phone background location

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phone background location

2023-03-26 03:14| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

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WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2023:

主要翻译英语中文 background n (area behind)SCSimplified Chinese 背景 bèi jǐng TCTraditional Chinese 背景   SCSimplified Chinese 后景 bèi jǐng ,hòu jǐng  In the background, we could see a car coming down the hill.  我们能看到远处有一辆车开下山来。 background n (art: behind subject)SCSimplified Chinese (艺术作品的)背景 yì shù zuò pǐn de bèi jǐng   SCSimplified Chinese 底色 yì shù zuò pǐn de bèi jǐng,dǐ sè  The portrait showed him against a drab, grey background.  这幅画以单调的灰褐色背景来衬托他的肖像。 background n (context) (事件等的)SCSimplified Chinese 背景 bèi jǐng TCTraditional Chinese 背景  The background of social unrest explains the recent race riots in Europe.  社会动荡的背景很好地解释了近来欧洲的多起种族暴乱。 background n (career experience)SCSimplified Chinese 个人经历 gè rén jīng lì TCTraditional Chinese 個人經歷   SCSimplified Chinese 个人背景 gè rén jīng lì,gè rén bèi jǐng  My background is in publishing.  我有出版方面的背景。 background n (upbringing)SCSimplified Chinese 家庭出身   SCSimplified Chinese 家庭背景 jiā tíng bèi jǐng  She comes from a very poor background.  她出身贫寒。 background n (phone or computer screen) (手机或电脑的)SCSimplified Chinese 背景 bèi jǐng TCTraditional Chinese 背景   SCSimplified Chinese 桌面 bèi jǐng ,zhuō miàn TCTraditional Chinese 桌面  The worker at the next desk had a photo of his wife and daughter as his background.  邻桌同事的电脑桌面是他夫人和女儿的照片。 background n as adj (in the background)SCSimplified Chinese 背景的 bèi jǐng de   SCSimplified Chinese 幕后的 bèi jǐng de ,mù hòu de  Many hotels play background music in their public areas.  许多酒店都在公共区域放着背景音乐。 background n as adj (computing: automatic) (计算机)SCSimplified Chinese 后台的 TCTraditional Chinese 後台的  You can check which background processes are running in the task manager.  你可以打开任务管理器,查看哪些后台程序正在运行。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2023:

复合形式:background英语中文 background check n (investigation into [sb]'s past)SCSimplified Chinese 背景调查 bèi jǐng diào chá TCTraditional Chinese 背景調查  Background checks provide information about prospective employees. background information n (context, history)SCSimplified Chinese 背景资料 bèi jǐng zī liào TCTraditional Chinese 背景資料  Helen needed a lot of background information before she was able to write her article.  海伦需要大量背景资料,才能撰写文章。 background material n (informative text)SCSimplified Chinese 背景资料 bèi jǐng zī liào TCTraditional Chinese 背景資料   SCSimplified Chinese 背景信息 background music n (muzak: ambient music) (餐馆等公共场所播放的)SCSimplified Chinese 背景音乐 bèi jǐng yīn yuè TCTraditional Chinese 背景音樂  The background music in a restaurant can create some atmosphere. background music n (incidental music) (电影等)SCSimplified Chinese 背景音乐,配乐 bèi jǐng yīn yuè ,pèi yuè TCTraditional Chinese 背景音樂  Giorgio composed the background music for the film. background noise n (ambient sounds)SCSimplified Chinese 背景杂音   SCSimplified Chinese 环境噪音  There is some background noise on the recording of the interview. background radiation n (radiation in the environment) (空间环境里的微波辐射)SCSimplified Chinese 背景辐射,本底辐射 bèi jǐng fú shè,běn dǐ fú shè  The Big Bang theory of cosmogony grew out of the chance discovery of background radiation. criminal background check n (investigation into [sb]'s past)SCSimplified Chinese 犯罪背景调查,犯罪记录调查  Before working at a school, you must go through a criminal background check. historical background n (context or information about the past)SCSimplified Chinese 历史背景 lì shǐ bèi jǐng in the background adv (behind the focus of attention)SCSimplified Chinese 处于背景, 在不引人注目的地方  This photo has the mountains in the background. The photograph was of a barn with trees in the background.  这张照片以山为背景。  这张照片是以树木为背景的谷仓。 in the background adv figurative (not in the limelight, not prominently)SCSimplified Chinese 在幕后, 不明显地  His personal assistant stays in the background but wields a lot of power. She preferred to stay in the background and not be the center of attention. into the background adv figurative (away from the centre of attention)SCSimplified Chinese 淡出, 不再引人注目  She was so timid she usually faded into the background at social gatherings. into the background adv (behind the focus of attention)SCSimplified Chinese 离开人们视野 lí kāi rén mén shì yě   SCSimplified Chinese 移入背景  In photography, you can adjust the focus to move unwanted objects into the background.  在摄影中,你可以调整焦点,将不需要的物体移入背景。 religious background n (upbringing in a particular faith)SCSimplified Chinese 宗教背景   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: background [ˈbækgraund] I n 1 [c] [of picture, scene, events] 背景 bèijǐng [个 gè] 2 [c/u] [of person] (=origins) 出身 chūshēn [种 zhǒng] (=experience) 经(經)验(驗) jīngyàn [种 zhǒng] II cpd 复合词 [+ noise, music, information] 背景 bèijǐng in the background 在背后(後) zài bèihòu family background 家庭出身 jiātíng chūshēn background reading辅(輔)助材料阅(閱)读(讀) fǔzhù cáiliào yuèdú

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