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bath [links] Listen: UK:*UK and possibly other pronunciationsUK and possibly other pronunciations/ˈbɑːθ/US:USA pronunciation: IPA and respellingUSA pronunciation: IPA/bæθ/ ,USA pronunciation: respelling(bath, bäth) ⓘ一个或多个论坛线程和你的搜索词完全匹配 定义 | 西班牙语 | 法语 | 英语同义词 | 英语搭配 | Conjugator [EN] | 上下文 | 图像 WR Apps: Android & iPhone Word of the day Inflections of 'bath' (n): npl: baths

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 bath n UK (bathtub: tub in bathroom)SCSimplified Chinese 浴缸 yù gāng  Before the guests arrive, please scrub the bath and mop the floor.  客人来之前,请把浴缸和地板擦干净。 bath n (wash in a tub)SCSimplified Chinese 沐浴 mù yù   SCSimplified Chinese 洗澡 mù yù,xǐ zǎo  Amy felt much better after a hot bath.  用热水洗澡后,艾米感觉好多了。 bath⇒ vi UK (bathe: take a bath)SCSimplified Chinese 泡澡   SCSimplified Chinese 盆浴  Naomi prefers to bath, rather than shower, in the evening.  娜奥米晚上喜欢泡澡,不喜欢淋浴。 bath [sb/sth]⇒ vtr UK (bathe: wash in a tub) (在浴缸里)SCSimplified Chinese 给...洗澡 TCTraditional Chinese 給…洗澡  Fiona checked the temperature of the water before bathing the baby.  菲奥娜在给婴儿洗澡前检查了水温。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

复合形式:bath英语中文 baby bath n (small bathtub for baby)SCSimplified Chinese 婴儿浴盆,婴儿浴缸  Babies must never be left alone in a baby bath. baby bath n (bubblebath for babies)SCSimplified Chinese 婴儿泡泡浴 bath mat n (rubber mat in bath)SCSimplified Chinese 浴缸防滑垫 yù gāng fáng huá diàn  A good bath mat helps you not to slip in the shower. bath mat n (fabric mat on bathroom floor)SCSimplified Chinese 浴室脚垫 yù shì jiǎo diàn TCTraditional Chinese 浴室腳墊 bath salts npl (scented crystals)SCSimplified Chinese 浴盐 yù yán bath salts (cosmetics)SCSimplified Chinese 浴用盐   SCSimplified Chinese 浴盐 yù yán bath soap n (soap for the body)SCSimplified Chinese 香皂 xiāng zào   SCSimplified Chinese 沐浴皂 xiāng zào,mù yù zào  Watch out for bath soaps that dry out your skin. bath sponge n (for washing body)SCSimplified Chinese 沐浴海绵 mù yù hǎi mián TCTraditional Chinese 沐浴海綿 bath time n (time allocated for a bath)SCSimplified Chinese 洗澡时间  My kids always hide when it's bath time. bath towel n (large towel used after a bath)SCSimplified Chinese 浴巾 yù jīn  There are clean bath towels under the sink. bath tub, bathtub, tub n (tub used for bathing)SCSimplified Chinese 浴缸 yù gāng   SCSimplified Chinese 浴盆 yù gāng,yù pén  Can you fill up the bath tub for me? bloodbath, blood bath n figurative (massacre)SCSimplified Chinese 大屠杀 dà tú shā TCTraditional Chinese 大屠殺   SCSimplified Chinese 屠戮  The battle was a bloodbath, with 10,000 soldiers killed. bubble bath n (liquid soap: for bath)SCSimplified Chinese 泡沫剂 pào mò jì TCTraditional Chinese 泡沫劑 bubble bath n (bath: with soap bubbles)SCSimplified Chinese 泡泡浴 pào pào yù  I take a bubble bath after exercising in order to relax my muscles.  在运动后我洗了一个泡泡浴来放松肌肉。 foam bath n (bubble bath)SCSimplified Chinese 泡沫浴   SCSimplified Chinese 泡泡浴 pào pào yù footbath n (basin, bowl for washing feet)SCSimplified Chinese 洗脚盆 footbath n (swimming pool: basin for cleaning feet) (游泳馆)SCSimplified Chinese 洗脚池 full bath n (washroom: has bath, shower) (指既有淋浴也有坐浴的)SCSimplified Chinese 全套卫浴室 half bath n US (washroom: no bath or shower) (卫生间:无浴缸或淋浴)SCSimplified Chinese 半浴室 hot bath n (bathtub filled with hot water)SCSimplified Chinese 热水浴 rè shuǐ yù TCTraditional Chinese 熱水浴  There's nothing like relaxing in a hot bath after a hard day's work. hot baths npl (sauna or steam-bath treatment)SCSimplified Chinese 桑拿浴 sāng ná yù TCTraditional Chinese 三溫暖   SCSimplified Chinese 蒸气浴 sāng ná yù,zhēng qì yù TCTraditional Chinese 蒸汽浴 master bath (master bedroom: bathroom)SCSimplified Chinese 主盥洗室 mud bath n (skin treatment: soaking in mud)SCSimplified Chinese 泥浴 ní yù   SCSimplified Chinese 泥疗 ní yù,ní liáo  A mud bath is good for the skin and the spirit. shower, shower bath n (place for bathing)SCSimplified Chinese 淋浴间 TCTraditional Chinese 淋浴間   SCSimplified Chinese 淋浴处  The shower in my bathroom is very small.  我卧室里的淋浴间很小。 shower, shower bath n (bathing in sprayed water)SCSimplified Chinese 淋浴 lín yù   SCSimplified Chinese 冲澡 lín yù,chōng zǎo  I prefer a shower to a bath.  我喜欢淋浴,不喜欢坐浴。 sitz bath n (bath: thighs, hips only)SCSimplified Chinese 坐浴 spa bath, spa n (whirlpool, jacuzzi, hot tub)SCSimplified Chinese 水疗浴缸 sponge bath n (all-over body wash)SCSimplified Chinese 擦澡 cā zǎo   SCSimplified Chinese 擦浴 cā zǎo,cā yù   SCSimplified Chinese 用海绵擦洗的沐浴 cā zǎo,yòng hǎi mián cā xǐ de mù yù steam bath n (sauna)SCSimplified Chinese 蒸气浴 zhēng qì yù TCTraditional Chinese 蒸汽浴   SCSimplified Chinese 桑拿浴 zhēng qì yù,sāng ná yù TCTraditional Chinese 三溫暖 swimming pool, also UK: swimming bath, swimming baths n (public pool)SCSimplified Chinese 游泳池 yóu yǒng chí  Young children are forbidden to go into the deep end of the swimming pool.  小孩子禁止进入游泳池的深水区。 take a bath, also UK: have a bath v expr mainly US (bathe)SCSimplified Chinese 洗澡 xǐ zǎo  I prefer to take a shower, while others like to take a leisurely bath. Turkish bath n often plural (steam room, shower, rubdown)SCSimplified Chinese 蒸汽浴,土耳其浴 zhēng qì yù Turkish baths npl (place offering steam room, etc.)SCSimplified Chinese 蒸汽浴室,土耳其浴室 whirlpool bath n (jacuzzi)SCSimplified Chinese 漩涡浴 xuán wō yù TCTraditional Chinese 漩渦浴  I'd love to have a whirlpool bath to relax in at the end of the day.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: bath [bɑːθ] I n [c] 1 (Brit) (=bathtub) 浴缸 yùgāng [个 gè] [美 = bathtub] 2 (=act of bathing) 洗澡 xǐzǎo [次 cì] II vt (Brit) [+ baby, patient] 给(給)…洗澡 gěi…xǐzǎo [美 = bathe] IIIbaths n pl (=swimming pool) 室内(內)公共游泳池 shìnèi gōnggòng yóuyǒngchí to have or take a bath 洗澡 xǐzǎo 在这些条目还发现'bath': 在英文解释里: bain-marie - bath mat - bath time - bath towel - bathe - bather - bathroom - bathtub - bubble bath - foam bath - full bath - half bath - hot bath - linen - plug - plughole - pool - rubber duck - rubber ducky - sauna - shower - sitz bath - take - whirlpool 中文: 浴 - 澡 - 浴巾 在单词列表中: Bathroom objects, PET Vocabulary List - B, 更多……同义词: wash, bathing, washing, soak, dip, 更多……习惯性搭配: bath [toys, products, accessories, salts, bubbles], drain the bath water, am going to take a bath, 更多……

标题中含有单词 'bath' 的论坛讨论:

Bath towel is used to wrap yourself after shower bath's venik take a bath " I have a blocked/sealed bath " - English Only forum (bathroom) half bath / full bath in everyday speech? - English Only forum a bath or a shower? - English Only forum a bath/bath - English Only forum A bedroom, kitchen and bath were adequate shelter for his... - English Only forum "a bubble bath" - English Only forum A person who takes a bath despite low temperature - English Only forum a shy invite to bath - English Only forum add hot water to the bath(water?) - English Only forum After bath phrase - English Only forum an early bath - English Only forum barged in her bath - English Only forum bath - English Only forum bath / bathe [have/take] - English Only forum bath accessory - English Only forum bath and bathtub again - English Only forum Bath cleaning.. car washing.. - English Only forum bath in sunlight golden - English Only forum bath in the beach - English Only forum bath or a bath - English Only forum Bath room singing - English Only forum bath sheets - English Only forum Bath the baby - English Only forum bath tissues - English Only forum "Bath-chaired" - English Only forum bath-thing - English Only forum bath/bathe (bathes-bathing-bathed) - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'bath'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "bath" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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