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#状语修饰副词和形容词 | 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1. 一些副词常作状语修饰副词和形容词常见的有:very, extremely, pretty, badly, any, much, dead, damn, real, fucking

If you develop AIDS, your chances of survival are very small. 如果你得了艾滋病,生存机率就会很小。They travel very fast and they use less energy. 它们行进速度快而且消耗较少的能量。This is a pretty simple concept. 这是一个极其简单的概念。My six-year-old can read English pretty well. 我的六见小孩已能很好地进行英语阅读。Everything's gone badly wrong! 一切都糟透了!You are dead right! 你完全正确!

2. 一些短语也常作状语修饰副词和形容词如: a bit more, a great deal, more or less, so much 等。

Jupiter is a great deal larger in size. 木星的体积要大得多。She's feeling so much better today. 她今天身体好多了。

3. 一些副词可以在a, the 前面She's quite a common kind of girl with dirty nails. 她是很普通的一个年轻姑娘,手指甲脏兮兮的。 It seems rather a good idea. 这似乎是个相当不错的主意。You haven't changed at all -- you still look exactly the same. 你根本没有改变--你看上去仍完成一样。

4. this 和 that 也可以作副词修饰形容词和副词我们对这两个词很熟悉。但由于这两个词在很多情况下都是作代词,尤其是that这个词有很多种用法,所以当这两个词用作副词修饰形容词时,比较考验读者的语感。下面举出this和that修饰形容词和副词的例子。更多that的用法可以参见《that的用法》一文。

I would have walked out, I was that angry. 我本应该走出去,我当时是那么的生气。Do I look that stupid? 我看起来有那么傻吗?It's dangerous to drive that fast. 车开得那么快是很危险的。I didn't think we'd get this far. 我没想到我们会走这么远。

上一篇: 状语与副词的区别下一篇: 形容词作状语




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