Charlotte’s Web

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Charlotte’s Web

2024-03-02 05:23| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


1.       The grass was wet and the earth smelled of springtime. 泥土散发着春天的芬芳

2.       The barn was pleasantly warm in winter when the animals spent most of their time indoors, and it was pleasantly cool in summer when the big doors stood wide open to the breeze. 描写谷仓冬暖夏凉的舒适环境。

3.       Darkness settled over everything. 夜幕降临。

4.       Through a small window, a faint gleam appeared. One by one the stars went out. The sky lightened. 一道微弱的光芒出现了,星星们一颗一颗黯淡。天亮了。

5.       That afternoon, when the wind had died down and the barnyard was quiet and warm, the grey goose led her seven goslings off the nest and out into the world. 风逐渐平息

6.       Twilight settled over Zuckerman's barn, and a feeling of peace.

7.       The afternoon passed, and evening came. Shadows lengthened. The cool and kindly breath of evening entered through doors and windows. 凉爽的夏天傍晚景象

8.       The next day was foggy. Everything on the farm was dripping wet. The grass looked like a magic carpet. The asparagus patch looked like a silver forest. 多雾的天气,农场湿哒哒的。草坪看起来像一块神奇的地毯,芦笋地看起来像一片银色的森林。为第一张网做铺垫。比喻

9.       This morning each thin strand was decorated with dozens of tiny beads of water. The web glistened in the light and made a pattern of loveliness and mystery, like a delicate veil. 每一根细细的绳子上都装饰着几十颗细小的水珠。蜘蛛网在阳光下闪闪发光,形成了一个可爱而神秘的图案,就像一个精致的面纱。比喻(第一张网)

10.    Drops of dew, catching the sun, made the web stand out clearly. 露珠在阳光的照射下,使网显得格外醒目。(第二张网)

11.    The crickets sang in the grasses. They sang the song of summer's ending, a sad, monotonous song. 蟋蟀们在草丛中唱着单调的歌曲。拟人

12.    In the cool of the evening, when shadows darkened the Fair Grounds, Templeton crept from the crate and looked around.

13.     "I'll tell you in the morning," she said. "When the first light comes into the sky and the sparrows stir and the cows rattle their chains, when the rooster crows and the stars fade, when early cars whisper along the highway, you look up here and I'll show you something. I will show you my masterpiece."这句本身不是动作描写,但是对每一样事物都用了一个准确的动词。麻雀搅动,奶牛咔哒咔哒晃动,公鸡啼叫,星星黯淡,汽车私语。

14.    Charlotte's web never looked more beautiful than it looked this morning. Each strand held dozens of bright drops of early morning dew. The light from the east struck it and made it plain and clear. It was a perfect piece of designing and building. In another hour or two, a steady stream of people川流不息的人们 would pass by, admiring it, and reading it, and looking at Wilbur, and marveling at the miracle. (最后一张网) 

15.    After Christmas the thermometer dropped to ten below zero. Cold settled on the world. The pasture was bleak and frozen.



1.       Tears ran down her cheeks and she took hold of the ax and tried to pull it out of her father's hand.  描写Fern的悲伤以及从爸爸的斧子下救下Wilbur的。

2.       Fern came slowly down the stairs. Her eyes were red from crying. 描写哭泣之后。

3.       Mr. Arable smiled. "Certainly not," he said, looking down at his daughter with love. 描写父亲充满爱意。

4.       He would stand and gaze up at her with adoring eyes. 描写Fern在温奶的时候小猪崇拜的眼神凝视着她。

5.       Wilbur watched in horror. He could hardly believe what he was seeing, and although he detested极度憎恨 flies, he was sorry for this one. 描写小猪第一次看到蜘蛛抓虫子的难以置信、害怕的心理。

6.       "A rat is a rat," said Charlotte. She laughed a tinkling little laugh. 发出银铃般的叫声。tinkle:v. & n. 叮当

7.       The cows hated them(flies). The horses detested them. The sheep loathed 不乐意them. Mr. and Mrs. Zukerman were always complaining about抱怨 them, and putting up screens竖起屏风. 表达讨厌的4个词。

8.       She was staring at Fern with a worried expression on her face.

9.       Charlotte watched in delight.

10.    Wilbur climbed again to the top of the manure pile, full of energy and hope.

11.    “Of course you don’t,” said Charlotte in a comforting voice. 小猪担心会死,夏洛安慰

12.    Hour by hour she sat motionless一动不动的, deep in thought. Having promised Wilbur that she would save his life, she was determined to keep her promise. having done先,did 再,表示动作的先后

13.    Everybody stood at the pigpen and stared at the web and read the word, over and over, while Wilbur, who really felt terrific, stood quietly swelling out his chest and swinging his snout from side to side. (第二张网terrific)

14.    "Do you?" said Charlotte, looking at him with affection. =affectionately 深情地看着他

15.    Mrs. Arable said goodbye and thanked Dr. Dorian very much for his advice. She felt greatly relieved. Mrs.Arable 在咨询医生之后感到释然。

16.    Her eyes were brimming with tears. 她热泪盈眶。

17.    "Hoorray!" yelled the crowd. "He's up! The pig's up! Good work, Zuckerman! That's some pig!" Everyone was delighted. Mr. Zuckerman was the most pleased of all. He sighed with relief.

18.    A great feeling of happiness swept over the Zuckermans and the Arables. This was the greatest moment in Mr. Zuckerman's life. It is deeply satisfying to win a prize in front of a lot of people.

19.    "I didn't ask for a shower bath," said Mr. Zuckerman. The crowd roared with laughter.

20.    You will live, secure and safe, Wilbur. Nothing can harm you now. 【近】safe and sound

21.    A moment later a tear came to Wilbur's eye.

22.    Hearing this, Wilbur threw himself down in an agony of pain and sorrow. Great sobs racked his body.听到夏洛再也不能回去的消息,Wilbur极度痛苦、悲伤。

23.    Wilbur trembled all over when he saw it.

24.    Wilbur's heart pounded.

25.    In sorrow he sank to the ground and closed his eyes.

26.    "What are your names, please?" asked Wilbur, trembling with joy.

27.    Wilbur's heart brimmed with happiness.



1.       She closed the carton carefully. First she kissed her father,then she kissed her mother. Then she opened the lid again, lifted the pig out, and held it against her cheek. 一连串动作描写,表现了Fern在救下小猪之后的开心的心情。

2.       Every morning, as soon as she got up, she warmed his milk, tied his bib on, and held the bottle for him.  表现Fern对Wilbur的照顾

3.       Wilbur was poking the straw with his snout. In a short time he had dug a tunnel in the straw. He crawled into the tunnel and disappeared from sight, completely covered with straw. 描写小猪把稻草拱成一个猪窝的一系列动作。

4.       Here she sat quietly during the long afternoons, thinking and listening and watching Wilbur. 描写Fern静静陪伴Wilbur。

5.       He gave a jump in the air, twirled旋转, ran a few steps, stopped, looked all around, sniffed the smells of afternoon, and then set off walking down through the orchard. Pausing in the shade of an apple tree, he put his strong snout into the ground and began pushing, digging, and rooting. He felt very happy. 一连串动作描写,表现小猪的快乐。

6.       The horses, in their stalls in the barn, pricked up their ears when they heard the goose hollering叫喊; and soon the horses had caught on to what was happening. 竖起耳朵、的地道表达

7.       "I never do those things if I can avoid them, " replied the rat, sourly 不友善的. "I prefer to spend my time eating, gnawing, spying, and hiding.” 形容老鼠的动词

8.       In a moment he saw the rat's sharp nose poke out from underneath the wooden trough. Cautiously Templeton pulled himself up over the edge of the trough. 小老鼠尖尖的鼻子探出来,接着小心翼翼地将整个身体拉出来。poke:v. & n.戳、探出

9.       A dozen times during the night Wilbur woke and stared into the blackness, listening to the sounds and trying to figure out what time it was. A barn is never perfectly quiet. 形容Wilbur有心事难以入睡。

10.    The fly was beating its wings furiously猛烈地, trying to break loose and free itself.

11.    Wilbur stood in the trough, drooling with hunger. 饿得直流口水

12.    Wilbur grunted.发出(猪的)呼噜声 He gulped狼吞虎咽 and sucked吮吸, making swishing and swooshing noises发出刷刷、嗖嗖的声音, anxious to get everything at once. 描写猪吃东西的动作。

13.    Lurvy felt weak. He brushed his hand across his eyes and stared harder at Charlotte's web. "I'm seeing things," he whispered. He dropped to his knees and uttered说 a short prayer. 描写Lurvy在见到第一张有字的蜘蛛网感到不可思议、不敢相信。

14.    Zuckerman stared at the writing on the web. Then he murmured the words "Some Pig." Then he looked at Lurvy. Then they both began to tremble. 描写Zukerman在见到第一张有字的蜘蛛网的动作。

15.    Slowly Templeton dragged himself across the pen and threw himself down in a corner.描写疲惫状。



1.       A little girl is one thing, a little runty pig is another. 一回事,另一回事。

2.       You call that miserable thing a pig? That's a fine specimen of a pig--it's no bigger than a white rat.  不比……大

3.       It relieved her mind to know that her baby would sleep covered up, and would stay warm.  令人宽慰的是……

4.       But he never had any fun--no walks, no rides, no swims. 三个no排比,表现小猪的不快乐。

5.       Wilbur's stomach was empty and his mind was full. 用反义词构成对比。

6.       There's no denying that almost all spiders are rather nice-looking. 不可否认。

7.       In the fields, around the house, in the barn, in the woods, in the swamp--everywhere love and songs and nests and eggs.  排比,形容夏天到处都是鸟叫声。

8.       Ever since the spider had befriended him, he had done his best to live up to his reputation.

9.       Fern nodded. "I had the best time I have ever had anywhere or any time in all of my whole life."

10.    No one had ever had such a friend-so affectionate, so loyal, and so skillful.

11.    She was in a class by herself. It is not often that someone comes along who is a true friend and a good writer. Charlotte was both.



1.       v. & n.尖叫                  shriek  【近】scream / yell / cry / shout / yelp

"Do away with it?" shrieked Fern. "You mean kill it? Just because it's smaller than the others?"


2.       adj. & v. 摆脱             rid     【固定搭配】get rid of sth / rid of sth

Fern was up at daylight, trying to rid the world of injustice.


3.       v. & n.喇叭声/鹅叫      honk

The school bus honked from the road.

"Turn and twist!" honked the goose.


4.       adv. 出神地                dreamily

v. & n.咯咯笑              giggle

v. & n.脸红                  blush

She was still thinking about the pig when the teacher said:"Fern, what is the capital of Pennsylvania?""Wilbur," replied Fern, dreamily. The pupils giggled. Fernblushed.


5.       v. & n.嗅,闻              sniff  【近】smell / breathe in

He walked slowly to his food trough食槽 and sniffed to see if anything had been overlooked at lunch.


6.       adj. 开胃的                 appetizing 【近】delicious / tasty / yummy

The food smelled appetizing. He took another step toward the pail桶.


7.       v. & n.呻吟                  groan  【近】sigh

v. & n.呻吟、抱怨       moan

"One day just like another," he groaned.

Wilbur burst into tears. "I don't want to die," he moaned.


8.       adj. 神秘的                 mysterious   【名】mystery

He hated to break the lovely stillness of dawn by using his voice, but he couldn't think of any other way to locate the mysterious new friend who was nowhere to be seen.

             adj. 奇异的                 wondrous   【名】wonder

I intend to speak about it in my sermon and point out the fact that this community has been visited with a wondrous animal.

             adj.奇迹般的               miraculous  【名】miracle

The news of the wonderful pig spread clear up into the hills, and farmers came rattling down in buggies and buckboards, to stand hour after hour at Wilbur’s pen admiring the miraculous animal.

             v. 感到惊奇                marvel  【形】marvelous 令人惊异的

In another hour or two, a steady stream of people would pass by, admiring it, and reading it, and looking at Wilbur, and marveling at the miracle.


9.       adj. 近视的; 眼光短浅的;  near-sighted

adv. 极其,非常,糟糕地  dreadfully

        v. & n.恐惧                         dread / dreaded / dreaded

I've always been dreadfully near-sighted. It's good in some ways, not so good in others.


10.    v. & n.增长                  increase

        v. 乘,成倍增长         multiply

        adj. 众多的                 numerous

"Do you realize that if I didn't catch bugs and eat them, bugs would increase and multiply and get so numerous that they'd destroy the earth, wipe out everything?" 排比式递进


11.    n. 情节 v. 密谋          plot

He has no idea that Mr. Zuckerman and Lurvy are plotting to kill him.


12.    adj. 凶猛的                 fierce

        adj. 残暴的                 brutal

        adj. 狡诈的                 scheming 

        v. & n.密谋,方案       scheme

        adj.勇敢的                  bold

        adj.忠诚的                  loyal

But what a gamble friendship is! Charlotte is fierce, brutal, scheming, bloodthirsty--everything I don't like. How can I learn to like her, even though she is pretty and, of course, clever?

Underneath her rather bold and cruel exterior, she had a kind heart, and she was to prove loyal and true to the very end.


13.    v. & n.阵雨                  shower

Next day, if there was no thunder shower, all hands would help rake and pitch and load, and the hay would be hauled to barn in the high hay wagon, with Fern and Avery riding at the top of the load.


14.    adj.不懈的                  unremitting

She said:" I am sure that every one of us here in the barn cellar will be gratified to learn that after four weeks of unremitting effort and patience on the part of the goose, she now has something to show for it.' Don't you think that was a pleasant thing for her to say?" 鹅在28天后孵出鹅宝宝。


15.    v. & n.自夸                  boast

“I could spin a web if I tried,” said Wilbur, boasting. “I've just never tried.”


16.    v. 闪光                        glisten  【近】比较微弱:glow / glimmer / shimmer / twinkle

比较强烈闪耀:sparkle / shine / blaze / radiate

The web glistened in the light and made a pattern of loveliness and mystery, like a delicate veil.


When Charlotte's web said TERRIFIC, Wilbur had tried to look terrific. And now that the web said RADIANT, he did everything possible to make himself glow.


17.    adj.非凡卓越的           remarkable

I have some very remarkable cousins


The truck bearing this extraordinary animal is now approaching the infield.


We now present Mr. Homer L. Zuckerman's distinguished pig.


18.    adj. 难以忘怀的          never-to-be-forgotten

Many of you will recall that never-to-be-forgotten day last summer when the writing appeared mysteriously on the spider's web in Mr. Zuckerman's barn, calling the attention of all and sundry to the fact that this pig was completely out of the ordinary.


19.    adj.壮丽的值得表扬的 magnificent

"This magnificent animal," continued the loud speaker, "is truly terrific.


20.    adj.极好的,了不起的tremendous

"You have been my friend," replied Charlotte. "That in itself is a tremendous thing.”




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