2023年冀教版中考英语二轮复习 第一课时 语音课件(26张PPT)

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2023年冀教版中考英语二轮复习 第一课时 语音课件(26张PPT)

2023-05-23 23:09| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


(共26张PPT)第一课时 语 音第三章 题型提升题型透析  分析甘肃近5年中考真题可知,甘肃对语音的考查角度主要有四个:1.单词音标,即在四个选项中选择所给单词的正确音标;2.根据所给音标在四个选项中判断是哪个单词;3.单词辨音,即根据所给四个单词画线部分发音选出与其他三个发音不同的单词;4.单词重音。无论是单词音标还是单词辨音类试题,归根结底都是在考查单词中的元音字母及其字母组合的发音和辅音字母及其字母组合的发音,因此熟知字母及其字母组合发音是解答此类试题的关键。题型策略英语字母分为元音字母和辅音字母。元音字母有5个,它们是A(a),E(e),I(i),O(o),U(u)。Y(y)是半元音字母。其余的20个为辅音字母。以下是按发音归类的字母表。Aa/e / Hh/e t /  Jj/d e /  Kk/ke /Ee/i / Bb/bi /  Cc/si /  Dd/di /  Gg/d i /Pp/pi /  Tt/ti /  Vv/vi /  Zz/zi /Ii/a / Yy/wa /Uu/ju / Qq/kju /  Ww/ d blju /Ff/ef/ Ll/el/  Mm/em/  Nn/en/Ss/es/  Xx/eks/  Zz/zed/Oo/ / /Rr/ɑ (r)/ /考点1 音标与辨音1.语音音素  英语共有48个音素。其中元音20个,分成单元音和双元音;辅音28个,分成清辅音和浊辅音。英语辅音和元音的作用相当于汉语中的声母和韵母。2.音标单元音 长元音 /i / / / /u / /ɑ / / / /短元音 / / / / / / / / / / /e/ / /双元音 /a / /e / /a / / / / / / / /e / / / /清辅音 /p/ /t/ /k/ /f/ /s/ /θ/ / / /t / /tr//h/ /ts/ /浊辅音 /b/ /d/ /g/ /v/ /z/ / / /dz/ /d / /dr// / /m/ /n/ / / /r/ /l/ /w/ /j/ /辅音音素根据发音时声带是否振动可分为清辅音和浊辅音。3.常考元音字母及其字母组合发音(1)a与其字母组合发音a / / salad,apple,fan,cabbage,actually,maths,calendar,fantastic/e / baseball,vacation,awake,same,tape,taste,behave/ / breakfast,camera,advantage,about,stomach,accept/ / water/ɑ / father,rather,after,class,pastai /e / mail,wait(2)e与其字母组合发音e /e/ pen,second,festival,special,accept,education/ / hello,quiet,talent,development/i / evening,medium,theseea /i / easy,eat,teach,dream,easily,meat/e/ bread,deaf,dead,ahead,ready(3)i与其字母组合发音i /a / drive,time,life,ride,arrive,mine,dining,fight,bike,like/ / pig,quick,noise,strict,big,sit,its,his,fiction,kick,stickir / (r)/ first,girl,shirt,skirt,thirty(4)o与其字母组合发音o / / old,those,clothes,photo,post,hello,note/ /或/ɑ / box,long,model,coffee,stop,cross,hot/ / connect,conclude,commit,welcome/ /(在m,n,th,v前) come,Monday,brother,loveoo / / book,cook,foot,wood/u / tooth,too,spoon,bamboo,school,foodor / (r)/ storm,normal,born,record,horse,short,performou /a / about,house,cloud,doubt,around,mouth,blouse,trousers/ / famous/ / trouble,roughow /a / how,town,allow,now/ / know,show,follow,yellow,tomorrowoy / / boy,enjoy,joy(5)u与其字母组合发音u /ju / music,student,human,use,duty/ / public,subject,luck,summer,jump,duck/u / blue,truly,truth,ruler,Juneur / (r)/ burn,nurse,turn,hurt,return,purpose,survey4.常考辅音字母及字母组合发音s /s/ some,search,sock/z/ his,always,yourst /t/ tape,table,setx /ks/ box,six,excuse/gz/ exam,example,exactz /z/ zero,zoo,sizech /t / chair,such,much/k/ school,character,stomachck /k/ black,chicken,Jacktr /tr/ trip,trousers,strawberryts /ts/ bats,hats,habitswh /w/ what,white,when/h/ who,whose,wholewr /r/ write,wrong,writerdr /dr/ draw,drum,childrends /dz/ beds,cards,soundskn /n/ know,knife,knockng / / long,interesting,morningph /f/ phone,photo,geographysh / / she,shoe,finishtch /t / watch,match,catchth /θ/ thank,thing,maths/ / that,this,brother考点2 单词重音  英语单词有单音节词、双音节词和多音节词之分。含有一个响亮音素的声音片段叫作一个音节。英语里的元音都是响亮的音素。由一个音节构成的词叫作单音节词,单音节词常见的形式是:(1)辅音+元音(he/hi /,she/ i /)。(2)元音+辅音(eat/i t/,at/ t/)。(3)辅音+元音+辅音(ham/h m/,bit/b t/)。由两个音节构成的词叫作双音节词,如果在bit,ham后面再加上一个音节就构成了双音节词bitter,hammer。由三个或三个以上音节构成的词叫作多音节词,如在bitter后面再加上一个音节就构成了一个三音节词bitterly/ b t li/。对于双音节词或多音节词,有的音节要读得重些,叫作重读音节;有的音节要读得轻些,叫作非重读音节。重读音节用重音符号“ ”标出。1.双音节词的重读一般落在第一个音节上,例如jacket/ d k t/,question/ kwest n/,sweater/ swet (r)/。2.少数双音节词的重音在第二个音节上,例如excuse/ k skju z/,July/d u la /,about/ ba t/。3.三音节词的重读一般也在第一个音节上,例如favourite/ fe v r t/,vegetable/ ved t bl/,interesting/ ntr st /。4.少数三音节词的重音在第二个音节上,例如computer/k m pju t (r)/,tomato/t mɑ t /,December/d semb (r)/。5.有的双音节词和多音节词有两个重音,一个是主重音,一个是次重音。次重音用“ ”表示,标在次重音的左下方,例如thirteen/ θ ti n/,fifteen/ f f ti n/,afternoon/ ɑ ft nu n/。备考演练一、(2022·天水)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出画线部分与其他三个单词画线部分读音不同的选项( C ) 1.A.cut B.luck C.music D.hurry( C ) 2.A.ever B.he C.mess D.pen( C ) 3.A.forty B.morning C.horse D.word( C ) 4. A.who B.what C.why D.where( C ) 5. A.cake B.cent C.city D.cinemaCBDAA二、从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出画线部分与其他三个单词画线部分读音不同的一项( C ) 1.A.how B.know. C.now D.down( C ) 2.A.late B.hatt C.sale D.tape( C ) 3.A.no B.so C.zero D.sonn( C ) 4.A.kite B.nice C.five D.big( C ) 5.A.late B.bake C.safe D.back( C ) 6.A.white B.side C.hike D.kid( C ) 7.A.coat B.nose C.show D.now( C ) 8. A.sofa B.lamp C.flat D.palaceBBDDDDDA( C ) 9.A.post B.job C.local D.notice( C ) 10.A.drive B.trip C.sign D.quite( C ) 11.A.wheat B.east C.theatre D.beach( C ) 12. A.forward B.postcard C.garden D.artist( C ) 13. A.picks. B.buys C.begins D.wears( C ) 14. A.played B.planted C.visited D.started( C ) 15.A.thief B.with C.through D.thinBBCAAAB三、单项选择( C ) 1.(2022·黑龙江哈尔滨)In the following words,which underlined letters have a different sound from the others A.birth   B.eer    C.earth( C ) 2.(2022·黑龙江哈尔滨)Which pair of the words with the underlined letters has the same sound B.drive  thin C.loud doubleB.eittherA.handcampBA( A )3.(2022·黑龙江哈尔滨)Which of the following words doesn’t have the same stress pattern(重音) as the others A.behind B.modern C.photo( A )4.Would you like to take part in the summer        /k mp/ A.camp B.keepC.calm D.jump( A ) 5.In the following words,which underlined letter of the word has a different sound from the others ct B.addressC.alive  D.asleepAAA.factA( C ) 6.The underlined part of“radio”ispronounced differently from        . A.sale  B.April( C )7.In the word“matches”,the underlined part is pronounced        . A./z/ B./siz/C./ z/ D./ez/( C )8.The underlined part of the word“medical”is pronounced as        . A./i/ B./ /C./e/ D./a /C.haveCCCD.table( D )9.Which of the following words has a different stress pattern from the others A.daily B.basketC.country D.fifteen( C )10.There is a sports centre in front of the building.Which of the following is correct for the underlined word A./sen t (r)/ B./ kent (r)/C./ sent (r)/ D./ken t (r)/DC






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