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bought [links] Listen: UK:*UK and possibly other pronunciationsUK and possibly other pronunciations/ˈbɔːt/US:USA pronunciation: IPA and respellingUSA pronunciation: IPA/bɔt/ ,USA pronunciation: respelling(bôt) ⓘ一个或多个论坛线程和你的搜索词完全匹配 定义 | 西班牙语 | 法语 | 英语同义词 | 英语搭配 | Conjugator [EN] | 上下文 | 图像 From the verb buy: (⇒ conjugate)bought is: ⓘClick the infinitive to see all available inflectionsv past v past p

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 buy [sth]⇒ vtr (purchase)SCSimplified Chinese 买 mǎi TCTraditional Chinese 買   SCSimplified Chinese 购买 mǎi,gòu mǎi TCTraditional Chinese 購買  Billy is going to buy a car.  比利要买车了。 buy [sth] vtr slang (believe) (俚语)SCSimplified Chinese 相信 xiāng xìn TCTraditional Chinese 相信  The policeman didn't buy the suspect's story.  警察并不相信嫌疑人的话。 buy n (bargain) (捡了便宜)SCSimplified Chinese 买得合算的东西,便宜货 mǎi dé hé suàn de dōng xī,pián yi huò  This house is a good buy.  这房子买得值!   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 buy n US (a purchase)SCSimplified Chinese 购买,买入,买进 gòu mǎi,mǎi jìn TCTraditional Chinese 購買  The stock traders made a large buy.  股票交易员进行了一次大额买入。 buy⇒ vi (be a purchaser)SCSimplified Chinese 成为买主 chéng wéi mǎi zhǔ TCTraditional Chinese 成為買主   SCSimplified Chinese 作为买家 chéng wéi mǎi zhǔ,zuò wéi mǎi jiā  You may both buy and sell at the trade fair.  在商品交易会上,你既可以作为买家也可以作为卖家。 buy [sth]⇒ vtr (acquire)SCSimplified Chinese 收购 shōu gòu TCTraditional Chinese 收購  Our company is going to buy its competitor. buy [sb]⇒ vtr (bribe)SCSimplified Chinese 收买 shōu mǎi TCTraditional Chinese 收買   SCSimplified Chinese 贿赂 shōu mǎi,huì lù TCTraditional Chinese 賄賂  The gang wants to buy a public official. buy [sth]⇒ vtr figurative (enable acquisition of [sth]) (比喻)SCSimplified Chinese (花钱)买到, 获得, 换取  Money can't buy happiness. buy [sth] vtr (obtain services of [sb])SCSimplified Chinese (花钱)享受到…的服务 huā qián xiǎng shòu dào de fú wù  One million euros will buy a good striker.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

动词短语英语中文 buy [sth] back, buy back [sth] vtr phrasal sep (seller: repurchase [sth] sold)SCSimplified Chinese 买回 mǎi huí  Redeemable shares come with an agreement that the company can buy them back at a future date. buy [sth] in [sth] vtr phrasal sep (purchase [sth] in large quantities)SCSimplified Chinese 大量收购 dà liàng shōu gòu TCTraditional Chinese 大量收購  The shop bought in extra stock to meet the heavy demand from customers.  那家商店大量收购额外商品来满足顾客的大需求量。 buy into [sth] vtr phrasal insep figurative (accept as valid)SCSimplified Chinese 接受 jiē shòu TCTraditional Chinese 接受   SCSimplified Chinese 相信 jiē shòu,xiāng xìn TCTraditional Chinese 相信  It is difficult trying to get people to buy into the idea. buy into [sth] vtr phrasal insep (invest in)SCSimplified Chinese 买入…的股份   SCSimplified Chinese 出钱入股  This is an opportunity for investors to buy into a fast-growing company. buy [sb] off vtr phrasal sep informal (bribe)SCSimplified Chinese 收买,贿赂 shōu mǎi,huì lù TCTraditional Chinese 收買,賄賂  We can buy him off by making a donation to his wife's hospital. buy [sth] out, buy out [sth] vtr phrasal sep (purchase entire stock)SCSimplified Chinese 全部买下 quán bù mǎi xià TCTraditional Chinese 全部買下   SCSimplified Chinese 买光  We bought out the store's entire stock of the product.  我们把商店这种商品的所有存货全部买下了。  我把商店这种商品的所有存货买光了。 buy [sb] out, buy out [sb] vtr phrasal sep (take over ownership of)SCSimplified Chinese 买下…的所有股份 mǎi xià … de suǒ yǒu gǔ fèn  The company intends to buy out the rival firm.  这家公司打算买下竞争对手公司的所有股份。 buy [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (purchase all of [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 全部买下 quán bù mǎi xià TCTraditional Chinese 全部買下  We bought up all the store's balloons for the party.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

复合形式:英语中文 buy and sell v expr (trade)SCSimplified Chinese 交易 jiāo yì TCTraditional Chinese 交易 buy [sth] at auction v expr (purchase by bidding)SCSimplified Chinese 在拍卖会上拍下 buy [sth] down, buy down [sth]⇒ vtr (rate: lower with a subsidy) (利率)SCSimplified Chinese 买低 备注: 住宅开发商或卖方会向放款人支付补助款,以买低购房者者的实际利率,从而降低他们的每月供款buy-in n (share purchase) (股票)SCSimplified Chinese 买入   SCSimplified Chinese 买进 mǎi jìn buy-in n figurative (support, acceptance)SCSimplified Chinese 支持 zhī chí TCTraditional Chinese 支持   SCSimplified Chinese 认同 zhī chí,rèn tóng buy on credit v expr (purchase now, pay later)SCSimplified Chinese 赊欠 shē qiàn  I became addicted to buying on credit, and now I'm on the verge of bankruptcy. buy [sth] on credit v expr (purchase [sth] now, pay later)SCSimplified Chinese 赊购 shē gòu  I bought my TV set on credit and I'm paying it back in weekly instalments. buy time v expr figurative (create a helpful delay)SCSimplified Chinese 赢得时间 yíng dé shí jiān TCTraditional Chinese 贏得時間   SCSimplified Chinese 拖延时间 yíng dé shí jiān ,tuō yán shí jiān  The main use for the drug is to buy time by slowing down the spread of the disease. buy-back option n (option to repurchase)SCSimplified Chinese 回购期权 buyback, buy-back n (act of repurchasing [sth] sold)SCSimplified Chinese 购回 gòu huí   SCSimplified Chinese 买回 gòu huí,mǎi huí buyback, buy-back n (stock buyback: repurchase of shares) (股票)SCSimplified Chinese 回购 huí gòu buyout, buy-out n (purchase of a company) (公司等)SCSimplified Chinese 收购,买进 shōu gòu,mǎi jìn TCTraditional Chinese 收購  News of the huge buyout sent stock prices down. good buy n (bargain)SCSimplified Chinese 好买卖 hǎo mǎi mài TCTraditional Chinese 物美價廉   SCSimplified Chinese 有利的交易 hǎo mǎi mài,yǒu lì de jiāo yì  I got a good buy on these drinks, only $1 per bottle. impulse buy n (spur-of-the-moment purchase)SCSimplified Chinese 冲动的购物(行为) chōng dòng de gòu wù ( xíng wéi )  Candy bars are often placed near checkout registers because they tend to be impulse buys.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: buy [baɪ] (pt, pp bought)I vt 1 买(買) mǎi 2 (Comm) [+ company] 收购(購) shōugòu 3 (fig) [+ time, freedom] 赢(贏)得 yíngdé It was a risky operation, but might buy more time.这(這)样(樣)做有风(風)险(險),但可能会(會)赢(贏)得更多的时(時)间(間)。 Zhèyàng zuò yǒu fēngxiǎn,dàn kěnéng huì yíngdé gèng duō de shíjiān. II n [c] (=purchase) 所买(買)之物 suǒ mǎi zhī wù [件 jiàn] Other good buys include cameras and toys.其他买(買)来(來)的好东(東)西还(還)包括相机(機)和玩具。 Qítā mǎi lái de hǎo dōngxi hái bāokuò xiàngjī hé wánjù. to buy sb sth 给(給)某人买(買)某物 gěi mǒurén mǎi mǒuwù to buy sb a drink 请(請)某人喝一杯 qǐng mǒurén hē yī bēi to buy sth from a shop从(從)店里(裡)购(購)买(買)某物 cóng diàn li gòumǎi mǒuwù to buy sth off or from sb从(從)某人处(處)购(購)买(買)某物 cóng mǒurén chù gòumǎi mǒuwùbuy back vt 回买(買) huímǎi buy in (Brit) vt [+ goods] 买(買)进(進) mǎijìn buy into (Brit) (Comm) vt fus 不可拆分 入股 rùgǔ buy off vt (=bribe) 贿(賄)赂(賂) huìlù buy out vt [+ business partner] 全部通吃 quánbù tōngchī buy up vt [+ land, property] 全部买(買)进(進) quánbù mǎijìn 在这些条目还发现'bought': 在英文解释里: circulation - in-store purchase - job lot - mortgaged - purchasable - purchase - purchase price - sell - seller - shopping list - take back - taken over - unmarketable 同义词: purchased, procured, acquired, requisitioned, ordered, 更多……

标题中含有单词 'bought' 的论坛讨论:

He bought a bicycle, which is blue in colour I bought her a gift card for her birthday. I bought Mark a birthday present... -I bought a car for credit on a year installments. - English Only forum ... not bought and sent back to.... - English Only forum ...he bought a house so that he WILL live closer to.... - English Only forum 'Bought it in' - English Only forum 'it's time I bought' /'it's time for me to buy' =equivalent? - English Only forum 'the books I bought yesterday' to express 'some of the books ...' if once shown - English Only forum “I already have them I bought them from another shop"-wrong? - English Only forum [have been bought] [were bought] during recent decade - English Only forum 1=Let a shirt be bought to me. 2=Let a shirt be bought for me. - English Only forum 40% answered/reported they still bought CDs - English Only forum a / the same number of shuttlecocks are bought - English Only forum A black car was bought yesterday. - English Only forum A carhave been bought by him. - English Only forum a copy of which I bought yesterday - English Only forum a new car was bought me by my father ? - English Only forum A new guitar was bought by me - English Only forum A street-beggar bought a lottery ticket purposelessly, / him a millionaire overnight. - English Only forum A sweater was bought - English Only forum a/the/my bike I bought yesterday - English Only forum After he bought ice cream, they had been steadily having dessert - English Only forum after I had bought - past perfect - English Only forum again buying time vs and again bought time - English Only forum All they have bought / They all have bought \They have all bought - English Only forum almost bought the farm - English Only forum Among men, more bought product X. - English Only forum an item bought for someone while on a trip - English Only forum and also a new house next month - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'bought'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "bought" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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