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2023-08-23 16:51| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

同学们大家好,我是囧叔,今天给大家做的是剑15Test2的Passage 3的深度解析




标题 Having a laugh 题型 单选题(27-31)、选词填空(32-36)、判断题(37-40) 难度 ★★★★☆










































Question 27(单选题)

关键词 When referring to laughter in the first paragraph, the writer emphasises 原文出处 Like other human emotions and expressions, laughter and humour provide psychological scientists with rich resources for studying human psychology, ranging from the development of language to the neuroscience of social perception. 同义替换 research = scientists / studying

value = rich resources

此题重点 答案:C

此题主要考察同义替换的第二种形态:单词背后的联系,例如research这个单词,如果是第一种形态的替换,通常会用到study,investigation等词,但如果是第二种形态,则会替换为researcher,scientists,laboratory等,这个是同义替换的高级用法,在Passage 3 当中会频繁出现。

Question 28(单选题)

关键词 What does the writer suggest about Charley Douglass? 原文出处 Theories focusing on the evolution of laughter point to it as important adaptation for social communication. Take, for example, the recorded laughter in TV comedy shows, Back in 1950, US sound engineer Charley Dauglass hated dealing … … , These were intended to help people at home feel like they were in a social situation, such as a crowded theatre. 同义替换 social situation = social communication = group setting 此题重点 答案:A


2)通过’for example’,能得到观点句应该为之前的文字,亦或能通过总结性的代词’these’了解到作者的观点也会出现在these之后



Question 29(单选题)

关键词 What makes the Santa Cruz study particularly significant? 原文出处 On average, the result were remarkably consistent: worldwide, people’s guesses were correct approximately 60% of the time. 同义替换 similar results = consistent

wide range of cultures = worldwide

particularly significant = remarkably…

此题重点 答案:B此题要注意审题和定位,题目问的是What makes …significant? 因此答案应该是简短的下结论的句子,而不是描写Santa Cruz study的描述性文字。因此答案可以锁定为the result were remarkably consistent 这一句

Question 30(单选题)

关键词 Which of the following happened in the San Diego study? 原文出处 …found that high-status individuals had different laughs from low-status individuals, and that ……, In their study, 48 male college students……, Laughter was recorded as each students took a turn at being teased by the others, involving the use of mildly insulting nicknames. 同义替换 exchange roles = took a turn at 此题重点 答案: B

1)这题较难,通过审题,可以了解到答案一定是描述性的文字,文字范围较大,建议在略读文字的过程中用笔作好相关重点单词的记录,便于加深记忆,有利于找出和选项之间的同义替换词。答案B当中的交换角色,等同于原文中的take a turn at…,故选B


Question 31(单选题)

关键词 In the fifth paragraph, what did the results of the San Diego study suggest? 原文出处 ‘Thus, by strategically displaying more dominant laughter when the context allows, low-status individuals may achieve higher status in the eyes of others.’ However, high-status individuals were rated as high status whether they produced their natural dominant laugh or tried to do a submissive one. 同义替换 rate = identify

always = whether … or …

此题重点 答案: D



Question 32(选词填空)

关键词 …randomly chosen groups of participants were shown one of three videos, each designed to generate a different kind of ___n._______ 原文出处 The students then were randomly assigned to watch a video clip eliciting either humour, contentment, or neutral feelings. 同义替换 one of three = either humour, contentment, or neutral

emotion = feelings

此题重点 答案:F此题通过one of three这个具体的数量细节来定位到原文的三者并列关系humour, contentment, neutral这句话,答案前是different kind of, 正好对应的就是这者的并列关系,因此答案词为feelings,通过同义替换确定答案选F

Question 33(选词填空)

关键词 When all participants were then given a deliberately frustrating task to do, it was found that those who had watched ___adj._____video persisted with the task for longer and tried harder to accomplish the task …… 原文出处 The students then completed a task requiring persistence in which they were asked to guess the potential performance…… However, the software was programmed such that it was nearly impossible to achieve 10 consecutive correct answers……Students who had watched the Mr Bean video ended up spending significantly more time working on the task,…… 同义替换 frustrating task = it was nearly impossible to achieve

longer / harder = spending significantly more time working on the task

amusing = Mr Bean video

此题重点 答案:H

deliberately adv. 故意地

persist v. 坚持

Question 34(选词填空)

关键词 A second study in which participants were asked to perform a particularly ____adj.______ task produced similar results. 原文出处 Cheng and Wang then replicated these results in a second study, during which they had participants complete long multiplication questions by hand. Again, participants who watched the humorous video spent significantly more time working on this. 同义替换 similar results = again

boring = long multiplication questions

答案 答案:C

Question 35,36(选词填空)

关键词 According to researchers David Cheng and Lu Wang, these findings suggest that humour not only reduces __n.______ and helps build social connections but it may also have a __adj.________ effect on the body and mind. 原文出处 ‘Although humour has been found to help relieve stress and facilitate social relationships, the traditional view of task performance implies that individuals should avoid things such as humour that may distract them from the accomplishment of task goals,’ Cheng and Wang conclude. ‘We suggest that humour is not only enjoyable but more importantly, energising.’ 同义替换 stress = anxiety

social relationships = social connections

答案 答案35:D 36: E

1)36题较难,题目中的not only, but, it may also 是关键,题目意思是说幽默既能够减少压力,同时也会对身体和精神带来怎样的影响,通过减少压力定位到原文的relieve stress,再继续从individuals should avoid things往后读,这里有提到幽默可能会使人分心,同时又提到幽默不仅能令人快乐,还能令人精力充沛,通过这个精力充沛得到与答案E 的stimulating 相吻合



Question 37(判断题)

关键词 Participants in the Santa Cruz study were more accurate at identifying the laughs of friends than those of strangers. 原文出处 Participants were asked whether they thought the people laughing were friends or strangers. 同义替换 大量原词重现 答案 NOT GIVEN

题目问的是比较关系,原文中并没有做出任何的比较,因此为NOT GIVEN

Question 38(判断题)

关键词 The researchers in the San Diego study were correct in their predictions regarding the behaviour of the high-status individuals. 原文出处 Analysis revealed that, as expected, high-status individuals produced more dominant laughs and fewer submissive laughs relative to the low-status individuals. 同义替换 correct in their predictions = as expected 答案 YES


Question 39(判断题)

关键词 The participants in the Australian National University study were given a fixed amount of time to complete the task focusing on employee profiles. 原文出处 However, the software was programmed such that it was nearly impossible to achieve 10 consecutive correct answers. Participants were allowed to quit the task at any point. 同义替换 quit at any point 与 given a fixed amount of time 产生矛盾 答案 NO


Question 40(判断题)

关键词 Cheng and Wang’s conclusions were in line with established notions regarding task performance. 原文出处 ……the traditional view of task performance implies that individuals should avoid things such as humour that may distract them from the accomplishment of task goals,’ Cheng and Wang conclude. ‘We suggest that humour is not only enjoyable but more importantly, energising.’ 同义替换 established notions = traditional view 答案 NO

题目说Cheng and Wang的结论与传统的观点是一致的,原文意思首先说到传统的观点,认为人们应该在完成任务的时候避免幽默带来的分心,然而,之后Cheng and Wang的观点却是认为幽默不仅带来快乐,更重要的是能使人们精力充沛,这样的观点与传统的观点是不一致的,因此答案为NO




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