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#英文短语:S开头的英文短语及例句(下)| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

smell of

strongly suggest sth.rather unpleasant有…的气味;带有…的意味

He smells of strong tobacco.他身上有一股浓烈的烟草味。

The whole affair smells of plotting.这整个事件都含有阴谋。

smell out

discover sth. by noticing certain signs嗅出;察觉

The trackerdog soon smelt the murderer out.警犬很快就跟踪查出了凶手。

We succeeded in smelling out the plot.我们成功地侦破了那起阴谋。

He says he can smell out trouble before it starts.他说他能在麻烦事发生之前察觉出来。

smile at

1.direct a smile towards对…微笑

It often prevents an argument if you smile at people who are rude to you.朝那些对你无礼的人微笑,就可以避免争吵。

She is smiling at me.她在向我微笑。

2.be amused by对…觉得好笑;被…逗笑

The teacher smiled at my answer.老师对我的回答笑了笑。

Mary smiled at John's menace.玛丽对约翰的威胁一笑置之。

smile on


Fate smiled on him.他运气好。

May fortune smile on you in your new life together!祝你们新婚幸福!

2. smile at对…微笑

He smiled on the happy scene.看到这令人高兴的情景他笑了。

smile through one's tears

smile while weeping破涕为笑

Hearing of his arrival,she smiled through her tears.听说他来了,她破涕为笑。

smoke out

find out the facts about查出;使…水落石出

It took the police only a few days to smoke out the real criminal.警察只花了几天时间就把真正的罪犯查出来了。

The object is to smoke out the instigators of the riots.目的就是要查出暴乱的煽动者。

smooth away

get rid of difficulties or problems 消除(困难);排除障碍

With a bit of effort,we will smooth away any problems we encounter.只要花一点努力,我们就能克服面临的任何困难。

Her touch seemed to smooth away all his problems.她的抚摸似乎消除了他所有的疑虑。

The attendant smoothed away the slight irregularities in the running track.跑道稍有一点不平,勤务人员就给平整过来。

smooth down

1.make smooth把…弄平

She smoothed her hair down.她把头发抚摸平整。

2.make calm; calm down使平静;安静下来

She tried to smooth down his temper.她尽量使他心平气和下来。

I hope he can smooth the whole matter down.我希望他能使这件事完全平息下去。

The sea gradually smoothed down.海面逐渐平静下来。

Affairs have smoothed down since the cause of trouble was removed.自从纠纷的起因消除后,事态就缓和下来了。

smooth out

1. smooth until flat弄平

Mother brushed off the breadcrumbs and smoothed out the cloth.母亲把面包屑刷掉,把桌布拉平。

The child was told to fold up the quilt and smooth out the bedsheets,after he got up in the morning. 孩子被要求早上起床后,自己把被子叠好,把床单铺平。


She is good at smoothing these little problems out.她善于解决这些小问题。

There are some technical problems to be smoothed out before we can fly.我们起飞前,还有一些技术问题要解决。

smooth over

make smooth;put right调停;解决;掩饰

He was asked to smooth things over between them.他被请来给他们调解纠纷。

Bill tried to smooth over his argument with Mary by making her laugh.比尔试图逗玛丽发笑,以缓和他俩之间的争吵。

snap at

1.grab eagerly急切地抓住(接受)

She snapped at the chance of going to America.她急不可待地抓住了去美国的机会。

He snapped at the offer I made him.他连忙接受了我提供给他的东西。

2.answer rudely无礼地回答

Don't try to be friendly to him;you'll only be snapped at.对他不要客气,他只会对你很无礼。

She snapped at him when he asked her what she was going to do.当他问她要干什么去时,她厉声回答了他。

3. make a biting movement towards对着…咬

The dog snapped at the stranger.那狗朝着陌生人咬。

The fish snapped at the bait.鱼咬住了鱼饵。

snap one's fingers at

show contempt for;show no respect for蔑视;漠视

Don't snap your fingers at his proposal;I think it at least merits our consideration.不要小看他的建议,我认为至少值得我们考虑考虑。

John snapped his fingers at the sign that said″ Don't enter″, and he went into the door.约翰漠视“不准进入”的牌子,进去了。

snap out of

change quickly from a bad habit,mood,or feeling to a better one摆脱某种精神状态;打起精神来

The coach told the lazy player to snap out of it.教练要这个懒惰的球员改变作风。

snap up

1.take or buy sth.quickly and eagerly把…抢到手;争购

She snapped up a lot of bargains in the sales.在拍卖中她抢到了许多便宜货。

If you don't marry me soon, I'll be snapped up by somebody else!如果你还不快点娶我,我就会被别人抢走了!

2.interrupt sb. sharply抢白;突然打断(某人)的话

I don't mind a person criticizing me,but I do object to being snapped up in that fashion.人家批评我,我没意见;可象那样抢白我,我反对。

The counsel snapped up the witness who had made a slight slip in his statement.当证人的证词略有差错时,律师就狠狠地打断了他的话。

snatch at

try quickly and eagerly to seize or take advantage of攫取(某物);抓取(某物)

She snatched at the chance she was being offered.她紧紧抓住提供给她的机会。

He snatched at the letter but was not quick enough.他想夺取那封信,但动作慢了点。

sneer at

1. smile unpleasantly, curling the lip at sb.对(某人)冷笑

The fighter sneered at his opponent, trying to make him feel threatened.那拳击手朝他的对手冷笑,想镇住他。

2. express a low opinion of sb. or sth. in strong words轻视;嘲笑

Don't sneer at a child's efforts,however weak they may seem.孩子的努力无论多么不起眼,也不要轻视。

It's very discouraging to be sneered at all the time.成天受讥笑是很令人泄气的。

sneeze/sniff at

think of as not important认为不重要

John finished third in a race with twenty other runners. That's nothing to be sneezed at.约翰在有其他20名选手参加的赛跑中获得第3名,这是很了不起的。

You're silly to sniff at such a good opportunity.你真蠢,这么个好机会被你拒绝了。

His opinion is not to be sneezed at.他的意见不可轻视。

Don't sniff at his effort. He's made great progress.不要瞧不起他的努力,他已经取得了很大的进步。

sniff out

discover or detect sth.查出

He tried to sniff out the reason for the unpleasant feelings between them.他试图弄清造成他们两人不愉快的缘由。

It's his job to sniff out abuses of power.他的职责就是查究滥用权力的行为。

snow under

1.cover with snow;bury in snow 使盖满雪;把…埋在雪里

The cars were snowed under by drifts.车辆被积雪盖没了。

2. overwhelm with a large amount (of work,etc.)压得喘不过气来;压倒

I'm snowed under with work at the moment.I'm afraid I can't accept any more jobs.这阵我工作忙得不可开交。恐怕我不能再接更多的活了。

We really are snowed under with new orders.我们对于新的订货确实忙不过来。

snuff out

1. extinguish(a candle, a lamp,etc.)熄灭

A gust of wind snuffed out all the candles in the room.一阵风吹灭了房里所有的蜡烛。

2. put to an end结束;扑灭

The Government quickly snuffed out the rebellion in the army.政府迅速镇压了部队里的叛乱。

His hopes were nearly snuffed out.他的希望几乎破灭了。


He will snuff out one of these days if he is not careful.他如果不小心 ,总有一天会送命的。

Thousands of lives were snuffed out during the war.战争夺去了成千上万人的生命。

so as to

in order to以便

We picked apples so as to make a pie.我们摘苹果来做馅饼。

so far

until this time or to this place到现在为止;到这里为止

So far no further news had been obtained.至今没有得到进一步的消息。

When the water has risen so far the pumps will be brought into action.水涨到这么高时,就要开动水泵。

The weather has been hot so far this summer.今年夏天天气一直很热。

This is a lonely road, we have not met another car so far.这是一条很冷僻的路,到现在我们还未遇到任何其它车子。

so/as far as

1.to the place mentioned到达某个提及的地方

He walked as far as the post office.他一直走到邮局。

2.the same distance as象…一样远

We didn't go so far as the others (did).我们走得没有其他人那么远。

3. to the extent that在…范围内;就…而言

So far as I know he will be away for three months.就我所知,他要外出3个月。

The experiment is going on smoothly,so far as I know.据我所知,实验正在顺利进行。

so far, so good

until now things have gone well顺利

So far,so good;I hope we keep on with such good luck.到目前为止一切顺利,希望我们继续能有这种好运气。

The work is difficult,but so far,so good.这项工作相当困难,可是到目前为止还算顺利。

so long as

provided that只要

You may use the room as you like,so long as you clean it up afterwards.你可以随便使用这个房间,只要你用过后把它打扫干净就行了。

You may stay here so long as you like.你高兴在这儿呆多久就呆多久。

so much as


He didn't so much as thank me for returning his money that I found.我把捡到的钱交还给了他,他竟然连谢都不谢。

He did not so much as glance that way.他甚至没有向那边看一眼。


By running away he so much as admitted that he had taken the money.他逃跑了,这无异于承认他拿了钱。

so much…as

rather than与其说是…不如说是…

He is so much ill as depressed.与其说他病了,倒不如说他情绪不好。

so much for

enough has been said or done about…就到此为止

This rain looks as if it will continue all the afternoon. So much for our game of tennis.看来整个下午雨都停不了,咱们的网球就打到这里为止吧。

So much for the sentence pattern drills. Now let's move on to the passage.句型练习就到这里。现在我们看文章。

so that

1.in order that以便

Bring it nearer so that I may see it better.拿近一些,好让我看得更清楚些。

He saved up his money so that he might go abroad for his summer holiday.他把钱积蓄起来,以便暑期能出国度假。

Let's get ready now so that we can leave when Father comes.我们现在就准备好,等父亲一来我们就可以走了。

2. with the result that以致于George often told stories that weren't true, so that no one believed him when he told ahout a deer in the school yard.乔治经常讲些不真实的故事,因此当他说校园里有只鹿时,没人相信他的话。

He injured his foot,so that he was unable to play in the match.他脚扭伤了,无法出场比赛。

so… that


He has done so much in so short a time that almost everyone thinks that it is a miracle.他在这么短的时间里取得了这么大的成就,几乎每个人都认为这是奇迹。

He was so ill that he couldn't go to school today.他病得很厉害,今天无法上学。

The generation growing up with TV spend so much of their time in front of TV that they hardly have enough time to study.伴随着电视机长大的一代人在电视机前花的时间太多,没有足够的时间用来学习。

so to speak/say

say it in this way可以说

He is,so to speak,the brain of the organization.他可以说是该组织的智囊。

His book is truly the last word on the subject,so to speak.他的书可以说是有关这个问题的最有权威性的著作。

The pet is,so to speak,a member of the family.这宠物可以说是家庭的一员。

soak in

absorb as much of sth. as possible 沉浸于…;专心致志于…

For a whole year,he soaked himself in the history of the Roman Empire.整整一年,他专心于对罗马帝国历史的研究。

Study this document until you have soaked in all the details.好好研究一下这份文件,把所有的细节都记住。

soak up

absorb; learn or remember吸收

Charles soaks up facts as fast as the teacher gives them.老师讲的东西,查尔斯一下子就能领悟记住。

I've never known a child who can soak up so much information.我从没听说过能吸收那么多东西的孩子。

soften up

1. weaken an enemy before a major attack(在进攻前用轰炸等)削弱(敌方的)抵抗力

Our aeroplanes bombed the enemy and softened up their defences before the army landed and attacked.我们的飞机在部队登陆进攻前,对敌阵地进行了一番轰炸,削弱了敌军的防御能力。

2. make soft(使)软化

If you talk to her nicely,you may manage to soften her up.你要跟她好好谈,可能会软化她。

He sent her a huge box of chocolates to soften her up before he asked her to marry him.在向她求婚前,他送了她一大盒巧克力来讨好她。

soldier on

continue or persevere, in spite of difficulties迎着困难坚持下去

In spite of feeling ill,he soldiered on and finished the job.尽管感到不舒服,他还是坚持完成了工作。

He'll soldier on whatever happens.不管发生什么情况,他都决心坚持下去。

some day

at some time in the future在将来某个时候

Perhaps some day I'll be rich.也许将来有一天我会富起来。

somehow or other

1. by some means;in some way not yet known or stated以某种尚不知晓的方式

We must get the work finished somehow or other by tomorrow morning.无论如何我们要在明天早晨以前完成这项工作。

2. for some reason that is not clear 由于某种未弄清楚的原因

Somehow or other he again made a mistake in solving the mathematical problem.不知由于什么原因,他那个数学题又做错了。

something like

1.rather like有点象

The building looked something like a church.这座大楼看上去有点象教堂。

He's something like his brother.他有点象他哥哥。


It must be something like seven o'clock.一定是7点钟左右。

It takes you something like two hours to get there by train.坐火车去那里大约要两小时。

something of an event

an important thing一件大事

A trip of forty miles in those days was something of an event.那时,40英里的旅行就是件大事了。

sooner or later

one day whether soon or late;eventually迟早;早晚

You will repent it sooner or later.你迟早会后悔的。

Even if you are suffering ups and downs,things will improve sooner or later.尽管你现在命运坎坷,但是事情早晚是会向好的方向发展的。

Although people would like to live forever,everyone has to die sooner or later.虽然人们都想永远活下去,但是每个人最终都是要死的。

sort of

rather;to some extent有点;在某种程度上

I sort of thought this would happen.我有点儿觉得这件事会发生。

sort out

1. arrange things neatly or into groups分类

The child was sorting out the bricks into different colors.那孩子在把砖分成不同的颜色种类。

These things will take some sorting out.这些东西要清理一阵子呢!

2.resolve an argument解决;澄清

You will have to sort out your differences yourselves.你们得自己解决你们的分歧。

You'd better send somebody over there to sort the situation out.你最好派个人去那儿把情况弄清。


He took just one month to sort out his new office and the secretarial staff.他仅用了一个月就整顿好了他的新办公室及秘书人员。

She told him to sort himself out or she would leave him.她告诉他把自己管好,否则她将离开他。

The school was sorted out in a matter of two months.那所学校用了差不多两个月的时间就整顿好了。

4. attack sb. either verbally or physically惩处;惩罚

If you don't stop fighting, I shall come and sort you out.你们要是继续打架,我就要出来惩治你们了。

sound off

tell what one knows or thinks in a loud, clear voice, esp. to brag or complain高声发表意见(尤指吹牛或抱怨)

George sounded off about how the game should have been played.乔治高声谈论这场比赛本来应该如何进行。

Do we have to listen to her sounding off again about her holiday?我们是不是又要听她抱怨她的假期?

sound out

try to discover the opinion or intention of sb.努力发现…的观点或意图;刺探

Could you sound the director out on the question of the new appointment?你能从主任那儿打听到对新的任命的看法吗?

I'm not sure what he intends to do.Will you try to sound him out?我不清楚他打算干什么。你能去探探他的口气吗?

space out

place things apart from one another按一定间隔安排

Their four children were spaced out two years apart.他们家4个孩子之间都相差两岁。

The foresters spaced the seedlings out in rows.林务员把树苗一行行等距栽种。

Can I space out payments over five months?我可以分5个月偿还货款吗?

spark off

1. cause sth.to erupt or explode 点爆

Just one match sparked off a terrible forest fire.仅仅一根火柴就引起了一场可怕的森林火灾。

2. be the immediate cause of sth.violent or frightening导致;为…直接原因

I have no idea what sparked their quarrel off this time.我不知道这次又是什么引起了他们之间的争吵。

The management's attitude may spark off a series of strikes.厂方的态度可能会引起一系列的罢工。

His proposal sparked off a heated debate,他的建议引起了一场激烈的辩论。

speak about

talk about谈及;谈论

We won't speak about the unfortunate period in your family history.我们不会谈及你家的那段不幸历史。

speak for


At the meeting John spoke for the change in the rules.约翰在会上支持改变规则。

He was asked to speak for the motion that nuclear weapons should be abolished.他被要求支持废除核武器的动议。

Although most members of the committee spoke for the bill,a few still held different views.虽说委员会中的多数成员赞同这项议案,但还有一些人持不同看法。

2. act as a representative for sb.,so as to give his views代表…发表意见

I speak for my wife as well as myself when I thank you all for your great kindness.我代表我妻子和我本人感谢你们大家的巨大帮助。

Just be quiet a minute and let Johnspeak for himself.静一会,让约翰为他自己辩解。

Have you got anyone to speak for you?你找到人代表你发言了吗?

What others think I do not know; I can only speak for myself.别人怎么想我不知道,我只能代表我自己讲话。

3.ask for索要

The teacher was giving away some books· Fred and Charlie spoke for the same one.老师正在分发书,弗莱德和查理要的是同一本。

4.give an impression of留下…印象;证明;表明

Facts speak for themselves.事实本身就是很好的说明。

His patient nursing speaks for his comradeship.他的耐心护理足以说明他的同志情谊。

5. book or reserve订购

All the rooms in the hotel have been spoken for by the organizers of the conference.旅馆所有的房间都被会议的组织者们预订了。

They have spoken for five tickets in the front row at the theatre.他们已预定了5张前排戏票。

speak ill of

express a bad opinion of讲…的坏活;贬损;中伤

Never speak ill of people behind their backs.千万别在背后说人家坏话。

Don't speak ill of the dead.不要贬损死者。

speak of

1.mention;talk about提及;谈到

The book speaks of the writer's childhood.这本书谈到了作家的童年。

He speaks very highly of the boy's behaviour.他高度赞扬那男孩的行为。

In his lecture, he spoke of the increasing use of computers.他在演讲中谈及了计算机日益广泛的使用。

2.suggest the idea of说明;表明

This gift of money speaks of your generosity.你捐赠这笔钱说明你很慷慨。

3.be worth mentioning值得一提

The town had no industry to speak of before liberation.解放前这个小镇没有工业可言。

speak one's mind

say openly what one thinks说心里话;畅所欲言

When we asked the students what they thought of the new plan, they spoke their minds freely.当我们征求学生们对新计划的意见时,他们都畅所欲言。

John thought it was wrong to keep Jack out of the club and he spoke his mind about it.约翰坦率指出摒杰克于俱乐部门外是不对的。

speak to

1. talk to对…说

Don't speak to that rough boy.不要跟那个无礼的男孩讲话。

She sometimes blushes when spoken to in the street.当有人在街上跟她打招呼时,她有时会脸红。

2. talk about谈论

We haven't much time; please speak to the subject.我们时间不多了,请谈正题吧。

I'll speak to that point later.我在后面会说到那一点。


The boy was late again today;it's time you spoke to him.那男孩今天又迟到了,你该批评批评他了。

I'll speak to him about his rudeness at the meeting.他在会上太不礼貌了,我非责备他不可。

4. be attractive to对…有吸引力

I am afraid this kind of art doesn't really speak to me.恐怕这种艺术对我没有吸引力。

Great music speaks directly to the emotions.伟大的音乐能直接打动感情。

speak up/out

1.speak in a loud or clear voice大声而清楚地说

The teacher told the shy boy to speak up.老师叫那个腼腆的男孩讲得响一点。

Would you please speak up,as we can't hear you?我们听不清楚,请大声点说,行吗?

2.express one's opinion fearlessly大胆发表意见

Ed spoke up against letting girls join the club.艾德反对让女孩参加俱乐部。

3.say for sb.为某人辩护;替某人说好话

Since he was a complete stranger in the town,there was no one to speak up for him when he was brought into court.因为他在这个镇上是一个完全陌生的人,所以当他受到控告时,没有人替他讲好话。

speak well of

express a good opinion of称赞

Everyone that knows him speaks well of him.了解他的人都称赞他。

specialize in

study in detail;work or be knowledgeable in详细研究;专门从事或专长于

After he had worked as a doctor for some years,he decided to specialize in children's diseases.做了几年医生之后,他决定专门研究儿科疾病。

speed up

go faster or cause to go faster(使)加快

You are driving very slowly.Do speed up a bit or we'll never get to Edinburgh.你开得太慢了。开快点,否则我们永远也到不了爱丁堡。

The new government has speeded up the building of houses.新政府加快了房屋建设的速度。

I asked them to speed the delivery up.我要求他们加快交货。

The time saved speeded up production and released workers for other jobs.省下的时间加快了生产进度,解放出了劳动力于其它工作。

We'll be late unless we speed up.我们要不加快点就要迟到了。

spell out

1.read sth.very slowly and with difficulty缓慢而费力地读

He is eight now,but he still has to spell out nearly everything he reads.他已8岁了,可他看书的时候,还是要费力地才能把所看的东西读出来。

It took the boy an hour to spell out a page of French.那男孩花了1小时才吃力地读完一页法文。

2.explain sth.in a very clear and simple way清楚地说明;讲清楚

He is so stupid that you have to spell out the most basic things to him.他真笨,连最基本的东西都得给他解释。

His speech spelt out the Government's plans for the army.他的演说清楚地讲明了政府对军队的计划。

Must I spell out ever ything to you?


I wish someone would spell proposals out for us.但愿有人能给我们把这些建议讲明白。

spill out

scatter out;pour out撒落;溢出

The cotents of the box spilled out on the floor.箱子里的东西撒落在地上。

Mind how you carry that pot;you'll spill some of the water out.端那只锅的时候当心一点,不然会把水泼出来的。

spill over

overflow 溢出;溢满

The milk in the pot boiled up and spilled over.锅里的牛奶煮沸溢了出来。

The populations of many big cities have spilled over into the ad joining countryside.许多大城市的居民已外流到毗邻的乡村。

The controversy has spilled over into other fields.这场争论已扩大到其它领域。

spin out

make sth.last as long as possible把…拉长

That's all the money there is,so you'll just have to spin it out for the rest of the week.所有的钱都在这儿了,因此你得尽可能地在这星期剩下的日子里节约用钱。

He spun out his story for twenty minutes.他把故事延长了20分钟。

He spun the project ort for over three years.这个工程他拖了3年多。

spirit away/off

make sb.or sth disappear quickly or in a mysterious way 使…不翼而飞;使…神秘地消失

The pop star was spiried off through the back door.那位流行歌星通过后门神秘地消失了。

We caught just one glimpse of him and then he was spirited away by his friends.我们只看见他一面,


Someone seems to have spirited the documents away.似乎有人把文件偷偷地弄走了。

I was sure I left my umbrella in the office,but when I returned to get it.it had been spirited away.我确信我把伞放在办公室里的,可当我回去取时,伞已经不翼而飞了。

spit out

say sth.angrily or sharply愤怒地说;尖刻地说

I'll never forget the way he spat out our names.我永远也不会忘了他喊我们名字时的那种愤怒样子。

He spat the story out with bitter anger.他愤怒地讲述这段故事。

splash down

land in the sea(宇宙飞船在返回地球时在海洋中)溅落

The lunar capsule splashed down in the Pacific.登月密封舱降落在太平洋上。

The returing astronauts splashed down safely.返航的宇航员安全降落。

split second

a very short time;less than a second 一瞬间

The lightning flash lasted a split second,and then disappeared.闪电一下子就消失了。

It all happened in a split second,so nobody knows what really did occur.一切都在一瞬间发生,所以没有一个人知道到底是怎么回事。

sponge on

live on as a dependent or parasite 依赖…生活;寄生于

He is too lazy to work and prefers to sponge on his brother.他懒得去工作,宁可让兄弟来养活他。

He's done no work for years,and lives by sponging on his relations.他几年没有做事,依赖亲戚过日子。

spread out


The wood spread out in all directions.树林向四面八方延伸。

He spread out his arms and legs.他伸展开了四肢。

He spread out a map.他摊开了一幅地图。


The men spread out over a wide area.人们分散在一块很宽阔的区域里。

The work has to be spread out over several weekends.这项工作不得不分散到几个周末去做。


Our foreign trade is spreading out in all directions.我们的对外贸易正向各方面发展。

A scene of prosperity spreads out before us.一幅欣欣向荣的景象展现在我们面前。

spread over

1.cover;scatter over覆盖;散布于

The water spread over the floor.水溢到了地板上。

His interests now spread over several subjects.眼下他的兴趣遍及好几门学科。

2.(cause to)last for(a period of time)(使)持续(一段时间)

Their friendship spread over many years.他们的友谊持续了许多年。

The grammar lectures spread over into the next term语法课延续到下个学期。

You don't need to pay back the money you borrowed all at once;the repayment can be spread over a number of years.你借的钱不用一次全部还清,可以分几年偿还。

spring from

1.appear suddenly from(somewhere)突然从(某处)出现

He wasn't here a minute ago.Where on earth did he spring from?刚才他还不在这儿,他是从哪儿冒出来的?

2.be the result or outcome of由…造成;出于

Her happiness springs from the love of her family.她的幸福源于对家庭的爱。

He springs from a peasant's family.他出身于农民家庭。

What unhappiness can spring from the love of money!贪财会造成多大的不幸啊!

spring on

tell sth.to sb.so that he is surprised by it突然提出

He sprang the news on us without a warning.没有任何暗示,他突然告诉了我们这一消息。

Just as we sat down to dinner,they sprang the news on me that I was scheduled to make a speech.我们刚坐上宴席,他们突然告诉我,已经排定我讲话了。

spring to one's feet

rise quickly,as from a sitting position很快站起身来

The whole crowd sprang to their feet and cheered the victorious team.整个人群都霍然站起来为获胜队欢呼。

spring up

suddenly appear,arise,or develop涌现;发生;迅速长出;迸发

New factories are springing up like mushrooms.新工厂如雨后春笋般地涌现。

Doubts sprang up in his mind.他心中开始产生怀疑。

A breeze suddenly sprang up.突然吹起一阵微风。

A new custom has sprung up.一种新的风尚出现了。

spruce up

make sb.or sth.clean and tidy修饰;打扮

Go and spruce yourself up,Mary,before you go to the party.玛丽,去聚会前,打扮一下自己。

She spruced up the children because their grand father was coming.她把孩子们收拾干净,因为他们的爷爷就要来了。

All the parks have been spruced up for National Day.为庆祝国庆,所有的公园都已装饰一新。

spur on

encourage sb.to try harder鼓舞;鞭策

Father spurred us on to do even better at school.父亲鼓励我们在学校表现得更好。

This success will only serve to spur her on.这一成功只会鼓舞她继续前进。

spy into

examine or investigate carefully and secretly侦查

It's his nature to spy into other people's affairs.他生性好打听别人的私事。

The press raised a hue and cry against Feds spying into people's business through wiretapping.报界掀起一阵喧嚷,反对联邦调查局人员通过窃听电话刺探别人的私事。

spy on

watch secretly what sb.else is doing监视

Our neighbours are always looking out of their windows,spying on us.我们邻居总是透过他们自己的窗户窥视我们。

Tom is paid by the police to spy on other students.警方雇用汤姆秘密监视其他学生的活动。

square up

pay sb.money that one owes结帐;付帐

Will you square up with the waiter while I go and get the car?我去把车开过来,你来和侍者结帐好吗?

Let's square up,how much is the bill?我们结帐吧,帐单金额多少?

square up to

1.stand as if ready to fight sb.摆好架势

The boys squared up to each other,but the teacher stopped them.男孩们摆好架势准备打架,但老师制止了他们。

The fighters squared up and began to trade blows.拳击手面对面站好,接着就开始对击。

2.acknowledge or accept misfortune in a courageous way勇于面对

He squared up to the possibility of losing his job.他正视失业的可能性。

The little boy squared up to his tormentors.小男孩勇敢地面对折磨他的人。

square with

1.agree with与…一致(或协调)

His actions do not square with his principles.他的行为与他的原则不一致。

His theory squares with the facts.他的理论与事实相符。

2.finish paying sth.付清…的帐

I should be able to square with you at the end of the month.我在月底就能付清你的帐。

3.arrange(things)with sb.与…把…安排好

Can you square things with the director so that the worker won't be punished for his accidental damage?你与主任商量一下,不要使这个造成意外损失的工作人员受到处罚,行吗?

stab sb.in the back

say or do sth.unfair that harms sb.诽谤或陷害…

Owen stabbed his friend Max in the back by telling lies about him.欧文背后造谣中伤他的朋友麦克斯。

He is the sort of man to stab you in the back.他是那种会在背后给你下毒手的人。

stake out

mark an area of land with tall pieces of wood立桩标出(界限)

They've set aside a small area as a children's playground,and staked ut out.他们划出一小块空地作为孩子们的游戏场,四周立柱为界。

They staked out the area on which they intended to build.他们在准备建房的地方钉了标桩。

stamp out

destroy completely and make disappear根绝;毁灭

In the last few years,we have nearly stamped out polio by using vaccine.在过去的几年里,我们通过接种疫苗几乎杜绝了小儿麻痹症。

The boy stamped out the fire.那孩子把火踏灭了。

stand a chance

have a possibility or opportunity可能;可能获得

Weak and lame in one leg,Tom never stood a chance of getting that job.身体较弱,一条腿又拐的汤姆永远不可能找到那份工作。

We stand a good chance of seeing Mary at the party.我们很有可能在晚会上见到玛丽。

stand against

1.(cause to)lean or take a position against倚靠着

The ladder stood against the wall,making it easy for thieves to enter the house.椅子靠在墙上,这使小偷很容易就能进入屋子。


I stand against all forms of cruelty,especially cruelty to children.我反对各种形式的残暴行为,尤其是对儿童的摧残。

stand aside

stand out of the way站到一边

The crowd were asked to stand aside to let the players go in.人群被要求站到一边让运动员们进去。

He never stands aside when he is needed to lend a helping hand.无论什么时候需要他帮助,他从不袖手旁观。

stand back

1.stand to the rear向后退

Stand back and let the car pass.退后一点,好让汽车开过去。

The policeman asked the spectators to stand well back.警察要求围观者靠后站。

2.be situated some distance from sth.位于后一点的地方

The house stands back from the main rood.那房子离干道有一段距离。

3.distance or detach oneself from sth.退让;摆脱

Sometimes an administrator must stand back from daytoday business to grasp the wider pattern of events.有时一个行政管理人员必须摆脱日常事务以便掌握大局。

stand by

1.be close beside or near紧靠在旁边

Mary could not tell Jane the secret with her little brother standing by.玛丽不能把秘密告诉简,因为她的弟弟当时站在旁边。

The house stands by the river.房屋位于河边。

2.watch sth.and do nothing袖手旁观

He could not stand by and watch the boy being beaten.他不能袖手旁观孩子被打。

Don't just stand by.Can't you lend a hand?别袖手旁观,你不能帮一下忙吗?

3.be near;wait to do sth.when needed在附近等待做某事;准备行动

The policeman in the patrol car radioed the station about the robbery,and stood by for orders.巡逻车里的警察用无线电向总部报告有关抢劫案的情况,然后等待行动命令。

4.follow or keep(one's promise)信守(诺言)

He is a boy who always stands by his promises.他是个信守诺言的男孩。

I stand by every word I said.我信守我说的每一句话。

5.be loyal to;support忠于;支持He is the sort of person who will always stand by a friend.他是那种永远忠实于朋友的人。

When three big boys attacked Bill,Ed stood by him.当3个大男孩袭击比尔时,艾德帮助了他。

stand down

1.leave the witness box in a court of law离开证人席

If there are no more questions,the witness may now stand domn.没有更多问题的话,证人可以退席了。

He asked the witness to stand down.他要求证人离席。

2.withdraw from sth.,esp.in favor of sb.else退出竞争或竞赛

He stood down as a candidate because he felt a younger man would be more suitable.他退出了竞选,因为他觉得年纪轻一点的人更合适。

I'm not going to stand down for him.我不打算给他让位。

stand for


The letters“U.S.A.”stand for “United States of America”.字母U.S.A.表示美利坚合众国。

I hate the woman and everything she stands for.我恨那个女人以及她所代表的一切东西。

2.speak in favor of sth.支持

John always stands for what is right.约翰总是支持正确的事。

We stand for equality among all nations,big or small.我们主张大小国家一律平等。

3.try to be elected for竞选

Three men from London are standing for Parliament.3 位伦敦人参加议会竞选。

She's standing for governor in the next election.她准备参加竞选下一任州长。


The teacher will not stand for fooling in the classroom.老师不允许在教室里开玩笑。

I will not stand for behavior of that kind in my house.我不允许在我家出现那种行为。

She stands for a lot of abuse from those children.她忍受了那些孩子的许多辱骂。

stand in

take sb.'s place or job for a short time代替

she often stands in before a scene is being fimed.在正式拍摄一个场景前,她经常充当演员的替身。

He said be would stand in for me any time.他说他随时都愿意来替代我。

I'm standing in for the secretary while she is sick.秘书生病了,我在顶她的位置。

stand in line

line up排队

The children stood in line until the teacher said they could move.孩子们列队站着,直到老师说他们可以走动了才解散。

stand in with

1.be in conspiracy with;go shares with与…合谋;同…分担

He stands in with those people.他跟那些人勾结。

Let me stand in with you if it is expensive.如果贵的话,我来同你分担。

The politicians stand in with the saloonkeepers.政客与酒吧老板有勾结。

2.be on good terms with和…友好

John stands in well with the teacher.约翰和老师相处得很好。

stand off

1.stay apart不靠近;呆在远处.

At parties Mr.Jones goes around talking to everyone but Mrs.Jones is shy and stands off.晚会上琼斯先生走来走去与大家交谈,可琼斯夫人却总是很腼腆地呆在一边。

2.keep sb.or sth.from coming near or winning使…不能靠近;使…不能赢

The other schools wanted to beat our team and win the championship,but our boys stood them all off.别的学校想击败我校球队而夺取冠军,但我校球员们把他们打得无一得逞。

3.dismiss,esp.for a short time,when there is no work to do解雇

The management had to stand off a hundred men this week.资方本周不得不临时解雇100个员工。

If the slump continues,more will be stood off.如果继续不景气的话,就会有更多的人被解雇。

stand on one's own feet

depend on oneself独立;不依赖别人

After his father's death,Bob had to stand on his own feet and earn his own living.父亲死后,鲍勃只得自立谋生。

He offered to help me,but I said I would rather stand on my own feet.他提出帮我,但我说我宁愿自己干。

stand on one's rights

stick to one's rights坚持自己的权利

Although the teacher criticized her,she stood on her rights and argued back.尽管老师批评她,但她坚持自己的权利并予以反驳。

stand one's ground

1.stay and fight instead of running away坚守阵地

The enemy attacked in great numbers but our men stood their ground.敌人大举进攻,但我方战士仍坚守阵地。

2.insist on one's opinion坚持自己的观点

John's friends said he was mistaken,but he stood his ground.约翰的朋友说他错了,但他仍坚持自己的观点。

stand out


The pot has two handles standing out.这个壶有两个突出的柄。

Her pale face stood out in the lamplight.在灯光下,她脸色显得特别苍白。

2.be noticeable;outstanding引人注目

They were all pretty,but she stood out among them.她们都很漂亮,但她却特别突出。

The primary colors stand out clearly from the others.主色衬着其它颜色特别醒目。

He is a tall,distinguished looking man who stands out in any crowd.他是一个魁梧英俊的人,在任何人群中都很突出。

It stands out a mile what has to be done.应该做什么再也明显不过了。

3.go on resisting or refuse to yield坚持抵抗或拒不妥协

He stands out against all persuasion.他坚持不听一切劝说。

The soldiers stood out against the enemy as long as they could.战士们全力抵抗敌人。

The workers are standing out for higher wages and better conditions.工人们正在坚持争取提高工资和改善生活条件。

stand over

1.watch closely严密监视

Ted's mother had to stand over him to get him to do his homework.泰德的母亲得监督他做家庭作业。

I hate having someone standing over me all the time.我讨厌别人总监督我。

2.be held over for later action推迟处理

The committee decided to let the proposal stand over until its next meeting·委员会决定把这项建议推迟到下次会议讨论。

The project is to stand over till next yedr.这项工程将延期到明年。

stand to

1.prepare for action准备行动

The troops were ordered to stand to in case of attack.为了防备敌人的袭击,部队已接到命令准备行动。

He told his men to stand to.他告诉他的属下准备行动。

2.keep(one's promise)信守(诺言)

I'll stand to my promise and tell you everything about her.我会信守诺言,把她的情况全都告诉你。

He always stands to his promise.他一贯遵守诺言。

3.stick to(one's post,duty,etc.)坚守(岗位、职责等)

Everyone of us should stand to his duty.我们每一个人都应坚守自己的职责。

4.persist in;give support to坚持;支持

We always stand to the oppressed nations.我们永远站在被压迫民族一边。

In defiance of public opinion he stood to his guns.他无视公众舆论,固执己见。

We stand to it that whatever work we do,we must do it well.我们认为,无论做什么工作,都要把它做好。

stand to reason

follow as a matter of course理所当然地(会)做

If he supports the trade unions,then it stands to reason that he will vote Labour.如果他支持工会的话,那么他理所当然会支持工党。

Joe is intelligent and studies hard;it stands to reason that he will pass the examination.乔既聪明又用功,他考试肯定会及格的。

stand up

1.rise to or be on one's feet起立

Stand up when the judge enters the court.法官到庭时要起立致意。

He told the men to stand up straight.他要那些人站直。

2.remain upright耸立;立起

The church tower stands up very well.教堂的尖塔高高地耸立着。

He stood the statue up in a corner.他把塑像竖在屋角。

3.withstand use or wear耐用(穿)

De you think this dress material will stand up well under such conditions?你认为这种衣服料子在这样的环境下是否很耐穿?

The leather in these shoes will stand up much better than the leather in those you just tried on.这双鞋子的皮质比你刚才试穿的那双鞋的皮质要耐穿得多。

4.fail to appear;leave sb.waiting at an appointment失约

Jim said he'd be at the station,but he stood me up.吉姆说他要去车站的,但他失约了。

After waiting for two hours,John began to realize that Helen had stood him up.等了两个小时以后,约翰开始意识到海伦失约了。

5.be accepted as true or be able to withstand an investigation站得住脚

The charges against him will not stand up in court.对他的指控在法庭上将站不住脚。

What is false can never stand up.假的东西总是站不住脚的。

stand up for

1.support;speak in favor of支持;替…说话

Will you stand up for me?你会支持我吗?

When the boss wanted to dismiss Bill the other workers all stood up for him.当老板要开除比尔时,其他工人全部为他说话。

2.defend;insist upon保护;坚持

He always stands up for women's rights.他一贯维护妇女的权益。

We must stand up for truth and correct mistakes.我们必须坚持真理,修正错误。

stand up to


Mary finds it difficult to stand up to her husband.玛丽发现她很难对付得了她丈夫。

Will the chair stand up to your weight?这椅子能吃得住你的重量吗?

They launched fierce attacks on Mary,but she stood up to this undaunted.他们对玛丽进行了猛烈攻击,但她毫不畏惧地顶住了。

2.match in quality同…相抗衡

This doesn't stand up to the products of other firms.这种产品无法与其他公司的产品抗衡。

stare at

look at with fixed eyes凝视

Why are you staring at me?你为什么盯着我看?

stare in the face

1.be about to happen to sb.迫在眉睫

Grandfather became very sick and death was staring him in the face.祖父病情严重,生命危在旦夕。

2.be easy to see;be plain显然易见

The facts stare us in the face.事实明摆在我们面前。

You said you couldn't find the key,but it's staring you in the face.你说找不到钥匙,可它就在你的面前。

start back

begin a return journey开始返回

What time do we have to start back?我们必须什么时候回去?

They started back immediately when they got the news.他们听到消息后就立即返回去了。

start for

1.begin a journey to a place出发

When do you start for london?你何时动身去伦敦?

He started for home at 6 p.m.他下午6时动身回家。

2.become a candidate for参加…的竞选

He has started for a seat in the National Assembly.他已开始竞选国民大会代表。

start from

1.come out of quickly从…很快出来

Blood started from the wound.血从伤口流出。

2.begin a journey from从…出发

The climbers started from the village at daybreak.登山队员们黎明前从那村庄出发了。

start in

1.set to work,etc.开始(工作等)

She started in as a typist but soon became a secretary.开始她当打字员,不久就任秘书了。

It started in to rain again.又下起雨来了。

He started in drinking again.他又开始喝酒了。

2.give a first job to(使)开始任职

The bank started him in as a clerk.这家银行雇他先当办事员。

3.begin to criticize,scold,etc.开始批评、责备等

The boys were hardly settled in the classroom when the monitor started in on them for coming late.男孩们还没在教室里坐定,班长就开始责备他们,说他们来迟了。

start off/out

1.begin a journey;depart离开;出发

Having missed the last bus,we had to start off walking.我们没有赶上最后一班车,只得步行。

We started out at 8 a.m.and arrived at7p.m.我们早上8点出发,下午7点到。

2.begin doing sth.开始Whatever you do,don't start off crying again.不管干什么,可别再哭了。

The writer started out to write a novel.那位作家着手写一部长篇小说。

The dictionary starts off with the letter A.词典是从字母A开始的。

Don't let him Start off on his holiday stories again or we'll be here all night.不要让他再谈他的假期经历,否则我们又得在这儿呆一个晚上。

start up

1.make a sudden movement due to surprise,alarm,pain,etc.惊跳起来

A hare started up at his feet and raced off.有只兔子突然从他脚边一蹦就跑掉了。

He started up from his seat.他一惊,从椅子上跳起身来。

2.begin to function开始运转At six o'clock the moter started up.6点钟马达开动起来。

The factory will start up tomorrow.工厂明天开工。

3.come into existence suddenly or unexpectedly突然出现

Many difficulties have started up.一下子冒出了许多困难。

He seemed to have started up from nowhere.他似乎是忽然从天而降。

4.begin a career,business,working life,etc.开始从事

The merchant from New York was thinking of starting up in the fruit and vegetable trade.这个纽约商人正在考虑经营蔬菜水果业。

He's thinking of starting up as a private consultant.他在考虑当一名私人顾问。

start with

begin with以…为开端

In teaching English,we usually start with listening and speaking.学习英语我们往往从听说开始。

His illness started with a slight cough.他的病开始只是一点咳嗽。

starve for

need very much;be hungry for非常需要;极需

The poor children in the streets are starving for bread.街上穷苦的孩子非常需要食物。

starve out

force sb.to surrender or leave a hiding place by preventing food from reaching him用饥饿迫使出来投降

Instead of attacking the town the enemy surrounded it with the intention of starving the inhabitants out.敌人对这座城市围而不攻,企图用饥饿迫使居民出来投降。

It took just a week to starve the prisoners out.只用了一星期就使囚犯因饥饿而投降。

stay away remain away;be away离开;不接触

I hope you'll stay away from those rough boys.我希望你不要同那些粗野的孩子在一起。

stay behind

remain after other people have left留在后面;留下来不走

Several students stayed behind after the lecture to ask questions.有几个学生课后留下来问问题。

stay in

remain indoors留在家中

I'll stay in to wait for his telephone call.我将留在家中等他的电话。

Let's stay in tonight and read instead of going to a movie.咱们今晚不去看电影,呆在家里看书吧。

stay off

1.continue to be at a distance from保持距离

Tell the children to stay off the road.叫孩子们离开公路远点。


The doctor advised him to stay off fattening.医生建议他不要吃高脂肪食物。

You'll have to stay off beer if you really want to lose weight.如果你真想减肥,就不能再喝啤酒了。

3.not go to school,work,etc.不上学;不上班

I don't feel very well.I think I'll stay off tomorrow and have a day in bed.我今天感到不舒服,明天我不去上班了,在床上躺一天。

stay on

prolong one's stay继续呆下去;继续留下去

I'll stay on this evening and help you,if you like.如果你愿意,我今晚留下来帮你。

He is staying on at school for another year.他在学校还要再呆一年。

He came for a week's holiday and stayed on a month.他来度假,假期只有一周,他却住了一个月。

stay out

1.remain away from home不在家

She stayed out last night until four o'clock.她昨夜4点才回家。

2.continue to refuse to work继续拒绝工作

All the workers are staying out until their demands are met.所有工人都拒绝复工,直到满足他们的要求。

stay put

remain in the same place呆在原处;停留在原处

There,I've fixed the handle,and it should stay put now.现在我已经把把手固定好了,它不会再掉下来了。

Harry's father told him to stay put until he came back.哈里的父亲吩咐儿子不要离开,等他回来。

stay up

1.continue to be high不下降If his temperature stays up all day,call the doctor.假如他的体温居高不下,就请医生吧。

The temporary roof won't stay up much longer.那临时屋顶挺不了多久。

2.remain late out of bed迟睡Please don't stay up for me,I may be late.不要迟睡等我,我可能会晚回来的。

He stays up late most nights,reading business reports.他常常熬夜看业务报告。

stay with

1.live with与…住在一起

Tom is now staying with us.汤姆现在与我们住在一起。

She stayed with her aunt while she was in Shanghai.她在上海时住在她姑妈家里。

2.hold out(a task,a contest,etc.);last out使…持续下去;使维持下去

We must stay with the task as long as we can.这个任务我们能坚持多久就要坚持多久。

Ted stayed with his homework until it was done.泰德坚持把作业做完。

3.be together with sb.;not leave与…留在一起;不离开

Stay with me until we get out of the crowd.不要分开,跟着我走出人群。

4.continue to listen even though one may be tempted to go away继续听…说下去

Just stay with me a minute longer.I'm sure l can convince you.再听我讲一下,我肯定可以说服你们。

steal away

leave quietly and often secretly溜掉

He stole away while everyone else was watching the film.别人都在全神贯注看电影时,他悄悄溜走了。

The enemy stole away under cover of night.敌人趁夜黑逃遁。

Time stole away.时问不知不觉地过去了。

steal into

walk into quietly and secretly偷偷进入

He stole into the room while I was writing a letter.我写信时,他悄悄地进了房间。

The thief stealthily stole into the house.小偷悄悄地潜入房子。

steal off

leave silently and secretly偷偷走开

Jim stole off without anyone seeing him.吉姆偷偷地走开了,谁也没看见。

steal over

slowly and quietly take hold of不知不觉地袭来;悄悄地呈现

A feeling of happiness stole over the girl when she thought about the days ahead.当女孩想到未来的日子时,脸上不禁露出了一种幸福感。

A smile stole over his face.他脸上隐隐现出笑容。

Mist stole over the valley.雾渐渐弥漫了整个山谷。

steal sb.'s thunder

do or say sth.that sb.has planned to do or say先人一着

John announced the news before Peter had a chance,stealing his thunder.约翰在彼得之前宣布了那则消息,抢了个先。

He stole his oppoent's thunder by proposing a toast for the distinguished visitor.他抢在对手之前向贵宾祝酒。

steal the show/spotlight

attract attention away from sb.or sth.that people should be watching抢镜头;引起注意力

She was on the stage for only a few minutes,bat I thought she stole the show.她仅出场几分钟,不过我认为她抢先出了风头。

Just as the speaker began,a little dog ran up the aisle,and stole the spotlight from him.正当演说者开始演说时,一只小狗跑上通道,把人们的注意力吸引了过去。

steal up on

approach sb.slowly and quietly悄悄地走近;偷袭

Her friend stole up on her and made her jump.她的朋友悄悄走近她,使她跳了起来。

A small party stole up on the bridge under cover of darkness.一支小分队趁黑夜偷袭这座桥。

steam up

1.cover or become covered with steam有蒸汽

The rain steamed up his glasses and he could hardly see.雨水蒙住了他的眼镜,因此他几乎什么也看不见。

The windows have steamed up.窗户上凝结了水汽。

2.make angry or excited使激动He's all steamed up about losing the contract.他因合同吃了亏而大发雷霆。

Bill was all steamed up about the movie had just seen.比尔对他刚看的电影感到非常激动。

steer clear of

steer a safe distance from;go around without touching绕开;躲避

Don't steer clear of us;nobody is going to hurt you.不要躲着我们,没人会伤害你的。

A ship steers clear of a rocky shore in stormy weather.船在暴风雨中绕开多岩石的海岸。

You would be better to steer clear of so much jargon in your talk.你的讲话里要是少用些专门术语就会更好。

stem from

be traceable to or caused by sb.or sth.来自;由…产生

Their hatred of him stemmed from fear.由于恐惧他们对他产生了仇恨。

This idiom stems from an ancient Greek fable.这个成语源自一则古代希腊寓言。

step aside

1.move to one side让到一边

Would you mind stepping aside to let this old lady off the bus?请让一让,让这位老太太下车好吗?

Step aside and make room for us.靠边,给我们腾个地方。

2.move from a position of authority让位

They expect him to step aside and make way for a younger man.他们希望他让位,好给一个年轻些的人接班。

He was willing to step aside in favor of a more dynamic leader.他愿意让位给更强有力的领导人。

step back

1.yield ground by moving to the rear;recede后退

He stepped back to admire the painting.他退了几步来欣赏这幅画。

We stepped back politely to let the ladies pass.我们礼貌地后退,让女士们过去。

2.move backwards from surprise,shock,etc.由于吃惊而后退

When he saw it,he stepped back in surprise.他一看到它,就吃惊得往后退。

She stepped back,hardly able to believe her ears.她吃惊地往后退缩,简直不能相信自己的耳朵。

step by step


Step by step I'll learn to do the work.我将逐步地学会干这项工作。

A foreign language can't be learned rapidly;it must be learned step by step.学外语不能急,只能按部就班地学。

step down

1.walk down走下来

As soon as the train stopped,the conductor stepped down to help the passengers off.火车一停,列车员就下火车帮乘客下车。

2.move to a lower level;retire or leave a top position降低;辞职;让位

I've spent so many years as chairman that I feel it's time I stepped down.我当了这么多年的董事长,现在我觉得该退下来了。

Next May our company's president will step down,and we will have to elect a new one at the next stockholders'meeting.明年5月我们公司的总经理任职期满就要退下来了,我们将要在下一次的股东会议上选举一个新的总经理。

3.slow down放慢

For lack of raw materials they had stepped down production.由于原料缺乏,他们不得不放慢生产进度。

step in

1.walk in走进

Would you mind stepping in for a moment?进来坐一会好吗?

The clerk stepped in and asked for Mr.Black.办事员走进来要找布莱克先生。

2.intervene either to help or hinder插进来(帮助或阻止);干预

If the government does not step in,there will be no trains on Monday.政府要是不干预的话,星期一将没有任何火车。

The police are reluctant to step in.警察不愿插手干预。

Father stepped in and forbade me to go campimg.父亲进来干预不准我去野营。

step out

1.go out from a place走出去

He just stepped out for a breath of fresn air.他只是出去换换新鲜空气。

I'm just going to step out for a minute.我正要出去一会儿。

2.walk fast快走;加快步伐

As it was getting dark we stepped out so as to reach the village.天快黑了,我们快点走,好赶到村里。

Step out,you still have a long way to go.走快点,你还得走很长一段路呢。

3.engage in social activities;enjoy oneself socially出去娱乐

She'really stepping out these days:the theatre last night,dinner tonight and dancing tomorrow.她这几天确实交际很多:昨天去看戏,今晚参加晚宴,明天又要去跳舞。

You're all dressed up,Mary;you must be stepping out tonight.你穿得这样漂亮,玛丽,今晚想必有什么约会。

step up

1.increase;accelerate增加;促进Trade has been stepping up recently,since the weather turned warmer.因天气转暖,最近贸易不断增加。

Radio and television have stepped up the tempo of the news.收音机和电视机加快了新闻的传送速度。

2.walk up;go or come near向上走;走近

John stepped up onto the plat form and began to speak.约翰走上讲台开始发言。

3.be promoted晋升;提升

He has stepped up into the management of the firm.他升入了公司的管理部门。

He soom stepped up to the chief executive's chair.不久他就爬上了总经理的位子。

stick at

1.continue to do继续做

He sticks at his work ten hours a day.他每天不间断地工作10小时。

He'll stick at it till he succeeds.他一定会坚持到成功。

2.hesitate at犹豫;迟疑;顾虑Don't stick at trifles.不要为小事犹豫不决。

He'll stick at nothing to get complete power.为了揽取全权,他什么都干得出来。

stick by

continue to help and support忠于;支持

His wife sticks by him whatever he does.不管他做什么他妻子都支持他。

They vowed to stick by one another no matter what happened.他们发誓,不管发生什么事,他们都要互相支援。

stick down

1.put sth.down on the floor放下…

Just stick those books down over there.I'll put them away later.那些书就放在那边吧,我以后再拿走。

Stick it down anywhere you like.随便放在什么地方都行。

2.write down写下

You'd better stick down the address.你最好把地址记下来。

He'd stuck the formula down on the back of a used envelope.他在一只用过的信封后面写下了那个公式。

3.fasten with an adhesive,pins,etc.粘住;别住

Stick the flap down with tape or glue or something.把这信封口盖用纸条或胶水之类的东西粘上。

stick in sb.'s throat

1.be hard to accept难以接受

Having to pay out£50 for such a small thing really sticks in my throat.为这个小东西要付50英镑的钱太让我难以接受了。

It's his treatment of his aged mother that really sticks in my throat.他对待自己年迈母亲的那种做法实在使我很反感。

2.be hard to say难以启齿

Jane wanted to ask the teacher's pardon,but the words stuck in her throat.简想请求老师原谅,却又难以说出口。

stick out

1.protrude or make sth.protrude or project突出;伸出

Don't stick your tongue out at me.不要对我伸舌头。

An arm was sticking out from the hole.有只胳膊从洞中伸出。

2.be noticeable醒目

The author's outlook sticks out on every page.书的每一页都清楚地显示出作者的观点。

My house is the only brick one on the street.It sticks out and you can't miss it.我的房子是这条街上唯一的一栋砖房,它很显眼,你不会找不到的。

3.endure or tolerate sth.to the end坚持…到底;忍受

Try to stick out the party for another hour and then we can go home.设法在聚会上再坚持一个小时,然后我们就回家。

If you can stick it out a bit longer,everything will be all right.如果你能再忍耐一会儿,一切都会正常的。

Mathematics is hard,but if you stick it out you'll understand it.数学是困难的,但如果你努力学习,坚持到底,自然就会了解它。

4.wait stubbornly for sth.that has demanded to be allowed or given坚持要

The union are sticking out for a twenty per cent increase.工会要求工资增加百分之二十。

They say she's too young but she's sticking out for the job.他们说她太年轻了,可她还是坚持要做这件工作。

stick to

persevere;adhere to坚持

I shall stick to my decision.我将坚持我的决定。

If you stick to it long enough you can find the answer to that problem.如果你坚持一段时间,你就会发现那个问题的答案。

I hate listening to him;he never sticks to the point.我不喜欢听他说,他从不坚持自己的观点。

I hope you will stick to the point in the debate.我希望你在辩论中能抓住要害。

If you stick to the truth,you've nothing to fear.你要是坚持真理,就可以无所畏惧。

stick together

remain close together in a situation 团结

Stick together,and don't let anything divide you.要互相支持,不要让任何东西影响团结。

They stuck together through thick and thin.不管有什么艰难险阻,他们都紧密团结在一起。

stick up


Stick up your hand if you know the answer.知道答案请举手。

Her hair keeps sticking up no matter how often she combs it.不管她怎么勤梳头,她的头发总是竖着。

The pillars of the wharf are still sticking up in the water.码头的桩子仍在水中竖着。


The owner of that store was stuck up three times in the last six months.那家商店老板在过去6个月中曾3次遭抢劫。

stick up for


She always sticks up for her friends.她总是支持她的朋友。

Can't you stick up for yourself sometimes?有时候你难道不能为自己辩护一下吗?

stir up

make more active煽动;激动

Stop stirring up troubles again.不要再惹麻烦了。

She loves to stir people up.她爱挑唆别人。

The boss is in a bad mood today,so don't stir him up with any more customer.老板今天情绪不好,不要再让顾客去激怒他。

stock up

store a large amount of supplies采购;囤积

She stocked up with food and drink for the Christmas party.她为圣诞聚会储存了许多食物和饮料。

He has stocked the shop up very well.他给商店办货办得很充裕。

During the early part of the war many people tried to stock up on scarce items.战争初期,许多人争着囤积一些供应紧张的商品。

stop at

1.stay in a place逗留在;停在For two days we stopped at a lovely inn in the mountains.我们在山区一个迷人的小酒店里逗留了两天。

The car stopped at the gas station.车子停在加油站。

2.hesitate at对…有所踌躇

She is one of those women who stop at nothing to get what she wants.她是那种为了满足个人欲望而不顾一切的女人。

The greedy boss stopped at nothing to gain profit.贪婪的老板为了攫取利润而无所不为。

stop away

stay away不在;不出席

Why did you stop away from the meeting?We expected to see you there.你怎么没去开会?我们原指望能在那儿见到你。

He stopped away from the lecture when he found out it wasn't interesting.他发现那讲座没意思,便走了。

stop by

make a brief call顺便访问

We were passing your house,so we thought we would stop by for a few minutes.我们路过你家,所以就想顺便进来坐一会。

We suggested that she stop by that evening to talk things over.我们建议她在那晚顺便来找我们,把事情商量一下。

stop from

prevent from使…停止;阻止

How do you stop children from playing with matches?你是如何阻止小孩玩火的?

Be careful to stop the instrument from falling down.注意防止仪器掉下来。

stop in

1.stay at home留在家里

I'm stopping in tonight to wash my hair.今晚我不出去,我要洗头。

I'll stop in and look after the kids.我要留在家看孩子。

2.remain at school late as a punishment留在学校以示惩罚

If there is any more trouble,you will all stop in for two hours.如果还出问题,那你们放学后都将留两个小时。

stop off

pay a short informal visit,usu.in passing顺便造访

Do stop off on your way home and have a cup of tea with me.回家途中请你务必顺便来我家喝茶。

They stopped off to pick up some food.他们在半路上停下来弄点吃的。

stop out

1.remain out of doors or away from home在外面

She stopped out until one o'clock and her father was furious.她在外面一直呆到一点钟,她父亲非常生气。

Don't stop out too long.不要在外面呆得太久。

2.remain on strike继续罢工

The workers decided to stop out until their conditions of work were improved.工人们决定继续罢工,直到他们的工作条件得到改善。

stop over

break a journey中途停留

He stopped over in Paris for a day.他途中在巴黎停留了一天。

stop up

1.not go to bed不睡觉

We will be home late,so please do not stop up for us.我们回来得迟,请不要为我们守夜。

She often stops up till he gets home.她常等他回家后才睡。

2.seal up封住;堵住

The gutter was stopped up with fallen leaves and the rain water could not flow away.水沟被落叶塞住了,雨水流不出去。

She stopped up her ears to keep the noise out.她堵住耳朵隔绝噪音。

My nose is stopped up with the cold.我的鼻子因感冒不通气。

store up

save a supply for the future储存

We should store up vegetables for the winter.我们应该为冬天储存些蔬菜。

During the summer months squirrels store up nuts to eat during the winter.松鼠在夏季储存冬季吃的坚果。

straight away/off

right away立即

Let's go there straight away.我们马上就去。

I told him straight off what I thought of the matter.我毫不迟疑地把我对这个问题的看法告诉了他。

straighten out

1.solve;make less confused解决;使清楚

I hope the misunderstanding will soon be straightened out.我希望误会很快就会澄清。

He said we needed some straightening out on one or two points.他说我们需要澄清一两点问题。

I could not grasp the theory until Dr.Rose straightened me out on it.罗斯博士解释后,我才弄懂了那种理论。

2.put right恢复正常;使好转

I'll try to straighten the matter out once and for all.我要竭力把这事情办好。

I'm only a little tired;a night's sleep will straighten me out.我只是有点累了,睡一晚就会好的。

straighten up

1.become erect or upright;make straight挺直身子

I told him to straighten up.我叫他要挺直身子。

He straightened himself up and looked them squarely in the eye.他直挺挺地站着,瞪着眼睛盯着他们。

2.make tidy整理

Mrs.White straightened up the house before the guests came.怀特太太打扫好房子准备接待客人。

He straightened up the papers.他把文件弄整齐。


I'd like you to straighten a few things up for me.我想请你给我澄清几件事情。

strain after

strive laboriously for竭力追求;拼命争取

The workers are straining after quality as well as quantity.工人们力求保质保量。

There is no straining after effects in this writer's work.在这个作家的作品里,没有追求表面效果的痕迹。

strange to say

not what sb.might think 说也奇怪

Strange to say,Jerry doesn't like candy.奇怪,杰瑞不喜欢糖果。

stray from

move from;leave 走离;偏离

Don't stray from the point.不要离题乱扯。

Seeing that the speaker was straying away from the subject,the chairman reminded him to keep to the point.看到发言者在离题乱扯,会议主席提醒他要扣住主题来讲。

stretch out

1.extend 伸出

The little boy stretched out his hands to catch the toy.小男孩伸出双手去抓玩具。

He stretched out his arms and embraced me tightly.他伸出双臂紧紧拥抱了我。

2.extend one's body or part of it for relaxation 伸直四肢

He stretched out on the grass in the sunshine.他舒展着身子躺在阳光下的草地上。

The cat stretched out in front of the fire.猫伸直身体躺在炉前。

3.be enough or cause sth.to be enough 使够用

Will the food stretch out?Tonight we've got three extra guests for dinner.饭菜够吃吗?今晚我们多了3个客人吃饭。

I don't see how I can stretch out the housekeeping to the end of the month.我不知道家用钱要怎么安排才能维持到月底。

strike at

1.attack 进攻

Many newspapers struck at his latest plan.许多报纸都攻击他的最新计划。

He struck at me but missed.他动手打我,但是没打着。

2.attempt to destroy 企图毁坏

Each of the two theories seems to strike at the foundation of the other.这两种理论似乎从根本上相互排斥。

strike back

return an attack 还击

In reply to last night's bombing attack,our planes this morning struck back at the enemy port.为了回敬昨夜的空袭,我机今晨对敌机场进行了还击。

When he attacked me,naturally I struck back.他既然攻击我,我当然还击。

strike down

1.cause to fall by a blow 击倒

The man struck down by lightning during the storm was taken to the hospital.在暴风雨中被雷电击中的人被送进了医院。

With one blow he struck down his opponent.他一拳就把对手击倒。

2.make sb.unable to lead a full,active life 使受到摧残

He was struck down by a heart attack at the age of forty.他40岁时得了心脏病。

He is struck down with flu.他患流感。

strike dumb

make unable to speak 使哑口无言

His eloquence struck them dumb.他的雄辩使他们哑口无言。

The news of his financial losses struck him dumb.他财务损失的消息使他目瞪口呆。

strike in

interrupt suddenly 突然插话

Someone struck in with a question.有人插进来提出了一个问题。

“I know where she was.”Jane struck in.简突然插话说:“我知道她在哪儿。”

strike off

1.remove 删去;除去

He promised to strike off the interest of the first debt.他答应免去第1笔债的利息。

2.remove by cutting 斩去;砍去

The boy was striking off all the flowers with a stick.小男孩在用棍子把花全部打落。

He struck off the enemy's revolver.他一拳打掉了敌人的左轮手枪。

3.print 印刷

They struck off 5,000 copies of the election leaflet.他们印了5000张关于选举的传单。

Another hundred thousand copies of the novel have been struck off since last yedr.自去年以来,那部小说又印了10万册。

strike on/upon

think of or get suddenly or unexpectedly 偶然想起;偶然得到

He struck on a way of making diamonds.他突然找到了一种制造钻石的方法。

We struck on the idea when at work yesterday.我们昨天上班时忽然想到了这个主意。

He struck upon the book in a secondhand bookstore.他在一家旧书店里偶然发现了这本书。

strike out

1.remove 删去;涂去

You had better strike out the fourth paragraph.你最好删去第4段。

She struck out the sentence she had just written and added a new one.她把刚写的那句话删掉了,另加了一句。

2.dawn on 想起;明白

He struck out a plan of doing the work well.他想出一个做好该工作的计划。

He struck out a plan for himself for the next year.他为自己拟订了下一年的计划。

3.start to do sth.new and different,esp.on one's own自成一路;创新

He decided to leave his father's firm and strike out on his own.他决定离开父亲的公司,出去开创一条自己的路。

He struck out a path through the thicket.他开辟了一条穿过灌木林的新路。

4.try to hit sb.in a wild or uncontrolled way用力打

The little boy was frightened and struck out madly.孩子非常害怕,用手乱打。

He lost his temper and struck out wildly.他动了肝火,大打出手。

5.move quickly in a certain direction 向…快速走去;用手脚使劲划水

He dived off the boat and struck out for the island,他从船上跃入水中,朝岛上用力游去。

She stood hesitant for a minute and then struck out for the bus stop.她站在那儿迟疑了片刻,然后拿定主意向汽车站疾步走去。

strike up

1.begin playing 开始演奏

People won't get up to dance until the band strikes up.音乐声起,人们开始跳舞。

The band struck up as soon as the Queen stepped on the shore.女王一登岸,乐队就开始奏乐。

2.begin a friendship with sb.建立起友谊

They struck up an acquaintance with each other on the beach and soon became very friendly.他们是在海滩上相互认识的,而且很快就建立起了友谊。

By degrees they struck up a friendship.他们逐渐建立了友谊。

string along

1.deceive sb.,esp.by giving him false hopes欺骗;愚弄

She's been engaged to him for five years,but she'll never marry him.She's just stringing him along.她跟他订婚有5年了,可她永远也不会嫁给他。她只是愚弄他而已。

The governors felt that they were being strung along by their advisers.州长们发现顾问们一直在欺骗他们。

2.accompany sb.陪伴;跟随

We're going to John's party too.You can string along with us if you like.我们也去约翰的聚会。如果你愿意你就跟我们一起去。

Some ragged children strung along behind,hoping for money.有些衣衫褴褛的孩子跟在后面要钱。

string out

1.be spread or spread sth.at intervals in a line 按一定距离分散在一条线上

She was stringing out the clothes on the washing line when it started to rain.她正把衣服晾在晒衣绳上的时候,天开始下雨了。

The police strung out across the field looking for clues.警察按一定距离散开,在田里寻找线索。

2.prolong;extend 延长;拖长

The refugees were strung out along the dusty roads for miles.难民们沿着尘土飞扬的道路连成几里长的人流向前走着。

The promised three days strung out to six weeks.原先答应3天,结果延长到6个星期之久。

string up

1.hang sth.high 把…挂起来

They strung up colored lights all over the room.他们在整个房间里挂起了彩灯。

They strung up the ham for the winter.他们把火腿悬挂起来留到冬天吃。

2.kill sb.by hanging 绞死(某人)Two of the rebel leaders were strung up as a warning to the others.叛变首领中的两名被绞死,以做效尤。

3.make tense,excited 使紧张;使振奋

On the evening of his big speech he didn't seem at all strung up.他在作重要讲话的那天晚上似乎一点也不紧张。

He strung up his nerves to do it.他打起精神来干那件事。

strip down

take sth.to pieces 拆下

He is never happier than when he is stripping down the car.没有比拆卸车子更能使他开心的了。

We'll have to strip down the mechanism to trace the fault.只有把机械装置拆开才能找出毛病。

strip of

rob of 抢劫;剥去

The thieves stripped the house of its valuables.小偷偷走了房间里的贵重物品。

Man has been stripped of his superstitions by science.科学使人破除迷信。

strip off

1.take one's clothes off 脱去衣服

She stripped off and went for a swim.她脱了衣服去游泳。

2.remove 剥去(伪装)

Sham is sham and the mask must be stripped off.假的就是假的,伪装应当剥去。

The workmen stripped the old paper off the walls.工人们把墙上的旧纸撕掉。

strive for

make great efforts for 努力谋求

The government is striving for improvements in public housing.政府正努力改善公众的住房条件。

Personal freedoms are worth striving for.人身自由是值得为之而奋斗的。

stroke down

cause to be no longer irritated 平息…的怒气

We shall have to stroke the old people down before we go out tonight.今晚我们出去前,得先宽慰一下老人们,让他们平平气。

He was so infuriated that it took them a long time to stroke him down.他怒不可遏,他们花了好长时间才使他平静下来。

stuck up

conceited 自负

She is very pretty,but that is hardly sufficient reason for her to be so stuck up.她非常漂亮,但这不足以成为她自负的理由。

stuff up

press tightly into 塞满;塞紧

We had to stuff the ventilator shafts up to stop the smoke entering the room.为了阻止烟进入室内,我们只好把通风道堵起来。

I've got a bad cold and my nose is terribly stuffed up.我得了重感冒,鼻子塞得很厉害。

stumble along

walk in an unsteady way 蹒跚而行

He stumbled along the muddy road.他在泥泞路上蹒跚而行。

We stumbled along the broken path,fearful of tripping up.我们在一条凹凸不平的小道上踉踉跄跄,生怕跌倒。

stumble over

hesitate and make mistakes when sb.is speaking or reading 结结巴巴地说或读

She speaks English so well that she never stumbles over her words.她英语讲得很好,从不结结巴巴的。

subject sb./sth.to

1.bring under control 使遭受;使受制于

We are all subjected to the law of nature.我们全都受自然规律的支配。

Women have been subjected to unjust treatment for too long.很长时间以来,妇女一直受到歧视。

2.make sth.undergo a test,treatment,etc.使…经历

All cars are subjected to various tests before they leave the factory.在离开工厂前,所有的车辆都要经过各种各样的测试。

Such an action would subject you to severe criticism.这种行动将使你遭受到严厉批评。

3.under the control of 受制约的

You are subject to the laws of this country.你得遵守这个国家的法律。

4.likely to get or have易遭受的

John is in rather poor health and is subject to colds.约翰身体很弱,易患感冒。

The western plains are subject to tornadoes.西部平原常遭受龙卷风的袭击。

5.depending on some change,happening or need有待…的;须经…的

Our plans may change subject to the weather.我们的计划可能因气候而会改变。

The treaty is subject to ratification.该条约须经批准。

submit to

1.place before a court,judge,etc.呈交

I submitted a case to the court.我把一个案子提交给了法院。

The question was submitted to the commission for its consideration.这个问题被提交到委员会审议。


The boy submitted to the punishment without a sound.这孩子甘受处罚,一声不吭。

The general refused to submit to the enemy.将军拒绝向敌人投降。

subordinate to

make less important than 使次于;使从属于

All considerations had to be subordinated to the needs of the family.一切要考虑的事情均应服从家庭的需要。

subscribe to

1.pay regularly to receive a newspaper,magazine,etc.订阅;订购

Many teachers subscribe to that periodical.许多老师都订那份杂志。

He subscribes to many journals concerned with his subject.他订阅了许多与他学科有关的杂志。

2.agree with sth.that is said or done赞同

I subscribe to your opinion.我赞同你的意见。

We all subscribe to the resolution adopted at the meeting.我们全都赞同会上作出的决议。

subsist on

live on以…为生

The poor man subsisted on charity.这穷汉靠救济过日子。

How can the poor woman subsist on such a small income?这位贫穷的妇女靠如此微薄的收入怎么能生活下去呢?

substitiute for

take the place of 取代

Can you substitute for the singer who is ill?你能替代那个生病的歌唱演员吗?

Do you think sugar will substitute for honey?你认为砂糖可以替代蜂蜜吗?

succeed in

be successful at在…获得成功

He succeeds well in his profession.他在事业上非常成功。

To succeed in politics requires an actor's abilities now.今天要在政治上获得成功就要求具有演员般的本事。

succeed to

become heir to继承

He has succeeded to his uncle's plantation.他继承了伯父的种植园。

He has succeeded to his father's estate.他继承了父亲的全部产业。

such as


Metals are such things as iron,gold and silver.金属是诸如铁、金和银这类的东西。

suck in


The uneducated farmer was sucked in by a clever crook.那个不识字的农民给一个滑头的骗子骗了。

He was sucked in as a partner in his venture.他受骗参与了这项投机活动。

suck up

1.absorb 吸收

The plants suck up a lot of water.植物吸收大量的水分。

He sucks up all the information you give him.他把你教给他的知识都吸收进去了。

2.try to make sb.like you,esp.by using flattery 巴结;讨好

She is always sucking up to her teachers but they do not like her for it.她总是巴结老师,但他们并没因为她的巴结而喜欢她。

He shamelessly sucks up to important people.他无耻地向重要人物讨好。

suffer from

1.have pain or bad health because of 患(病)

He always suffers from stomach trouble.他经常胃痛。

2.be troubled by因…受困扰

She suffers from poverty.他为贫困所扰。

sum up

1.express briefly the chief points of what has been said 总结;归纳

Please sum up the main points of the text in three sentences.请用3句话总结这篇课文的主要观点。

To sum up,for the reasons I have just given,I think my plan is better.从我刚才所述的理由综合起来看,我认为我的计划比较好。

The judge summed up for twenty minutes.法官作了20分钟的概述。

2.form a judgement or opinion of 判断

He could sum up situations at a glance.他只要看一眼就能对形势作出判断。

When he walked in,I quickly summed him up.他走进来时,我很快就对他有所品评。

summon up

gather the necessary courage,strength to do sth.鼓起

He had to summon up all his courage before he dared enter the room.他得鼓起勇气才敢进房间。

He found it impossible to summon up enough strength to finish the marathon.他觉得要鼓起力量跑完马拉松是不可能的。

superior to

1.better than 比…好

This article is superior to that one in style.这篇文章在文体上要比那篇好。

This watch is superior to that one.这块手表比那块好。

2.strong enough in character 不屈服于

Always modest and prudent,he is superior to flattery.他总是谦虚谨慎,从来不为谄媚所动。

3.excelling 胜过;超过

In playing football,Tom is superior to Smith.在足球方面,汤姆要比史密斯强。

supply with

provide with 提供

The government has promised to supply the farms with power next year.政府答应明年给农场供电。

They supplied the whole brigade with all the bedding and towels they needed.他们向全旅人员提供了他们所需要的被褥和毛巾。

supposed to

obliged to应该

She is supposed to come by this time.她这时该到了。

At the present moment he is supposed to be in town.估计现在他是在城里。

sure of

certain of确信;深信

I am sure of success.我相信能成功。

swallow up

take in;use up 吞没;耗尽

The aircraft was swallowed up in the clouds.飞机没入云海中。

The sea waves eventually swallowed up the tiny craft.海浪终于吞没了那条小船。

His expenses swallowed up all his earnings.他的费用耗尽了他的所有收入。

swear at


Mind your language!Don't swear at him.说话要小心,不要恶语伤人。

He resented being sworn at.他憎恨别人骂他。

swear by

praise or recommend极力推荐;极其信赖

She swears by aspirin as the best remedy for a headache.她极力推荐阿斯匹林治头痛。

I always swear by their products.我一贯信赖他们的产品。

swear in

make sb.take an oath to be truthful,loyal,obedient,etc.宣誓就职

The new president was sworn in last week.新总统上星期宣誓就职。

He was sworn in shortly after the election.选举后不久他就宣誓就职了。

swear off

vow to abstain from 发誓不再;发誓戒掉

He finally made up his mind to swear off smoking.最后他决心戒烟。

Since his illness,he has sworn off drinking.生病以后,他已发誓戒酒。

swear to

assert with great conviction 断言;发誓肯定

I can't swear to it,but I don't think he would lie to me.我不敢断言,但我认为他不会对我撒谎的。

I was sure I locked the door when I left the room,but I can't really swear to it.我离开房间时肯定是锁了门的,但我不能把话说死。

sweat out

1.get rid of an illness by sweating 出一身汗以去掉

When you feel flu coming on,get into bed and sweat it out.当你觉得开始有点感冒时,赶快上床去睡,出身汗就好了。

2.bear;endure until the end 忍受;坚持

They'll just have to sweat it out until help comes.他们只好坚持下去,直到有人前来帮助。

swing round

1.turn round quickly 猛转身

He swung round to see who had pushed him.他赶紧回头看谁推了他。

He swung round to confront the man who had been shadowing him.他急忙转过身子,正视着尾随他的那个家伙。


When he realized the truth of the situation,he completely swung round to our position.他了解到事情真相后,就完全转到我们这方面来了。

switch on/off

turn on/off开/关

Please switch the light on;it's getting dark.天黑了,请开灯。

switch to


As he didn't like that radio play,he switched to another programme.因他不喜欢那个电台节目,就换了另一个节目。

sympathize with

1.feel sorry for 同情

She always sympathizes with the poor people.她总是同情穷人。

2.be interested in and approve of 赞同

Her brother doesn't sympathize with her idea to be a waitress.她的哥哥不赞成她当女招待。




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