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主要翻译英语中文 back n (body: spine)SCSimplified Chinese 后背 hòu bèi   SCSimplified Chinese 背部 hòu bèi ,bèi bù TCTraditional Chinese 背部   SCSimplified Chinese 脊背 hòu bèi ,jǐ bèi  He hurt his back playing tennis.  他打网球时伤了后背。 back n (reverse side)SCSimplified Chinese 背面,反面 bèi miàn,fǎn miàn TCTraditional Chinese 背面,反面   (书刊)SCSimplified Chinese 封底 fēng dǐ  Please read the text on the back of the paper.  请读读这页纸背面的文字。  这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 书的封底上印了作者简介。 back of [sth] n (rear)SCSimplified Chinese (某物的)后部  I can sit in the back of the car and you can sit in the front.  我可以坐在车的后座,而你可以坐在前面。 back adv (returning)SCSimplified Chinese 回来 huí lái TCTraditional Chinese 回來  After the picnic, they walked back to the car and drove home.  野餐后,他们走回汽车,开车回家。 back⇒ vi (move backward)SCSimplified Chinese 倒退 dào tuì TCTraditional Chinese 倒退   SCSimplified Chinese 后退 dào tuì,hòu tuì TCTraditional Chinese 後退   SCSimplified Chinese 倒回 dào tuì,dào huí  He backed into the parking space.  他将车倒进停车位。 back [sth]⇒ vtr (move in reverse)SCSimplified Chinese 使后退 shǐ hòu tuì TCTraditional Chinese 使後退   SCSimplified Chinese 使倒退 shǐ hòu tuì,shǐ dào tuì  He backed the car down the driveway ... right into a lamppost.  他在车道上倒车……正撞到街灯柱子上。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 back adj (last, final)SCSimplified Chinese 后面的 hòu miàn de TCTraditional Chinese 後面的   SCSimplified Chinese 最后的 hòu miàn de ,zuì hòu de TCTraditional Chinese 最後的  The back pages of the magazine are devoted to advertisements.  这本杂志最后几页专门用来刊登广告。 back adj (remote)SCSimplified Chinese 在一段距离之外的 zài yí duàn jù lí zhī wài de   SCSimplified Chinese 边远的 zài yí duàn jù lí zhī wài de,biān yuǎn de  They're going to camp out in the back woods.  他们要去边远的森林野营。 back adj (at the rear)SCSimplified Chinese 后面的 hòu miàn de TCTraditional Chinese 後面的   SCSimplified Chinese 后部的 hòu miàn de ,hòu bù de TCTraditional Chinese 後部的  How many passengers will fit on your back seat?  你后排能坐下几名乘客? back adj (of the past)SCSimplified Chinese 过期的 guò qī de TCTraditional Chinese 過期的   SCSimplified Chinese 旧的 guò qī de ,jiù de   SCSimplified Chinese 以前的,过往的 yǐ qián de ,guò wǎng de  I would like to buy a back copy of the magazine.  我想买一本该杂志的旧刊。 back adj (in arrears)SCSimplified Chinese 拖欠的 tuō qiàn de  She received back pay to make up for the accounting error.  为弥补会计纰漏,她收到了欠薪。 back adj (going back)SCSimplified Chinese 向后的 xiàng hòu de TCTraditional Chinese 向後的   SCSimplified Chinese 朝后的 xiàng hòu de,cháo hòu de  His back pass led to the goal that won the match.  他的一记背传球,实现了比赛的制胜一球。 back adv (in return)SCSimplified Chinese 返 fǎn TCTraditional Chinese 返   SCSimplified Chinese 还 TCTraditional Chinese 還  She gave back the book.  她把书还了回去。 back n (reverse side: body part)SCSimplified Chinese (身体某部分的)背面 shēn tǐ mǒu bù fèn de bèi miàn   SCSimplified Chinese 反面 shēn tǐ mǒu bù fèn de bèi miàn,fǎn miàn TCTraditional Chinese 反面  She wrote his telephone number on the back of her hand.  她在手背上写下了他的电话号码。 back n (rear) (与 front 相对)SCSimplified Chinese 后面,后部 hòu miàn,hòu bù TCTraditional Chinese 後面  We hired a van and put the boxes in the back.  我租了一辆面包车,将箱子都放在后面。 back n (part of [sth] covering the back)SCSimplified Chinese (衣服的)背部 yī fú de bèi bù  The company's logo will appear on the shirt back.  衬衫背部会印有公司标志。 back n (reverse side: chair)SCSimplified Chinese (椅子等的)背部 yǐ zi děng de bèi bù  He placed his hands on the back of the chair.  他将手放在椅背上。 back [sth] vtr (support [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 支持 zhī chí TCTraditional Chinese 支持  You should back your argument with facts.  你应该用事实来支持自己的论点。 back [sth/sb]⇒ vtr (wager on)SCSimplified Chinese 下赌注于   SCSimplified Chinese 押注于  Which horse should we back? back [sth]⇒ vtr (form background of)SCSimplified Chinese 构成…的背景 gòu chéng de bèi jǐng  The field is backed by a row of trees. back [sb]⇒ vtr informal (music: accompany)SCSimplified Chinese 为…伴奏 wèi bàn zòu TCTraditional Chinese 為…伴奏  They're going to back Bob Dylan on his next tour. back [sth]⇒ vtr (mount)SCSimplified Chinese 作…的底板(衬里) zuò de dǐ bǎn chèn lǐ   SCSimplified Chinese 在背后加固 zuò de dǐ bǎn chèn lǐ,zài bèi hòu jiā gù  She backed the photo with grey card. back [sb]⇒ vtr (support [sb]) (指人)SCSimplified Chinese 拥护 yōng hù TCTraditional Chinese 擁護   SCSimplified Chinese 支持 yōng hù,zhī chí TCTraditional Chinese 支持  I back this candidate for mayor.  我支持这位候选人当市长。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

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动词短语英语中文 answer back vi phrasal informal (reply impudently)SCSimplified Chinese 还嘴 huán zuǐ   SCSimplified Chinese 顶嘴 huán zuǐ,dǐng zuǐ  Take your hands out of your pockets and don't answer back, young man! answer [sb] back vtr phrasal sep informal (reply impudently)SCSimplified Chinese 对…顶嘴 duì dǐng zuǐ TCTraditional Chinese 對…頂嘴   SCSimplified Chinese 向…还嘴 duì dǐng zuǐ,xiàng huán zuǐ  If she gets bossy, answer her back.  如果她对你蛮横,你可以顶回去。 answer [sb] back vtr phrasal sep informal (respond)SCSimplified Chinese 回答,应答 huí dá ,yìng dá TCTraditional Chinese 回答  I left a message for him but he hasn't answered me back.  我给他留了消息,但是他没有回复我。 ask [sb] back vtr phrasal sep (invite [sb] to return)SCSimplified Chinese 让…回来 TCTraditional Chinese 讓…回來   SCSimplified Chinese 要…回来  The panel asked the candidate back for a second interview. ask [sb] back vtr phrasal sep UK (invite back to home)SCSimplified Chinese 邀请…到家里 back away vi phrasal (retreat)SCSimplified Chinese 后退 hòu tuì TCTraditional Chinese 後退   SCSimplified Chinese 撤退 hòu tuì,chè tuì TCTraditional Chinese 撤退  Back away from the cookies and no one gets hurt. He nodded vaguely, continuing to dodge and back away.  不吃饼干并不会伤到任何人。  他略微点了点头,继续闪躲并后退。 back down vi phrasal (give in, yield)SCSimplified Chinese 放弃 fàng qì TCTraditional Chinese 放棄   SCSimplified Chinese 退让 fàng qì,tuì ràng  Despite the evidence, he refused to back down.  尽管证据就摆在面前,他仍不放弃。 back off vi phrasal (withdraw, retreat)SCSimplified Chinese 退后 tuì hòu   SCSimplified Chinese 往后退 tuì hòu,wǎng hòu tuì  The guys backed off when they saw the police coming.  那些人看到警察过来时往后退了。 back off vi phrasal (stop harassing or nagging [sb])SCSimplified Chinese 停下 tíng xià   SCSimplified Chinese 放手 tíng xià,fàng shǒu TCTraditional Chinese 放手  My French teacher is always picking on me to answer questions in class; I wish she'd back off!  我的法语老师总是让我在课堂上回答问题,我希望她别再烦我了! back out vi phrasal (withdraw involvement)SCSimplified Chinese 退出 tuì chū TCTraditional Chinese 退出   SCSimplified Chinese 打退堂鼓 tuì chū,dǎ tuì táng gǔ  At the last minute, the investors backed out.  在最后时刻,投资者们却打了退堂鼓。 back out of [sth] vi phrasal + prep (promise: break) (承诺)SCSimplified Chinese 违背 wéi bèi TCTraditional Chinese 違背   SCSimplified Chinese 退出 wéi bèi ,tuì chū TCTraditional Chinese 退出   SCSimplified Chinese 退出 wéi bèi ,tuì chū TCTraditional Chinese 退出  The couple buying our house backed out of the purchase at the last minute.  这对夫妇在最后时刻放弃了购买我们的房子。 back out of doing [sth] vi phrasal + prep (withdraw from)SCSimplified Chinese 退出 tuì chū TCTraditional Chinese 退出   SCSimplified Chinese 停止 tuì chū,tíng zhǐ TCTraditional Chinese 停止  Sue backed out of helping us paint the house.  苏不再帮助我们粉刷房子。 back over [sth/sb] vtr phrasal insep (vehicle: run over in reverse)SCSimplified Chinese 倒车撞倒  Oh no! I think I just backed over my son's bike. back [sth] up, back up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (computing: make copies)SCSimplified Chinese 备份 bèi fèn 备注: The single-word form is used when the term is or modifies a noun. It is advisable to back up all the files on your computer regularly, in case of breakdown.  建议定期备份电脑上的所有文件,以防发生故障。 back [sb] up vtr phrasal sep (support) (某人的说法,某人的话)SCSimplified Chinese 证实 zhèng shí TCTraditional Chinese 證實 / 証實  Go ahead and tell the boss just what happened; I'll back you up on it.  去吧,直接告诉老板发生了什么事,我会支持你的。 back [sth] up, back up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (confirm: fact, argument)SCSimplified Chinese 支持 zhī chí TCTraditional Chinese 支持  The accused man insisted that his wife would back up his story and give him an alibi.  被告坚称他的妻子会证实他所述的事件经过,为他提供不在场证明。 back [sth] up, back up [sth] vtr phrasal sep (vehicle: reverse) (车辆: 倒退行驶)SCSimplified Chinese 倒 TCTraditional Chinese 倒  It's difficult to back up a truck when a trailer is attached.  带拖车的卡车很难倒车。 back up vi phrasal (move in reverse)SCSimplified Chinese 倒车 dào chē  A loud beeping alerts other road users when the lorry is backing up.  卡车倒车时,响亮的哔哔声提醒着路上的其他人。 back up vi phrasal (water: accumulate) (水)SCSimplified Chinese 积聚 jī jù TCTraditional Chinese 積聚  Water has backed up into the toilet and the flush won't work.  污水返回并积聚在马桶内,冲水装置完全不起作用。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

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复合形式:英语中文 and back expr (returning)SCSimplified Chinese 回来 huí lái TCTraditional Chinese 回來   SCSimplified Chinese 返回 huí lái,fǎn huí TCTraditional Chinese 返回  How long does it take to get to Maryland and back? arch of your back n (curve of lower back)SCSimplified Chinese 后腰拱起处   SCSimplified Chinese 腰弓  In this yoga pose, tuck your right arm behind the arch of your back. arch your back v expr (stretch over backwards)SCSimplified Chinese 向后弓起背  Please arch your back and take a deep breath. as far back as prep (long ago)SCSimplified Chinese 早在  As far back as Cleopatra's time, sugaring has been used as a hair removal technique. as far back as prep (from a point in the past)SCSimplified Chinese 可追溯到 TCTraditional Chinese 可追溯到   SCSimplified Chinese 可追溯至  These cave paintings are believed to date as far back as 17,000 years. ask [sth] back vtr + adv (pose question in return)SCSimplified Chinese 反问 fǎn wèn  Audrey asked me a question, but I wasn't sure what she meant, so I asked her a question back. at the back adv (in, towards the rear)SCSimplified Chinese 在后面 zài hòu miàn   SCSimplified Chinese 朝后地 zài hòu miàn,cháo hòu de  We went to the cinema and sat at the back. back and forth adv (move: to and fro)SCSimplified Chinese 来回地 lái huí de TCTraditional Chinese 來回地  The little girl rocked back and forth on the swing.  小女孩在秋千上来回摇晃。 back-and-forth adj (movement: to and fro)SCSimplified Chinese 来回的 TCTraditional Chinese 來回的 备注: Hyphens are used when the term is an adjective. It is relaxing to sit on the beach and watch the back-and-forth motion of the waves.  坐在沙滩上看海浪回来起伏,让人能放松心情。 back and forth n informal (conversation)SCSimplified Chinese 对话 duì huà TCTraditional Chinese 對話   SCSimplified Chinese 谈话 duì huà,tán huà TCTraditional Chinese 談話  Rebecca could hear the back and forth of a conversation outside her window.  丽贝卡能听到窗外的谈话。 back bench n UK (Parliament: junior members) (国会)SCSimplified Chinese 普通议员席,后座议员席 pǔ tōng yì yuán xí,hòu zuò yì yuán xí 备注: A hyphen is used when the term is an adjectiveback-bench n as adj UK (Parliament: junior) (国会)SCSimplified Chinese 普通议员的,后座议员的 pǔ tōng yì yuán de,hòu zuò yì yuán de back cover n (book: rear outer part)SCSimplified Chinese 书护封的封底 shū hù fēng de fēng dǐ  The back cover had a brief description of the story. back door n (building: rear door)SCSimplified Chinese 后门 hòu mén TCTraditional Chinese 後門   (比喻)SCSimplified Chinese 不正当的途径,后门 bú zhèng dāng de tú jìng,hòu mén TCTraditional Chinese 後門   (美国俚语)SCSimplified Chinese 肛门 hòu mén ,gāng mén TCTraditional Chinese 肛門  In this house the back door opens directly into the kitchen. back end n (rear part)SCSimplified Chinese 后面 hòu miàn TCTraditional Chinese 後面   SCSimplified Chinese 后方 hòu miàn,hòu fāng TCTraditional Chinese 後方  He cruelly likened her appearance to the back end of a bus! back end n (software: data access layer)SCSimplified Chinese 后端 hòu duān back fat n (excess fat on back)SCSimplified Chinese 背脂   SCSimplified Chinese 背膘 back formation n (linguistics: word creation method)SCSimplified Chinese 逆构词   SCSimplified Chinese 逆向构词法 back home adv informal (in your town or country of origin)SCSimplified Chinese 在故乡 TCTraditional Chinese 在家鄉   SCSimplified Chinese 在故土   SCSimplified Chinese 在祖国  Doris missed her life back home in Australia.  多丽丝想念在自己祖国澳大利亚时的生活。 back home adv (to your house again)SCSimplified Chinese 回家 huí jiā TCTraditional Chinese 回家  Steve drove us back home after the party. back in action adj informal (functioning or performing again)SCSimplified Chinese 恢复状态,恢复运作  The doctor said I will be back in action in a few days, as soon as the scarring heals. back in action adj figurative, informal (at work again)SCSimplified Chinese 重回工作岗位,回来工作  After being away so long, we are all happy to see her back in action. back in the day expr (introduces reminiscence)SCSimplified Chinese 过去,以前 guò qù,yǐ qián TCTraditional Chinese 過去,以前   (书面)SCSimplified Chinese 想当初 back in the saddle adv figurative, informal (at work again)SCSimplified Chinese 重新开始工作  It felt good to be back in the saddle after three months of sick leave. back into [sth] vi + prep (enter by reversing)SCSimplified Chinese 倒退进入  Jeff looked into the rear-view mirror as he backed into the parking space. back [sth] into [sth] vtr + prep (vehicle: reverse into)SCSimplified Chinese 倒车入   SCSimplified Chinese 把车倒进  My wife always has trouble backing the car into the driveway. back into [sth/sb] vi + prep (hit by reversing)SCSimplified Chinese 倒退撞上  He wasn't paying attention and backed into the bollard. back [sth] into [sth/sb] vtr + prep (vehicle: hit while reversing)SCSimplified Chinese 倒车时撞上...  Matt accidentally backed his car into a lamppost. back issue, back number n (magazine, etc.: earlier issue)SCSimplified Chinese 过刊   SCSimplified Chinese 过往期刊 back line, backline n (sport: defensive players)SCSimplified Chinese 后卫线  The back line stopped the other team from scoring. back line, backline n (sport: line on field)SCSimplified Chinese 后场线  The ball crossed the back line before the player could reach it. backline n (equipment: amplification)SCSimplified Chinese 乐队演出所需要的各种设备  The backline was at the back of the stage, ready for the musicians. at the back of your mind, in the back of your mind expr (in background thought processes)SCSimplified Chinese 心里不自觉地   (比喻)SCSimplified Chinese 脑袋后面 Back off! interj (move away from me)SCSimplified Chinese 走开 zǒu kāi TCTraditional Chinese 走開   SCSimplified Chinese 离我远点  Back off! Don't touch me!  走开!不要碰我! Back off! interj (stop harassing me)SCSimplified Chinese 请不要说了   SCSimplified Chinese 消停一下  Back off, Dad! I'll do my homework later!  爸爸,不要再说了!我待会就去做作业! back office n (administrative department)SCSimplified Chinese 后勤办公室 hòu qín bàn gōng shì  All the staff from the back office are going to the pub – do you want to come? back order n (order for [sth] out of stock)SCSimplified Chinese (因无现货)有待日后交付的货物 yīn wú xiàn huò yǒu dài rì hòu jiāo fù de huò wù   SCSimplified Chinese 有待日后发货的订单 yīn wú xiàn huò yǒu dài rì hòu jiāo fù de huò wù,yǒu dài rì hòu fā huò de dìng dān  If your item is not in stock, the company will place a back order for you. back page n often plural (final page of a publication)SCSimplified Chinese 封底 fēng dǐ back-page n as adj sometimes figurative (fit for newspaper's last pages)SCSimplified Chinese 最后一版 TCTraditional Chinese 最後一版 back pay n (law: wages for previous work) (法律)SCSimplified Chinese 拖欠工资,欠薪 back pressure n (force going against flow)SCSimplified Chinese 回压 huí yā   SCSimplified Chinese 反压 huí yā,fǎn yā  An obstruction in the water pipe was causing back pressure. back rent n (law: money owed to landlord)SCSimplified Chinese 未支付的房租   SCSimplified Chinese 拖欠的房租 back road n (not a main route)SCSimplified Chinese 乡间小道 xiāng jiān xiǎo dào TCTraditional Chinese 鄉間小道   SCSimplified Chinese 小路 xiāng jiān xiǎo dào,xiǎo lù  They got lost somewhere in the back roads of Devon. back rub n (massage)SCSimplified Chinese 背部按摩 back seat, backseat n (seat at back of a vehicle)SCSimplified Chinese 后座 hòu zuò   SCSimplified Chinese 次要地位 hòu zuò,cì yào dì wèi TCTraditional Chinese 次要地位 备注: The two-word form is more common. Children under 12 should sit in the back seat of a vehicle. back shift, backshift n (work period: afternoon, evening)SCSimplified Chinese 下午班 the back shift, the backshift npl (afternoon, evening workers)SCSimplified Chinese 上下午班的人 back straight n (part of a racecourse, track)SCSimplified Chinese 非终点直道 fēi zhōng diǎn zhí dào   SCSimplified Chinese 远离终点的直道 back then adv (in those days)SCSimplified Chinese 那时 nà shí TCTraditional Chinese 那時   SCSimplified Chinese 当时 nà shí,dāng shí TCTraditional Chinese 當時  Back then most people didn't even have cell phones.  那时,多数的人连手机都没有。 back to back adv (with backs together)SCSimplified Chinese 背靠背 bèi kào bèi  Stand back to back so I can see who is taller.  来背靠背站好,这样我才能看看谁更高。 back to back, back-to-back adj figurative (consecutive)SCSimplified Chinese 连续不断的 lián xù bú duàn de   SCSimplified Chinese 一个接一个的 备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun. The team was able to win back-to-back games for the first time in a month.  这是该队一月中第一次取得背靠背比赛的胜利。 back to front adv (clothing: wrong way around) (衣服)SCSimplified Chinese 倒穿   SCSimplified Chinese 正反颠倒 back to front adv figurative (completely, thoroughly)SCSimplified Chinese 完全地 wán quán de   SCSimplified Chinese 彻底地 wán quán de ,chè dǐ de TCTraditional Chinese 徹底地  I've read this book so many times that I know it back to front. back to normal adv (reverting to usual state)SCSimplified Chinese 恢复正常 huī fù zhèng cháng TCTraditional Chinese 恢復正常  In television, at the end of an episode usually everything goes back to normal. back to school expr (return to school after vacation)SCSimplified Chinese 返校季  The sign above the supermarket shelf laden with books and stationery read "Back to school". back-to-school adj (relating to return to school)SCSimplified Chinese 返校的 fǎn xiào de 备注: Hyphens are used when the term is an adjective. We like to buy our children's clothes at back-to-school sales, when the prices are low. back to the drawing board adv figurative, informal (starting over) (失败后)SCSimplified Chinese 重头来过,重起炉灶 chóng qǐ lú zào back view n ([sth] as seen from behind)SCSimplified Chinese 后视   SCSimplified Chinese 后视景 back wages n (law: previous earnings)SCSimplified Chinese 拖欠的报酬   SCSimplified Chinese 未支付的工资 back when adv (at a time in the past when)SCSimplified Chinese 当…时 dāng shí TCTraditional Chinese 當...時   SCSimplified Chinese 回到…时 dāng shí,huí dào shí  Back when I was a boy, there was no such thing as Nintendo Wii. back yard, backyard (US), back garden (UK) n (rear garden)SCSimplified Chinese 后院 hòu yuàn  They sit in the backyard and read all summer.  整个夏季他们都坐在后院读书。 back yard n UK (rear paved area)SCSimplified Chinese 后院 hòu yuàn back yard, backyard n figurative (own vicinity)SCSimplified Chinese 身边 TCTraditional Chinese 身邊   SCSimplified Chinese 近旁 backyard n as adj US (in rear garden)SCSimplified Chinese 后院的 TCTraditional Chinese 後院的   SCSimplified Chinese 后花园的 back-burner [sth]⇒ vtr US, informal (give low priority to, delay)SCSimplified Chinese 把…搁置一边,搁置 gē zhì TCTraditional Chinese 擱置 back-double n often plural (short cut through city or town)SCSimplified Chinese 近路 jìn lù   SCSimplified Chinese 捷径 jìn lù,jié jìng  Audrey made her way to Tania's house through the back-doubles. back-end n as adj (phase: final)SCSimplified Chinese 结束的 jié shù de TCTraditional Chinese 結束的   SCSimplified Chinese 结尾的 jié shù de ,jié wěi de TCTraditional Chinese 結尾的 back-end n as adj (computer program) (计算机)SCSimplified Chinese 后台的 TCTraditional Chinese 後台的   SCSimplified Chinese 后端的 back-end n as adj (part of [sth] that is not seen)SCSimplified Chinese 看不见的一端 back-order [sth]⇒ vtr (order [sth] out of stock) (期货)SCSimplified Chinese 订货 TCTraditional Chinese 訂貨 back-to-back adj UK (houses: terraced)SCSimplified Chinese 连排式的   SCSimplified Chinese 紧邻的 jǐn lín de backbreaking, back-breaking adj figurative (work: strenuous, arduous) (比喻)SCSimplified Chinese 艰巨的,辛苦的,艰辛的 jiān jù de ,xīn kǔ de,jiān xīn de TCTraditional Chinese 艱鉅的,艱辛的  Frank did back-breaking work on the farm for over 50 years. backcountry, back-country, back country n (remote or undeveloped area)SCSimplified Chinese 边远地区 biān yuǎn dì qū TCTraditional Chinese 邊遠地區   SCSimplified Chinese 偏僻地区 biān yuǎn dì qū,piān pì dì qū backcountry, back-country, back country n as adj (relating to a remote area)SCSimplified Chinese 偏远地区的 backflip, back flip n (backwards somersault)SCSimplified Chinese 后空翻 TCTraditional Chinese 後空翻 backpedal, back-pedal vi (pedal backwards) (自行车等)SCSimplified Chinese 向后蹬踏板 backpedal, back-pedal vi figurative, informal (go against [sth] previously said) (比喻)SCSimplified Chinese 反悔,出尔反尔 fǎn huǐ,chū ěr fǎn ěr TCTraditional Chinese 出爾反爾 backroom, back room n (private area to rear of a building)SCSimplified Chinese 后屋 hòu wū   SCSimplified Chinese 后部库房 hòu wū,hòu bù kù fáng backroom, back room n figurative (private area)SCSimplified Chinese 密室,秘密工作室 mì shì,mì mì gōng zuò shì backscratcher, back-scratcher, back scratcher n (tool for scratching back)SCSimplified Chinese 痒痒挠 backseat, back-seat n as adj (in the seat at back of a vehicle)SCSimplified Chinese 位于后座的,在后座的 wèi yú hòu zuò de,zài hòu zuò de  This car is fitted with three backseat seatbelts. 下100个 有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: back [bæk] I n [c] 1 [of person, animal] 背部 bèibù [个 gè] 2 (=not front) [of hand, neck, legs] 背面 bèimiàn [个 gè] [of house, door, book] 后(後)面 hòumiàn [个 gè] [of car] 后(後)部 hòubù [个 gè] [of train] 尾部 wěibù [个 gè] [of chair] 靠背 kàobèi [个 gè] 3 (Football) (=defender) 后(後)卫(衛) hòuwèi [个 gè] II vt 1 (=support) [+ candidate, plan] 支持 zhīchí The union will back Mr Green.工会(會)将(將)支持格林先生。 Gōnghuì jiāng zhīchí Gélín xiānsheng. (financially) 资(資)助 zīzhù The group is backed by big multinationals.该(該)团(團)体(體)由大型的跨国(國)公司资(資)助。 Gāi tuántǐ yóu dàxíng de kuàguó gōngsī zīzhù. 2 (=bet on) [+ horse, team] 下赌(賭)注于(於) xià dǔzhù yú Did you back the winner?你是否赌(賭)赢(贏)家? Nǐ shìfǒu dǔ yíngjiā? 3 (=reverse) [+ car] 倒 dào She backed the car a few feet.她把车(車)向后(後)倒了几(幾)英尺。 Tā bǎ chē xiànghòu dàole jǐ yīngchǐ. III vi (=reverse) [person, car etc] 倒着(著)行驶(駛) dàozhe xíngshǐ She backed out of the drive.她倒着(著)行驶(駛)出车(車)道。 Tā dàozhe xíngshǐ chū chēdào. IV adj 1 [+ garden, door, room, wheels] 后(後)面的 hòumiàn de 2 [+ payment, rent] 拖欠的 tuōqiàn de V adv 1 (=not forward) 向后(後) xiàng hòu Charlie glanced back.查理向后(後)扫(掃)了一眼。 Chálǐ xiàng hòu sǎole yī yǎn. 2 (=returned) 回 huí ▶ to be back 回来(來) huílai He's back.他回来(來)了。 Tā huílai le. 3 (when returning sth) 还(還) huán She handed the knife back.她把刀还(還)回来(來)了。 Tā bǎ dāo huán huílái le. 4 (repetition) 回 huí She stared back at me.她回瞪着(著)我。 Tā huí dèngzhe wǒ. 5 (=in the past) 以前 yǐqián The story starts back in 1950. 故事开始于1950年。 Gùshì kāishǐ yú yījiǔwǔlíng nián.6 (=away) 远(遠)离(離) yuǎnlí Keep back from the edge of the platform.站在远(遠)离(離)站台(臺)边(邊)缘(緣)的地方。 Zhàn zài yuǎnlí zhàntái biānyuán de dìfang. to do sth behind sb's back 背着(著)某人做某事 bèizhe mǒurén zuò mǒushì can I have it back? 我能要回它吗(嗎)? wǒ néng yàohuí tā ma? to turn one's back on sb/sth (fig) 不理睬某人/某事 bù lǐcǎi mǒurén/mǒushì to have one's back to the wall (fig) 陷入绝(絕)境 xiànrù juéjìng to break the back of a job度过(過)最艰(艱)难(難)的时(時)刻 dùguò zuì jiānnán de shíkè to take a back seat (fig) 把权(權)利让(讓)与(與)他人 bǎ quánlì ràngyǔ tārén back and forth来(來)回 láihuí at the back (of) (of crowd, building) 在(…的)后(後)面 zài(…de) hòumiàn back to front (esp Brit) 前后(後)倒置 qiánhòu dàozhì You've got your T-shirt on back to front.你把T恤衫前后(後)穿反了。 Nǐ bǎ T xù shān qiánhòu chuānfǎn le. back away vi 向后(後)退 xiàng hòu tuì back down vi 做出让(讓)步 zuòchū ràngbù back off vi (=draw back) 退避 tuìbì back onto vt fus 不可拆分 背靠 bèikào back out vi (=withdraw) 退出 tuìchū to back out of sth [+ deal, agreement etc] 退出某事 tuìchū mǒushìback upI vt 1 (=support) [+ statement, theory] 证(證)实(實) zhèngshí Her views are backed up by an official report on crime.一份官方犯罪报(報)告证(證)实(實)了她的观(觀)点(點)。 Yī fèn guānfāng fànzuì bàogào zhèngshíle tā de guāndiǎn. 2 (=provide alibi for) [+ friend, accomplice] 为(為)…作证(證) wèi…zuòzhèng The girl denied being there, and the man backed her up.女孩否定当(當)时(時)在那里(裡),男子为(為)她作了证(證)。 Nǚhái fǒudìng dāngshí zài nàlǐ,nánzǐ wèi tā zuòle zhèng. 3 (=help) [+ person] 支持 zhīchí His employers backed him up.他的雇(僱)主支持他。 Tā de gùzhǔ zhīchí tā. 4 (Comput) [+ disk] 备(備)份 bèifèn 5 (=reverse) [+ car] 倒 dào II vi (=reverse) [person, car] 倒行 dàoxíng 在这些条目还发现'back': 在英文解释里: aback - aft - again - anaphoric - arch of your back - ask back - at the rear - at the time - b.o. - back fat - back seat - backache - backed - backless - backscratcher - backseat - backspace - backstroke - backwash - backwater - battledore - beat off - bed - bolt upright - book cover - boomerang - brush back - buck - camelback - Canadian bacon - cantle - catch - chair back - clap - climb back - coattail - come away - constrain - contact paper - contain - corroborate - count down - cower - crawfish - cringe - crisscross - cross reference - curvet - die back 中文: 后面 - 背 - 背后 - 背部 - 回 - 作主 - 击退 - 前后 - 反击 - 反扑 - 反驳 - 后台 - 后头 - 后方 - 后边 - 后退 - 后门 - 回升 - 回家 - 回来 - 回转 - 回顾 - 密室 - 往复 - 徘徊 - 憋 - 扭转 - 抗 - 挽回 - 攘 - 收 - 收回 - 来回 - 背影 - 赶回 - 返 - 返乡 - 还嘴 - 追溯 - 退 - 退还 - 食言 - 驮 在单词列表中: Top 2000 English words, Parts of the upper body, Internet browser terms, 更多……同义词: backward, backwards, rearward, toward the back, towards the back, 更多……习惯性搭配: back [the war, your decision, this proposal, him], my back really hurts, suffer from back pain, 更多……

标题中含有单词 'back' 的论坛讨论:

A blind man riding on the back of a blind tiger Are you looking forward to going back to China? back deck Back order Guess I got my swagga back Have a good trip back! He gave him back to me, He returned him to me He retired as far back as 5 years ago Here I'm coming back with another question I definitely want to go back some day. I don't think I'll be going back to China in the next while. I hope your wife's back gets better soon! I just got back from (a week at) a cottage I'll be back I'll be right back I'm going to go back to my room if two people are meant to be together eventually they'll find their way back it’s struggling just as developed countries did before them to get paid back Put it back! Quiet at the back! retirar lo dicho/take back what I said Sorry, I have to take this call. I'll be right back. take back land; regain control of Thanks. I like delicious food. Maybe you can take me when you get back in June. the back side of a leaf the link is back up (working again) to go back to earth When do you plan to come back to America? When do you plan to go back to your country? < I take back/ I’m taking back > my wish - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'back'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "back" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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