100个英语单词造句翻译 英语句子翻译。

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100个英语单词造句翻译 英语句子翻译。

2023-04-16 16:36| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

积累英语句子200个带翻译 100个英语单词造句翻译 怎么翻译英语句子 100个英语单词造句翻译 英语句子翻译。 2023-04-12 07:51:58 0 评论 浏览量:1025 次



Grippng the handle , he slammed the door behind and plunged in to water.with the saw bonded on his wrist.紧紧握住把手,他“砰”/(duang) 地关上了身后的大门,接着扎进水中,手腕上绑着一把锯。behind 此处是副词,修饰动词 slam , 相当于把什么“甩在身后”。

帮楼主修改了一下,希望对你有帮助:1. 今天掉了五十块钱,本来钱一直拿在手上,可拿着拿着钱就丢了.today I lost 50 RMB. I remeber that the money was in my hand, but it's gone from nowhere.2. 今天公司有个同事辞职走了,真羨慕啊today one of my collegue resigned. How I envy him!3. 出门忘了带钥匙,回家之后发现门锁了,打电话给老妈她这回正在外头超市,我只好苦等,饿得不行街上买了烧烤吃.后来了我妈回来了,我等了一个小时半,还被我妈教育一顿.I fot my key when I went out. And when I came back I found that the door was locked. SoI called my mother, but she was in the supermarket at the moment. I had to wait outside. Then I felt hungry and I went to have some barbecue. After one and half an hour, my mother finally came home and she educated me for that.

JIM一周后要和他的家人一起去法国过圣诞节Jim and his family will go to France to have their Christmas a week later.下周三这里有一场音乐会,你想来吗?There is a concert next Wednesday here, will you e?他们今晚要去看足球They are going to watch the football match.

迟早你们会厌倦这种游戏You will be boring of such game sooner or later.我们得阻止他和JAKESON交朋友We'd better s him to make friends with Jackson.

金一家人什么时候去长城啊?When will the Kings go to Greaall?我肯定老师们不久会做出决定I am sure the teachers will make the decision soon.

NIKE想订5张音乐会的票Nike wants to book 5 tickets of the concert.

别打扰他,他在考虑如何算出这道题呢Don't bother him. He is thinking how to answer this question.


要是你允许我们的孩子们自由自在不带任何成见,他们会与不同种族和宗教信仰的人做朋友,这些朋友也会陪伴他们度过疾苦。鉴于这样的友情和社会构造我们才是真实的,正如威廉莎士比亚曾经写到:“吾众之于兄弟,不亦悦乎”而发放纸封现金的捐款人导致了。。。。。they couldn't................of a postage stamp.他们不明白为什么一个人不能要一个邮戳大小的电话。为什么我要为我从不计较的时间付出。美国本土客户服务独树一帜弄人不弄已有多难?夫妇们会让他们自己轮换休假来照顾假期儿童。有时候,这会使昂贵的家庭假日变得困难。通过即时接触和服务学生,学校也在确保儿童福利中起重要作用,在漫长的暑假中,这方面有很多被忽视。

100个英语单词造句翻译 英语句子翻译。


该公司试图以 1 英镑的象征性价格出售业务失败后,决定召集接管者,随后可能要关闭公司旗下 800 家店铺。


munication is more than just talking with others,but being all ears.we decided to employ these undergraduates without hesitation.I don't understand why body language is sometimes more important than the language itself.Mr. Yang,a senior teacher,made remarks on our performance of yesterday's petition.the teaching style of a teacher sometimes makes it easier for the students to understand what is taught.

1 他一定深深地沉浸在他所读得东西当中了,以至于我不得不轻轻敲了敲挡风玻璃才引起他的注意。2 “现在可以乘您的车吗?”当他终于抬起头看向我的时候我这样问道。他点点头,我一边说著抱歉一边挤进了后座,“对不起,我刚刚在读信...”他的声音听起来像感冒了。3 “不著急,”我告诉他,“你可以接着把它读完。”4 他摇摇头,“我已经读过好几遍了,我猜我都能背下来了。”5 “家书抵万金,”我说,“至少对我来说是这样的,因为我也总是背井离乡。”他看起来应该有六七十岁了,所以我问道,“是您的孩子或者孙子写的吗?”6 “不是家人,”他回答,“但是仔细想想,又和家人没什么不同...”

wash dishestake outbe busy doing/be busy withmake a bed扫地叠衣服打扫起居室看电影





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