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2023-04-15 05:07| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



安装步骤git clone cd 'Auto-GPT' pip install -r requirements.txt python scripts/ // 如果需要debug python scripts/ --debug

1、必要的配置:(1)先将.env.template拷贝.env,必须配置:OPENAI_API_KEY(在openai平台申请;(2)如果您使用的是Azure实例,使用USE_AZURE=True,配置OPENAI_AZURE_API_BASE,OPENAI_AZURE_API_VERSION,OPENAI_AZURE_DEPLOYMENT_ID;2、非必要的配置:(1)语音模式需要去https://elevenlabs.io申请ElevenLabs API密钥,配置:ELEVEN_LABS_API_KEY;(2)谷歌API密钥配置,主要是如果提问的过程中需要搜索,就需要配置;(3)Redis或者Pinecone配置,主要是存储一些历史问题和回答的向量缓存;(4)生成图片,默认情况下,Auto-GPT 使用 DALL-e 进行图像生成,也可以配置HUGGINGFACE_API_TOKEN使用Stable Diffusion;(5)由于国内用户没有GPT4权限,可以走gpt3.5模式:

python scripts/ --gpt3only 实现原理

AutoGPT实现:行动 -> 观察行动结果 -> 思考 -> 决定下一步行动的自我循环,如何实现的呢?


ai_goals: - 告诉我LangChain如何使用. - 帮我安装LangChain. - 告诉我一些可以直接在我电脑上运行LangChain的例子. ai_name: 我是GPT ai_role: LangChain如何使用 1、Prompt模板

首先AutoGPT会将问题转换为Prompt模板,拼接{ai_name}和{ai_role},填入GOALS:{ai_goals};然后加上一些限制条件CONSTRAINTS,COMMANDS,RESOURCES和PERFORMANCE EVALUATION模板;最后提供一个JSON的返回格式,如果ChatGPT返回回来,是一段JSON,并且补充需要用python json.loads可以直接执行的;具体如下:

You are 我是GPT, LangChain如何使用 Your decisions must always be made independently without seeking user assistance. Play to your strengths as an LLM and pursue simple strategies with no legal complications. GOALS: 1. 告诉我LangChain如何使用. 2. 帮我安装LangChain. 3. 告诉我一些可以直接在我电脑上运行LangChain的例子. 4. 所有的问题都用中文回答. CONSTRAINTS: 1. ~4000 word limit for short term memory. Your short term memory is short, so immediately save important information to files. 2. If you are unsure how you previously did something or want to recall past events, thinking about similar events will help you remember. 3. No user assistance 4. Exclusively use the commands listed in double quotes e.g. "command name" COMMANDS: 1. Google Search: "google", args: "input": "" 5. Browse Website: "browse_website", args: "url": "", "question": "" 6. Start GPT Agent: "start_agent", args: "name": "", "task": "", "prompt": "" 7. Message GPT Agent: "message_agent", args: "key": "", "message": "" 8. List GPT Agents: "list_agents", args: "" 9. Delete GPT Agent: "delete_agent", args: "key": "" 10. Write to file: "write_to_file", args: "file": "", "text": "" 11. Read file: "read_file", args: "file": "" 12. Append to file: "append_to_file", args: "file": "", "text": "" 13. Delete file: "delete_file", args: "file": "" 14. Search Files: "search_files", args: "directory": "" 15. Evaluate Code: "evaluate_code", args: "code": "" 16. Get Improved Code: "improve_code", args: "suggestions": "", "code": "" 17. Write Tests: "write_tests", args: "code": "", "focus": "" 18. Execute Python File: "execute_python_file", args: "file": "" 19. Task Complete (Shutdown): "task_complete", args: "reason": "" 20. Generate Image: "generate_image", args: "prompt": "" 21. Do Nothing: "do_nothing", args: "" RESOURCES: 1. Internet access for searches and information gathering. 2. Long Term memory management. 3. GPT-3.5 powered Agents for delegation of simple tasks. 4. File output. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION: 1. Continuously review and analyze your actions to ensure you are performing to the best of your abilities. 2. Constructively self-criticize your big-picture behavior constantly. 3. Reflect on past decisions and strategies to refine your approach. 4. Every command has a cost, so be smart and efficient. Aim to complete tasks in the least number of steps. You should only respond in JSON format as described below RESPONSE FORMAT: { "thoughts": { "text": "thought", "reasoning": "reasoning", "plan": "- short bulleted\ - list that conveys\ - long-term plan", "criticism": "constructive self-criticism", "speak": "thoughts summary to say to user" }, "command": { "name": "command name", "args":{ "arg name": "value" } } } Ensure the response can be parsed by Python json.loads


# 这里实际就是将以上组装的数据发送给openai的接口 assistant_reply = create_chat_completion( model=model, messages=current_context, max_tokens=tokens_remaining, ) # Update full message history full_message_history.append( create_chat_message( "user", user_input)) full_message_history.append( create_chat_message( "assistant", assistant_reply)) 2、处理获取结果


{ "thoughts":{ "text": "LangChain is a programming language that can be used for blockchain development. To use it, we need to first download and install it on our computer. After installation, we can run some code examples to test it out. ", "reasoning": "I reviewed the purpose and usage of LangChain and suggested a plan for installation and testing", "plan": "- Download and install LangChain.\n- Run code examples to test it out.", "criticism": "I should have provided more specific detailed steps on how to download and install LangChain", "speak": "We need to download and install LangChain before we can use it. Do you have any experience with this?" }, "command":{ "name": "browse_website", "args":{ "url": "", "question": "How to download and install LangChain?" } } }


- Download and install LangChain. - Run code examples to test it out.




try: if command_name == "google": # Check if the Google API key is set and use the official search method # If the API key is not set or has only whitespaces, use the unofficial search method if cfg.google_api_key and (cfg.google_api_key.strip() if cfg.google_api_key else None): return google_official_search(arguments["input"]) else: return google_search(arguments["input"]) elif command_name == "memory_add": return memory.add(arguments["string"]) elif command_name == "start_agent": return start_agent( arguments["name"], arguments["task"], arguments["prompt"]) elif command_name == "message_agent": return message_agent(arguments["key"], arguments["message"]) elif command_name == "list_agents": return list_agents() elif command_name == "delete_agent": return delete_agent(arguments["key"]) elif command_name == "get_text_summary": return get_text_summary(arguments["url"], arguments["question"]) elif command_name == "get_hyperlinks": return get_hyperlinks(arguments["url"]) elif command_name == "read_file": return read_file(arguments["file"]) elif command_name == "write_to_file": return write_to_file(arguments["file"], arguments["text"]) elif command_name == "append_to_file": return append_to_file(arguments["file"], arguments["text"]) elif command_name == "delete_file": return delete_file(arguments["file"]) elif command_name == "search_files": return search_files(arguments["directory"]) elif command_name == "browse_website": return browse_website(arguments["url"], arguments["question"]) # TODO: Change these to take in a file rather than pasted code, if # non-file is given, return instructions "Input should be a python # filepath, write your code to file and try again" elif command_name == "evaluate_code": return ai.evaluate_code(arguments["code"]) elif command_name == "improve_code": return ai.improve_code(arguments["suggestions"], arguments["code"]) elif command_name == "write_tests": return ai.write_tests(arguments["code"], arguments.get("focus")) elif command_name == "execute_python_file": # Add this command return execute_python_file(arguments["file"]) elif command_name == "execute_shell": if cfg.execute_local_commands: return execute_shell(arguments["command_line"]) else: return "You are not allowed to run local shell commands. To execute shell commands, EXECUTE_LOCAL_COMMANDS must be set to 'True' in your config. Do not attempt to bypass the restriction." elif command_name == "generate_image": return generate_image(arguments["prompt"]) elif command_name == "do_nothing": return "No action performed." elif command_name == "task_complete": shutdown() else: return f"Unknown command '{command_name}'. Please refer to the 'COMMANDS' list for available commands and only respond in the specified JSON format." # All errors, return "Error: + error message" except Exception as e: return "Error: " + str(e)

根据以上给出的browse_website,参数是和How to download and install LangChain?根据以上的代码就会执行:

browse_website(arguments["url"], arguments["question"])



# All errors, return "Error: + error message" except Exception as e: return "Error: " + str(e)

将错误组装一下,继续发给ChatGPT,然后得到的回复是- Conduct a Google search to find out how to download and install LangChain.,意思是需要使用Google搜索,其中返回需要执行的命令:

"command":{ "name": "google", "args":{ "input": "how to download and install LangChain" } }




# Interaction Loop while True: # 发送数据给AI,然后获得回应 assistant_reply = chat.chat_with_ai( prompt, user_input, full_message_history, memory, cfg.fast_token_limit) # 解析以获得需要执行的命令和参数(由于返回的JSON需要校准,所以这里会有比较多的处理) # 执行命令 # 将每次的问题和回复记录memory中 # ...

其中chat_with_ai的参数:(1)prompt是解释规则给AI的提示,主要有几个信息:a. AI的名字,每次对话自己设置的b. 描述AI需要帮你实现的事情c. 输入几个需要实现的目标(一般设置5个)(2)user_input是用户输入(3)full_message_history是用户和AI之间发送的所有消息的列表(4)memory是包含永久记忆的内存对象(5)fast_token_limit是API调用中允许的最大令牌数



if cfg.memory_backend == "pinecone": if not PineconeMemory: print("Error: Pinecone is not installed. Please install pinecone" " to use Pinecone as a memory backend.") else: memory = PineconeMemory(cfg) if init: memory.clear() elif cfg.memory_backend == "redis": if not RedisMemory: print("Error: Redis is not installed. Please install redis-py to" " use Redis as a memory backend.") else: memory = RedisMemory(cfg) if memory is None: memory = LocalCache(cfg) if init: memory.clear()


def get_relevant(self, text: str, k: int) -> List[Any]: embedding = get_ada_embedding(text) scores =, embedding) top_k_indices = np.argsort(scores)[-k:][::-1] return [[i] for i in top_k_indices]





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