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2022-08-27 06:15| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

%   Edge Detection Using Canny Algorithm.

%   Auther: Yongli Yan.

%   Mail: [email protected]

%   Date: 2017.08.01.

%   The direction of Sobel operator.

%   ^(y)

%   |

%   |

%   |

%   0--------->(x)

%   Direction of Gradient:

%               3   2   1

%               0   P   0

%               1   2   3

%   P = Current Point.

%               NW  N  NE

%               W   P   E

%               SW  S  SE

%   Point Index:

%               f(x-1,y-1)      f(x-1,y)    f(x-1,y+1)

%               f(x,  y-1)      f(x,  y)    f(x,  y+1)

%               f(x+1,y-1)      f(x+1,y)    f(x+1,y+1)

%   Parameters:

%   percentOfPixelsNotEdges: Used for selecting thresholds.

%   thresholdRatio: Low thresh is this fraction of the high.

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

function imgCanny = edge_canny(I,gaussDim,sigma,percentOfPixelsNotEdges,thresholdRatio)

%% Gaussian smoothing filter.

m = gaussDim(1);

n = gaussDim(2);

if mod(m,2) == 0 || mod(n,2) == 0

    error('The dimensionality of Gaussian must be odd!');


% Generate gaussian convolution kernel.

gaussKernel = fspecial('gaussian', [m,n], sigma);

% Image edge copy.

[m,n] = size(gaussKernel);

[row,col,dim] = size(I);

if dim > 1

    imgGray = rgb2gray(I);


    imgGray = I;


imgCopy = imgReplicate(imgGray,(m-1)/2,(n-1)/2);

% Gaussian smoothing filter.

imgData = zeros(row,col);

for ii = 1:row

    for jj = 1:col

        window = imgCopy(ii:ii+m-1,jj:jj+n-1);

        GSF = window.*gaussKernel;

        imgData(ii,jj) = sum(GSF(:));



%% Calculate the gradient values for each pixel.

% Sobel operator.

dgau2Dx = [-1 0 1;-2 0 2;-1 0 1];

dgau2Dy = [1 2 1;0 0 0;-1 -2 -1];

[m,n] = size(dgau2Dx);

% Image edge copy.

imgCopy = imgReplicate(imgData,(m-1)/2,(n-1)/2);

% To store the gradient and direction information.

gradx = zeros(row,col);

grady = zeros(row,col);

gradm = zeros(row,col);

dir = zeros(row,col); % Direction of gradient.

% Calculate the gradient values for each pixel.

for ii = 1:row

    for jj = 1:col

        window = imgCopy(ii:ii+m-1,jj:jj+n-1);

        dx = window.*dgau2Dx;

        dy = window.*dgau2Dy;

        dx = dx'; % Make the sum more accurate.

        dx = sum(dx(:));

        dy = sum(dy(:));

        gradx(ii,jj) = dx;

        grady(ii,jj) = dy;

        gradm(ii,jj) = sqrt(dx^2 + dy^2);

        % Calculate the angle of the gradient.

        theta = atand(dy/dx) + 90; % 0~180.

        % Determine the direction of the gradient.

        if (theta >= 0 && theta < 45)

            dir(ii,jj) = 2;

        elseif (theta >= 45 && theta < 90)

            dir(ii,jj) = 3;

        elseif (theta >= 90 && theta < 135)

            dir(ii,jj) = 0;


            dir(ii,jj) = 1;




% Normalize for threshold selection.

magMax = max(gradm(:));

if magMax ~= 0

    gradm = gradm / magMax;


%% Plot 3D gradient graph.

% [xx, yy] = meshgrid(1:col, 1:row);

% figure;

% surf(xx,yy,gradm);

%% Threshold selection.

counts = imhist(gradm, 64);

highThresh = find(cumsum(counts) > percentOfPixelsNotEdges*row*col,1,'first') / 64;

lowThresh = thresholdRatio*highThresh;

%% Non-Maxima Suppression(NMS) Using Linear Interpolation.

gradmCopy = zeros(row,col);

imgBW = zeros(row,col);

for ii = 2:row-1

    for jj = 2:col-1

        E =  gradm(ii,jj+1);

        S =  gradm(ii+1,jj);

        W =  gradm(ii,jj-1);

        N =  gradm(ii-1,jj);

        NE = gradm(ii-1,jj+1);

        NW = gradm(ii-1,jj-1);

        SW = gradm(ii+1,jj-1);

        SE = gradm(ii+1,jj+1);

        % Linear interpolation.

        % dy/dx = tan(theta).

        % dx/dy = tan(90-theta).

        gradValue = gradm(ii,jj);

        if dir(ii,jj) == 0

            d = abs(grady(ii,jj)/gradx(ii,jj));

            gradm1 = E*(1-d) + NE*d;

            gradm2 = W*(1-d) + SW*d;

        elseif dir(ii,jj) == 1

            d = abs(gradx(ii,jj)/grady(ii,jj));

            gradm1 = N*(1-d) + NE*d;

            gradm2 = S*(1-d) + SW*d;

        elseif dir(ii,jj) == 2

            d = abs(gradx(ii,jj)/grady(ii,jj));

            gradm1 = N*(1-d) + NW*d;

            gradm2 = S*(1-d) + SE*d;

        elseif dir(ii,jj) == 3

            d = abs(grady(ii,jj)/gradx(ii,jj));

            gradm1 = W*(1-d) + NW*d;

            gradm2 = E*(1-d) + SE*d;


            gradm1 = highThresh;

            gradm2 = highThresh;


        % Non-Maxima Suppression.

        if gradValue >= gradm1 && gradValue >= gradm2

            if gradValue >= highThresh

                imgBW(ii,jj) = 1;

                gradmCopy(ii,jj) = highThresh;

            elseif gradValue >= lowThresh

                gradmCopy(ii,jj) = lowThresh;


                gradmCopy(ii,jj) = 0;



            gradmCopy(ii,jj) = 0;




%% High-Low threshold detection.Double-Threshold.

% If the 8 pixels around the low threshold point have high threshold, then

% the low threshold pixel should be retained.

for ii = 2:row-1

    for jj = 2:col-1

        if gradmCopy(ii,jj) == lowThresh

            neighbors = [...

                gradmCopy(ii-1,jj-1),   gradmCopy(ii-1,jj), gradmCopy(ii-1,jj+1),...

                gradmCopy(ii,  jj-1),                       gradmCopy(ii,  jj+1),...

                gradmCopy(ii+1,jj-1),   gradmCopy(ii+1,jj), gradmCopy(ii+1,jj+1)...


            if ~isempty(find(neighbors) == highThresh)

                imgBW(ii,jj) = 1;





imgCanny = logical(imgBW);


%% Local functions. Image Replicate.

function imgRep = imgReplicate(I,rExt,cExt)

[row,col] = size(I);

imgCopy = zeros(row+2*rExt,col+2*cExt);

% 4 edges and 4 corners pixels.

top = I(1,:);

bottom = I(row,:);

left = I(:,1);

right = I(:,col);

topLeftCorner = I(1,1);

topRightCorner = I(1,col);

bottomLeftCorner = I(row,1);

bottomRightCorner = I(row,col);

% The coordinates of the oroginal image after the expansion in the new graph.

topLeftR = rExt+1;

topLeftC = cExt+1;

bottomLeftR = topLeftR+row-1;

bottomLeftC = topLeftC;

topRightR = topLeftR;

topRightC = topLeftC+col-1;

bottomRightR = topLeftR+row-1;

bottomRightC = topLeftC+col-1;

% Copy original image and 4 edges.

imgCopy(topLeftR:bottomLeftR,topLeftC:topRightC) = I;

imgCopy(1:rExt,topLeftC:topRightC) = repmat(top,[rExt,1]);

imgCopy(bottomLeftR+1:end,bottomLeftC:bottomRightC) = repmat(bottom,[rExt,1]);

imgCopy(topLeftR:bottomLeftR,1:cExt) = repmat(left,[1,cExt]);

imgCopy(topRightR:bottomRightR,topRightC+1:end) = repmat(right,[1,cExt]);

% Copy 4 corners.

for ii = 1:rExt

    for jj = 1:cExt

        imgCopy(ii,jj) = topLeftCorner;

        imgCopy(ii,jj+topRightC) = topRightCorner;

        imgCopy(ii+bottomLeftR,jj) = bottomLeftCorner;

        imgCopy(ii+bottomRightR,jj+bottomRightC) = bottomRightCorner;



imgRep = imgCopy;


%% End of file.




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