bobble是什么意思 bobble的中文翻译、读音、例句

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bobble是什么意思 bobble的中文翻译、读音、例句

2023-08-16 00:20| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

导读: bobble的意思是"在篮圈上跳动、漏接",bobble是什么意思 bobble的中文翻译、读音、例句,在日常中也代表"〔美俚〕失误"的意思,发音是[ˈbɒbl],bobble在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到31个与bobble相关的释义和例句。





1. The boat is bobbling on the waves. (这艘船在波浪中颠簸。)

2. She was so nervous during the exam that her handwriting started to bobble. (她在考试中非常紧张,手写字开始摇晃不定。)

3. His head was bobbling as he tried to stay awake during the long meeting. (他的头在长时间的会议中摇晃着,试图保持清醒。)




例句:In the winter he wore a woolen hat with a bobble on the top. (在冬天时,他戴了一顶上面有个小毛球的羊毛帽子。)


例句:A quick sniff of the offending bobble tells us all we need to know about the state of his breath. (闻闻被咬过的毛线球就知道 {\3cH202020}A sniff of the offending bobble tells 他的口气状况 {\3cH202020}us all we need to know about the state of his breath.)


例句:The thing is pretty loud, eh, Bobble? (这玩意儿动静挺大 对吧小泡? The thing is pretty loud, eh, Bobble?)


例句:But they're still in the final event, aren't they, Bobble? (翻译:但是她们仍然完成了比赛, 不是吗, 波波?)


bobble一般作为名词、动词使用,如在puzzle bobble([网络] 泡泡龙;泡泡龙游戏;泡泡龙方块)等常见短语中出现较多。

puzzle bobble[网络] 泡泡龙;泡泡龙游戏;泡泡龙方块例句

1. The thing is pretty loud, eh, Bobble? (翻译:这玩意儿动静挺大 对吧小泡? The thing is pretty loud, eh, Bobble?)

2. But they're still in the final event, aren't they, Bobble? (翻译:但是她们仍然完成了比赛, 不是吗, 波波?)

3. Refill bobble over and over again to enjoy better water. Save money. (翻译:反复灌满过滤Bobble享受更好的水,节省金钱。)

4. Hey, Bobble. Listen, do you know where I can find a sharp thingy? (翻译:嗨,鲍勃,听着,你知道在哪里能找到一件锋利的东西吗? )

5. Howie bought him a Buzz Aldrin bobble head and astronaut ice cream. (翻译:没有 他表现得很好 Howie给他买了个Buzz Aldrin摇头娃娃 和宇航员形冰淇淋)

6. Look, Bobble, the animal fairies are bringing out the frogs! (翻译:看那, 波波, 动物仙子们把青蛙带上来了!)

7. Hey, Bobble. Listen, do you know where I can find a sharp thingy? (翻译:嘿 波波 你知道 我在哪里能找到锋利的东西吗)

8. Cheers, Paul, your bobble issues may be in the past, but we're an unforgiving bunch. (翻译:恭喜了Paul 你的失误或许已成往事 们恰好就是这么一群爱记仇的人)

9. He wore a woolly hat with a little red bobble on top. (翻译:他戴著一顶上头有一个小红球的毛帽。)

10. Broken flip flop and a blue peter style rescue. . . held together with a bobble! ! (翻译:坏掉的突然转动砰然落下和蓝色罄尽风格援救…连同一个错误一起拿著!!)

11. We have parodies of 'Street Fighter' and 'Castlevania' 'Mega Man' intros ... 'Bubble Bobble' (翻译:我们恶搞了《街头霸王》还有《恶魔城》 还有模仿《洛克人》和《泡泡龙》的过场)

12. Wait, Bobble, they're actually going for Mudslide Mountain! (翻译:等等, 波波, 她们好像正在冲向泥流山!)

13. Her eyes have a dull permanganate glow. Breasts like ripe red cabbage; they bobble a little when she leans forward. (翻译:她的眼睛呈一种黯淡的高锰酸盐色,像成熟的红色包心菜,身子往前一倾便微微颤动一下。)

14. Bobble, look, the garden team is still at the starting line! (翻译:波波, 看啊,花园仙子队 她们还在起跑线!)

15. While Paul Robinson and his bobble make a strong case for being our goalkeeper, (翻译:当Paul Robinson的失误让他成为 当选最烂门将的强劲理由)




1. bobblehead:球员的头像摆件

2. bobble hat:带有球球的针织帽

3. bobble stitch:编织时的一种循环织法

4. bobble on:球形扣子

5. bobble off:指犯错,出现意外

6. bobble around:闲逛,没有方向

7. bobble up:意外地出现

短语:no biggie,意为“没什么大不了的”,常用于安慰或道歉。



1. He bobbed the ball up and down. 他把球上下晃动。

2. The bobble in the air made it difficult for the player to catch the ball. 空中的震荡使得球员很难接住球。

3. My hat has a bobble on top. 我的帽子顶部有一个球球。

4. She was bobbling the baby to keep him calm. 她在晃动孩子,让他保持平静。

5. He bobbled the catch and dropped the ball. 他接球失误,把球掉了下来。

6. We just bobble around until we find something to do. 我们就这样徘徊,直到找到做的事情。

7. The answer bobbled up from the back of her mind. 答案从她的思维深处冒出来。

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