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barely是什么意思/翻译_barely读音音标/用法例句/同反义词 David • 3天前 • 英文单词 • 阅读 35


barely是什么意思/翻译_barely读音音标/用法例句/同反义词 barely

英 [ˈbeəli] 美 [ˈberli]

adv.  仅仅; 刚刚; 勉强可能; 几乎不; 几乎没有; 刚好; 不超过(某个数量、年龄、时间等)


Collins.3 / BNC.3192 / COCA.1973



仅仅;刚刚;勉强可能in a way that is just possible but only with difficulty The music was barely audible.音乐声勉强能听见。 She was barely able to stand.她勉强能站立。 We barely had time to catch the train.我们差点没赶上火车。 几乎不;几乎没有in a way that almost does not happen or exist She barely acknowledged his presence.她只略微向他打了个招呼。 There was barely any smell.几乎没有什么气味。 刚好;不超过(某个数量、年龄、时间等)just; certainly not more than (a particular amount, age, time, etc.) Barely 50% of the population voted.仅有50%的人投票。 He was barely 20 years old and already running his own company.他只有20岁,却已经营起自己的公司了。 They arrived barely a minute later.过了不到一分钟他们就到了。 刚才;刚刚only a very short time before I had barely started speaking when he interrupted me.我刚刚开始讲话,他便打断了我。 柯林斯词典 ADV-BRD-NEG 刚刚;勉强;仅仅You use barely to say that something is only just true or only just the case. Anastasia could barely remember the ride to the hospital…阿纳斯塔西娅几乎记不起来怎么去的医院。 It was 90 degrees and the air conditioning barely cooled the room…当时气温达到了90度,空调也不能让房间凉快多少。 His voice was barely audible…他的声音几乎听不见。 She was an elfin-like girl who looked barely 10 years old.她是个鬼马小精灵,看起来也就刚满10岁。 ADV-BRD-NEG 刚刚…(就)If you say that one thing had barely happened when something else happened, you mean that the first event was followed immediately by the second. The Boeing 767 had barely taxied to a halt before its doors were flung open…这架波音767刚刚停住,它的舱门就弹开了。 Barely had the bulldozers started when Museum of London archaeologists swooped.推土机刚一启动,伦敦博物馆的考古学家们就蜂拥而至了。 双语例句 Anastasia could barely remember the ride to the hospital 阿纳斯塔西娅几乎记不起来怎么去的医院。 It was 90 degrees and the air conditioning barely cooled the room 当时气温达到了90度,空调也不能让房间凉快多少。 His voice was barely audible 他的声音几乎听不见。 She was an elfin-like girl who looked barely 10 years old. 她是个鬼马小精灵,看起来也就刚满10岁。 The Boeing 767 had barely taxied to a halt before its doors were flung open 这架波音767刚刚停住,它的舱门就弹开了。 Barely had the bulldozers started when Museum of London archaeologists swooped. 推土机刚一启动,伦敦博物馆的考古学家们就蜂拥而至了。 He spoke for one and a half hours and barely paused for breath. 他几乎一口气没停地说了一个半小时。 They have sent barely coded messages to the Education Secretary endorsing this criticism 他们几乎毫不隐讳地向教育部长传达了支持这一批评的信息。 She arrived home exhausted and barely capable of showering before collapsing on her bed. 她精疲力竭地回到家,勉强冲了个澡就倒在了床上。 He spoke abruptly, in barely comprehensible Arabic. 他突然开口了,说的却是几乎听不懂的阿拉伯语。 Evans could barely contain his delight: ‘I’m so proud of her,’ he said. 埃文斯喜不自禁:“我真为她骄傲。”他说。 He was barely able to drag his poisoned leg behind him 他极费力地拖着那条中毒的腿走路。 The air is so black with diesel fumes and coal dust, I can barely see. 空气中充斥着柴油烟雾和煤尘粉末,黑乎乎的,我几乎什么都看不见。 With Betty’s salary they barely made ends meet. 加上贝蒂的薪水,他们仅能勉强维持生计。 I was barely existing. 我勉强维持生计。 Barely had I set foot in the street when I realised I was lost 我在街上没走几步就意识到自己迷路了。 Pasternak gave him a barely perceptible smile 帕斯特纳克给了他一个几乎无法察觉的微笑。 Tough the smoky prism of time, I could just barely make out my father as a young man. 时间模糊了记忆,我几乎想不起父亲年轻时的样子。 Dave pulled a back muscle and could barely kick the ball 戴夫背部拉伤,几乎没法踢球。 We’re barely scraping by on my salary. 我们靠我的工资勉强度日。 The letter was handwritten, in a hasty, barely decipherable scrawl. 这封信是仓促手写而成,潦草得几乎无法辨认。 His sunken thighs were barely strong enough to support the weight of his body. 他干瘪的大腿几乎不足以支撑他身体的重量。 There was barely time for the two boys to escape unseen. 两个男孩想趁人不备偷偷溜走几乎是来不及的。 She’d lowered her voice until it was barely audible. 她把嗓音压低到几乎听不见。 I barely know him. 我与他仅仅是点头之交。 He was barely listening until the salary was mentioned. Then he pricked up his ears. 他几乎没有注意听讲些什么,但当提到工资时,他却侧耳细听。 He did well in mathematics, but barely scraped tough in chemistry. 他数学考得不错,但化学只是勉强及格。 Their performance is barely satisfactory. 他们的表演尚差强人意。 同义词辨析

  scarcely barely hardly【导航词义:几乎不,勉强】


  scarcely adv. 几乎不,几乎没有

〔辨析〕指不太充分、不太够,或不能令人满意,强调数量或程度上不足,常与 enough,sufficient,any 等词连用。

〔例证〕 This small country has scarcely any industry. 这个小国家几乎没有工业。 The hall is so crowded that there is scarcely sufficient room for one to move. 大厅里人山人海,简直无法走动。 Scarcely a day goes by when I don’t think of her. 我几乎没有一天不想她。

  barely adv. 勉强;几乎不


〔例证〕 They had barely enough money to pay the rent. 他们的钱刚好够付租金。 She is now barely able to stand. 她现在勉强能站立。 Barely any of the villagers can read or write. 那里的村民粗通文字而已。 The manager barely acknowledged her presence. 经理只略微向她打了个招呼。

  hardly adv. 几乎不,几乎没有

〔辨析〕指接近最低限度,几乎没有富余,或指能力上有困难,表示否定意义,常与 any,ever,at all 或情态动词 can 连用。

〔例证〕 I’m so tired that I can hardly walk. 我很累,简直走不动了。 He’s hardly slept at all this week. 这星期他几乎没睡什么觉。 There is hardly any milk left. 几乎没剩什么牛奶了。 I can hardly remember him now. 如今我已几乎记不得他了。



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