).It is like a ferris wheel(摩天轮).There will be rooms,restaurants,bars,gyms,reading rooms and scientific research laboratories.It's eco friendly (环保的) by getting power from the sun.It will have rooms for up to 400 people,including scientists,astronauts,and even some people to live there for a long time.You'll pay 5 million dollars for each 3 day stay.The hotel will serve traditional “space food”—like freeze dried ice cream.You're going to have the top chefs(厨师) making really good food.You can go on spacewalks to enjoy the beauty of the earth and space.You can enjoy 32 sunrises and sunsets each day.“The building of the VSS will start in 2026 and welcome its first visitors in 2027.It will be the world's first space hotel.We're trying to make people realize that this golden age of space travel is just around the corner.It's coming fast.” scientists say.A9.The Voyager Space Station (VSS) is  ________.A.a space hotelB.a space laboratoryC.a kind of space foodB10.If you pay 10 million dollars,you can stay at the Voyager Space Station for ______.A.3 days  B.6 days  C.9 daysA11.What can we know from the passage A.The Voyager Space Station can get power from the sun.B.The building of the Voyager Space Station will start in 2027.C.People can enjoy 3 sunrises and sunsets each day at the Voyager Space Station.B12.What's the best title for the passage A.The Top ChefsB.The World's First Space HotelC.The Beauty of the Earth and Space第二节 (共5个小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从框内6个选项中选出能分别填入5个小题空白处的最佳选项。A.What does a true family mean B.Maybe you give them everything that they need.C.Nearly every parent says that we never grow up.D.Then,parents will not treat their children as little ones.E.Not everything can be transmitted(传达)  through materials.F.In return (作为回报),they only want their  children to get good results in the exams.(2023·随州) Now there is a family problem.13.C In fact,we are probably 15 or 16 years old.In their eyes,we are always little ones and often do wrong things.For example,when we need to stay at home alone,they always worry about us and our life without them.Most parents always think that they have offered the best things to make their children live in a comfortable world.They think that they have done everything that they can do for their dear children.14.F But why still can't we understand our parents Does it mean that we still want more material things No.Actually,what we want is a true family.15.A I think it means a place where we can hide ourselves from the cold world outside.From here,we can get warmth,we can get happiness.And one important thing is that we will become stronger and more confident in the outside world because we know that we have a true family.16.E I think that parents should sit down to talk with their children to let them know that they have a happy family,so the children and their parents can understand each other better and better.17.D That's what we really need from our parents.第三节 (共5个小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,根据其内容填空和回答问题。(18至21题每题答案不超过3个单词,22题须用完整句子回答)(2023·衢州)To see the world around us,we use our eyes.Our eyes are very clever.Each eye catches a different picture,so we can have a 3D picture of what we see.Our eyes can help us to see things that are a very long way away or very close.We can see well when it is bright or dark.Being able to see well is really important.We do things every day where,if we couldn't see well,it would be very dangerous.Our eye is made up of different parts.In the middle of the eye is the pupil that lets in light.The colored part is called the iris(虹膜),which helps the pupil open and close.The eyelid(眼睑) can stop the eyeball from being dry and protect it.The eyelashes keep dirt and other things away from our eyes.Our eyes will not work so well when we don't use them properly.So it's very necessary for us to take good care of our eyes.There are many things we can do to protect them.For example,it's good for us to get our eyes checked at least twice a year.  Our eyes are amazing and are working hard every second we are awake.Be kind to our eyes!18.Our eyes are clever.Each eye sees a different picture and helps form a 3D picture.19.Our eyes are important.They help us do a lot of things safely every day.20.The colored part called the iris helps the pupil open and close.21.In order to protect our eyes,we should get our eyes checked at least twice a year.22.Do you think we should keep doing eye exercises every day Why or why not Yes,I think so.Because doing eye exercises is good for eyes.(观点正确即可)第四部分 语言运用(共两节,贵阳、黔南:满分15分;七地州:满分25分)第一节 (共5个小题;每小题1分,满分5分)(贵阳、黔南)第一节 (共5个小题;每小题2分,满分10分)(七地州)根据中文意思,补全英语译文。(每空限填一词,缩写算一词)1.(2023·潍坊)对中国人而言,茶不仅是饮料,还是一门艺术和一种文化。For Chinese,tea is not only a drink,but also an art and a culture.2.(2023·孝感)与人握手时脱下手套是一种礼貌。It is polite to take off your gloves when you shake hands with others.3.(2023·阜新)从现在开始,请小心保管自己的物品。Please be careful with your things from now on.4.(2023·营口改编)去年竣工的航天广场已成为一个新的旅游景点。The Aerospace Square which/that was completed last year has become a new tourist attraction.5.无论你是富有还是贫穷,健康永远是第一位的。Whether you are rich or poor,health should always come first.第二节 (共10个小题;每小题1分,满分10分)(贵阳、黔南)第二节 (共10个小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)(七地州)阅读下面短文,在各题空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。(2023·镇江)At the dinner table,Westerners use knives and forks,while the Chinese use chopsticks.Since at least 3,000 years ago,chopsticks have been the eating tool for the 6.Chinese(China) people.In general,the material of chopsticks can be 7.divided (divide)into five groups: bamboo and wood,metal,jade,bone 8.and chemical plastics.In Modern Chinese family life,people prefer to use the bamboo or wooden chopsticks because they are good 9.for the environment and cost a little.Using knives and forks or chopsticks brings about 10.a difference not only in lifestyle.For example,the use of 11.knives(knife) and forks makes it convenient for people 12.to eat (eat) individually(分别地).And the use of chopsticks makes it possible for the family members to have meals together.As the Westerners prefer to eat individually,they have the idea and habit of not 13.depending(depend)on others after they grow into adults.The way that Chinese people use chopsticks and eat with others around the table is connected with the lifestyle of the Chinese family.Nowadays,an increasing number of foreign students 14.are(be) coming to China.They are happy to learn to use chopsticks and eat with friends 15.happily(happy)around the table.第五部分 写作(贵阳、黔南:满分15分;七地州:满分25分)(2023·十堰改编)三年的初中生活,你一定有许多收获,也会有一些不足。展望未来,你肯定有许多美好的期待。假如你被邀请在班会上发言,请你根据以下信息提示,写一篇发言稿。写作要求:1.发言稿需涵盖导图中所有内容,可适当发挥;2.行文连贯,条理清楚,语句通顺,语法正确,书写规范;3.文中不可出现真实人名和校名等相关信息;4.不少于80词。Dear students,How time flies!Looking back at these past three years,I have improved a lot.I used to be too shy to express myself in public.But with the teacher's encouragement,I not only become more outgoing,but also get along well with the people around me.Besides,I often learn from my classmates so I have made great progress in my study.However,I also wasted much valuable time in playing computer games.What's worse,I couldn't really understand my parents,always talking back to them loudly.But now,everything has changed.I make a decision to study harder to make my parents proud of me.I believe that my dream will come true and I will have a bright future.Good luck!






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