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2023-11-06 16:06| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

  CANoe教程 | CAPL编程 - 数据类型

CAPL是一种类C语言,CAPL数据类型的定义很多C语言类似,但也有很多独特的地方。 CAPL数据类型包括基本类型、结构体、枚举、关联类型和对象类型。变量的数据类型决定了变量存储占用的空间。

1 基本类型

2 枚举


enum State { State_Off = -1, State_On = 1 };



variables { enum { Apple, Pear, Banana } fruit = Apple; enum Colors { Red, Green, Blue }; enum Colors color; } enum Colors NextColor(enum Colors c) { if (c == Blue) return Red; else return (enum Colors) (c + 1); } 3 关联类型

CAPL支持一种类似Python字典和C++ Map的关联类型(Associative Fields),关联类型的元素是键值对(key value pairs)。 关联类型定义格式如下,左边是value类型,右边[ ]内是key类型:

int m[float]; // maps floats to ints float x[int64]; // maps int64s to floats char[30] s[ char[] ] // maps strings (of unspecified length) to strings of length < 30

example 1:关联浮点型

float m[float]; m[4.1] = 5.5; //key is 4.1 (float) and value is 5.5 (float) m[5.3] = 6.6; write ("4.1 is mapped to %2.2lf", m[4.1]); write ("5.3 is mapped to %2.2lf", m[5.3]); for (float mykey : m) { write("%2.2lf is mapped to %2.2lf.", mykey, m[mykey]); }

example 2:关联字符串

char[30] namen[char []]; strncpy(namen["Max"], "Mustermann", 30); strncpy(namen["Vector"], "Informatik", 30); for (char[] mykey : namen) { write("%s is mapped to %s", mykey, namen[mykey]); } 4 结构体


variables { struct Point { int x; int y; }; struct Point myPoint; struct Point allPoints[50]; } on start { myPoint.x = 7; myPoint.y = 2; allPoints[3].x = 1; allPoints[3].y = 5; }

注意: CAPL中结构体默认按8字节对齐,可以在结构体定义前加_align来改变结构体对齐方式。


struct Point { // note: default _align(8) byte x; // offset 0, size 1 byte y; // alignment 1, offset 1, size 1, padding before: 0 }; // size 2, alignment (of the struct) 1 struct LongPoint { // note: default _align(8) byte x; // offset 0, size 1 qword y; // alignment 8, offset 8, size 8, padding before: 7 }; // size 16, alignment (of the struct) 8 _align(2) struct Point2 { byte x; // offset 0, size 1, (alignment 1) qword y; // alignment 2, offset 2, size 8, padding before: 1 }; // size 10, alignment (of the struct) 2 struct Points { // note: _align(8) per default struct Point p1; // offset 0, size 2, (alignment 1) byte x; // alignment 1, offset 2, size 1, padding before: 0 struct Point2 p2; // alignment 2, offset 4, size 10, padding before: 1 }; // size 14, alignment (of the struct) 2

可以使用如下函数获取结构体大小(size)、对齐方式(alignment )和偏移量(offset )信息:


struct Points { // note: _align(8) per default Point p1; // offset 0, size 2, (alignment 1) byte x; // alignment 1, offset 2, size 1, padding before: 0 Point2 p2; // alignment 2, offset 4, size 10, padding before: 1 }; // size 14, alignment (of the struct) 2 __size_of(struct Points); // returns 14 __alignment_of(struct Points); // returns 2 __offset_of(struct Points, p1); // returns 0 __offset_of(struct Points, x); // returns 2 __offset_of(struct Points, p2); // returns 4 5 对象类型


CAN messages

CAPL提供了各种网络对应的报文类。本文以CAN message为例进行介绍。 报文变量定义格式:

message + message ID/message name + variable

使用message关键字来声明一个报文变量,message后是message ID或CANoe工程导入DBC后的message name,然后是在CAPL程序中要使用的报文变量名。

message 0xA m1; //定义一个ID为0xA的报文变量m1 message 100x m2; //定义一个ID为100的扩展帧报文变量m2,ID后的x后缀表示这是一个扩展帧 message EngineData m3; //定义一个在DBC中message name为EngineData的报文变量m3 ... output(m1); output(m2); output(m3);

CAPL提供了一系列的选择器(Selectors)来设置或读取CAN message的属性,例如:



message 0x100 msg; //定义一个ID为0x100的message变量msg msg.CAN = 1; //将msg的通道设置为1 msg.DLC = 2; //将msg的DLC设置为2 msg.BYTE(0) = 0xAA; //给msg报文数据段的第一个byte赋值为0xAA; msg.BYTE(1) = 0xBB; //给msg报文数据段的第二个byte赋值为0xBB; output(msg); //将定义好的msg发送到总线中  6 定时器变量

CAPL提供两种定时器变量: timer:基于秒(s)的定时器 msTimer:基于毫秒(ms)的定时器 example:点击键盘'a'后以20ms为周期发送id为100的报文

msTimer myTimer; //定义一个ms定时器myTimer message 100 msg; ... on key 'a' { setTimer(myTimer,20); //点击键盘'a'将定时器myTimer设置为20ms,并开始计时 } ... on timer myTimer { //响应定时器事件myTimer,将msg发送到总线, output(msg); setTimer(myTimer,20); //重新设置定时器myTimer为20ms } CANoe教程 | CAPL编程-运算符/流程控制


1 运算符

2 流程控制


CANoe教程 | CAPL编程 - 事件驱动 1 事件概述








事件总览: [3]

2 事件详解

事件起始关键字 on




on envvar Switch { // Declare a CAN message to be transmitteed message Controller msg; // Read out the value of the switch // Assign to the signal Stop msg.Stop = getvalue(this); // Output the message on the bus output(msg); }


系统事件主要用于处理CANoe测量系统的控制功能,主要有on start、on preStart、onstopMeasurement、on preStop、on key<newKey>以及on timer


//on preStart procedure on preStart { write("Measurement started!"); msg_Count = 0; } //on start procedure on start { write("start Node A"); setTimer(cycTimer,20); CallAllOnEnvVar(); // CANoe only } //on preStop procedure on preStop { message ShutdownReq m; output(m); DeferStop(1000); } //on stopMeasurement procedure on stopMeasurement { write("Message 0x%x received: %d",, msg_Count); }




//on errorPassive procedure on errorPassive { ... write("CAN Controller is in errorPassive state") write(" errorCountTX = %d", this.errorCountTX); write(" errorCountRX = %d", this.errorCountRX); }; //on busOff procedure on busOff { int errRxCnt; int errTxCnt; int channel; double timestamp; // [seconds] timestamp = (double)timeNow() / (double)100000; channel = this.can; errRxCnt = this.errorCountRX; errTxCnt = this.errorCountTX; Write("Bus Off: time=%f channel=%d, errRxCnt=%d, errTxCnt=%d", timestamp, channel, errRxCnt, errTxCnt); resetCanEx(channel); }






on signal LightSwitch::OnOff { v1 = this.raw; v2 = $LightSwitch::OnOff.raw; }


定义好定时器变量后,由SetTimer函数设置定时器间隔并启动定时器。当定时器运行到设定的时间间隔时触发定时器事件,并执行on timer函数体中的程序。

msTimer myTimer; message 100 msg; ... on key 'a' { setTimer(myTimer,20); } ... on timer myTimer { output(msg); }






on sysvar IO::DI_0 { $Gateway::IOValue = @this; }


on envvar Switch { // Declare a CAN message to be transmitteed message Controller msg; // Read out the value of the switch // Assign to the signal Stop msg.Stop = getvalue(this); // Output the message on the bus output(msg); }


CANoe教程 | CAPL编程 - 实用CAPL代码片段


1 周期消息发送

无论是Simulation Setup中的仿真节点还是Test Setup中的Test Module所关联的CAPL脚本在做仿真或测试时都经常需要向总线模拟发送周期消息。

点击键盘按键 'a' 后向总线发送周期为20ms的can 消息msg:

variables { msTimer myTimer; message 100 msg; } on key 'a' { setTimer(myTimer,20); } on timer myTimer { output(msg); setTimer(myTimer,20); } 2 应用报文Request/Response测试




Signal NameMessage NameSignal Value DescriptionWiperRequestBCM_RequestOff : 0 On : 1WiperResponseBCM_ResponseOff : 0 On : 1


variables { message BCM_Request tBCM_Request; message BCM_Response tBCM_Response; int result = 0; int waitTime = 1000; } void MainTest() { TestModuleTitle ("Test BCM Features"); TestModuleDescription ("Check all features in BCM."); TestGroupBegin("BCM Wiper Feature", "Check the perfomance of Wiper"); Check_Wiper_Feature(0,0); //测试雨刮关闭功能 Check_Wiper_Feature(1,1); //测试雨刮开启功能 TestGroupEnd(); } //Wiper Feature testcase testcase Check_Wiper_Feature(int request, int response ) { tBCM_Request.WiperRequest.phys = request; output(tBCM_Request); //测试请求发出去后1000ms内是否收到BCM的响应信号。 result = TestWaitForSignalMatch(BCM_Response::WiperResponse,response,waitTime); passResult(result,request,response); } void passResult(long result,int request,int response) { switch(result){ case 1: TestStepPass("1.0","Test Pass - request : %d expect response : %d ",request,response);break; case 0: TestStepFail("1.0","Timeout - request : %d expect response : %d ",request,response);break; case -1: TestStepFail("1.0","General error - request : %d expect response : %d ",request,response);break; case -2: TestStepFail("1.0","Signal is not valid");break; default:break; } } 3 检测总线中周期报文的发送周期是否在给定范围内


一组使用相对时间因子,当周期小于 (aMinRelCycleTime * GenMsgCycleTime)或大于(aMaxRelCycleTime* GenMsgCycleTime)时产生事件。


dword ChkCreate_MsgRelCycleTimeViolation (Message aObservedMessage, double aMinRelCycleTime, double aMaxRelCycleTime, Callback aCallback); dword ChkStart_MsgRelCycleTimeViolation (Message aObservedMessage, double aMinRelCycleTime, double aMaxRelCycleTime, Callback aCallback);

另一组使用绝对时间参数,当周期小于 aMinCycleTime 或大于 aMaxCycleTime 时产生事件。

dword ChkCreate_MsgAbsCycleTimeViolation (Message aObservedMessage, duration aMinCycleTime, duration aMaxCycleTime, char[] aCallback); dword ChkStart_MsgAbsCycleTimeViolation (Message aObservedMessage, duration aMinCycleTime, duration aMaxCycleTime, char[] aCallback);


testcase CheckMsgEngineData() { float aMinRelCycleTime = 0.9; float aMaxRelCycleTime = 1.1; // Information for test report. TestCaseTitle("TC 4", "Check cycle time of message EngineData"); // checks the cycle time of the message gCycCheckId = ChkStart_MsgRelCycleTimeViolation (EngineData, aMinRelCycleTime , aMaxRelCycleTime ); TestAddCondition(gCycCheckId); // sequence of different actions and waiting conditions TestWaitForTimeout(1000); TestRemoveCondition(gCycCheckId); }


TestModuleTitle ("Test BCM Features");\\测试报告标题。 TestModuleDescription ("Check all features in BCM.");\\测试报告描述。



4 统一诊断测试(UDS)

诊断测试经常需要进行切换session,22/2E读写等request/response式的操作,CANoe Demo工程UDSBasic.cfg中Simulation Setup窗口里的TestModule节点关联的CAPL脚本为我们提供了一个很好的参考模板:


/*@!Encoding:1252*/ // -------------------------------------------------- // Simple test module for automated tests. // For the sake of simplicity, this example omits // security access mechanisms, especially for the // write services. In some cases, return parameters // are not checked. // // CANoe 10.0 and higher // -------------------------------------------------- includes { // As this is a test module, neither including the CAPL callback interface nor adding // the corresponding transport protocol node layer DLL is necessary, because in this case, // the "built-in" diagnostic channel of CANoe can be used. } variables { enum bool {true=1, false=0}; const cAccessModeNumerical=0; const cAccessModePhysical=1; const cAccessModeCoded=2; const test_vehicle_Speed_kmh = 40.0; // This timeout is used just to force CANoe to continue, i.e. normally a TestWaitForDiag... // function will return much earlier due to diagnostic level timing! const cApplicationTimeoutMs = 5000; char gTestIdStr[10]; // Test step ID for test report word gTestCaseIndex=0; word gTestStepIndex=0; char gResultString[200]; // String for temporary test step result outputs } // Set and increment test step ID for test report updateTestIdStr() { snprintf(gTestIdStr, elcount(gTestIdStr), "%d.%d", gTestCaseIndex, gTestStepIndex); } setTestId(word tcIndex, word tsIndex) { gTestCaseIndex=tcIndex; gTestStepIndex=tsIndex; updateTestIdStr(); } incTestStepId() { gTestStepIndex++; updateTestIdStr(); } word SendRequestAndWaitForResponse(diagRequest *req, enum bool posResponseExpected) { long ret; // Trigger sending the request if (0 > (ret=req.SendRequest())) { snprintf(gResultString, elcount(gResultString), "Trigger sending the request failed (Return code=%d)!", ret); testStepFail(gTestIdStr, gResultString); return 0; } testStepPass(gTestIdStr, "Trigger sending the request succeded."); incTestStepId(); // Wait until the complete request has been sent, e.g. in case of long requests which spread over several messages (segmented message) if (1!=(ret=testWaitForDiagRequestSent(req, cApplicationTimeoutMs))){ snprintf(gResultString, elcount(gResultString), "Failed to finish sending the request (Return code=%d)!", ret); testStepFail(gTestIdStr, gResultString); return 0; } testStepPass(gTestIdStr, "Request was sent successfully."); incTestStepId(); // Wait until the complete response has been received, e.g. segmented messages might take some time for transmission if (1!=(ret=testWaitForDiagResponse(req, cApplicationTimeoutMs))) { snprintf(gResultString, elcount(gResultString), "Valid response missing or received too late (Return code=%d)!", ret); testStepFail(gTestIdStr, gResultString); return 0; } testStepPass(gTestIdStr, "Response received successfully."); incTestStepId(); // Check whether the response was a positive response if (-1==(ret=diagGetLastResponseCode(req))) { if (!posResponseExpected) { snprintf(gResultString, elcount(gResultString), "Positive response received although negative response was expected!"); testStepFail(gTestIdStr, gResultString); return 0; } testStepPass(gTestIdStr, "Positive Response received as expected."); } else if (ret>0) { if (posResponseExpected) { snprintf(gResultString, elcount(gResultString), "Negative response received (NRC=0x%02x) although positive response was expected!", ret); testStepFail(gTestIdStr, gResultString); return 0; } testStepPass(gTestIdStr, "Negative Response received as expected (NRC=%d).", ret); } return 1; } // Check whether writing the vehicle speed parameter is done correctly by reading its value after writing testcase tcWriteAndReadVehicleSpeed() { diagRequest Door.Variant_Coding_Write req_write; diagRequest Door.Variant_Coding_Read req_read; double ret; word testCaseIndex; setTestId(1,1); TestStep(gTestIdStr, "Writing variant coding"); if (0>req_write.SetParameter(cAccessModePhysical, "Codingstring.VehicleSpeedToLockDoor", test_vehicle_Speed_kmh)) { testStepFail(gTestIdStr, "Could not set parameter 'VehicleSpeedToLockDoor' in write request!"); } else { if (0>req_write.SetParameter("Codingstring.VehicleType", "Sedan")) { testStepFail(gTestIdStr, "Could not set parameter 'VehicleType' in write request!"); } else { sendRequestAndWaitForResponse(req_write, true); } } incTestStepId(); TestStep(gTestIdStr, "Reading variant coding"); if (sendRequestAndWaitForResponse(req_read, true)) { incTestStepId(); ret=req_read.GetRespParameter(cAccessModePhysical, "Codingstring.VehicleSpeedToLockDoor"); if (test_vehicle_Speed_kmh == ret) { testStepPass(gTestIdStr, "VehicleSpeedToLockDoor read as expected!"); } else { testStepFail(gTestIdStr, "Read VehicleSpeedToLockDoor value is wrong (value=%f)!", ret); } } } void MainTest () { tcWriteAndReadVehicleSpeed(); }







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