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center [links] Listen: UK:*UK and possibly other pronunciationsUK and possibly other pronunciations/ˈsɛntər/US:USA pronunciation: IPA and respellingUSA pronunciation: IPA/ˈsɛntɚ/ ,USA pronunciation: respelling(sentər) ⓘ一个或多个论坛线程和你的搜索词完全匹配 定义 | 西班牙语 | 法语 | 英语同义词 | 英语搭配 | Conjugator [EN] | 上下文 | 图像 本页中: center, ctr.'center'与'ctr.'相互参照。 您可以在下面的一行或多行中找到它。'center' is cross-referenced with 'ctr.'. It is in one or more of the lines below.

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 center (US), centre (UK) n (middle) (部位、地方)SCSimplified Chinese 中间 zhōng jiān TCTraditional Chinese 中間  The boy stood in the center of the circle.  那个男孩站在圆圈中间。 center (US), centre (UK) n (main site)SCSimplified Chinese 中心区 zhōng xīn qū TCTraditional Chinese 中心區   SCSimplified Chinese …集中的地方 zhōng xīn qū ,jí zhōng de dì fāng  That city is the manufacturing center of the state.  这座城市是全国制造中心。 center (US), centre (UK) n (town: central area) (城市)SCSimplified Chinese 中心,中心区 zhōng xīn,zhōng xīn qū TCTraditional Chinese 中心,中心區  At the centre of the town is the Town Hall.  市政厅就在镇中心。 center (US), centre (UK) n (facility)SCSimplified Chinese 活动中心 huó dòng zhōng xīn TCTraditional Chinese 活動中心  The old ladies met at the senior center.  几位老婆婆约定在老年活动中心见面。 center (US), centre (UK) n (basketball position) (篮球)SCSimplified Chinese 中锋 zhōng fēng  Yao Ming played center for the Houston Rockets.  姚明是休斯顿火箭队的中锋。 center (US), centre (UK) n (chocolate, etc.: filling) (巧克力)SCSimplified Chinese 夹心  These chocolates all have soft centres.  这些巧克力里面有软夹心。 center (US), centre (UK) n (sports position) (体育)SCSimplified Chinese 中场  Dan is the best center the team has ever had.  丹是球队有史以来最棒的中场。 center [sth] (US), centre [sth] (UK)⇒ vtr (move to middle)SCSimplified Chinese 使…位于正中 shǐ wèi yú zhèng zhōng  He centered the painting on the wall.  他把墙上的画扶正,挂在正中。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 center on [sth] (US), center around [sth], centre on [sth], centre around [sth] (UK) vi + prep (focus on)SCSimplified Chinese 聚焦   SCSimplified Chinese 集中精力于   SCSimplified Chinese 注重 zhù zhòng TCTraditional Chinese 注重 center around [sth] (US), centre around [sth] (UK) vi + prep (cluster around)SCSimplified Chinese 围绕 wéi rào TCTraditional Chinese 圍繞   SCSimplified Chinese 以...为中心   SCSimplified Chinese 包围 wéi rào ,bāo wéi TCTraditional Chinese 包圍 center yourself (US), centre yourself (UK) vtr + refl (make yourself calm, focused)SCSimplified Chinese 使自己集中精神以放松   SCSimplified Chinese 使自己平静  Meditating every morning helps me to center myself.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 ctr. n written, abbreviation (center)SCSimplified Chinese 中心,中央 zhōng xīn,zhōng yāng TCTraditional Chinese 中心,中央   SCSimplified Chinese 核心 hé xīn TCTraditional Chinese 核心   SCSimplified Chinese 中枢 zhōng shū TCTraditional Chinese 中樞   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

动词短语center | centre | ctr.英语中文 center around [sth] (US), centre around [sth] (UK) vtr phrasal insep (be based on, concerned with)SCSimplified Chinese 围绕 wéi rào TCTraditional Chinese 圍繞   SCSimplified Chinese 以...为中心 center in on [sth] (US), centre in on [sth] (UK) vtr phrasal insep (focus on)SCSimplified Chinese 聚焦于 jù jiāo yú TCTraditional Chinese 聚焦於  Now that the camera's shown us the whole pitch, centre in on just the coach. center on [sb/sth], center upon [sb/sth] (US), centre on [sb/sth], centre upon [sb/sth] (UK) vtr phrasal insep (have as main topic)SCSimplified Chinese 以…为中心, 重点在于…  His talk centered on one key issue. center on [sb/sth] (US), centre on [sb/sth] (UK) vtr phrasal insep (have as main purpose)SCSimplified Chinese 围绕 wéi rào TCTraditional Chinese 圍繞   SCSimplified Chinese 以…为中心 wéi rào ,yǐ wéi zhōng xīn  My grandfather's life centered on his family.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

复合形式:center | centre | ctr.英语中文 administrative center (US), administrative centre (UK) n (county: main town)SCSimplified Chinese 行政中心 xíng zhèng zhōng xīn arts center (US), arts centre (UK) n (venue: visual, performing arts)SCSimplified Chinese 艺术中心 yì shù zhōng xīn   SCSimplified Chinese 艺展中心 at the center of [sth] (US), at the centre of [sth] (UK) prep figurative (focus of controversy, etc.)SCSimplified Chinese 在...的中心   SCSimplified Chinese 处于...的核心 business center (US), business centre (UK) n (town: commercial district)SCSimplified Chinese 商业中心 shāng yè zhōng xīn TCTraditional Chinese 商業中心 call center (US), call centre (UK) n (phone-in service) (美式拼写)SCSimplified Chinese 呼叫中心 hū jiào zhōng xīn  If you need technical support you can contact the call center. center field (US), centre field (Can, UK) n (baseball: location) (棒球)SCSimplified Chinese 中外场  The ball flew into center field and Jeff caught it. center field (US), centre field (Can, UK) n (baseball: player's position) (棒球)SCSimplified Chinese 中外场手  You can be center field in today's game. center fielder (US), centre fielder (Can, UK) n (baseball: player in center field) (棒球)SCSimplified Chinese 中场手   SCSimplified Chinese 中外场员 center forward (US), centre forward (UK) n (soccer position) (足球)SCSimplified Chinese 中锋,中锋位置 zhōng fēng,zhōng fēng wèi zhì center forward (US), centre forward (UK) n (soccer player)SCSimplified Chinese 中锋 zhōng fēng center half, center-half (US), centre half, centre-half, centre back (UK) n (soccer position)SCSimplified Chinese 中卫 zhōng wèi center half, center-half (US), centre half, centre-half, centre back (UK) n (soccer player) (足球)SCSimplified Chinese 中前卫 zhōng qián wèi TCTraditional Chinese 中前衛 center of activity (US), centre of activity (UK) n (where action takes place)SCSimplified Chinese 活动中心 huó dòng zhōng xīn TCTraditional Chinese 活動中心  The Telegraph Station in Alice Springs became the centre of activity in the area. center of attention (US), centre of attention (UK) n (focal point)SCSimplified Chinese 众人瞩目的焦点 zhòng rén zhǔ mù de jiāo diǎn   SCSimplified Chinese 众人瞩目之地  The photographer framed the photo in such a way as to ensure the flower was the centre of attention. center of attention (US), centre of attention (UK) n figurative (focus of interest)SCSimplified Chinese 注意力的中心 zhù yì lì de zhōng xīn   SCSimplified Chinese 众人瞩目的焦点 zhù yì lì de zhōng xīn,zhòng rén zhǔ mù de jiāo diǎn  The painting was the centre of attention at the exhibition. The UAE was the centre of attention as the region's biggest football tournament came to the country. center of gravity (US), centre of gravity (UK) n (where weight is balanced)SCSimplified Chinese 重心 zhòng xīn TCTraditional Chinese 重心  The position of the center of gravity affects the stability of an object. center of gravity (US), centre of gravity (UK) n figurative (person: focus of activity)SCSimplified Chinese 重心 zhòng xīn TCTraditional Chinese 重心   SCSimplified Chinese 中心 zhòng xīn,zhōng xīn TCTraditional Chinese 中心   SCSimplified Chinese 核心 zhòng xīn,hé xīn TCTraditional Chinese 核心  The Asia-Pacific region has become the centre of gravity for the world economy. center stage (US), centre stage (UK) adv figurative (in a leading role)SCSimplified Chinese 饰演主角  She found herself center stage when she was chosen to represent her school at the event. centerline, center line (US), centreline, centre line (UK) n (line bisecting a plane figure)SCSimplified Chinese 中心线 centerline, center line (US), centreline, centre line (UK) n (line painted down the middle of a road) (道路)SCSimplified Chinese 中线 zhōng xiàn TCTraditional Chinese 中線   SCSimplified Chinese 中心线 centerline, center line (US), centreline, centre line (UK) n (bisector between radio transmitters) (无线电发送器)SCSimplified Chinese 中心线 child care center, childcare center (US), day nursery, childcare centre (UK) n (day nursery)SCSimplified Chinese 托儿所 tuō ér suǒ TCTraditional Chinese 托兒所  Many companies have an on-site child care center for their employees' children. city center (US), city centre, town centre (UK) n (town: central area)SCSimplified Chinese 市中心 shì zhōng xīn TCTraditional Chinese 市中心  I don't want to drive through the city center in rush hour. community center (US), community centre (UK) n (local venue)SCSimplified Chinese 社区中心 shè qū zhōng xīn TCTraditional Chinese 社區中心   SCSimplified Chinese 社区活动中心 shè qū zhōng xīn,shè qū huó dòng zhōng xīn  The summer program at the community center keeps the kids off the streets. control center (US), control centre (UK) n (operational hub)SCSimplified Chinese 控制中心 convention center (US), conference centre, convention centre (UK) n (event space)SCSimplified Chinese 会展中心 备注: In the UK, the term "conference centre" is more common.cost center (US), cost centre (UK) n (business)SCSimplified Chinese 成本中心 daycare center, day-care center (US), day nursery (UK) n (children's nursery) (小孩)SCSimplified Chinese 日托中心 rì tuō zhōng xīn   SCSimplified Chinese 托儿所 rì tuō zhōng xīn,tuō ér suǒ TCTraditional Chinese 托兒所 daycare center, day-care center (US), day-care centre (UK) n (care facility for adults) (成人)SCSimplified Chinese 日间护理中心   SCSimplified Chinese 日间保健中心 the dead center (US), the dead centre (UK) n (exact centre, precise middle)SCSimplified Chinese 正中 TCTraditional Chinese 正中   SCSimplified Chinese 当中 dāng zhōng TCTraditional Chinese 當中 dead center (US), dead centre (UK) adv (precisely in the middle)SCSimplified Chinese 在正中   SCSimplified Chinese 在当中 detention center (US), detention centre (UK) n (holding facility)SCSimplified Chinese 拘留中心 jū liú zhōng xīn   SCSimplified Chinese 集中营 jū liú zhōng xīn,jí zhōng yíng TCTraditional Chinese 集中營   SCSimplified Chinese 感化营 jū liú zhōng xīn,gǎn huà yíng  Delinquents arrested in Los Angeles are taken to a detention center before their hearings. distribution center (US), distribution centre (UK) n (warehouse, depot)SCSimplified Chinese 配送中心 drop-in center (US), drop-in centre (UK) n (social services)SCSimplified Chinese 救助中心   SCSimplified Chinese 收容中心 entertainment center (US), entertainment centre (UK) n (unit for TV, hi-fi, etc.)SCSimplified Chinese 娱乐中心   SCSimplified Chinese 娱乐系统 exhibition center (US), exhibition centre (UK) n (conference and sports venue)SCSimplified Chinese 展览中心 TCTraditional Chinese 展覽中心   SCSimplified Chinese 会展中心 fitness center (US), fitness centre (UK) n (gym)SCSimplified Chinese 健身中心,健身房 jiàn shēn zhōng xīn,jiàn shēn fáng health center (US), health centre (UK) n (medical clinic)SCSimplified Chinese 医疗保健中心,医疗中心,诊所 yī liáo zhōng xīn,zhěn suǒ home center n US (large store)SCSimplified Chinese 家用建材中心 in the center (US), in the centre (UK) adv (in the middle)SCSimplified Chinese 在中心, 在中间 in the center of [sth] (US), in the centre of [sth] (UK) prep (in the middle of)SCSimplified Chinese 在…中间 zài … zhōng jiān TCTraditional Chinese 在…中間   SCSimplified Chinese 在…中心 information center (US), information centre (UK) n (help desk, office)SCSimplified Chinese 信息中心 xìn xī zhōng xīn TCTraditional Chinese 資訊中心   SCSimplified Chinese 信息台 xìn xī zhōng xīn,xìn xī tái information center (US), information centre (UK) n (computing: for storage of data)SCSimplified Chinese 信息中心 xìn xī zhōng xīn TCTraditional Chinese 資訊中心 left of center, left-of-center (US), left of centre, left-of-centre (UK) adj figurative (offbeat, original)SCSimplified Chinese 不寻常的,标新立异的,别出心裁的 bù xún cháng de ,biāo xīn lì yì de ,bié chū xīn cái de TCTraditional Chinese 不尋常的 备注: Hyphens are used when the adjective precedes the noun.left of center, left-of-center (US), left of centre, left-of-centre (UK) adj figurative (moderately left wing) (政治立场)SCSimplified Chinese 中间偏左的 zhōng jiān piān zuǒ de  We now have a left-of-center government, but it's still nothing like socialist. leisure center (US), leisure centre (UK) n (sports or entertainment facility)SCSimplified Chinese 娱乐中心,休闲中心 media center n US (library in school) (学校)SCSimplified Chinese 多媒体中心 medical center (US), medical centre (UK) n (health clinic)SCSimplified Chinese 诊所,卫生所 zhěn suǒ  You can get advice on contraception at the medical centre. medical center (US), medical centre (UK) n (area with health facilities)SCSimplified Chinese 医疗中心,医学中心 yī liáo zhōng xīn  The medical center included the hospital and the outlying buildings housed the doctor's private practices. nerve center (US), nerve centre (UK) n (anatomy: bunch of nerve cells) (解剖学)SCSimplified Chinese 神经中枢 shén jīng zhōng shū nerve center (US), nerve centre (UK) n figurative (control centre, headquarters)SCSimplified Chinese 中心,中枢 zhōng xīn,zhōng shū TCTraditional Chinese 中心,中樞  In the 16th century, Venice was the nerve centre of global communications. nursery n UK (childcare facility)SCSimplified Chinese 托儿所 tuō ér suǒ TCTraditional Chinese 托兒所  Sarah's workplace has a nursery on site so she can stay close to her baby and still go to work.  莎拉工作的地方设有托儿所,所以她既能陪在宝宝附近,又能继续上班。 off-center (US), off-centre (UK) adj (to the side of center)SCSimplified Chinese 偏离中心的 profit center (US), profit centre (UK) n (part of business organization)SCSimplified Chinese 利润中心 TCTraditional Chinese 利潤中心   SCSimplified Chinese 利润产生中心 备注: 商务术语,企业责任中心之一,对成本、收入和利润负责。research center (US), research centre (UK) n (place for scientific investigation)SCSimplified Chinese 研究中心 yán jiū zhōng xīn  I've heard that more than 300 scientists work at the university's research centre. right-of-center (US), right-of-centre (UK) adj (politics: conservative) (政治)SCSimplified Chinese 中间偏右的 service center (US), service centre (UK) n (repair shop)SCSimplified Chinese 维修服务中心 shopping center (US), shopping centre (UK) n (retail complex)SCSimplified Chinese 购物中心 gòu wù zhōng xīn TCTraditional Chinese 購物中心  They're going to build a new shopping center on that plot of land. sport center (US), sports centre (UK) n (venue for physical activity)SCSimplified Chinese 体育中心 tǐ yù zhōng xīn take center stage (US), take centre stage (UK) expr figurative (be the focus of attention)SCSimplified Chinese 成为万众瞩目的中心  London took centre stage in 2012 when it hosted the Olympic Games. throw [sb] off center (US), throw [sb] off centre (UK) v expr figurative (disorient)SCSimplified Chinese 使某人方寸大乱   SCSimplified Chinese 使某人感到迷惘   SCSimplified Chinese 使某人不知所措  It threw me off center when my parents told me to pack my bags. urban center (US), urban centre (UK) n (town or city area)SCSimplified Chinese 城市中心 chéng shì zhōng xīn visitor center, tourist information center (US), visitors' centre, tourist information centre (UK) n (tourist information office)SCSimplified Chinese 游客信息中心 youth center (US), youth centre (UK), youth club n (recreation place for young people)SCSimplified Chinese 青年俱乐部   SCSimplified Chinese 青年活动中心   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: center [ˈsɛntər] (US) n = centre centre, (US) center[ˈsɛntər] I n 1 [c] [of circle, line, town, activity] 中心 zhōngxīn [个 gè] the centre of the room 房间当中 Fángjiān dāngzhōng the city centre市中心 shìzhōngxīn London is the major international insurance centre.伦(倫)敦是重要的国(國)际(際)保险(險)中心。 Lúndūn shì zhòngyào de guójì bǎoxiǎn zhōngxīn.2 [c] (=building) 中心 zhōngxīn [个 gè] 3 [s] (Pol) 中间(間)派 zhōngjiānpài II vt (Typ) (on page) 使…居中 shǐ…jūzhōng [+ object] 把…放在中央 bǎ…fàng zài zhōngyāng (Phot) 将(將)…放在中心位置 jiāng…fàng zài zhōngxīn wèizhì It's a lovely shot - just a pity it isn't a bit better centred.照得很好,可惜有点(點)偏了。 Zhào de hěn hǎo,kěxī yǒu diǎn piān le. (Football) [+ ball] 将(將)…传(傳)至球场(場)中央 jiāng…chuánzhì qiúchǎng zhōngyāng to be at the centre of sth 是某事的关(關)键(鍵) shì mǒushì de guānjiàn to be the centre of attention or interest 注意或兴(興)趣的焦点(點) zhùyì (huò) xìngqù de jiāodiǎn to centre or be centred on (=focus on) 集中于(於) jízhōng yú to be centred in London/Rome集中于(於)伦(倫)敦/罗(羅)马(馬) jízhōng yú Lúndūn/Luómǎ 在这些条目还发现'center': 在英文解释里: at the core - barycenter - center fielder - centered - centrally - chocolate lava cake - City - county seat - ctr. - decenter - desk - gravitation - Ground Zero - home base - hospital - hotspot - hub - mall - nexus - off-center - shopping mall - thick - zenithal 中文: 中央 - 中心 - 央 - 中 - 中枢 - 司令部 - 娱乐场 - 枢 在单词列表中: Football terms, PET Vocabulary List - C, 更多……同义词: centre, middle, midpoint, core, heart, 更多……习惯性搭配: center the [text, image], a [shopping, fitness, business] center, center the image on the [screen, page], 更多……

标题中含有单词 'center' 的论坛讨论:

a recreation center Colocation Center ...near the transition from city center to X street... - English Only forum 'Its' first show at Lincoln Center - English Only forum (over) there, in (the) center - English Only forum [at/in] a restaurant, office, and learning center - English Only forum 24 hour fitness center with 'Jr.' - English Only forum a $60 million conference center - English Only forum a calm lake where we find a lovely little house ON/IN its center - English Only forum a center of / the center of - English Only forum a center of excellence for genetic engineering - English Only forum a community center / the Community Center [capitalization, article] - English Only forum a major center - English Only forum A noun for 'busy center' - English Only forum a production center of wine. - English Only forum a ribbon-like bank of a lake in the center - English Only forum A single man's center! - English Only forum a small but satisfying spread of center-halI colonials, old roses, and quiet roads. - English Only forum A studey [study] center? - English Only forum a switch in the center - English Only forum a ticket to or ? - English Only forum a/the center of an ellipse - English Only forum "across the Indian River from the Center" - English Only forum anchor [convention center] - English Only forum Anchored by its Arthur Rock Center for Entrepreneurship - English Only forum at a senior citizen center or at the senior citizen center. - English Only forum At center of - English Only forum At the car center - English Only forum at the center of an international drugs ring - English Only forum at the center of the decision-making body - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'center'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "center" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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