beach是什么意思 beach的中文翻译、读音、例句

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beach是什么意思 beach的中文翻译、读音、例句

#beach是什么意思 beach的中文翻译、读音、例句| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

导读: beach通常被翻译为"钓、某人"的意思,beach是什么意思 beach的中文翻译、读音、例句,还有垂钓者的意思,单词读音音标为[bi:tʃ],beach是一个英语名词,在《现代英语词典》中,共找到18个与beach相关的近义词和例句。




1. We spent the whole day sunbathing on the beach.


2. The beach was crowded with tourists during the summer vacation.


3. The children built sandcastles on the beach while their parents relaxed under the sun.





例句:I made love to you on a beach. (我们在沙滩上 I made love to you on a beach.)


例句:(Door opening) Ah, the footsteps you're about to hear will be very familiar to you, not least because there'll be three impacts rather than two. The third of course, will be the end of a walking cane. (去找片沙滩就好 You just find a beach. just find a...)


例句:In its four-to-three ruling, the Court rejects Gore's request to recount Palm Beach County. (法官以4比3判决 法院驳回Gore关于重计Palm Beach郡的请求)


例句:The attacker drove along the beach and stopped... (翻译:袭击者沿着沙滩开 然后停在了... The attacker drove along the beach and stopped...)


beach一般作为名词、动词使用,如在On a Beach([网络] 在海滩)、on the beach(在海滩上, 失业的, 潦倒的)、dry beach(干海滩)等常见短语中出现较多。

On a Beach[网络] 在海滩on the beach在海滩上, 失业的, 潦倒的dry beach干海滩downdrift beach下漂沙滩Edisto Beach[地名] 埃迪斯托比奇 ( 美 )dolphin beach多芬比奇drifting beach移动海滩equilibrium beach均衡海滩erosion beach被侵蚀海岸例句

1. In its four-to-three ruling, the Court rejects Gore's request to recount Palm Beach County. (翻译:法官以4比3判决 法院驳回Gore关于重计Palm Beach郡的请求)

2. The attacker drove along the beach and stopped... (翻译:袭击者沿着沙滩开 然后停在了... The attacker drove along the beach and stopped...)

3. I just saw Chloe at the beach. (翻译:我在沙滩上见到了克洛伊 I just saw Chloe at the beach.)

4. Stealing a boat from the beach. (翻译:船是从岸上偷的 Stealing a boat from the beach.)

5. Hundred feet out from the beach. (翻译:A hundred feet out from the beach.)

6. Go to the beach. work on my tan. (翻译:去海边 晒晒太阳 Go to the beach, work on my tan.)

7. Hey, Ben, did you hear about Palm Beach County? (翻译:嘿 Ben 你听说Palm Beach郡的事了么?)

8. This just in, breaking news out of Long Beach: (翻译:本台从Long Beach市刚刚收到的消息)

9. Now, if you'll excuse me... (翻译:Except for your beach friends.)

10. Some Palm Beach groups have already filed lawsuits. (翻译:有些Palm Beach的团体已经准备诉讼了)

11. When we walked on the beach... (翻译:-当时我们在海滩上散步 -别说了 - When we walked on the beach...)

12. Dines alone, walks the beach alone. (翻译:独自吃饭 独自在沙滩散步 Dines alone, walks the beach alone.)

13. - It is not gonna work. - Wait a minute. (翻译:﹣杯水车薪 ﹣等下 Palm Beach和Volusia)

14. I am lined up with the beach. (翻译:Lined up with the beach.)

15. There are three tents on the beach now. (翻译:现在海滩边有三顶帐篷 There are three tents on the beach now.)




1. beach volleyball:沙滩排球

2. beach holiday:海边度假

3. beachwear:海滩服装

4. beachcomber:海滩流浪者

5. beach towel:沙滩毛巾



1. We walked along the beach, enjoying the sea breeze.(我们沿着海滩走着,享受着海风。)

2. The beach was crowded with tourists.(海滩上挤满了游客。)

3. We spent the whole day sunbathing on the beach.(我们整整一天都在海滩上晒太阳。)

4. The beach is good for swimming because the water is shallow.(这个海滩适合游泳,因为水比较浅。)

5. We built sandcastles on the beach and played with beach .(我们在海滩上建沙堡,玩沙滩球。)

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