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2023-03-26 21:26| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

【干货整理】“汉服”的英语怎么说?有关汉服的英语学习! - 知乎








Chinese hanfu


Han clothing


Han clothing made of Chinese silk.



比如,汉服,可以直接用Hanfu来称呼,然后再用Traditional clothing/dress of Han Chinese来描述它是汉族传统的民族服饰。


汉服基本结构分为上装(upper garment)、下装(lower garment)、衽(lapel)、裾(hem)、袖(sleeve)、带(sash)等部分。


男用的巾:male cap for the common people;

冠:male cap for the honored and privileged;

官员戴的幞头、乌纱帽、方巾等一系列:Head-wear for officials;




1)Ru skirt 襦裙

Ru skirt is composed of short jacket and long skirt


Ru skirt 襦裙

2)Curving-front robe 曲裾


Curving-front robe 曲裾

3)Coat skirt 袄裙

The lined clothes in the Ming Dynasty generally were called "coat" .Cuffs are narrow and the bottoms are sewn to bring things. The skirt front is flat, haped like the horse face,and named “horse face skirt”.


Coat skirt 袄裙

4)Sleeved over-dress 褙子

Both sides from the armpit not sutured


Often worn outside the other clothes


Sleeved over-dress 褙子

5)Half-arm shawl 半臂

As the name suggests, half arm is half sleeve


Half-arm shawl 半臂


衣(Yi ):Any open cross-collar garment, and worn by both sexes

袍:(Pao)Any closed full-body garment, worn only by men in Hanfu

衫(Shan):Open cross-collar shirt or jacket that is worn over the Yi

裙(Qun):Skirt for women and men

裤(Ku):Trousers or pants


中国传统服饰的“唐装”英文为Tang suit,

“旗袍”为mandarin gown、cheongsam。


中国古代服饰介绍英文 - 豆丁网










汉服(英文:Hanfu / Han-style clothing)

,即汉民族传统服饰(the traditional dress of the Han Chinese people),又称汉衣冠、汉装(Hanzhuang)、华服(Huafu)。



汉服象征着辉煌灿烂的华夏文明,并且深刻影响了整个东亚地区,和服(Japanese kimono)、韩服(Korean hanbok)都是从汉服演变过去的。


Chinese silk robe


Han costume


Han Chinese clothing



汉服基本结构分为上装(upper garment)、下装(lower garment)、衽(lapel)、裾(hem)、袖(sleeve)、带(sash)等部分。

相配套的头饰包括男用的巾:male cap for the common people;冠:male cap for the honored and privileged;官员戴的幞头、乌纱帽、方巾等一系列headwear for officials;女用的笄、钗和男用的束发簪等hairpiece。



ad sash是和服独有的。而和服最初是模




Ru skirt 襦裙


襦裙由短上衣加长裙组成,即上襦下裙式套装。Ru skirt is composed of short jacket and long skirt襦裙从有实物考证的战国时期开始,终于明末清初,是汉族传统服装最基本的形式。

Ru skirt appeared from the Warring States period with physical research,and was abolished in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties, which is the most basic form of the Han nationality traditional clothing.


因束带位置在胸以上,故给人一种俏丽修长的感觉。齐胸襦裙一般分为两种,一种是对襟齐胸襦裙,一种是交领齐胸襦裙,齐腰襦裙,Waist jacket skirt腰与腰部平齐,可分为交领齐腰襦裙、对襟齐腰襦裙.

Ru skirt is divided into chest Ru skirt and waist Ru skirt. Chest Ru skirt, is a peculiar appellation of Ru dresses in Sui Tang and the Five dynasties , whose waistband position is at the armpits above the chest. The trendy fashion style for women in the Tang Dynasty is to wear Slip Skirt , Half-Sleeves or Brocade Scarf , and chest Ru skirt, which seems to be pretty and more slender. Waist Ru skirt ,namely,the waistband is at the waist level. Both Chest Ru skirt and Waist Ru skirt include front opening and cross-collar forms.

Curving-front robe 曲裾


Coat skirt 袄裙


The lined clothes in the Ming Dynasty generally were called "coat" .Cuffs are narrow and the bottoms are sewn to bring things. The skirt front is flat, haped like the horse face,and named “horse face skirt”.

Sleeved over-dress 褙子

Both sides from the armpit not sutured


Often worn outside the other clothes


Half-arm shawl 半臂

As the name suggests, half arm is half sleeve

最后再科普一个小知识,属于中国传统服饰的“唐装”英文为Tang suit,“旗袍”为mandarin gown、cheongsam。








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英释中国传统“服饰”文化 - 知乎

British Interpretation Of Chinese Custom Culture



At present, with the increasing strength of China, the value of traditional Chinese culture

has become more and more obvious. More and more people are willing to understand

traditional Chinese culture and feel it's charm. However, the cultivation and shaping of

cultural values should not be ignored. Efforts should be made to spread the Chinese

language and Chinese culture. This paper wants to discuss the expression of cultural value

output in dressing style injury. Nowadays, wearing clothes with English letters and English

logo has become a new trend and new fashion. However, due to the difference of

language, many jokes have been made in the clothes. Many children, old people and even

college students who have received higher education wear inappropriate English words

and patterns on their bodies, which has aroused heated discussion among people at

home and abroad. In the author's opinion, fashion is a part of cultural output, which affects

People's Daily life and also becomes a symbol. I am glad to see that now more and more

Chinese brands make their own "National Fashion" style with the help of Chinese

2characters. I hope that in the future, Chinese culture can be spread more widely and

correctly, so that Chinese characters can also become a new fashion.

Topic 1

The revolution in the history of Chinese clothing

Chapter 1 Change: Imitate the Barbarian's Clothes

Back in history, in the "Spring and Autumn period", China is at the stage of the slave society to feudal society transition, is also the split phase, due to the emergence of different schools, different thoughts flow among society, "schools of thought contend" situation gradually formed, at this time, the central plains "Han” dressed in clothing is given priority to with the "robe", three layers inside and outside, it has complicated procedure complex, There are great restrictions on movement. During the Warring States Period (475-221 BC), various states started wars against each other, and the fighting between the Central Plains and the Hu people was also very fierce. The high intensity of the fighting required that the Han people in the Central Plains had to change their fighting methods and costumes to meet the needs of war. At the time, mainly by the “Han” people chariot combat, action is relatively slow, vulnerable to environment, terrain, and good at conference semifinals on horseback archery, adaptability, strong adaptability, so “Zhao” "king Wu Ling" decided to initiate change, and leads the army's study on horseback archery, on the clothing, the original "robe" into "the pleated pants" [fold, a "short robe", Its trousers are designed to be wider than those of the Barbans, adapting to the needs of etiquette; shoes are changed into boots, greatly facilitating people's actions; hats are made of the northern ethnic "mink skin", which is cold-resistant and warm, comfortable and beautiful.]

[Shenyi belongs to Hanfu, which originated from the former king of Yu Dynasty, Yu Shi. [1] He connected his clothes and clothes together to cover the body, cut them separately but stitched them up and down. Because "the body is deep", it got its name. Popularly speaking, it is the jacket and the underskirt are linked together, with different colors of cloth as the edge (called "rim" or "pure"); Its characteristic is to make the body hidden, graceful and elegant. Modern humanists suggest that Shen Yi be popularized as Hanfu in the Chinese region, as a representative of Han culture.]深衣/1294433



Chapter 2 Change: The ethnic blending of Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties

During the Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties, the ethnic groups mingled with each other and communicated with each other more frequently. In addition, there were non-Han people in the Central Plains to establish political power, national costumes also changed again. Zhu Xi(朱熹), a Confucian scholar in the Song Dynasty, also commented that "the barbarians entered the Central Plains". "The clothes that people now wear were transformed from the barbarians' warrobes and were introduced into China in the late Western Jin Dynasty.”



First, men's clothing

1, dress: in addition to the Northern Zhou Dynasty, the largest dress offering, there is still only one, and the Han Dynasty is roughly the same, but the main color of clothes slightly different.

2. Flat crown clothing: the form and color of all levels are roughly the same, except for the chapter pattern on the clothes. The emperor uses 12 chapters, the three princes use nine chapters such as Shan Long, the nine ministers use seven chapters such as Hua Chong, the emperor uses embroidery, and the princes use woven articles.

3, committee appearance crown clothing: for the duke line qing shoot ceremony of the dress. The clothes black and sang element, in the clothes to the soap edge as the leader.

4, court clothes: the same as the Han Dynasty, the emperor and officials of the court to wear the crown to distinguish, also have five colors of court clothes, Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties to purple court clothes.

5, the sky crown clothing: Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, each dynasty are in this dress for the son of the emperor's court, is also a second class dress. She wore a crimson gown, a soap-rimmed gown, and black shoes.

Women's clothing in the Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties. The clothing of women in the Wei and Jin Dynasties inherited the customs of the Qin and Han Dynasties and absorbed the clothing characteristics of ethnic minorities, improving on the traditional basis.

Generally wearing jackets and skirts, the style is mostly frugality, the body part is tight fit, the cuffs are fat, the skirt is many folding skirt, the skirt is long and drag the ground, the hem is loose, so as to play a handsome and chic effect plus rich jewelry, reflecting the luxury of li li wind This picture is a lady wearing a Chinese dress.





Chapter 3 Change: Cultural integration, the Tang Dynasty prospered, the dress is gorgeous and updated


Tang Dynasty is one of the most prosperous and brilliant dynasties in ancient Chinese history, and it is also the period of the third great revolution of ancient Chinese costume. At that time, the country was unified, the society was peaceful, the economy developed rapidly and people's livelihood was prosperous. Therefore, after meeting the basic living conditions, people wanted to pursue a better material life, and the concept of "love of beauty" became more and more strong. All kinds of gorgeous clothes and exquisite patterns emerged as The Times demanded, symbolizing the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty. According to historical records, "In the early period of Tianbao's first year in the Tang Dynasty, it was popular for aristocrats and citizens to wear barbarian clothes and hats. The clothes of the barbarian were also influenced by the Western Regions, which made the clothes and skirts of the Tang Dynasty of China excellent. This period is also known as the self-conscious period of Chinese clothing.


As mentioned above, the costumes of Hu people had already influenced our country as early as the Spring and Autumn Period, which can be said to have played a strong role in promoting the history of Chinese costume development. In addition, the government of the Tang Dynasty adopted an "open policy" toward the culture of the Western Regions. In the middle of the Tang Dynasty, influenced by the culture of "Gaochang" (高昌)and "Hui Crane”(回鹤), women wore "Hun and Remove Hat" and "Makeup of the Times". The characteristics of women's dress were the unity of skirt, shirt and robes of robes. As for women of the noble class, some also appeared the image of "bare chest and bare back" [According to archaeological findings, there is a mural on the tomb of Princess Yongtai(永泰公主), painting is a bare chest, wearing red silk on the shoulders, wearing a yellow narrow-sleeved short coat, wearing a green maxi dress, wearing a red belt on the waist of the woman's image]


There was also a big change in color. According to the production and living habits of early humans, the traditional decoration culture that emerged in the Tang Dynasty summarized the five colors of "cyan, red, black, white and yellow" as "the main colors", and each color symbolized a different meaning. As we now see in the TV series, the emperor is generally "wearing a dragon robe", mainly yellow, black meet, the design gorgeous atmosphere, a symbol of "power" and "domineering". And women often wear strong red, orange, gorgeous and moving, noble extraordinary. Their makeup face is given priority to with thick and colourful exaggerated, large area red makeup, sweeping thick eyebrow, the pattern that the shape resembles petal is often drawn on the forehead yellow and red, very visual wallop.

In terms of pattern design, the Tang Dynasty broke through the boredom of the previous generation. Various natural creatures were designed into patterns on the clothes, such as flowers, birds and phoenixes. In addition, Tang Dynasty to "plump" for the United States, the noble class of women's clothing are wide, colorful, round. Yang Yuhuan(杨玉环), one of the most famous figures of the Tang Dynasty, is a good example.

中国“四大美人之一 杨玉环”

It is worth mentioning that the Tang Dynasty saw the emergence of China's first "Empress", whose name was Wu Zetian(女皇武则天). When she was enthroned, she was wearing a black corona, which was very domineer.


Officials in the Tang Dynasty wore more exquisite clothes in both quality and style.

Women's clothes are mostly colorful.

The characteristics of the dual-track system are quite obvious.

The clothing of the Tang Dynasty is also a reflection of the politics of the Tang Dynasty. On the basis of its own unique characteristics, the clothing also absorbed foreign styles and skills. [





Chapter 4 Change: The Qing Dynasty changed its political system, and costume and dress were reformed accordingly


The Qing Dynasty was the last dynasty of China under thousands of years of centralized rule. Under its 286 years of rule, Qing costume underwent several changes, all of which were inseparably related to politics.

1. The establishment of the Manchu regime and the change of costumes of the Han people

In 1635, Nurhachi(努尔哈赤) abolished the old term and referred to their ethnic group as "Manchu", and the establishment of the Manchu as a national community began. In 1636, Nurhachi(努尔哈赤)called this dynasty "the Qing Dynasty" and opened up the historical picture of the Qing Dynasty. Since the Manchu people have lived in the north for a long time, their dress is typically nomadic. In 1645, the Qing soldiers captured Beijing, broke through the defense of the area south of the Yangtze River, and the "Qing Shizu" succeeded the emperor. In the following year, Fu Lin, the "Shunzhi Emperor(顺治皇帝)” of the Qing Dynasty, issued the "Order of Shaving Your Hair", and made "shaving your hair" one of the signs of "submission, submission and acceptance of the rule". This order is contrary to the morality that the Han people have been adhering to for a long time, and it is a grievous humiliation. Therefore, the Han people resolutely resisted and refused to shave their hair, even having the slogan "it is better to be beheaded and die than to have their hair cut". From then on, the Han people and the Manchu rulers launched many fights.


2. The Manchu and Han nationalities mingled for a short time, presenting a prosperous scene.

The second emperor of the Qing Dynasty, named Kangxi(康熙皇帝), was a wise, justice and far-sighted emperor.Traditional Chinese culture has been handed down from afar, and many customs have been passed down from generation to generation. But at the same time, customs will change with the change of dynasties. During the Qing Dynasty, traditional customs changed due to the interaction and influence of the Manchu and Han ethnic groups. Manchu nomadic all the year round, scattered in the border areas, with a strong natural style, not only to cold resistance and to protect themselves, play a defensive role, is the warrior's dress. While the Han people live in the Central Plains, where the natural conditions and geographical location are more comfortable. In the clothes of Han men, they can feel the elegant atmosphere of a scholar. Under the mutual influence of the two cultures, men's clothes in the Qing Dynasty were changed into "narrow sleeves, as wide as the tube, and buttons at the front; Manchu clothing, on the other hand, borrowed from the "12 chapters of grain pattern" in the Chinese costume, and directly embroidered "round" and "square" patterns on the clothes


In order to keep warm in the cold winter, the Manchu people in the north made sleeves shaped like "horseshoes". When hunting, the sleeves could be easily rolled up without impeding movement. In particular, there is a kind of "robes without skirts" in their clothing, the front hem is separated, and the right side is cut to make the right corner of the garment "one chi" shorter than the left, convenient for nomads to ride horses, which is their military uniform for marching;


Han women's hair, they imitate the Manchu maids, "high bun" as a fashion; In the Ming Dynasty, the "cloud-like shoulders" were used as dresses for women to "get married and do etiquette". As for the shoes worn by Manchu and Han women, there are still differences: Han women have the habit of "wrapping their feet with cloth", the so-called "three-inch long golden lotus seeds", they wear shoes shaped like bows and arrows, with wooden soles; Manchu women like to wear shoes with wooden soles and high heels. In their custom, shoes with high heels are compared to "shoes as high as the sky




The Qing Dynasty still followed the rule of feudal emperors and exercised the policy of "closing the country and locking up the customs", which made the situation of the country worse and worse. It knew nothing about the outside world and gradually fell behind with the west. At the same time, it was constantly consuming resources within itself, and extravagance was spreading among the aristocracy. Because of this, their artistic style is luxurious, prosperous, clothing materials, patterns, patterns, decoration are fine, expensive, appear to put on their people expensive. During the Qianlong(乾隆皇帝) period, there was a trend among the nobility to wear the mandarin jacket inside out to show the high cost of the materials ,they were made of. In the famous novel [A Dream of Red Mansions](《红楼梦》), every Lord and wife in the "Jia Mansion" was gorgeously dressed, which was also a reference to the extravagance and corruption addiction of the Qing Dynasty.


3. The gradual decline, the rise of the national bourgeoisie, and the introduction of western culture

In the late years of the Qing Dynasty, after the Westernization Movement, the Reform and Reform, the "Revolution of 1911" was ushered in. During this process, many overseas students came into contact with western culture and yearned for open, free and advanced ideas. At the same time, many schools of thought were born to fight against feudalism. In the end, the Qing Dynasty allowed people to cut their hair freely, and the style and style of clothes were gradually Westernized.


Chapter 5 Change: The establishment of the Republic of China, the impact of western culture

the era of "free dress.

Representative Clothing of the Republic of China

1. Mao suit

An upright collar with four patch pockets with an inverted mountain-shaped pen cover and five buttons on the front. This kind of clothing is not only an imitation of western style clothing, absorbing the advantages of suit fitting and ability, but also adding new Chinese elements, such as standing collar, patch bag, and five-button design to add a symmetrical and solemn style.

In 1911, the People's Government designated the Zhongshan suit as the "national dress". It was initiated by Sun Yat-sen after the success of the Revolution of 1911, and it incorporated traditional Chinese and revolutionary elements.




2, the Chinese dress

The cheongsam is partially Westernized, and the western style is used outside the collar and sleeves, such as lotus collar, western lapel, lotus sleeve, etc., or the double lapels with left and right opening. The common red cheongsam, with brilliant and eye-catching colors and unique designs, fully shows the long history and culture of the Chinese nation and highlights the subtle and elegant charm of Oriental women.


Cheongsam is a kind of women's clothing with ethnic customs in China. It evolved from the robe of Manchu women. As the Manchus are called "flag people", it is called "cheongsam". In the Qing Dynasty, women's clothing was both Manchu and Han.

At the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, Manchu women were dominated by long robes, while Han women were still in fashion with upper and lower skirts. In the middle of Qing Dynasty, Manchu and Han emulated each other. In the late Qing Dynasty, the Manchu nationality imitated the Han nationality and became more and more popular. There was even a situation that "most of the flag dress was changed into Han costume, and the palace robe was cut into short clothes". The Han nationality imitated the Manchu costume, which was also the representative clothing of the Republic of China at this time.



Author's conclusion:

The above is a brief summary and introduction of the five "costume reforms" in Chinese history. As the old saying goes, "Understanding and studying history can help us better improve ourselves, distinguish the world and even create a better future.

Across China in five thousand during the long history and culture of have produced numerous excellent, especially the Chinese style dress, they have high value, aesthetic value, historical research is an important part of Chinese spiritual home, we, as young generation must be the essence of it, let more people know China wind, fall in love with Chinese wind, let us long, precious legend culture, It can also shine in this age of advanced technology and avant-garde fashion.

Topic 2

Wear a ‘joke’

In the 21st century, a trend has emerged in China to put "English letters" and "English logo" on clothes, pants and hats. Walking in the streets, you can find all kinds of clothes with English printed on them, which are owned by people of all ages. But it is very common in China that many old people, children and people with low education level make a lot of jokes because they do not understand the true meaning of the English letters printed on the clothes they regard as "fashionable". Many foreign netizens ridicule the phenomenon of "ignorant dress and match", which reinforces the stereotype of Chinese people.

But in fact, such jokes happen not only in China, but also abroad. Many foreigners like to wear traditional Chinese characters on their bodies, but it is also an embarrassing phenomenon due to language and cultural barriers.

Topic 3

Fashion in China

I think both at China and abroad, people need to learn more about Chinese culture. Now, more and more Chinese brands are making bold innovations, carrying forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture, and showing their talents in clothing: China, li Ning is one of the best examples, in February 2018, China's li Ning on the New York fashion week, novel design and avant-garde style to make the "made in China" brand reputation, including his most characteristic, is to "China's li Ning" four Chinese characters into a LOGO printed on the clothes, let more fashionistas to realize China's popular LOGO style;

Li Ning of China has designed the "Xining Tang Road Visual Design" from the elements of landscape painting, Chinese gods and animals, traditional totems, etc., which tells the story from "thousands of rivers and mountains" to "the sacred place of snow”.

It is full of myth color, and depicts the ancient relics standing strong on the snow-capped mountain plateau and preserved to this day. Match, very outstanding.

Fashion designer Li Bolin, who collaborates with international brands such as Guerlain and Maison Kitsune, combines China's material heritage with avant garde international fashion brands to create a remarkable new style. For example, he took the Terracotta Warriors and Horses as the prototype for painting, and dressed them In many fashion brands such as "CLOT, KITH, Yohji Yamamoto, A Cold Wall, Moncler", and named this series "Made In China". Secondly, he is good at using the traditional Chinese painting method "ink painting" to draw the design drafts of fashion brands, such as Celine, Comme des Gaecons, etc., which are very advanced and texturized.

Art and color blogger WhosMonster, for example, designed a series of colors based on the "24 Solar Terms", an intangible cultural heritage of China, and matched each color with a typical Chinese poem.

Fashion design brand DAMOWANG released a new collection on April 15, 2021 with the theme of "Walking on the Dust, the Dust, the Moon, and the gorgeous Clothing Walking through the Night”(拂尘踏月,锦衣夜行). The designer "Han Lei" takes "wuxia", a unique Chinese element style, as the source of inspiration, deconstructs the concept of "wuxia" and integrates it into the fashion, highlighting the chivalrous flavor of the overall style. And the fashion design is the "combination of Chinese and Western" form, the design of the clothes not only contains the western characteristics and retain the eastern aesthetic feeling, unique.


Topic 4

An interview with famous female painter Xu Ying



Xu Ying, graduated from the middle school attached to the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1993, received her bachelor's degree from the Chinese painting department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1997, obtained her master's degree from Mr. Tian Liming in 2004, her master's degree in 2007, and her doctoral degree from Mr. Li Shaowen in 2007.

In 2009, participated in the Golden Age -- Celebrating the 60th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China National Academic Nomination Exhibition of Famous Chinese Painters (Beijing, China National Academy of Painting Art Museum)

In 2008, participated in the National Hundred Quality Exhibition (Beijing)

In 2007, participated in the National Ink Painting Alliance Exhibition (Songzhuang Oriental Art District, Beijing)

In 2007, he participated in the second 100 Chinese painters invitational exhibition of the National Ink Painting Alliance (Songzhuang Oriental Art District, Beijing)

In 2007, he participated in the "Contemporary Classics" Invitational Exhibition of Chinese Painting (National Art Museum)

In 2006, participated in the National Women Painters Invitational Exhibition (Beijing Yanhuang Art Museum)

In 2005, he was nominated for "College Light" Outstanding Inheritance Award by the Central Academy of Fine Arts

In 2004, he won the award of excellence in the exhibition of calligraphy and painting of young teachers in national colleges and universities (China Academy of Fine Arts)

In 2001, he participated in the national sketch art exhibition (tianjin history museum)


During the interview, I asked her, "I feel that your paintings often put two figure models with Eastern culture and Western culture together. In each painting, there are a lot of elements symbolizing Chinese and Western culture, which is particularly striking. What is the intention of your painting?" She replied, "My works belong to the series of 'Chinese and Western Dialogue'. What I discuss is the differences between Chinese and Western cultures. No matter in clothes or decoration, or even in sitting posture and demeanor, the pets they are holding are all reflections of the differences between Chinese and Western cultures. I have drawn chapters about "the morality of man", which include he three virtues that a man needs to live —faith, fraternity, and perseverance.

Take fraternity as an example. In China, our description of fraternity includes such works as The Peony Pavilion and the spirit of "the world is for the common good" handed down by Confucius. For the West, the symbol of fraternity may be the "Virgin Mary". In the West, the image of "Virgin Mary" is holy and pure. Once I participated in the "The Belt and Road Initiative| Chinese Culture Overseas Promotion Project", and my paintings were lucky enough to be made into the stamps of "America, France and Holland". In my opinion, art has no national boundaries, and culture is the soul of each country. The cultural project of "The Belt and Road Initiative" is like the soul of each country talking to each other and accepting each other. I hope one day Chinese culture can go far and go to the world, and Chinese colors and unique elements can also lead new trends."

Topic 5

TV programs, online media, books, newspapers and periodicals promote the inheritance of Chinese culture

Nowadays, a large number of TV programs, network media and cultural books are created from the source of traditional Chinese culture, and a large number of excellent cultural documentaries have emerged.

Just like the "Five Clothing Changes in China" described in this chapter, the history is vividly and interestingly restored through 4K high-definition lens with the careful planning of programs such as "Clothing China”(《布衣中国》) and "Beautiful Clothing Show”(锦绣纪) “China on you”(《穿在身上的中国》)and the detailed depiction of the animation team.


Another example is "A Bite of China". The high-definition food pictures, neat and orderly production process, and the food story with poetic artistic conception are all praised by people. Chinese food has thus shocked the world.


The documentary series "National Treasure" launched by CCTV1 is also eye-opening. It follows the camera through history and back to the past to explore the secrets behind each valuable treasure.


Web celebrity Li Ziqi(李子柒)has created a short video of Chinese style on "Douyin" and other We-media platforms, highly restoring the life of "Peach wonderland" (桃花源)in rural China. Many We-media bloggers have even made bold innovation and transformation of traditional Chinese clothes by combining various interesting elements to design new Chinese-style clothes. ”Confucius Institute" (孔子学院)causes the upsurge of learning Chinese in foreign countries, Chinese characters can be seen everywhere in the world......


Topic 6 In the END….

These are the embodiment of the continuous glory and development of the Chinese culture, and the marks of the progress of the Chinese people in the long course of history. As a new generation of Chinese students, we should shoulder the mission of inheriting Chinese traditional culture, innovation, creation and progress.


;Chinese Traditional Costume;Hanfu;Yi(衣):Any open cross-collar garment, and worn by both sexes. Pao(袍):Any closed full-body garment, worn only by men. Ru(襦):Open cross-collar shirt. Shan(衫):Open cross-collar shirt or jacket that is worn over the yi. Qun(裙) or chang(裳):Skirt for women and men. Ku(裤):Trousers or pants. ;Informal dress;Semi-formal dress;Formal dress;Costume in Tang Dynasty;The brief introduction of costume in Tang Dynasty The features of costume in Tang Dynasty How does costume in Tang Dynasty come into being? ;Tang Dynasty;Features ;Features ;The Tang women dressed in sets of garments,and each set a unique in itself.;In general,the Tang women's dresses can be classified into three categories: The traditional ruqun(襦裙) or double layered or padded short jacket that is typical of central China.;The hufu,or alien dress that came from the Silk Road;How does costume in Tang Dynasty come into being?;Second,based on the progress made in silk reeling and dyeing techniques,the variety quality and quantity of texitle materials reached an unprecedented height.;How does costume in Tang Dynasty come into being?; Thank you for your listening!;Song Dynasty;Song Dynasty;Song Dynasty;Yuan Dynasty;Yuan Dynasty;Yuan Dynasty;Yuan Dynasty;Yuan Dynasty;Qing Dynasty;Qing Dynasty; The ornamentation of formal (chaofu) and semi-formal (jifu) court robes included the dragon motif together with a decorative representation of the Chinese conception of the cosmos. The dragon symbolised the emperor, known as the Son of Heaven, and permission to wear the robe was given by him. ; ;Those who passed the civil service examinations and attained the status of a government official were also granted the privilege of wearing court robes. Rank was further distinguished by a hierarchy of colour and ornamentation.; The cheongsam is an eminently feature of Qizhuang costume, which still has certain impacts on modern costume. Especially ,along with the develo

中国古代服饰介绍 英文PPT.ppt-原创力文档

中国古代服饰介绍 英文PPT

Chinese ancient garment Chinese Costume China is a historical country with splendid(辉煌的)civilizations, in which the Chinese costume is an important part. From the change of Chinese costumes, we can see the political change(政治变革), economic development and customs evolvement (n.演变,发展)through the long history. The Chinese costume, which has over 5,000 years’ history, is just like a long river. And today I’ll present them in two parts, Han Dynasty and Tang Dynasty. Han Dynasty Tang Dynasty The pre 17th century ancient Chinese clothing or the Han Chinese clothing has a long history in terms of the clothing worn. The Han Chinese clothing or the Hanfu covered all the traditional Chinese clothing worn by people in that era. The Hanfu was considered to be very important by the Han Chinese as far as their culture was concerned. It was also known that one has to follow the rules of dressing that belonged to the Hanfu styles, as a mark of respect. The basic style and design of the Hanfu were developed to a great extent in the Shang Dynasty. 十七世纪以前,古代中国服装,或者称为汉服,在服装界有着久远的历史。汉服包含了那个时期中国人穿着的所有传统中国服饰。对于汉朝的中国人来说,汉服对于它们的文化至关重要。每个人都必须按照特定的穿衣规矩去穿着汉服,这是一种众所周知的尊敬礼仪。汉服的基本风格设计在商朝定型,并得到了巨大的发展。 襟 交领 袂 祛 腰带 曲裾 右衽 裳 Tang Dynasty From the Sui to the Tang, the ancient Chinese clothing developed to its peak. The political stability(稳定性), economic development, manufacturing(制造业) and textile technology, and the frequent foreign relations contributed to the development of clothing. The clothing in this period had formed the most fantastic chapter in the clothing history. 从隋到唐,中国古代服装发展到了顶峰。政治稳定、经济发展、制造和纺织技术,和频繁的外贸关系都对服装的发展作出了贡献。这个时期的服装已经成为了中国服装史中最绚烂的篇章。 Tang Chinese clothing ●bold 大胆的 ●colorful 多彩的 ●various styles 样式繁多 Cross-dressing(女着男装) Hufu(胡服) Ruqun(襦裙) Three main categories 襦裙 Ruqun dated from Pre-Qin Dynasty. It was the most popular in the Tang Dynasty. * Half-sleeves 半臂 Ru 短襦 Long dress 长裙 shawl 长巾 (披帛) Putting the long dress above the breast, then



    tradition any tube-shaped pa ...


    dress; clothing; costume; fa ...




    traditional chinese costumes

传统服装 - 直落布兰雅装

    baju teluk belanga


    traditional garments-kilt


    garment that is classic1 in style


    (世代相传、具有特点的社会因素, 如风俗、道德、思想、作风、艺术、制度等) tradition; convention 革命传统 revolutionary tradition; 传统观念 traditional ideas [concepts]; 传统剧目 traditional theatrical pieces; traditional opera [drama]; 传统看法 traditional [conventional] viewpoint; 传统习惯 traditional customs; 传统势力 traditional force; 传统友谊 traditional (ties of) friendship


    dress; clothing; costume; fashion; apparel; garment; [意大利] abito; iridescent; threads; toggery; fig; business; rig; habiliment; sartorial 现成服装 ready-made clothes; 服装讲究的人 a fashionable dresser; (足球队员)特制彩条服装 strip; 男演员们穿着维多利亚时代的服装。 the actors were in victorain costumes.; 服装表演 fashion show; 服装裁剪师 cutter; 服装厂 clothing factory; 服装尺寸样板 sloper; 服装店 [英国] clothes shop; clothing store; toggery; 服装缝制 garment sewing; 服装工人 makers-up; 服装工业 garment [apparel] industry; 服装工艺 habilimentation; 服装量裁 garment measure and cutting; 服装迷 a fancy dresser; 服装描画师 apparel sketcher; 服装模特 fashion model; 服装模特儿 mannequin; 服装人体模型 dress form; 服装商店 clothes shop; clothing store; 服装设计 dress designing; costume designing; clothing design; 服装设计师 apparel stylist; 服装饰边 garnishing; 服装文化 clothing design; 服装系 department of taxtile and costume design; 服装镶边 mat braid;服装心理学 psychology of fashion; 服装型号系列 standardized clothing sizes; 服装样板 template; 服装样片 fashion plate; 服装样式 model; tenue; habit; 服装样式广告 fashion plate; 服装腰带 ceinture


    system service


    operating system service


    ecosystem services


    system service program; system services


    system service request


    system service unit




    dns server


    traditionally chinese youths live with their parents until they grow uand marry


    conventional ship


    traditional porcelain


    academize; classical; conventional; ortho-orthodox; traditionally; traditionary; usual, traditional




    ortho-method; traditional approach; traditional method


    conventional weapons


    traditional name



I don ' t ever see him wear one of those bow ties



This traditional costume is of indigo blue




All the traditional fashion show games - 4455 miniclip games



秀小游戏- 4399小游戏

All the traditional fashion show games




Drag the mouse all wearing traditional costumes to meimei body




Most chinese nowadays do not wear traditional chinese clothes



The traditional clothes they wore added to the atmosphere of the festival




All the traditional fashion show



Introduction : drag the mouse all wearing traditional costumes to meimei body




On the other hand , it might be appropriate to wear traditional clothes on special occasions



。 一入汉服深似海,怎么用英文表达我们的传统服饰?_as





Accordingto a report from market research firm iiMedia, the

number of self-identified hanfu enthusiasts

saw a 73% jump

to 2million between 2017 and 2018.


About 47% of consumers listed “love for hanfu culture” as a reason for

getting into the hobby

. This was followed by the 40% who listed“pursuit of fashion,” and 35% who said

they wanted to promote traditional culture.







Ancient Chinese clothing





Ancient Chinese clothing or Hanfu refers to the historical clothing styles of China.


Since the Han dynasty,

Chinese clothing had developed varied styles and exquisite textile techniques, particularly on silk,

and absorbed favorable elements in foreign cultures. Ancient Chinese clothing was also

influential to other traditional East Asian clothing

such as the Japanese wafuku

and Korean hanbok, as well as traditional Southeast Asian clothing such as the Vietnamese.





upper garment


lower garment















right lapel






waist skirt



jade ornament







Informal wear


Types include tops and bottoms (divided further into pants and skirts for both genders, with terminologies chang or qun), and one-piece robes that wrap around the body once or several times. For footwear, white socks and black cloth shoes (with white soles) are the norm.


Semi-formal wear


Generally,this form of wear

is suitable for

meeting guests or going to meetings and other

special cultural days

. This form of dress is often worn by the nobility or the upper-class as they are often expensive pieces of clothing, usually made of silks and damasks.



Chang: a pleated skirt


Bixi: long front cloth panel attached from the waist belt



long open fronted coat


Guan or any formal hats


Formal wear


In addition to

informal and semi-formal wear, there is a form of dress that is worn only at confucian rituals (like important sacrifices or religious activities) or by special people who are entitled to wear them (such as officials and emperors).



Xuanduan: a very formal dark robe


Shenyi: a long full body garment


Quju: diagonal body wrapping


Zhiju: straight lapels


Court dress


Court dress is the dress worn at very formal occasions and ceremonies that are in the presence of a monarch (such as an enthronement ceremony).The entire ensemble of clothing can

consist of

many complex layers and look very elaborate. Court dress is similar to the xuanduan in components but have additional adornments and elaborate headwear.



Mianfu: religious courtdress of emperor, officials or nobility


Bianfu: ceremonial military dress of emperor, officials or nobility


Chaofu: a red ceremonial court dress of emperor, officials or nobility


Gongfu: formal court dress according to ranks


Changfu: formal court dress according to ranks













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