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2023-05-08 08:26| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

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did you know the most important 0:01 parameter in concrete cannot be measured 0:03 and did you know that we've known this 0:05 parameter was critical for more than 100 0:07 years well today I'm going to show you 0:09 some research that we've done at 0:10 Oklahoma State and a new tool that we've 0:13 developed to help you measure this 0:16 important parameter my name is Tyler lay 0:18 I'm a concrete freak and I bring 0:20 solutions to you my concrete Maniacs 0:23 what is the water to cement ratio well 0:26 it happens to be the mass of the water 0:28 divided by the mass of the cementitious 0:30 material that's the cement plus any scms 0:33 that are inside your concrete mixture 0:35 happens to be the most most important 0:37 indicator of the quality of concrete and 0:39 we have no way to measure it so why is 0:42 the water spent ratio so important well 0:44 it determines your strength your 0:46 durability and the consistency of your 0:48 concrete here are some pictures I've got 0:51 two concretes one on the left and one on 0:53 the right and they have different water 0:55 cement ratios the left it's a 0.40 the 0:57 right is a 0.50 these little gray dots 1:00 are cement grains floating around in 1:01 water there's more cement grains per 1:05 water on the left than there is on the 1:07 right there's higher concentration of 1:09 cement grains on the left than there is 1:11 on the right it would be amazing if we 1:14 could just look in and see this with our 1:16 own eyes like Kool-Aid right yeah yeah 1:18 you can tell instantly if Kool-Aid has 1:20 been raid right or not because you can 1:22 tell by the color mom no you added too 1:25 much water to the Kool-Aid we don't want 1:28 that well why does this matter well once 1:32 concrete starts to hydrate it forms 1:35 these little hydrate products around 1:36 each one of these particles then as they 1:39 join together we get more Bonds on the 1:41 left than we do on the right why does 1:43 that matter when you go to load

你知道混凝土中最重要的参数是无法测量的吗?你知道我们已经知道这个参数至关重要已经超过100年了吗?今天,我将向你展示我们在Oklahoma State所做的一些研究,以及我们开发的一种新工具,帮助你测量这个重要的参数。我的名字是Tyler Lay,我是一个混凝土狂热者,我为你们这些混凝土狂热者带来解决方案。那么水灰比是什么呢?它恰好是水的质量除以胶凝材料的质量,即水泥加上混凝土混合物中的任何矿物掺合料。它恰好是混凝土质量的最重要指标,而我们无法测量它。那么为什么水灰比如此重要呢?它决定了你的强度、耐久性和混凝土的一致性。这里有一些图片,我有两种混凝土,一种在左边,一种在右边,它们有不同的水灰比。左边是0.40,右边是0.50。这些小灰点是水中漂浮的水泥颗粒。左边的水泥颗粒比右边多。左边的水泥颗粒浓度比右边高。如果我们能够像看酷爱一样用自己的眼睛看到这一点就太棒了,对吧?是啊,你可以立刻告诉酷爱是否被抢了,因为你可以通过颜色看出来。妈妈,不,你给酷爱加了太多水,我们不想要那样。那么为什么这很重要呢?当混凝土开始水化时,它会在每一个颗粒周围形成这些小水化产物。然后当它们结合在一起时,我们在左边得到的键比右边多。为什么这很重要呢?当你去加载时…

you have water trying to penetrate 1:52 inside the concrete it cannot penetrate 1:55 on the left and it can on the right so 1:58 how in the world do we measure the water 2:00 cement ratio we don't it's on batch 2:04 tickets it's in specifications but we 2:07 don't measure it because there's not a 2:09 good way to we instead measure other 2:11 things that we say are indicators to the 2:13 water cement ratio one of them is the 2:15 slump test this is where you take a cone 2:17 you fill it up with concrete in a in a 2:20 consistent manner you pull that cone up 2:23 slowly you let the concrete fall you 2:25 flip it over you measure with a ruler 2:28 how far it fell and that's supposed to 2:30 be an indicator of how much water is in 2:33 the concrete the slot measures 2:34 consistency it does not measure anything 2:37 to do with water to cement ratio but 2:39 people have been rejecting concrete for 2:42 years because they say the slump is too 2:44 high and that's because of water it's 2:46 not it's because there's a lot of other 2:47 things water could be but there's a lot 2:50 of the things that contribute to the 2:51 slump now what else is there well some 2:54 people do these things called strength 2:55 test where they make cylinders where 2:57 they fill them up in a consistent manner 2:59 there they are dumping them in they 3:01 strike them off they let them Harden 3:03 they demold them like this then they 3:06 break them in a machine like this but we 3:09 have to wait 3:10 28 days at least most specifications 3:13 require 28 days before they will say 3:16 where that concrete is good or not so 3:18 you have to just sit around and wait the 3:19 entire time in between to see and wonder 3:22 is it right or is it not there are lots 3:25 and lots of things that impact strength 3:26 water is one of them but there's so many 3:28 more and the biggest thing on impact 3:30 strength is how these cylinders are 3:33 handled right how they're treated like 3:35 this you don't want t


them on the ground you think that's 3:39 going to be good for your concrete 3:40 cylinders well if we just leave them out 3:42 without a cap on ah drives me crazy or 3:45 we leave them out in the snow do you 3:47 think that's going to affect the 3:48 strength sure it does 3:51 why is this a big deal well concrete is 3:54 being rejected incorrectly it's getting 3:57 a bad name and it shouldn't we're 3:59 waiting a month to know if our 4:00 concrete's right or not I think we can 4:02 learn a lot faster than that people are 4:05 more are using more and more cement in 4:07 their concrete as a safety Factor 4:09 against some of these issues this what 4:12 does this do this increase the costs 4:14 increase the carbon footprint it's bad 4:18 we don't want it we need to address this 4:20 I know this is sad right 4:23 what if we could measure the water 4:25 cement ratio and fresh concrete and 4:28 we're going to try to do that today with 4:29 a test called The Phoenix 4:32 and how does this test work how does the 4:35 Phoenix work you need a batch ticket you 4:38 need to know the batch weights you need 4:39 the specific gravity of your Aggregate 4:41 and the absorption of your aggregate 4:43 those are widely known numbers you can't 4:45 do concrete mixtures without them number 4:48 two you need going to make and weigh a 4:51 six inch by four inch cylinder in a 4:54 standard manner you weigh it and then 4:56 you dump it in this pan and you smooth 4:58 it out and then it goes inside the 5:02 Phoenix yes the 3x there's the oven 5:05 there is going in we put a lid on it in 5:07 case in the Aggregates pop and then yeah 5:11 you take it out after 15 minutes and 5:14 everything is what is is dry so you're 5:17 going to compare the weight of the pan 5:18 before it went in and with the wet 5:21 concrete in it to the weight of the pan 5:23 after it has been cooked and the 5:25 difference is the water that you've 5:27 cooked out what am I talking about we 5:30 started out the test all


n there and the Phoenix drives all the 5:34 water out of the concrete takes about 15 5:36 minutes to do that we would take out all 5:39 the water from the paste and also the 5:42 aggregate so we can calculate how much 5:45 water was inside the aggregate or would 5:48 be absorbed in the Aggregate and then 5:49 how much water would be left for 5:51 hydration and that's the water that we 5:53 care about and we adjust for the air 5:55 content of the mixture by weighing the 5:57 air content or by using that unit weight 5:59 of that cylinder I showed you before to 6:02 dial in the mix and correct for the air 6:04 content this sounds crazy complicated 6:06 right well there's an app that does all 6:08 this for you that comes with the Phoenix 6:10 and you can use it wherever you want to 6:12 run it note this test the Phoenix it 6:15 measures the water in the fresh concrete 6:17 and we assume and will calculate the 6:20 water cement ratio assuming that all the 6:23 cementitious content is batched 6:24 correctly it should be it's the most 6:26 expensive ingredient so it should be 6:29 batched correctly we just assume it is 6:31 so how in the world can we test this 6:33 well we're going to make mixtures in the 6:36 lab where we carefully control the 6:37 weights of everything and the moistures 6:39 and then we're going to measure it with 6:41 the Phoenix so we have an ideal weight 6:44 ideal water cement ratio than we have 6:46 the Phoenix measured water cement ratio 6:49 and we compare them we did this for a 6:51 ton of different Aggregates different 6:52 specific gravities different absorptions 6:54 different water cement ratios different 6:56 paste contents and the data looks like 6:58 this on the batch this is what we think 7:00 is in the concrete on the x-axis this is 7:03 what we measured in the concrete on the 7:05 y-axis and this perfect diagonal line 7:08 here would be line of equality perfect 7:10 agreement and these are plus or minus 7:13 0.02 that is about the varia


we go on the x-axis this is what the 8:25 batch ticket thought the water cement 8:27 ratio was here is the measured water 8:29 cement ratio this would be perfect 8:31 agreement the dash line and again this 8:33 is plus or minus 0.02 and what we did is 8:36 we took a concrete truck with a known 8:38 concrete mixture measured it with the 8:40 Phoenix added exactly 0.04 water cement 8:43 ratio to it we weighed out the water 8:45 dumped it in mixed it up got another 8:47 sample measured it again measured it 8:50 again measured it again this we took 8:52 eight trucks did each truck four times 8:55 turns it into 32 different tests and 8:57 look look look look look 88 of the data 8:59 was within .01 water cement race show 9:01 and 100 of the data was within 0.02 and 9:05 look at this coefficient variation again 9:06 three percent again that's way more 9:10 accurate than a concrete cylinder 9:11 machine so the Phoenix can measure the 9:13 water cement ratio within 0.01 in 15 9:16 minutes in fresh Concrete in the lab or 9:19 the field it can measure the moisture 9:21 contents of your Aggregates within five 9:23 minutes if you want to do cook-offs so 9:25 if you are a specifier or an owner why 9:28 would you care about the Phoenix well 9:30 number one you can verify your water 9:32 cement ratio is correct while the 9:34 concrete is still wet before it's been 9:37 dumped out how amazing is that you can 9:39 drop your slump specifications they're 9:41 not helping you you don't need them this 9:44 is a much much much better approach you 9:46 can reduce the importance of strength 9:48 now I didn't say stop testing for 9:50 strength I just means it's not as 9:52 important you don't have to wait 28 days 9:54 you could decrease some strength 9:56 measurements because you know you're 9:58 going to get strength if you get air 9:59 content and your water cement ratio 10:01 correctly in your fresh concrete and you 10:03 will decrease your cost and improve your 10:06 sustainability of yo


you won't have the over designs why 10:10 would a concrete producer be interested 10:12 in the concrete Phoenix well number one 10:14 you can prove your concrete meat 10:17 specification immediately right away 10:19 that's totally awesome to know that 10:22 something is great and meet 10:23 specification number two you can stop 10:26 being rejected for slump because we 10:28 shouldn't have to be turning concrete 10:30 away for slump if we know the water is 10:32 correct we can stop being penalized for 10:35 cylinder handling if you can show them 10:36 that you got the water cement ratio and 10:40 it was correct I don't see why they can 10:42 get you in trouble I know they may try 10:44 but I think you got a lot to stand on 10:46 there you can start reducing your over 10:48 design of your concrete mixtures reduce 10:50 the cement content if you're a 10:52 contractor why in the world would you be 10:55 interested in the Phoenix number one you 10:57 can get consistent concrete on a lot of 10:59 jobs I mean like floors something like 11:02 we're finishing and flatness is a really 11:04 really big deal you must have consistent 11:07 concrete here's a way to dial it in and 11:09 get it this means you don't have to 11:10 tweak the concrete it on site you can 11:13 work with your producer to get things 11:14 dialed in the trucks show up and you can 11:16 start using them and you would know 11:18 you're getting concrete that meets the 11:20 specification immediately now it's got 11:22 to make you feel good on the inside 11:23 you'll be in increasing your 11:25 productivity increasing your quality 11:28 this is amazing and awesome game changer 11:31 baby who's using the Phoenix right now 11:34 Department of transportations have them 11:35 are using them contractors have them or 11:38 using them ready mix and testing Labs as 11:41 technology is out there getting out 11:43 there be part of the team of Phoenix's 11:46 so where can you find out more you can 11:48 go to concrete


go to concrete phoenix.com you can also 11:50 go to 11:51 globalgilson.com type in concrete 11:54 Phoenix and learn more there in summary 11:56 measuring water cementaries show fresh 11:58 concrete Game Changer Game Changer this 12:02 can drastically improve the quality 12:03 reliability consistency while lowering 12:06 the cost improving the sustainability of 12:09 your concrete Game Changer lay ladies 12:11 and gentlemen my name is Tyler lay 12:13 please if you like this video like it 12:16 subscribe it share it share it give it 12:20 out let people know about it of course 12:22 subscribe to my channel my concrete 12:25 Maniacs I love you guys can't wait to 12:29 keep chatting with you take care Phoenix 12:33 [Music] 12:35 foreign 12:47 I need to find it before the poachers do

你可以去concretephoenix.com,也可以去globalgilson.com,输入concrete Phoenix并在那里了解更多。总之,测量新鲜混凝土中的水灰比是改变游戏规则的。这可以大大提高质量、可靠性、一致性,同时降低成本,提高混凝土的可持续性。改变游戏规则的女士们和先生们,我的名字是Tyler Lay。如果你喜欢这个视频,请点赞、订阅、分享、分享、分享,让人们知道它。当然,订阅我的频道,我的混凝土狂热者们,我爱你们,迫不及待地继续与你们聊天。保重,凤凰。[Music] 外国 我需要在偷猎者之前找到它。


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