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2023-05-13 19:27| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


①.英语单词造句 1length 2tourist 3lady 4gentleman 5capital 6history 7interest 8。

②.1.honest Honesty is the best policy. 诚实才是上策。He is an honest boy. 他是个诚实。 由于篇幅有限,我直接发给你邮箱,好几百个单词,每个单词至少2个例句,格式是图。

③.1. Capacity 指天赋的,如生长、发展或成功的潜力 It was, in any case, beyond the capability of one man. 无论如何。

④.用month,February,second造句(三个单词造一个句子) 用birth造句 用。

⑤.abstaincompassiondrabperjuryad-libcoronergrand jurypremeditatedad-libcoronergrand jurypremeditated antagonizedeliberatehomicidereasonable doubt bigotdialoguehung juryunanimous antagonizedeliberatehomicidereasonable doubt bigotd..。


the shoes feel comfortable(comfortable舒适的) the hamburger taste delicious(delicious美味的) the fish smell fresh(fresh新鲜的) that sounds great(great棒的,伟大的) the weather。

tense:a.拉紧,n.时态.[造句]:以[时态]为例,表示动作或状态的有三种基本态 三种完成态:(1)现在时态:I write home once a month 我每月给家里写一封信.(2)过去时态:I wrote home yesterday 我昨天给家里写了信.(3)未来时态 :I shall write home to..。

1.Human's brains are different from animals'.2.We should pay attention to teachers on the class.3.We have the ability to speak.4.The mouse is connected with the computer.5。.

She is willing to donate money to a worthy cause 她愿为高尚的事业捐款 Local people lined up to donate blood for the brave girl. 当地群众排队给这位勇敢的姑娘献血。 When does the new law come into effect? 新法律何时生效? A commo..。

textbook schoolbag是一组一组的造句 每个组的两个词必须出现


sense : I lost my sense of taste. 我丧失了味觉。 sight: The train is still in sight. 火车仍在视线内。 taste: The medicine has a bitter taste. 这药有苦味。 touch: They keep close touch with me. 他们和我保持密切联系。 below:..。

the shoes feel comfortable(comfortable舒适的) the hamburger taste delicious(delicious美味的) the fish smell fresh(fresh新鲜的) that sounds great(great棒的,伟大的) the weather。

1.Human's brains are different from animals'.2.We should pay attention to teachers on the class.3.We have the ability to speak.4.The mouse is connected with the computer.5。.

帮我用几个简单的英语单词造句,我需要几百句,有多少就发多少 急用!!!。

in total: 总共 Examples: 1. That will cost you 7.50 in total. 你总共要花7.50英镑. 2. During the occupation, we had to live in total submission (to the invader). 在沦陷时期, 我们得听凭(侵略者的)摆布. be equal to: conj. 等于(和..。


主格形式:we和you 宾格形式:us和you 形容词性物主代词:our和your Our school is big. 名词性物主代词:ours和yours It is not ours,it's yours. between: I live between Beijing and Shanghai. among: in the middle of。

帮我用几个简单的英语单词造句,我需要几百句,有多少就发多少 急用!!!。


1. i am reading 我在读书。 2 it is necessary for you to do homework 你必须得做作业 3.to get up at 7:00 is my habit 七点起初是我的习惯 4. i will return the book to you as 。

1.Bad customs should be abolished. 坏的风俗应当废除。 2.He is absolutely wrong. 他完全错了。 It's absolutely impossible. 这绝对不可能。 3.It was quite an accident. 这是一桩偶发的事件。 Accidents will happen in the best regulate..。


经常——often:We often dance.喜欢——like:I like dancing.吃——eat:Eat some pies。. 英语——English:This is an English book.房子——house:I live in a new house.厕所——。

1. i am reading 我在读书。 2 it is necessary for you to do homework 你必须得做作业 3.to get up at 7:00 is my habit 七点起初是我的习惯 4. i will return the book to you as 。

经常——often:We often dance.喜欢——like:I like dancing.吃——eat:Eat some pies。. 英语——English:This is an English book.房子——house:I live in a new house.厕所——。

I usually go to bed at 10. Taking exercise is good for your health. It's half past seven. It's half past six. It's a quarter to ten. She will go to either her school or the library. The hamburger tastes good. They never visit t..。

1、He lives (the) farthest from our school. 2、This is the most interesting story I have ever heard. 3、This box is heavier than that one. 4,Would you like some more apples? 5,She is the funniest student in our class. 6,There w..。

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