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2023-06-16 01:11| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Earnings and unemployment rate

This graph depicts the median weekly wages and unemployment rate by educational attainment int the United States in 2020. 这张表描绘了2020年美国按教育程度划分的周工资和失业率的中位数。

The Current Population Survey of the Bureau of Labor Statistics reveal that the unemployment rate rises in tandem with the decreasing levels of education. 美国劳工统计局的《当前人口调查》显示,失业率与教育水平的下降是同步的。

Those with the highest levels of education in the United States in 2020 can expect weekly earnings that are nearly three times as high as those with the lowest levels of education who are also working full time. 到2020年,美国受教育水平最高的人的周收入将是那些教育水平最低但是同时全职工作的人的近三倍。

The graph exemplifies the central role of education in preparing one for the job market and demonstrates the inability of those without a degree to support themselves financially. 这张图表说明了教育在为就业市场做准备方面的核心作用,也说明了那些没有学位的人无力在经济上养活自己。

Higher education is typically required in the current American job market to earn one’s desired salary. 在当前美国的就业市场上,要获取理想的薪水,通常需要接受高等教育。

Potential causes for this trend include the increased visibility of employers’ educational requirement and the cutthroat nature of today’s job market. 造成这一趋势的潜在原因是雇主的教育需求越来越明显,以及当今就业市场的残酷本性。

Young people are becoming increasingly aware that they can’t avoid becoming economically inactive if they don’t pursue higher education. 年轻人越来越意识到,如果不接受高等教育,他们就无法避免在经济上失去活力。

Many people believe that education plays a significant role in their lives because it not only increases their levels of knowledge but also gives them access to better job opportunities. 许多人认为教育在他们的生活中扮演着重要的角色,因为它不仅提高了他们的知识水平,还给了他们更好的工作机会。

One of the responsibilities of a Chinese college student is, arguably, to recognize the value of a degree. 可以说,中国大学生的责任之一就是认识到学位的价值。

一些混淆的英语单词 employee 雇员 employer 雇主test positive/negative for 检测…呈阳性/阴性amid 通常表示背景,说明原因concern 通常接about或者overprojection 投影,根据当前的趋势对未来可能性的估计instruction 授课 online instruction 线上授课anticipation 期望complication 并发症breaches 违规行为competence 能力 胜任 称职contemplation 思考 凝视compliance 遵守come to life 栩栩如生facilitate 有助于 formulate 制定retrieve 收回 deceive 欺骗 conceive 孕育 perceive 感知rehearse 彩排 演练navigate 航行 操纵 穿越 一些英语常用句子 A table for two, please. 请安排两人一桌的位子。She sat back in her seat. 她坐在那里,往后靠了靠。mortgage v. 抵押 He had to mortgage his house to pay his legal costs. 他不得不把房子抵押出去来付诉讼费。veil n. 面纱 She has got a veil over her long hair. 她用头巾包住长发。wash v.清洗 These jeans need washing. 这条牛仔裤需要洗了。already adv.已经 We got there early but Mike had already left.我们早早到达那里,但是迈克已经离开了。scene n. 现场 Firefighters were on the scene immediately. 消防队立即赶到现场。Prices on the stock market have been static and shown no progress. 股市价格已经停滞不动,没有显示任何上涨的迹象。He declared aim was to tax the rich. 他宣布他的目的向富人征税。audit n. 审计 A special team was set for a thorough audit of energy use of local factories. 一个特别小组成立,来对当地工厂的能源使用进行一次彻底的审查。




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