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boi是什么意思 boi的翻译、中文解释 – 下午有课

2023-11-13 22:54| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

  boi是什么意思 boi的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释


  根据目前常用语言的情况,’boi’ 这个词是美国俚语中的一个新兴词汇,由boy发展而来,基本上缩写用法出现。它可以表示一些年轻人的态度,性别、朋友圈之类的话题。具体如下:

  1. 性别识别

  ’boi’ 一般用来指年龄在20-xx岁之间的男性,但它通常是一个柔和的、非传统的男子形象,有时也被用来描述一个非常年轻的男孩或一个非常年轻的女性。它也可能被用来指代同性恋者中的年轻男性。


  - He’s a boi at heart and always has been.

  - She identifies as a genderqueer boi.

  - I’m not sure if he’s a boi or a girl.

  2. 时尚和审美

  ’boi’ 也常常用来描述一种具有时尚和审美感的样式,例如在服装、鞋子、发型等方面。这种样式通常是非传统的,体现一种别开生面的风格。


  - He’s got some great new boi ss.

  - The boi look is definitely in this year.

  - She’s got a very stylish boi haircut.

  3. 朋友圈的亲密关系

  ’boi’ 也可以被用来描述在一个朋友圈中非常亲密的关系。这种关系可以是纯粹的友谊、暧昧不清或者是恋爱关系。


  - Those two are definitely more than just boi friends.

  - She’s my boi for life.

  - We’re just boi friends, nothing more.


  1. Style-wise, she prefers the boi look to anything else.


  2. He came out as a boi in college and embraced his gender identity.


  3. Those two were just boi friends, nothing to worry about.


  4. These ss are definitely boi style, I like them a lot.


  5. I’m not sure what his gender identity is, he could be a boi or a girl.




  1. He is such a cute little boi. (他是那么可爱的小男孩。)

  2. The boi was playing with his toy car in the park. (男孩在公园里玩他的玩具车。)

  3. I saw a group of boi scouts hiking in the mountains. (我看到一群男孩童子军在山上徒步旅行。)

  4. The boi was crying because he lost his favorite toy. (男孩因为丢失他最喜欢的玩具而哭泣。)

  5. When I was a boi, I used to love playing basketball with my friends. (当我还是个男孩时,我喜欢和朋友们打篮球。)



  例句:The narrow Vall de Boi is situated in the high Pyrenees, in the Alta Ribagorca region and is surrounded by steep mountains. (博伊谷地位于西班牙东北部加泰罗尼亚自治区的比利牛斯山区,周围被群山环抱。)


  例句:When Earle went boi-oi-oing, the doctors discovered he was on haloperidol. (当时厄尔晕过去: 医生发现 他使用了强力安定药氟? 啶醇)


  例句:Jettisoning non-core UK businesses looks like the obvious way to shrink the balance sheets of both AIB and BoI. (很显然,放弃英国业务这个非核心业务是缩小AIB和BoI资产负债表的一个办法。)


  例句:Look, why not just trust Boi is talented, that you’ve trained him well, (翻译:听着,为什么不能相信博伊的才能 还有你对他的训练)

  boi一般作为名词使用,如在Kim Boi([地名] 金杯 ( 越 ))、Phan Boi Chau([网络] 潘佩珠;范佩珠)等常见短语中出现较多。

  Kim Boi[地名] 金杯 ( 越 )Phan Boi Chau[网络] 潘佩珠;范佩珠1. Jettisoning non-core UK businesses looks like the obvious way to shrink the balance sheets of both AIB and BoI. (翻译:很显然,放弃英国业务这个非核心业务是缩小AIB和BoI资产负债表的一个办法。)

  2. Look, why not just trust Boi is talented, that you’ve trained him well, (翻译:听着,为什么不能相信博伊的才能 还有你对他的训练)

  3. Boi is your dog, and he has an opportunity, so be happy for him. (翻译:博伊是你的狗 他现在有一个机会,应该为他高兴)

  4. Amber Lee will see that she and I are exactly alike, we’ll become BFFs, she’ll make sure Boi gets the role, then his fame becomes my fame! (翻译:我们会成为最好的朋友 她会让博伊得到那角色 他的荣耀会变为我的荣耀!)

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