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2023-11-19 10:45| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

  今天的“困难”,是让同学们一直find it hard to substitute的表达。看看在不同的场景下,如何表达更加精准和丰富。为了不要下次再捉襟见肘,赶紧跟HotEssay论文网小编一起来看看如何替换吧。








  1.find it hard to

  2.have difficulties in


  4.…in difficulty

  5.encounter difficulties


  1.I find it hard to identify any other profession which can claim to have such a significant impact on our lives.

  2.These young migrant workers have difficulties in getting integrated into the new environment,particularly when they are treated unequally.

  3.Some elderly people can hardly manipulate such modern devices.

4.In the experiment,subjects were asked to complete various cognitive jobs that ranged in difficulty.

  5.A divorced person,in particular a woman with children,might encounter difficulty finding a suitable partner.

6.No company is too big to fail or too small to succeed.


  1.face a challenge

  2.aggravate sb’s difficulties in

3.It is far from easy for sb to do sth

4.do not make sth easy for sb to do sth

  5.get stuck in

6.be beyond

7.be beset with/by difficulties

1.In recruitingand retaining foreign managers,Chinese companies face a challenge rooted in their global inexperience.

  2.Classroom noises contribute to the inability of children to hear the teacher’s voice clearly,which can only aggravate their difficulty in comprehending instructions from their teachers.

3.It is far from easy for colleges students who come from impoverished family background to afford the incredibly expensive tuition fees.

  4.The development of technologies has not made most of today’s computers easy enough for people to use.

  5.But when people work alone,it's easy to get stuck in the vacuum of what's already known.

  6.The world discovery is just going to be beyond imagination.

  7.However,the process of creating multilateral institutions to offer substantive and financial support to companies was beset with difficulties.



  Numerous employees find it hard to keep a proper balance between career and life.


  It is far from easy for numerous employees to keep a proper balance between career and life.

  扩展:…,which,in some cases,leads to…or even results in,…

  It is far from easy for numerous employees to keep a proper balance between career and life,which,in some cases,leads to the decrease in work efficiency or even results in emotional pressure and more serious mental diseases.


  Many kids have difficulties in focusing themselves on class.


  Many kids are beset by difficulties in focusing themselves on class.

  扩展:…,which,in some cases,leads to…or even results in…

  Many kids are beset by difficulties in focusing themselves on class,which,in some cases,leads to poor academic performance or even results in emotional weariness in study.


  Some students find it hard to adapt to society after graduation.


  Some students face a challenge to adapt to society after graduation.

  扩展:…,which,in some cases,leads to…or even results in…

  Some students face a challenge to adapt to society after graduation,which,in some cases,leads to psychological problems or even results in the increase of juvenile delinquency in society.


  处境困难be in adifficult situation/be in a sorry plight/be in a predicament

  生活困难live instraitened circumstances/be badly off

  财政困难financial difficulties

  克服困难surmount/tide over/conquer difficulties

  度过困难tide over adifficulty

  困难户families with material difficulties

  困难地区distressed area

  造成严重困难constitute a serious difficulty

  百般刁难create innumerable obstacles/make things difficult for sb.on purpose

  同生死,共患难share acommon destiny/go through thick and thin together





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