burial是什么意思 burial的中文翻译、读音、例句

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burial是什么意思 burial的中文翻译、读音、例句

#burial是什么意思 burial的中文翻译、读音、例句| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

导读: burial在英语中代表"埋葬 、埋葬的"的意思,burial是什么意思 burial的中文翻译、读音、例句,其中文解释还有"坟墓"的意思,读音为[b'eriəl],burial在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《中小学生词典》中,共找到61个与burial相关的同义词和例句。

英 [ˈberiəl] 美 [ˈberiəl]



1. The burial ceremony was held at the churchyard.


2. The family will have a private burial for their loved one.


3. In many cultures, burial customs are an important part of the grieving process.





例句:Unmarked, uncelebrated, The quotidian burial of a terrorist and a traitor. (没有标记 没有仪式 按对和叛徒的规格埋葬)


例句:Then I'll contact you cremation or burial (那时候会联系你 不好意思 要埋掉烧掉都可以)


例句:So caves were sacred places and used for burial. (在洞面 露西发现了一些很重要的东西 托尼 托尼 快来 快来)


例句:In the future, options like these may replace burial completely. (翻译:将来,诸如此类选择可能会 完全替换墓葬。)


burial一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在flexed burial(【考古学】弯曲埋藏)、heterochthonus burial(异地埋葬)、land burial(地下埋藏)等常见短语中出现较多。

flexed burial【考古学】弯曲埋藏heterochthonus burial异地埋葬land burial地下埋藏mass burial[网络] 大规模埋葬ocean burial洋排放,海洋埋葬sea burial放射性废物]海洋埋置ship burial【考古学】船葬(装于船中葬于地下)tree burial[网络] 树葬waste burial物埋葬例句

1. So caves were sacred places and used for burial. (翻译:在洞面 露西发现了一些很重要的东西 托尼 托尼 快来 快来)

2. In the future, options like these may replace burial completely. (翻译:将来,诸如此类选择可能会 完全替换墓葬。)

3. There are cultures where the binding of hands and feet is part of the burial ritual. (翻译:在有些文化中手脚 是葬礼仪式的一部分)

4. They are charactered by large thickness, shallow burial and easy mining. (翻译:银矿体具厚度大,埋藏浅,易开采的特点。)

5. These burial grounds created permanent places to commemorate the dead. (翻译:这些墓地建造了 纪念死者的永久性场所。)

6. I also found traces in the river, downstream from the burial grounds. (翻译:我在河水里发现了污染的痕迹 下游接近坟场的地方)

7. And this lady and gentlemen is the burial place of Mumtaz. (翻译:先生们女士们 这里就是Mumtaz皇后的陵墓)

8. The burial of her possessions was symbolic it was a ritual. (翻译:埋藏她的财产是种象征... ...就像是某种仪式)

9. Huisha is the a tradition belief of burial in China. (翻译:“回煞”是中国一种传统葬俗信仰。)

10. Jae Rhim Lee: My mushroom burial suit (翻译:Jae Rhim Lee: 我的专属蘑菇寿衣)

11. The body was placed in bier before burial. (翻译:在举行葬礼以前尸体被放在棺材里。)

12. You boys want to move on, or stay and give him a decent burial? (翻译:你们是想继续前进 还是留下来给他办个... 体面的葬礼?)

13. The bones were disinterred and moved to a burial site. (翻译:骨头被掘出并移到了一片墓地。)

14. Burial here in the Round Church was almost as good as being buried in Jerusalem. (翻译:葬在这座圆形教堂里 就仿佛葬在耶路撒冷。)

15. The priest prepared the body for burial. (翻译:牧师为尸体做好了下葬的准备。)




- burial ground 墓地

- burial chamber 埋葬室

- burial site 埋葬地点

- burial records 埋葬记录

- burial customs 埋葬习俗

短语:give a burial



1. The burial of the king was attended by thousands of mourning citizens. 国王的葬礼吸引了成千上万的哀悼市民。

2. We need to choose a suitable burial site for our beloved dog. 我们需要为我们心爱的狗选择一个合适的埋葬地点。

3. The burial customs of different cultures vary greatly. 不同文化的埋葬习俗有很大的不同。

4. The burial ground was surrounded by high walls and guarded day and night. 墓地被高墙包围,昼夜有人看守。

5. The burial of the unknown soldier was a solemn occasion. 无名战士的葬礼是一个庄严的场合。

6. They held a traditional burial ceremony for their ancestors. 他们为自己的祖先举行了传统的埋葬仪式。

7. A burial at sea is a common practice in some cultures. 海上葬礼是某些文化中普遍的做法。

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