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有声读物床头灯英语II. 名著缩写 汤姆・索亚历险记 mp3 电子书TXT文本下载(陆续完成)

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有声读物床头灯英语II. 名著缩写 汤姆・索亚历险记 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer  mp3 电子书TXT文本下载

The Adventures of Tom SawyerCHAPTER  ONEAunt Polly Keeps her Promise"Tom! ... TOM!"There was no reply."Now, where could that boy be?" the old woman said as she looked around the room."You had better hope I don't find you, because when I do..."Without finishing her sentence she searched the room and found only the cat under the bed. Then she thought he might be in the garden. Looking out of the window, she shouted "Thomas Sawyer!"And suddenly she heard something behind her. Quickly turning around, she was just in time to catch a young boy trying to run out of the room." What were you doing just now? Why didn't you come when you heard me calling you?""I wasn't doing anything. Really, I wasn't.""Well, how can I believe that when all I have to do is to look at you and see your dirty hands and face? How did you get so dirty?""I don't know, Aunt Polly." http://www.jichangqing.cn" Well, I know. You've been eating junk food again, haven't you! How many times have I had to tell you not to eat sweets?!"She raised her hand  to  hit  Tom,    but just  before  she brought it down on him he shouted:    "Hey, there's something behind you!" And when his aunt turned to look, he ran away as fast as he could out of the house and quickly disappeared from Aunt Polly's sight. Even though she had been so angry with Tom, she couldn't help laughing and saying to herself, "That boy! He's always getting into trouble. I hate to punish him so often, and I really hate to hit him, but sometimes there's nothing else an old woman can do. He doesn't like to work and he doesn't like to go to school. He doesn't like to do anything but play. But I promised my sister before she died that I would take care of her son and make sure he grows up to be a good man, and I plan to keep that promise. If I find out he hasn't gone to school today, I'll make him work all day Saturday."Of course, Tom did not go to school that day. He played down by the river instead. Later that evening, when he returned home late, his brother, Sid, was finishing his housework, Tom liked Sid, but hated that he was always being a "good boy" and trying to please Aunt Polly. Sid didn't know how to have fun like Tom did. He was boring.After doing his own housework, Tom sat down to eat. During the meal his Aunt Polly began to ask questions about his afternoon at school."Tom, did you bring home any books to study?""Yes, Aunt Polly.""Oh good. And, tell me...  did you go swimming today,Hearing this, Tom started to fear that she knew about his afternoon."No, Aunt Polly. Why do you ask?"  http://www.jichangqing.cnShe put her hand on his shirt. Luckily, it was dry. But Tom knew his pants were still wet and before she could touch them he quickly said, "Because of the hot weather, some of us poured water on our heads. You know, to keep cool."Aunt Polly believed him and was happy to hear he'd been so good.Later that evening, as Tom was out walking and enjoying the warm summer air, he met a stranger. It was a boy, a tall boy, taller than Tom. And he was dressed well, wearing what seemed to be new clothing. He even wore shoes. Tom suddenly felt a little embarrassed about his own clothing.Neither boy spoke. They simply stared at each other and began to walk in a circle, never looking away from the other's face. Tom felt he had to teach this boy a lesson, so he said:"I could make you cry!""No,  you couldn't!""Could!""Couldn't!""Could!""OK, try!"Tom just looked at him silently for a moment and then said:"I could make you cry like a little girl.""Then do it!   You think you're so strong!""I am! I'm so strong I could beat you with one hand tied behind my back!""I'm waiting for you to stop talking and start fighting! I think you're afraid.""I'm not.""You are!""I'm not!""You are!"They began to push each other with their shoulders, again moving in a circle. And then suddenly they were fighting on the ground, hitting and kicking each other, and pulling hair. But soon Tom was on top of the new boy hitting him with his fists."Have you had enough?"   he asked.The boy tried to get away. He was crying angrily. http://www.jichangqing.cn"Have you had enough?"Then the new boy said, "OK, stop!" Tom got off of him and started to walk away, but as anon as he turned, the boy threw a rock and hit Tom in the back. The boy ran away, but Tom followed him home and waited until the boy's mother came out and yelled at Tom to go away.When Tom arrived at his home, he had to enter through his bedroom window, because he was late and he didn't want his Aunt Polly to see him. But his aunt was waiting for him. Sid had told her about Tom's afternoon. And when she saw from his clothes that he'd been fighting, she started to plan all the work Tom would do on Saturday.


The Adventures of Tom SawyerCHAPTER TWOTom Learns a Lesson about DesireSaturday morning came and, like all Saturdays, it was bright and sunny. Perfect for going out to play. But Tom had other plans. He was to paint his aunt's fence. Just looking at all the work he had to do made him feel sad. The fence was huge in his eyes. It would take him all day to finish the work. He slowly began by wetting his brush and started moving it along one of the wooden boards. After doing this for a while, he became very bored. And just as he was about to give up, Jim, a boy who worked for the family, came through the gate. He was going to get water.Tom stopped him, "Hey, Jim. Why don't you paint and I'll get the water? "Jim said,    "No. I can't do that.""Oh, don't worry about Aunt Polly. She won't hurt you. How give you one of my toys. And I'll show you where I hurt my foot."Jim took the toy and looked at Tom's foot, but just at that moment Aunt Polly was returning home. Jim ran off and Tom tried to look busy by painting as fast as possible.But soon his hands started to move slower and slower as he thought about all of the fun he could be having if he weren't working. He knew that his friends would walk by soon and laugh at him. He wished that he had enough money to pay other boys to come and do the work for him, but he had nothing. Then, suddenly, he had a great idea and He began to work again.The first of his friends to walk by was Ben Rogers. He was eating an apple and pretending to be a riverboat, imitating all kinds of riverhoat sounds: a bell ("Ding! Ding! Ding!") , a riverboat worker ("OK boys, it's time to slow her down. We're getting near land! ") . " Easy now. Turn her slowly! " he shouted. "Slow down! OK boys... and stop!" He turned himself and came slowly to a stop near Tom.Tom didn't pay any attention to the boat. He pretended to be interested in his work."Hi Tom!   Did you get into trouble?"Tom didn't reply. He just kept moving his brush up and down the board."Do you have to work all day?"  http://www.jichangqing.cnTom turned suddenly. "Oh, hi there, Ben. I didn't see you!"" I'm going swimming; It's too bad you can't go. You have to work."Tom looked at him strangely.   "Work? What work?"" What you're doing now looks a lot like work. Hard work," Ben said pointing to the fence..Tom returned to his painting. "Oh this? Well, I guess what's work for you is fun for Tom Sawyer." ."Are you saying that you like this?""Do I like it? I love it! I wish I could do this more often!"Ben seemed surprised to hear this. He watched Tom for a little while. Tom pretended to be doing a very careful job painting a little, then stepping back to look at what he had done to make sure it looked OK, making a few corrections and then continuing to the next board. The more Ben watched, the more interested he became."Tom, let me paint a little."Tom thought for a moment and then said, "Sorry Ben. This fence has to be painted perfectly. It takes a special person to do it well.""Please, Tom, let me try!   I'll give you part of my apple.""No, Ben. I'm sorry, but ― ""OK. you can have the whole apple!"Hearing this, Tom gladly traded Ben the brush for the apple and sat down under a tree to think of other ways to get more help.Soon, Tom had more and more boys painting for him. They had laughed when they first saw Ben painting, but soon realized how excited he was to be doing the work, so they became equally as excited and were soon asking Tom for a brush. But Tom had said "no" until they started to offer to pay him. At the end of the day he had been given a cat with one eye, a piece of broken glass, different kinds of toys, and many other things. Tom was rich! Soon the fence was finished, and Tom had painted none of it himself. This made him realize something very useful in life: Men will desire anything they think they can't easily have.


The Adventures of Tom SawyerCHAPTER THREETom in the Army ― a New Love is DiscoveredWhen Tom went to tell Aunt Polly he had finished the work, she was sitting beside an open window, half asleep, and holding a cut. She was surprised to see him. She thought he had given up hours ago."You've already finished? How is that possible?" "Really, Auntie. It's all done."She went to look at the fence and seeing that he had told her the truth she said, "Well now, you're a hard worker when you want to be Tom Sawyer! You can go play now, but come home early.And you can take an apple with you if you want."Tom ran into the kitchen and after looking at the apple for a moment, picked up a piece of cake instead, and ran out to look for his friends.Tom found them getting ready to play "war" , and they chose Tom to be the leader of one of the armies. His friend, Joe Harper, was the leader of the other army. When the battle began, Tom and Joe sat under a tree and shouted commands to their soldiers. It was a bloody battle, and like most wars, no army was a clear winner. But the boys enjoyed themselves and agreed to meet again another day for more fighting.On his way home, Tom passed Jeff Thatcher's house. And there he saw, for the first time, a beautiful blue-eyed and yellow-haired girl playing in the garden. Love was not a new feeling for Torn. Last week he had been in love with a girl named Amy Lawrence,  but now she had been totally replaced by this new girl.He couldn't stop watching her as she played, but suddenly he saw that she was looking at him, and he pretended that he hadn't noticed her. He tried to seem cool  walking on his hands, jumping and running about. But she lost interest and started to walk toward the house. Tom suddenly became sad, but was quickly made happy again when he saw her throw a flower over the fence.Tom slowly walked over to where the flower was, looked around, and, after seeing that no one was looking, picked it up and put it under his shirt, next to his heart. He went home feeling excited. His aunt wondered what he could be so happy about. She hoped that it wasn't anything he could get into trouble for. http://www.jichangqing.cnUnfortunately, later that evening his brother Sid took some sweets, but his aunt thought Tom had taken them, so she hit Tom instead of Sid. And later, when she discovered that she was wrong, she didn't apologize to Tom. This made him feel very sad. He wished he would die, so she would feel sorry. He liked the idea of her crying over his dead body.So, he left his home and went down to the river. Looking at the water, he wondered if it would hurt to drown. Then he remembered his flower and took it from under his shirt. He wondered how the new girl would feel if he died. Would she cry or would she just continue to play in her garden, as if nothing happened?The idea seemed bittersweet to him.   He thought about it for a while and then started to walk back home.He stopped near the Thatcher house. Was that room with the light on her room? He sat under the window and imagined laying down and dying right there and her finding his body the next morning. And in the middle of this thought, the window above him suddenly opened. He could hear the housekeeper talking to someone and then he felt water being poured from the window on top of him. Tom jumped up and ran. He was terribly wet. And when his brother, Sid, saw him enter through the bedroom window he didn't say anything because of Tom's angry face. But he planned to tell his aunt all about it the next morning.


The Adventures of Tom SawyerCHAPTER FOURSunday Classes at the ChurchThe sun rose over a quiet world and looked warmly down upon the peaceful village. That morning, all of the families began their day by praying together. After saying his morning prayers with his family, Tom studied the Bible, because today he had to go to Sunday school. Tom was trying to remember five of the shortest sentences in the book, so he could say them in class. And, with help from Aunt Polly's daughter, Mary, he soon learned them. After this, she helped him to put on his nice Sunday clothes. He was disappointed that she made him wear shoes. He hated shoes. And he hated his church lessons, but Mary and Sid loved them.When he came to the church entrance,   he saw a friend there and asked him:   "Billy, do you have a yellow ticket?""Yes.""I'll buy it from you.""How much will you pay?"Billy accepted Tom's offer and gave him the ticket. And for the next ten minutes Tom bought more and more tickets, some blue, some red, from other boys he met at the door. Children were given tickets for learning Bible sentences. Blue meant that two sentences had been learned, red meant twenty, and yellow meant 200. If a student had ten yellow tickets, he would win a Bible. It was a great honor to win this. Although Tom didn't really care about having a new Bible, he loved the idea of being the only student to get it.At the beginning of class the teacher told the children to be good, sit up straight, and listen carefully. Tom noticed three men and a woman enter the classroom while the teacher was talking. The woman had a child with her. It was the new girl whom he had seen the other day. He wanted her to see him, so he started to hit and play with his friends sitting near him.The teacher asked the five new people to come to the front of the class and then introduced them to the students. Everyone knew the first man, Mr. Thatcher, because he was from the same village, but the other gentleman was his brother. Judge Thatcher. He had just moved to this village with his family and he was a very interesting man who had traveled to many different parts of the world.That day,in order to impress Judge Thatcher,the teacher hoped a student would come to class with ten yellow tickets. But, of course, this was not something that happened often. He didn't really expect this to happen. he just hoped he might be lucky. Looking around the room, he saw that none of the students had enough tickets. He became disappointed. But then Tom Sawyer approached him holding nine yellow tickets, nine red tickets, and ten blue tickets. The teacher's dream had come true! And it was even more surprising that it was Tom Sawyer who had them. He never expected Tom to learn more than 10 sentences in his whole life.The boys who had sold their tickets to Tom felt terribly jealous now. They wished they had kept them. They had been tricked by Tom so many times that the only thing they could feel now was anger.Tom felt proud standing next to the Judge. He was also very nervous, not because the Judge was a great man, but because he was the father of that beautiful blue-eyed and yellow-haired girl.The Judge then spoke to him:   "What's your name, son?""But don't you have another name? A last name?""Tell the gentleman your full name, Thomas," said the teacher."Thomas Sawyer.""You must be a fine young man for learning so many sentences. Those sentences will be useful for you for the rest of your life. By learning more and more, you'll one day become a great man, son. And then you can remember this day and you'll be so happy that you attended your church lessons. Now, Thomas, share with us some of things you've learned from your study of the Bible. For instance, tell us the names of the first two followers of Jesus Christ."Tom suddenly became frightened and embarrassed. He looked at his feet.The teacher knew that Tom had not really learned all of those sentences, but asked Tom to answer the Judge's question anyway."Answer the gentleman, Thomas. Don't be afraid."Tom remained silent."You can tell me," said the lady. "The names of the first two followers of Jesus Christ were ― " http://www.jichangqing.cnTom thought of two names from the book.   He wasn't surewho they were or what they had done, but he knew that they were very popular names and that the names always appeared together:"DAVID AND GOLIATH!"This, of course, was terribly wrong, because, although David and Goliath were from the Bible, they hadn't been followers of Jesus Christ. David was a young boy and Goliath was a huge man of very great size and strength. But when they fought, even though David was much smaller, he managed to kill Goliath.Let us move on to the next part of the story, in order to save Tom from further embarrassment.


The Adventures of Tom SawyerCHAPTER FIVEThe Church ServiceAt nine o'clock that morning, the church bell began to ring, which meant that it was time for everyone to gather to hear the minister, Mr. Sprague, speak. The Sunday-school children would all join their families to listen to him. And it was always the same, that while he spoke to the village people and led them in prayer, the parents would quietly try to keep their children from behaving badly. Of course, Sid and Mary enjoyed listening to Mr. Sprague, so Aunt Polly never had trouble with them in church. But Tom would always have to be seated far away from the window so he wouldn'i spend the whole time looking outside.The whole village was slowly entering the church and taking their seats: the young, the middle-aged, the old, the rich and the poor. Everyone was there, including Mrs. Douglas, who lived alone in the big house on Cardiff Hill. She was one of the richest people in the village. Even though she smiled and was generally a very kind person, Tom always thought she looked lonely since her husband died a few years ago. All of the children were wearing their best clothing. And the pretty young girls all looked prettier than usual, which also kept the boys from paying attention to Mr. Sprague, all of the boys, except for WiLie Mufferaon, who was always "well behaved" . None of the children liked him, but he was a favorite among the adults.Everyone now became quiet  at the sound of the bell ringing again. It was time for Mr. Sprague to begin. As usual, they started by singing a little. Then this would be followed by meeting announcements for the week. And finally, they would say many prayers: prayers for the church, for the people of the village, for the village itself, for America, and for people in countries all over the world.Tom was bored, and it took all of his strength to keep from falling asleep. He decided to concentrate on an insect that landed on the seat in front of him. It started to slowly and carefully clean itself with its legs. Tom couldn't understand this, because he didn't like to clean himself so carefully. He was always in a hurry to play. He wanted to pick the insect up, but knew that his aunt would punish him if he did this during Mr. Spragiie's prayer. But as his prayer came closer and closer to ending, Tom's hand moved closer and closer toward the insect. And at the last word, Tom put it between his hands. However, Aunt Polly made him set it free.But church didn't end there. Mr. Sprague began to talk about something else Tom couldn't understand. The minister mostly read from a book. And the only thing Tom could ever remember from the book was how many pages had been read. But this morning was different. Mr. Sprague spoke about his hopes for the world in the future. He hoped for world peace, where all nations, both rich and poor, strong and weak, would join together in friendship. This was interesting to Tom. He imagined the strong countries as wild animals and the weak countries as farm animals. He imagined himself playing with all of these animals together, without any fear. And he found himself agreeing strongly with Mr. Sprague's wishes for the future of the world.But soon the minister began to talk about other things that were very uninteresting to Tom. He tried to listen, but his thoughts would easily wander to some other idea, such as the things he had in his pocket. He remembered that he had a little box with an insect inside. He took it out to play with it, but the first thing the insect did was bite Tom on the finger. Tom dropped it on the floor and it landed on its back. Tom noticed that it couldn't get back on its feet. He wanted to help it, but it was too far away and his aunt would get angry with him if he didn't pay full attention to the minister.Suddenly, Tom saw a dog come into the church. The dog looked just as bored as Tom. lie too wanted something fun to do. He saw the insect on the floor and became excited. He decided to play with it. He walked in a circle around the insect and made little noises at it. Then he tried to smell the insect by putting his nose near it. And just like Tom's finger, the insect bit the dog on the nose. The dog cried out in pain and ran away from the insect.Everyone who had seen what happened laughed at the dog's foolishness. The dog was angry and embarrassed. And he went back to the insect and made angry sounds at it this time. But after a while he became bored again and found a piece of paper on the ground, which he started to play with. He did this for a few minutes and then got tired. He decided to lie down for a while, but having forgotten the insect, he sat down on top of it; a few seconds later he was running around the church and crying out in pain. His owner quickly put the dog outside and took his seat again, silently begging the minister's pardon. Tom could still hear the dog crying outside as it ran away from the church.Mr. Sprague was upset about being interrupted. He angrily wailed for everyone to slop laughing. It took a long time before everyone was quiet again. But soon Mr. Sprague continued with his prayer. Every once in a while laughing could be heard, but the minister did his best not to pay attention to it. The people were happy to find that he only had a few more things to say, because they were ready for church to be over, so they could enjoy the rest of their Sunday. Tom left the church feeling very satisfied. He thought he wouldn't mind going there if it would be this interesting every Sunday. The only thing he wasn't happy about was having his insect stolen by that silly dog.


The Adventures of Tom SawyerCHAPTER SIXA Conversation about Spirits Tom hated Mondays. Monday always meant the beginning of a new school week. This made him hate weekends too, because they were so enjoyable that they made the weekdays even more boring. He thought that if he had to sit through school today it might kill him. Then he had the idea that he could stay home if he were ill. But he didn't really feel ill. He tried to concentrate on different parts of his body to see if they felt bad, but no matter how hard he thought about it, he seemed to feel perfectly fine. Then he remembered his foot and this gave him the idea to start crying in pain. He cried loudly, but his brother Sid didn't seem to hear him, he just continued sleeping.Tom cried louder and louder. He cried so much that he actually started to believe that his foot really hurt, but still, Sid didn't seem lo notice."Ohhh! Ohhhh! Sid! Help me, Sid!" Tom cried. Sid still didn't move, so Tom picked up a book and threw it at him. Sid sat up saying, "Hey, what's wrong?"Now Tom pretended not to hear him. Sid started to push Tom, to get him to answer.Tom said,   "Oh, don't do that, Sid. It hurts.""I'll go to get Aunt Polly."  http://www.jichangqing .cn"No, Sid. Don't do that!" Tom said as he pretended to cry. "I want you to know that, when I'm dead, I won't be angry with yon for all those times you got me into trouble with Aunt Polly.""You mean you're dying, Tom?"" I'm leaving everything valuable I have to that new girl. Be sure that she gets all of it, Sid."But Sid didn't hear Tom now, for he had run to his aunt yelling, "Tom's dying! Tom's dying!"Aunt Polly came running into Tom's room, her face looking very frightened. She touched his head and cried to him, "Tell me what's wrong, Tom! Tell your aunt where it hurts!""It's my foot, Auntie. I think the doctor will have to cut it off."Aunt Polly suddenly stopped crying and just stared at Tom for a moment. Then she fell back into a chair and started laughing and crying at the same time. Once she had gotten control of herself again, she said, "Tom, you get out of bed and get ready for school."This helped Tom to remember that he wasn't really in pain, and he jumped out of bed and ran to get dressed.On his way to school, Tom saw his friend Huckleberry Finn. Huckleberry had a bad family. His father always drank too much. And his parents were always fighting with each other. So, Huckleberry had run away from home, and for this reason, many of the adults in the village thought he was a bad child. But the children thought of him differently. They liked him, and they wished that they could be like him, and be as free as he was to do anything he wanted, for he didn't go to school or church. Instead, he would just play or go swimming or fishing.Because he didn't live with his parents any more, Huckleberry's clothing was often in very poor condition. They were always dirty, and either too big or too small for him. He was always the first to wear no shoes in the summer and the last to put them on in the winter. And Huckleberry almost never washed himself.Tom liked "Muck" a lot, and because the adults disliked Huckleberry so much, Tom played with him as often as he could."Hello there, Huckleberry."   said Tom."Yea, yea, hello."   replied Huckleberry."What do you have there in that bag?""It's a dead cat.""Wow, Huck! Will you let me see him? Where did you get it?""A boy gave it to me.""What do you plan to do with a dead cat, Huck?""I'm going to use it to take off these warts." Huckleberry showed Tom the ugly spots on his hands. http:// www.jichangqing.cn"But how can a dead cat remove warts?""After someone dies and their body is put in the ground, you take your cat to that person's grave just before 12 o'clock midnight. After 12 o'clock you will start to hear a low sound, something like the wind, or you might even hear someone talking very softly. These are terrible spirits that have come to cany the dead man away. You won't be able to see them, but you can hear them, and when they start to leave with the body,you throw the cat at them  and  say     ' Spirits follow body,  cat follows spirits, warts follow cat.'  I promise you that will take away anyone's warts.""Have you ever done it before?"" Not yet, but you remember that old Hoss Williams just died, right?""Yes, I remember, Huck. But they put him in the ground on Saturday. The spirits have already taken his body.""Now, think for a minute. If he was buried on Saturday... the spirits couldn't have taken him away at 12 o'clock, because it would be Sunday at that time. Bad spirits don't dare do anything on Sunday... that's God's day! So I'm thinking they'll come tonight.""You know, you're right. So, can I come with you?""Are you sure you won't be too frightened?""Of course not! Come and get me at my house tonight. Make a sound like a cat and I'll come out to meet you.""Yes. But you answer this time, because the last time I did that you never answered and one of your neighbors started throwing rocks at me."Tin sorry, Huck. My aunt was keeping her eye on me that night. There was nothing I could do. But tonight I promise there won't be a problem."Tom was excited about this evening. Now he had something to think about during his boring class. As soon as he walked into Ihe classroom the teacher yelled out his name: " Thomas Sawyer! " He knew he was in trouble whenever someone called him by his full name. He didn't look at the teacher, but walked directly to his desk and look a seat."Thomas Sawyer, what's your excuse for being late this time?"Before he answered, Tom saw the new girl sitting with the other girls. He noticed that the chair next to hers was empty. Seeing this, he got an idea and shouted out so everyone could hear it clearly:"I met Huckleberry Finn on my way to school, and we had a nice long talk!"This was a good way to get into trouble, because like all the other adults, Tom's teacher didn't like Huckleberry Finn. None of the students could understand why Tom had admitted this. Any excuse would be better than this one." I've told you a hundred times never to speak with that boy! I'll have to make sure you remember it next time. Come here and take off your coal!" Tom knew what was going to happen. The teacher collected sticks that he found useful for hitting his students with as punishment for their bad behavior. Most of his supply had been used to beat Tom. After he'd finished beating him the teacher said, "Maybe that will help you to remember. Now, go and sit with the girls!"Happily, Tom went over and sat next to the new girl. She tried not to look at him and turned to talk to a girl behind her. When she turned back around to face the front of the room, she found an apple sitting on her desk. She pushed it away, but Tom moved it back toward her, and when she tried to push it away again, he didn't let her. Then Tom took out a piece of paper and started to write something on it. He covered it with his hands so she couldn't see what he was doing."What are you doing there?"asked the girl.Tom finished and showed her that he'd drawn a house. It was a terrible drawing, but the girl seemed to like it anyway: "Great! Now draw a man for me."Tom did what he was told, but he also drew a woman next to the man."It's wonderful!" said the girl, "I wish I could draw like that.""OK, I'll teach you how to draw during lunch, or are you going back home?" asked Tom."I'll stay if you'll really teach me.""OK. But what's your name?""Becky. Becky Thatcher. What's yo... oh, of course T know your name. You're Tom Sawyer.""You can just call me Tom." As he said this, he took out another piece of paper and started to write something, but again, he didn't let Becky see."Now what are you doing?""Nothing, really." http://www. jichangqing.cn"Oh please let me see it.""If I show, do you promise not to tell the teacher?""I promise."Becky quickly took the paper from Tom and read the words: "I love you.""Oh, you're such a bad boy!" she said hitting him gently on the head, but she was smiling a very big smile. Tom smiled back, but suddenly he felt someone take hold of his ear and pull him up from his chair."You should go sit with the boys now, young man!" said the teacher as he moved Tom back toward his other seat. And even though the whole class laughed at Tom, he felt nothing but happiness in his heart.


The Adventures of Tom SawyerCHAPTER SEVENTom Gets EngagedAt lunchtime, after the teacher had left the classroom, Tom went to sit with Becky and taught her how to draw. They drew only for a little while and then started talking instead:"Tell me, Becky, have you ever promised to marry a boy before?""No. Of course not.""Would you like to promise to marry someone?""Maybe, but I don't know how.""It's easy. You just agree to marry the boy, kiss him, and that's it.""Kiss? What for?"" It's just what people do. Do you remember what I wrote?""Yes.""What did I write? If you don't, I can say it again."Becky just laughed and said,    "Not now.""But I want to say it now. OK, I'll say it quietly in your ear." He put his mouth close to her ear and whispered the words. Then he sat back and said, "Do you want to say it to me?"She became embarrassed and asked him to look the otherway.   Then she put her hand to his ear and whispered the namewords:    "I love you,"    and ran away from him.   He started to try to catch her as she ran between the tables and chairs in the classroom. Finally, he caught her, but she covered her face with her hands. Tom waited patiently for her to remove her hands, and when she eventually did, he kissed her and said, " Now you've promised to marry me. You can never love another hoy.""OK. And you can never marry another girl.""Of course. I'll love and marry only you and we'll play together everyday.""I think I like this kind of promise. What do you call it?""It's called 'getting engaged' .   I like it too.   I and Amy Lawrence were..."But Tom stopped when he saw Becky's eyes got bigger.She was clearly not happy anymore."You mean you've been engaged to other girls before?" Becky cried."Oh... well, I... I never did marry Amy and I don't love her anymore."Seeing that she didn't seem to feel better, Tom took a gold-colored ball from his pocket and tried to give it to her. She took it and threw it on the ground. Tom felt both hurt and angry. He walked out of the school and into the forest, and he planned to stay there for the rest of the day.Becky thought that he would come back a few minutes later, but when he didn't, she started to call out for him: "Tom! Where did you go? Please come back!" When no reply came, she started to cry even harder than before.


CHAPTER EIGHT Tom Makes a DecisionTom walked far into the forest. He was even further than Mrs. Douglas's house on Cardiff Hill. He decided to rest under a tree and think for a bit. He again wished that he could die. But this idea was soon replaced with the desire to live. There were so many places he could travel to in the world, so many things he could do. He could be a soldier, he could join the Indians, or even better, he could become a pirate and steal money and treasure from people traveling on the sea. He'd be good at that. He'd probably become famous for it too. Then how would Becky feel about him? She would wish that she had been nicer to him when she had the chance.He decided that he would leave the next morning to begin his life as Tom Sawyer the pirate!Suddenly he heard someone calling out in the forest. He quickly ran to his secret hiding place where he kept a lot of toys hidden. He found his wooden knife and put it between his pants and his belt. He was now the famous Robin Hood, friend of the poor and enemy of the rich, who had lived over one hundred years ago with his army of robbers.Moving quietly and carefully from tree to tree, he told his " men" to stay where they were. And then his friend Joe Harper came from behind another tree. Tom shouted to him: "Stop there, stranger! Why have you entered my forest without permission?""I am Guy of Guisbome,"    replied Joe.    "I go wherever Iwant to go.   Who do you think you are?"  http://www.jichangqing .cn"I am the famous, Robin Hood, who shall kill you if you don't start behaving friendlier.""If you really are Robin Hood, I'll gladly fight you, so that I may become famous for killing you."They started to pretend to fight. But after a while, Tom became tired and shouted to Joe: "Let me kill you! You have to!""I don't want to die! And I'm stronger than you. Let me kill you!""But that's not in the story. Robin Hood never dies in the story.""Ok, fine."   Joe turned around and let Tom kill him."Now you can he Rohin Hood for a while, Joe. Then you can kill me."Joe liked this idea and happily started to fight Tom again. Soon Tom was on the ground, pretending to bleed terribly. Joe told him he'd done a good job at dying and that he should be an actor when he grew up. Tom said: "No, I'm not a good actor, I just believe in dying honorably. And you should always do a good job of dying under the knife of great men such as Robin Hood."


The Adventures of Tom SawyerCHAPTER NINEA Frightening Night among the SpiritsThat night, Tom lay in bed waiting for Huck to call for him.   When he finally heard the sound of a cat outside his window, Tom quietly climbed out of the window and found Huck waiting for him there with his dead cat.They reached the graveyard in 30 minutes, as it was just outside of the village. The night was very quiet, so even the slightest sound made the boys jump from fear. When they had found the grave of Hoas Williams, it was still too early for the spirits to come, so Tom and Huck sat down under some trees nearby.They waited a while without talking. But Tom started to become frightened by the sounds of the night, so he started to talk, hoping he'd forget about them."Huck, I bel that old Hoss can hear us here." "Yeah, you're probably right. So you should always be careful about how you talk about dead people."This made Tom think for a little while about all the things he had said about the dead people he'd known.    But he was interrupted by the sound of voices. "Did you hear that, Huck?" Huckle berry listened for a moment and said: "Tom, they're coming!    Where can we hide?" "I don't know. Do you think they can see us here?" "Of course, they can see in the dark. They're spirits!" "Well, maybe if we don't move, they won't see us."Im pretl, worried, Tom.""Be quiet. I think they're getting close!"Then something appeared. It looked like someone carrying a light. "I don't care about my warts any more, Tom! Let's just get out of here!"Tom put his hands together and started to quietly pray."Wait, Tom! It's a person! No, it's three people... and one of them is old Muff Potter. I can hear his drunken voice, Im not afraid of him.""And I know that other voice, Huck.   It's Indian Joe.""Now, him I am afraid of.   Let's go, Tom."But it was too late now. The men had already reached the grave, Hoss William's grave."Here we are, men." Tom didn't recognize this voice, hut he looked around the tree and saw that it was Doctor Robinson. Tom was afraid to breathe for fear that the men might hear him."Ok, now start digging."    He said.After a short while, the men pulled up Hoss's box from the ground.Potter then spoke to the doctor: "Now we'll carry it away for you for five more dollars. If not, then we'll just leave it right here.""I already paid you enough,"   the doctor said."No, you'll pay us more, because it was your father who sent me to jail when I was younger.  Your family owes me." said Indian Joe.The doctor became angry and hit Indian Joe. Muff Potter was so surprised by this; he dropped his knife. Then he started to fight with the doctor. Indian Joe had seen Potter drop his knife, so when the two men started to fight, he picked it up and waited for the right moment to use it on the doctor. The opportunity came when the doctor turned his back on Indian Joe and hit Potter with a board, who fell quickly to the ground. Indian Joe didn't wait; he immediately put the blade of the knife into the doctor's back. The doctor suddenly stopped fighting and fell on top of Potter.Tom and Huck quietly ran away without being seen. Potter was still asleep when Indian Joe put the knife he'd used to kill the doctor in his hand. When he finally woke up he first saw Indian Joe sitting near him; then he saw the doctor's body; and lastly he saw the knife in his own hand. It was covered with blood."I can't believe you killed him!"   said Indian Joe."What? I didn't kill anyone!" Replied Porter, still surprised by what he'd woken up to."I saw the whole thing, Potter. After he hit you. you used your knife on him. But don't worry, Muff. I won't tell anyone."Polter started crying: "Thank you, Joe. I knew you were a good friend.""Now you've got to get out of here, before someone sees you."Indian Joe watched Muff Potter run away and laughed to himself, saying, "Well, it looks like he was too drunk to remember to take his knife with him."


 The Adventures of Tom SawyerCHAPTER TENThe AgreementTom and Huck didn't look back the whole time they were run. And they didn't stop running until they reached the village. Then they went into an old empty building to hide for a while."I can't believe what we just saw. Do you think the doctor's dead, Huck?""If he is, then Indian Joe will be hanged."Tom thought for a moment and said: "But we're the only people who know he did it.""Oh. You're right. I didn't think about that.""If we tell, Indian Joe may kill us.""Well, maybe we won't have to tell. Maybe Muff Potter will.""But Huck, Muff Potter didn't see what happened .after the doctor hit him.""Tom, we must agree never to tell anyone. Let's write our agreement in blood."Tom agreed and with his knife he cut both his and Huckleberry's hands and wrote their agreement on a piece of wood.Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer promise they will never tell about what they saw, and if they ever tell, they will die immediately.Then each boy signed in blood, TS and HF. Tom wrote the H and F, since Huckleberry couldn't read or write. They then put the wood in a hole in the wall of the building and said goodbye to each other for the night.The sun was just about to rise when Tom finally arrived home. He had entered through the window as usual, and felt safe that his aunt hadn't heard him, but Sid heard him, and, as always, he couldn't wait to tell Aunt Polly at breakfast.When Tom joined Sid and his aunt at the breakfast table, Aunt Polly began to cry and complained that he was always making her sad: " No matter how hard I try to make you a good boy, you always do bad things!"Tom hated to see his aunt cry. It made him feel terrible about himself. He promised her that he would be good from now on, but his aunt didn't seem to believe him.His day only went worse when he went to school, for the teacher used his stick on both Tom and Joe for missing school the day before.And when Tom sat down in his classroom chair he found a piece of paper with something wrapped in it waiting for him. He opened it and found the little gold ball he'd given Becky the other day. This was becoming one of the worst days in Tom's life.=================

 CHAPTER ELEVENPotter's CaptureAt 12 o'clock, the teacher told his students that school was closing early for the day.All of the children were surprised and excited by the news, except for Tom.He knew it was because the doctor's body had been found and that the whole village was talking about it now.Tom heard some people saying that the police found Potter's knife next to the body. And someone had said that they'd seen Potter washing himself in the river this morning and that he'd run away when he noticed he was being watched. This surprised most people because Muff never seemed to care about washing himself before today.Tom found many people gathered at the graveyard. He felt uncomfortable there, and he felt even worse when he saw Huckleherry there. They tried not to look at each other for fear that someone might suspect them of knowing something.Then Tom saw Indian Joe. He was surprised to see him at the scene of the crime.A group of policemen soon appeared, and with them they had Muff Potter. Potter looked frightened. When they brought him to the grave where the murder happened he fell to the ground crying: "Please, I'm telling you I didn't do it! I could never kill a man.""No one said yon Hid,"    someone from the crowd said.Potter realized that it was Indian Joe who had spoken."But you told me you wouldn't tell... Indian Joe?"The police showed Potter the knife and asked him if it was his. He dropped his head and admitted that it was. He started shaking and looked up at Indian Toe again: "You know I didn't do it, Indian Joe. You were there. Tell them I didn't do it!"The police asked Indian Joe what he knew. He told them what he saw, and Tom expected God would kill Indian Joe right there for lying, but nothing happened. Tom wanted to tell the truth, but he knew he'd be killed if he did.It bothered Tom that an innocent man was going to be punished and that he couldn't do anything about it. This idea stayed in his mind all week. He couldn't sleep at night, and if he did sleep, he had terrible dreams and he said things out loud. Sid said he'd heard Tom, one night, saying, "Blood! Blood! Please don't kill me! Please!"" What's upsetting you, Tom?" asked Aunt Polly. " Something's on your mind and you need to talk about it.""It's nothing. Auntie." But Tom's face had turned white when she had asked him this question.During this period of time, Tom visited Potter's window at the jail everyday and gave him a small gift to try to make him feel better. He wasn't sure if it helped Potter, but certainly helped Tom.Because Indian Joe had been digging up Hoss Williams's grave, most of the people of the village wanted to put him in jail too. But they feared that this would just anger him, and he might, later on, punish those who'd put him in jail a second time. So Indian Joe remained free.


The Adventures of Tom SawyerCHAPTER TWELVEAunt Polly Studies MedicineNow Tom had something else to worry about, other than Indian Joe. It seemed that Becky Thalcher had become ill. Tom was afraid that it might be very serious.He became very much unlike himself. He didn't want to do anything except think about Becky. This worried his aunt. She wanted to make him feel better, so she started reading books about keeping healthy. These books offered all kinds of advice, such as what you should and shouldn't eat, drink, and wear. She was so worried about Tom's health that she was willing to try anything and everything the book suggested. So, one morning she pulled Tom out of bed and took him into the garden and poured cold water over his head. Then she put him back into bed and covered him up with a lot of blankets.This, of course, didn't improve the situation, so she tried other things, like giving him less food and making him stay in bed longer.Then she tried a new medicine called "Painkiller" . When she gave it to Tom it seemed like she'd started a fire in his mouth. He yelled and jumped up and down. She thought this might be a good thing, so she started to give him "Painkiller" everyday.Of course, all of ber attempts at helping Tom only made him feel worse. He wished that she would stop trying to make him feel better. He knew that he couldn't continue to take the "Painkiller" anymore, so, when his aunt wasn't looking, he started putting the medicine in a hole in the floor, instead of in his mouth. Now she could give him as much "Painkiller" as she wanted. He even told her that he liked it. This made his aunt very happy.One day, as Tom was putting the "Painkiller" in the hole in the floor, Peter the cat came into his room to visit. Peter became very interested in what Tom was doing. He started to smell the hole in the floor and it seemed to Tom that he wanted to try the "Painkiller" ."I don't know, Peter.   I'm not so sure you'd like this."Peter didn't seem to believe Tom, because he kept smelling around the hole in the floor."Well, OK... if you want to try it, I guess I can let you, but don't get angry with me if you don't like it!"So, he fed Peter some of the medicine.The cat went absolutely crazy. He screamed loudly and ran all round the room, jumping from bed to chair to table to dresser and back, to the bed again. Then he jumped to the ground and rolled around on his back, like a drunken man. He continued to do this until Aunt Polly came running into the room. Then he jumped to his feet and ran screaming out the window.Tom couldn't stop laughing. This was one of the funniest things he'd seen since the dog in church."Now what is wrong with that cat, Tom?""Oh, he's just excited, Auntie. You know how cats are."But Tom had forgotten to cover the hole where he put the "Painkiller" and his aunt saw it NOW. She quickly became angry and started hitting Tom. "You terrible boy! How can you give that to a cat?"" I'm sorry, Auntie! I just wanted the eat to feel like someone cared about him, like you cared about me.""What do you mean?""He doesn't have an aunt who gives him medicine that hurts his mouth. So maybe he doesn't feel anyone cares about him."This made Aunt Polly think for a moment. She suddenly realized how painful the "Painkiller" might be for Tom. She took Tom's hand and said, "I'm sorry, Tom. I just wanted you to feel better.""And I was trying to do the same for Peter. It looks like it worked. He was more active a few minutes ago than I've seen him be all year!""Alright now, Tom. You be a good boy and get going to school."Tom had been going to school early everyday since Becky became ill. Today, as he waited at the front gate hoping she might come, he saw Jeff Thateher come walking by the school. Tom became excited, but soon fell back into sadness when he realized that Jeff was alone. He gave up and went inside, feeling terrible. Then suddenly he noticed out of the corner of his eye, a dress came walking into the classroom, just before the teacher was about to begin. It was Becky. Tom almost jumped out of his seat with excitement. He immediately became his old self again and started playing and joking with the other students. He did his usual tricks to try to get Becky to look at him, but she never did. He did everything he could to get her attention. He stole a boy's hat, walked on his hands again, and finally fell right at Becky's feet. But she just turned and looked the other way, pretending she never saw him. This made Tom's heart weak again. He picked himself up off the ground and, with his head down, slowly walked away.=================

The Adventures of Tom SawyerCHAPTER THIRTEENThe Three PiratesTom now felt hopeless again. He felt that no one cared aA about him anymore. He didn't want to he a bad boy; it's just that people gave him no choice. How can someone be good without love? So Tom decided that it wasn't his fault that he was the way he was. It was everyone else's fault. He left the village, imagining that he would never return. After walking quite a long way, he found his good friend, Joe Harper. Joe seemed to be feeling pretty terrible himself. When Tom told him that he was planning on traveling the world looking for new and exciting adventures, Joe said that he had had the same idea. He was angry because his mother had hit him for no reason. He didn't feel that she loved him or wanted him anymore, so he ran away.The boys decided that since they had both lost their families, they would have to be a family now. Just the two of them: Tom and Joe, friends and brothers forever. So, now they had to plan what they would do next. After a few moments, they agreed to become pirates.Near the village, at the widest part of the Mississippi River, was a small island, about one mile wide. Tom and Joe decided to make this their new home. It was totally empty of people and there were lots of trees, so no one would be able to see them from the shore. It was the perfect secret hiding place for pirates.While looking at the island, they met Huckleberry Finn. He didn't have family either, so they asked him if he'd like to become a pirate too. He very happily agreed to join them.They planned to meet at 12 o'clock that night and take a small boat over to the island, this way, no one could see them going there. They were all to bring food and any other useful supplies to help them live on the island.Tom brought some meat, a compass, and his knife with him that evening. He waited for his friends up on a hill above the river. It was a very quiet night, so he started to whistle. Then he heard someone whistle the same song somewhere down the hill. Tom tried whistling again, and someone said: " Hey! Who's that?""I'm Tom Sawyer, the famous Black Pirate! And who am I talking to?""Huck Finn the Red-Handed and Joe Harper the Destroyer of the Seas." These were all names that Tom had found in one of his favorite books."Do you know the secret word?""Blood!""Ok, wait for me, I'm coming down." Tom said as he started walking down the hill.Once they were together, they looked at what everyone had brought. Joe had some meat with him and Huck had brought his tobacco.Seeming happy with this, the Black Pirate said: "Ok, men. Now we need something to build a fire with."They decided to steal some firewood from one of the riverboats. This would be pretty easy to do now that most of the workers were in the village, bill just in ease someone had stayed behind to guard the boat, they were very careful when they went aboard.Once they had the firewood, the pirates then found the little boat that would take them to their island. Tom stood at the front of the boat and gave orders to the other boys: "Ok, let's go faster now. Alright. A little to the right. Wait, no a little to the left. Watch out for those rocks up ahead!"At one point they could see the village they had left forever. Tom was happy to be leaving it and everyone he ever knew. He thought about his aunt and Becky, and he wished they could see him now, being so brave.A couple of hours later, they landed on the shore of the island. The first thing they did was hide their boal and find a place to keep their food safe from the animals. They decided not to build a shelter for themselves, as they liked the idea of sleeping outside, like real pirates.Later that evening, after dinner, they relaxed around a fire. Huck thought this was the perfect opportunity to smoke, so he took out his tobacco and started rolling a cigarette. The other two pirates watched him and wished that they knew how to smoke, and then they could really be like pirates.Huck lay back and began to smoke. After a couple of minutes of silence he asked: "So, what exactly do pirates do?"Tom was the first to answer: "Well, Huck. They steal treasure from ships and kill the sailors, except for the women. They don't kill women; they steal them'along with the treasure, if they're pretty.""And they wear beautiful clothing from all over the world," said Joe.Huck looked at his own clothes. "My clothing's not very beautiful," he said. "Where can I get some better ones?""Don't worry, Huck. We'll have plenty of opportunities to find new clothes once we start to travel."Soon they all became tired, but the only person to really sleep was Huckleberry. The other two pirates were feeling a little guilty about having stolen the meat, the boat, and the firewood. They agreed never to take anything of anybody else's in the future.============

The Adventures of Tom SawyeiCHAPTER FOURTEENLife on the IslandWhen Tom woke up, he didn't recognize where he was.It took him a few seconds to remember that he and his friends had run away. It was nice waking up outside, among the trees and the animals. Tom could hear the birds, both far and near, talking to each other. One bird, a Blue Jay, landed on a tree branch near the boys and looked at them curiously. It seemed as though this were the first time it had ever seen human beings before. At the same time, Tom noticed how similar animals and insects were to human beings. Some were busy working, some were eating, and some were playing.This made Tom want to play, so he woke the other boys and they all ran into the river to swim and clean themselves up for the day. While they were playing, they noticed that the river had carried away their boat. But this didn't bother any of them. They had everything they needed.They built another fire and then Tom and Huck went fishing. Joe was the cook, so he juat rested until they returned with the fish. After breakfast, they all rested around the fire and it was agreed that this had been the best breakfast they'd ever eaten.Once their energy had returned, they wandered around the island for a while and then played some more in the river.   At lunch time, Joe cooked up some meat for everyone, and they sat around the fire talking for a while. They were happy all morning, but once they sat down to rest and the talking stopped, they started to feel differently. They began to think of their homes and this made them feel a little sad and lonely. But they didn't talk about these feelings with each other; for fear that they'd be laughed at.Then there suddenly came a loud noise from the direction of the village. They all jumped up and ran to the edge of the island to see what it might have been. On their way to the shore they heard the loud noise again. Through the trees they could see a riverboat full of people. It was the boat that people used to cross the river everyday. But it wasn't being used for that purpose 'now. It wasn't crossing the river, it was going down the river."Hey, I think they're looking for someone who's drowned!They're shooting that big gun to try and get the body to rise to the top of the water, just like they did last year when they found Bill Turner's body." shouted Huckleberry."You're right, Huck. But I think we're the ones they believe to be drowned." said Tom.Suddenly, the three boys started to feel great. The village must be terribly sad. Just to see all of those people looking for them on the boat, it made them realize how important they were to their village.All of those sad feelings they'd had a few minutes ago were now forgotten. It Was great being a pirate again.When night came, the boats went back to the village and the boys went back to their fire. They all agreed that this had been a great day. It felt good to be missed. They wondered what the people of the village might be saying about them right now. They talked and laughed a lot thinking about this. But soon their laughter died down and they began to think about how this probably wasn't very funny for the people in the village, especially for their families.Then Joe looked up from the fire and said: "Maybe we should think about going back.""Don't he silly, Joe."   Tom said, laughing."Yeah, don't be silly."    Huck repeated.Soon, both Joe and Huckleberry were sleeping. Tom, however, had other plans. He left a note for both of them, putting one in Joe's hat and the older in his pocket so he'd find it easily, and then he ran toward the river.=============

CHAPTER FIFTEENTom Secretly Visits HomeEarlier that day, Tom had found where the river had carried their boat. It wasn't too far down from where they were staying. It was a litile hard to find it this evening, due to the darkness, but now he was pulling it out into the river. As soon as the water started to carry the boat without his help, Tom jumped inside. He let the water take him toward the big riverboat that had been looking for them earlier. Once he arrived, he quietly tied his boat to a tree near the shore and then climbed up a rope hanging from the big riverboat. As soon as he was on the top floor, he heard the bell ring, indicating that the boat was now heading one last time for his village. He hid in the little boat hanging from the side of the large one, and when the riverboat arrived at the village twelve minutes later, Tom climbed back down the rope, into the water, and swam to the shore.Within minutes, he was back in his aunt's garden, looking through the window into a room where people seemed to be talking. Inside were his Aunt Polly, his brother Sid, Mary, and Joe Harper's mother. They were all talking, but Tom couldn't hear them very clearly, so he went quietly to the front door and entered the house. He was crawling on his hands and knees."I suddenly feel a little cool. Did someone forget to close the front door?" asked Aunt Polly. "Sid, be a good boy and go and close the door."Hearing Sid coming closer,   Tom quickly hid under the table near llie door.   Luckily, Sid didn't see him." I know I yelled at Tom a lot,"    Tom heard his aunt saying,    "but he wasn't really a bad child.   He just had a lot of energy, like any young child.   I don't think he tried to be bad. In fact,  I don't know a sweeter boy in the whole world than "And my son, Joe. was no different. He was always a good hoy too. I was too hard on him. I wish I'd been more kind. Now I'll never get to tell him, I'm sorry.'" cried Joe's mother.Tom could hear his aunt start to cry. "I feel so terrible. Just yesterday I yelled at Tom for something he did to the cat." Tom felt tears coming to his eyes as Aunt Polly told this story to Joe's mother. Everyone in the house was crying now.He was surprised to hear how good a boy he'd been. He wanted to run into the room and give his aunt a big hug, but he stayed where he was and listened some more. It seemed that one of Joe's hats had been found a few miles down the river, so the whole village assumed they'd drowned. There was going to be a prayer service for the boys in church on Sunday.After Joe's mother had left and Sid and Mary had gone to bed, Tom could hear his aunt praying for him. He loved her more than ever at this moment, because he now knew how much she loved him. He cried again as he listened to her. And she prayed herself to sleep. When he was sure she was sleeping, he carefully walked into her room and looked at her for a while. He felt guilty and wanted to make her feel better. He thought about leaving a note for her, so she would find itwhen she woke up the next day, but then he changed his mind. An idea had suddenly come to him. He kissed his aunt and then started back for the river.He found another small boat tied to the shore and got into it. He took it across the river, close enough so that he could swim to the island. He had wanted to keep the boat, but he realized that people would look for it the following day, so he left it on the shore, hoping they'd think that it just came untied and drifted across the river by itself.He then swam to the island. By the time he arrived, the sun had begun to rise. He walked through the trees for a while until he could hear the boys talking. He heard Joe say to Huckleberry: "Don't worry, Tom will he back. He wouldn't just forget about us."Then Tom surprised them by coming from behind a tree and saying: "That's right, Joe! I could never forget my fellow pirates!" .They all made breakfast, and as they ate, Tom told them what he'd seen and heard.


The Adventures of Tom SawyerCHAPTER SIXTEENA Difficult Nightstill thinking about returning home. He was feeling worse and worse the longer he was away from home. Huckleberry fell sad, as well. Tom realized this and was eager to tell them something that would help them to feel better. However, he wanted to wait for the right moment.He tried to get them to think about something else, so he reminded them they were now pirates: "I believe other pirates once lived on this island. If that's true, then they probably left some treasure hidden somewhere near here. Why don't we look for it? We could all become rich!"Huck and Joe just sat there looking sad. Then Joe said: "I just feel too terrible. I'm ready to go back home."" Hey, don't talk like that, Joe. You're just not used to it yet. Let's go fishing, you'll soon forget about it.""I don't really want to fish, Tom. I just want to go home.""But home is boring, Joe!""I don't care anymore. I miss my mother.""Your such a child, Joe. Go home then, we don't need you!""There's nothing wrong with missing your mother. You just don't know what it's like, because you've never had a mother.""Huck, you've had a mother before, and you don't seem to miss her much. Right?"Huck just looked at the ground.Joe started walking toward the river and Huck suddenly said: "I kind of agree with Joe, Tom. I may not miss my family, but I miss my old life.""Fine!    You go, but I'm staying right here!"When Huck began to follow Joe toward the river, Tom felt a pain in his heart. He also wanted to go home, but he wasn't ready to go just yet. He had a plan and now was the right moment to tell the boys about it.(http://www. jichangqing.cn)"OK, wait a minute, boys. There's something I haven't told you."Tom walked out to where they were standing in the river. They listened to what Tom had to say, ready to keep walking as soon as he had finished, but the more he talked, the less of a hurry they were in to go back home. They liked his plan and agreed to follow it. " Why did you wait so long to tell us about it, Tom?"Later that evening, Tom and Joe asked Huck to teach them how to smoke. So, Huck look out his tobacco and paper, and taught them first how to make a cigarette, how to light it, and finally how to smoke it."Hey, this isn't difficult! I can't believe they don't teach us this when we're younger!" shouted Tom."Yea, I agree. I thought that I'd feel sick, but I don't feel anything." said Joe.Then Tom had an idea: "Listen Huck. When we go back to the village you and I will surprise the other kids. One day when we're all together, I'll ask you for a cigarette, and then you'll say that you didn't bring your good tobacco; and I'll say that if it's strong tobacco then it's good enough for me. Thenyou and I will smoke like we've been doing it since we were born. Those kids would really be surprised then!""Good idea, Tom.  I can't wail to see their faces!"They kept talking for a while, until Joe said that he'd lost his knife. Tom offered to help him find it and they both walked off together, leaving Huck alone by the fire. After an hour had past, Huck started to wonder what had happened to the others. He got up and found both of them sleeping under a nearby tree.Later that night, Joe woke up and felt something was strange about the weather. He shouted for the other boys to wake up. Tom and Huck felt that something was strange, as well. They built a fire and sat around it, waiting to see what would happen. Then there was a bright light in the sky for only a short moment, and after it came a loud noise. It was the beginning of a storm, and soon it started to rain."Run everyone!   Before we get wet!"   Tom shouted.Each boy ran and found his own shelter. It was a strong storm. The wind blew hard and the rain fell heavily. The boys tried shouting to each other, but the sound of the rain made it impossible for them to hear. The boys were frightened as the wind blew several trees on their side and the light continued to come and go in the sky. Eventually, however, the storm started to calm and the weather once again became quiet and peaceful.Surprisingly, the boys' fire was still burning. They were too wet to sleep, so they cooked some meat and talked around the fire until morning. After the sun rose, they lay under it to dry themselves, until it became too hot, then they rested under some trees. Lying there, they all thought eagerly about returning home. They were tired being pirates. They still had one more day on the island, so Tom thought of another game for them to play. They pretended they were Indians. They hunted like Indians, fought like Indians, and, at the end of the day, they smoked together like real Indians. And it was nice for Tom and Joe to realize once again that they had taken another step toward being men, by learning how to smoke without feeling ill.(http://www.jichangqing .cn)


The Adventures of Tom SawyerCHAPTER SEVENTEENThe Boys Come back from the DeadThe next day was a sad one for the village. It was the day that everyone was to meet at the church and pray for their lost boys. Everyone was so sad that they didn't even talk much to each other, and the children didn't play as they usually did.For Becky Thatcher, this was a truly terrible day. She remembered how she had treated Tom. And as she thought about this she said to herself: "If only I could see Tom again, I'd tell him how sorry 1 was and how happy I would be to get engaged again." And then she crier!The day before, many children from the school gathered at the front gate to think and talk about Tom and Joe and all of the games they had played with them, and all of the times those two boys had gotten into trouble. They missed them both terribly. One boy said that he had been the last person to see them alive. The children had many questions for him. This made the boy feel very proud,The church bell rang all morning for the people to remember the boys. At ten o'clock, everyone came to the church and sat quietly waiting for the prayer service to begin.The last people to enter the church were the families of the dead boys. As Aunt Polly, Sid, Mary, and all of the Harpers walked down the center of the two rows of seats, the rest of the people stood up out of respect for them. Once the two families were seated in front, the minister began to talk about the boys. He talked about how wonderful they were, which made many people feel guilty for having once thought of them as bad boys. Between prayers everyone cried.Then, suddenly, at the back of the church, there was the sound of a door being opened slowly. There was total silence inside and everyone turned to see what was happening. And soon, walking before them all, were the very boys they were there to pray for.Both Tom's and Joe's families came running to greet them with tears of joy. Huck felt a little embarrassed and tried to leave the church, but Tom caught him and said to his aunt: "It's not very fair that Huck doesn't have anyone to greet him."Aunt Polly smiled even more and taking Huckleberry in her arms said, "You can think of Torn'a family as your family, Huckleberry!" This just made Huck even more embarrassed."Oh,   what a wonderful day this has turned out to be! Let me hear all of you sing as loud as you can!"   shouted the minister(http ://www.jichangqing.cn)And so the church was filled with singing voices. Tom even sang, and loudly too. He knew that this would be a day he would always remember.


The Adventures of Tom SawyerCHAPTER EIGHTEENTom Tells about his Amazing DreamSo that was the plan Tom had told his two friends about on the island. They would go back to their village and secretly listen to everyone talk about them. They had left the island last night and arrived at the village a couple of hours before the prayer service began, so they found a place to sleep in the old empty building where Tom and Huck had made their agreement.For breakfast the next day, Aunt Polly and Mary cooked a lot of food in their excitement to have Tom back. They were all very talktive."We're lucky to be able to laugh about it now, but I wish you had come and told me sooner where you were. I was crying all day, everyday. Why didn't you try to make your Aunt feel better sooner, Tom?"" I think that Tom just didn't think about it. He was probably having too much fun. I'm sure he would have come if he'd thought about it," replied Mary."Is that true, Tom? Or did you just decide it would be nice to frighten your aunt a little?""You know Tom. He's always forgetting to think about people other than himself."."Well, I'm sure that Sid wouldn't have made me suffer like that. He would have told me where he was. I think that in the future, after I've been dead a while, you'll wish you'd been nicer to me,Tom."Tom now felt guilty and said: "Don't say that, Auntie. I'm sorry to tell you, but you were in my dreams.""Well, that doesn't exactly make me feel better.""In my dream you, Sid, Mary and Joe's mother were all sitting in that room over there. You were all talking about us.""Well, actually, we did all meet in there one night!    Tell me more Tom.""Well, it's hard for me to remember it clearly.""Try, Tom. Think very carefully.""I remember that you felt a little cold and sent Sid to close the front door, because you thought someone had left it open.""That's true!   Go on!""Well, you continued talking about us, and I seem to remember you saying that I had really been a good boy before. You said that I just had a lot of energy to use up.""This is just amazing! How can people say that it's impossible for dreams to really happen, when I've just heard it with my own ears?""Then you started crying.""You're right again!""And when Mrs. Harper began to cry, you told her the story about what had happened with me and the cat the other day. Then you started talking about how our bodies had been found and you said something about there being a prayer session at the church on Sunday.""Well, I don't know what to say, Tom! You have a very special ability!""And after everyone had gone to bed and Mrs. Harper had gone home , you started praying and I remember it felt like I had been right there in the room with you. Then you fell asleep and I watched you there for a while, wishing I could do something to make you feel better. I had a note ready to give you. It said: 'We're still alive. Don't worry, we've just become pirates.' Then just before leaving I gave you a kiss."" Is that true, Tom? Did you really kiss me in your dream?" Aunt Polly asked while giving Tom a big hug.(http://www.jichangqing.cn)"It was just a dream. Aunt Polly,"    said Sid."Shut your mouth, Sid! Here's a nice big apple for you. Tom. Thank you for being such a sweet boy. Now go on to school."On his way to school, Tom could see that everyone was looking at him. Some children started to follow him, hoping they might get a chance to talk with him. Other children were jealous of Tom's popularity, and they tried to pretend they hadn't seen him.Tom no longer needed Becky Thatcher as his girlfriend. He was famous now, so he could have many other girls if he wanted them. He pretended not to see Becky when he got to the school. Several times he noticed that she would come over near where he was playing to look at him, and then quickly run back to play with other boys.Tom started talking with Amy Lawrence again, hoping Becky would see this and become jealous. This worked well, because Becky became angry, but she didn't tell anyone. And no matter how badly she wanted to get away from Tom, she found that she couldn't. She ran over to one of the other girls and said:    "Hey, Mary!    I couldn't find you yesterday;   I wanted to let you know that I am having a picnic.""Really?""Yes, my mother said it was OK.""Can I come?""Of course you can. All of my friends will be there." Becky then looked to see if Tom had heard her saying this, but he was still talking with Amy Lawrence.Soon all the children started asking to be invited to the picnic. Well, almost all of them. Tom and Aniy were still talking. This made Becky even angrier than before. She could feel tears coming to her eyes. She ran away now, to try and hide her sadness.Later that day, Tom saw Becky sitting with Alfred Temple. They were reading a book and laughing about something. Tom suddenly no longer wanted Amy Lawrence. He had to have Becky again. Becky now pretended not to see him watching them. She was happy to see him so jealous. Tom stood there watching them, thinking of how he would be at Alfred Temple the next chance he got. He hated everything about him, his clothes, his face, his name, everything. He made two fists and started swinging them around, pretending he was hitting Alfred.(http://www.jichangqing.cn)At lunchtime, Becky sat with Alfred again, hoping Tom would see them, but he never appeared. She quickly became angry and told Alfred, who sat there surprised by this sudden change in her attitude, that she never wanted to see him again.Now Alfred realized that Becky had been using him to make Tom jealous. He decided that he had to do something to hurt Tom. He went into the classroom, picked up one of Tom's books and tore the pages out of it. Then he put it back on Tom's desk, so that it would look like Tom had destroyed it. At that same moment, Becky had been watching Alfred through the window. She decided not to tell Tom what had happened, because she wanted to see him get into trouble.=================

The Adventures of Tom SawyerCHAPTER NINETEENThe Truth about Tom's DreamWhen Tom came home for lunch, that same day,  he was terribly sad,   and what his aunt had to say to him didn't help him to feel any better."Tom, you're lucky I don't beat you right now!""Why, Auntie? What's wrong?""I visited Ms. Harper today and was excited to describe your dream to her. When she wasn't amazed by the story, I asked why, and she told me that Joe had said that you'd come back here that night and listened to our conversation. How could you make me look like such a fool, Tom?""I... I'm sorry.   I should have told you the truth.""Mary was right when she said that you always think of no one but yourself! You have so many ideas, Tom. Ideas about getting people to do things for you, about running away and about causing trouble for other people. Sometimes I can't believe that one child can have so many ideas. Why don't you ever have ideas about doing things to help others? Why are your ideas such selfish ideas, Tom?""Really, Auntie, I didn't mean to hurt anybody. I really did want to tell you that we were safe the night when I came here and heard you all talking. I wanted to make all of you happy again. It hurt to see everyone crying. But it was so nice to hear you saying such good things about me. Usually, all that anyone says are bad things about me. So, I didn't want to slop you."

"I find it hard to believe that you wanted to tell us. I think that you were happy to see us so sad.""I'm telling the truth,   Auntie.    I hated to see you that way.""Well, then you should have said something.""When I heard you mention Sunday's prayer service, I changed my mind about telling you. I thought it would be better to make everyone happy all at the same time. So, I didn't leave that note for you.""Which note?""Remember, the one I told you I'd planned to give you in my dream; the one that said that we hadn't died, that we'd just become pirates.""So, if that part of your story is true, did you also really kiss me before you left?""Yes, Auntie.""Why did you do that?""Because I felt so terrible for you, and I wanted to show you how much I love you."Aunt Polly guessed that this was really true. She was so happy to hear him say these words; she asked for another kiss and then sent him back to school.Once Tom was out of the door, she searched his coat pockets and found the note that he'd just mentioned. After reading it, she said to herself, "He could do anything now, and I'd forgive him."


The Adventures of Tom SawyerCHAPTER TWENTY Tom Loses his SelfishnessSo,feeling better now, Tom walked back to school.On his way, he saw Becky and ran over to her saying: "Listen, I'm really sorry for behaving badly this morning. Can't we just forget about it and be good friends?"She didn't slow down, nor did she look at him when she replied: " You and I will never be friends, Thomas Sawyer. Now, leave me alone!"Tom just watched her as she walked away. Her anger was making him angry all over again. For a moment he wished she were a boy so he could hit her.Becky really couldn't wait to see Tom get into trouble for destroying his book. She imagined the teacher beating Tom with his stick and this made her smile.She didn't realize at the moment that she would soon be in the same kind of trouble as Tom.For the last month, their teacher had been bringing a book with him to the classroom, which he studied whenever he had a break. He always looked very serious when he read it; it seemed he couldn't wait for the next opportunity to read it. The children couldn't help being interested in what the book might be about, but no one had ever been brave enough to look. But this morning Becky saw the book lying on the teacher's table, and, while the teacher was away, started looking through it. When Tom walked into the room a few minutes later, she tried to put the book down quickly so he wouldn't see. But one page was torn. Now Becky became terribly frightened and began to cry."I hate you, Tom Sawyer. It's your fault that I broke the teacher's book! Now he 's going to use his stick on me. I've never been beaten before! But you'll see... you're going to be beaten too. And I can't wait to watch!" Then she ran outside, crying even harder than before."Girls are ao silly," thought Tom, "I've been beaten a hundred times in school. It's nothing! And why does she think I'd tell the teacher she broke his book? I'd never do that. When the teacher asks the class, he'll know who did it just by looking at her guilty face."Soon it was time for class to begin. The first thing the teacher noticed was Tom's book. And even though Tom told him that he hadn't torn it himself, the teacher beat him anyway. He didn't feel that he could trust a word that came out of Tom's mouth. As Becky watched the teacher hit Tom, she realized that she didn't feel as happy about it as she had planned. She very nearly shouted out the truth, but stopped herself, knowing that she would be next.Later, during the first break, the teacher immediately picked up his book to read it. At this moment, Becky looked more frightened than a little helpless animal in the forest. Tom felt sorry for her. He didn't want to see her get beaten. Seconds later the teacher was shouting for the students to tell who had broken his book."Come now!I know you know who did this!"But no one said a word.The teacher started calling out names and watching the students' faces as they answered. When he shouted out Becky's name she turned white and couldn't speak. She kept her eyes down toward the table."Ms. Thatcher, answer me!Did you touch my book thisSuddenly Tom stood up and shouted: "It was me, teacher!"The students couldn't believe what Tom was doing. Did he want to be beaten a second time? Well, if he did want that... he got it. For the teacher took out another slick and started hitting him again. But it didn't matter to Tom; the look of love and thanks on Becky's face made it impossible for him to feel anything the teacher did to him.==========

CHAPTER TWENTY-ONETom and Huck Feel GuiltySo, summer finally came and now school was closed for a few months.But surprisingly Tom didn't feel as happy as he usually did.   Becky Thatcher had left town to stay with her family in another village for a while. This made the days seem very long and boring.So, Tom had a lot of time to think, and what he thought about most was the memory of Indian Joe killing the doctor in the graveyard. No matter how hard he tried he couldn't get it out of his mind.Soon Tom fell ill.He stayed in bed for two weeks, where he could avoid hearing the news from the village. He didn't want to know what was happening. And for three more weeks he would often feel as though he were better and then suddenly he would become ill again.Part of what made Tom feel so bad, was that the judge had arrived to hear the people's story about what happened. And soon he would make the final decision about what was to happen to Muff Potter. Everyone in the village was talking about it, and every time Tom heard them, his heart would jump a bit. One day he met Huckleberry in the empty building and asked him:"So, have you said anything to anyone?" "About what?""Come on. You know.""Oh. Of course not.""Not once?""Not once. Why do you ask?""I just worry a little.""You know what would happen to us if we said anything. We'd be dead soon after!""What if someone started asking you a lot of questions.would you tell them?""No way!I'm not crazy!""Good! I think that we're safe if we don't talk. But we should make another agreement."So another agreement was made in blood."What have you heard people saying, Huck?""Just Muff Potter, Muff Potter, Muff Potter. It makes me want to hide."" I've heard the same thing. You know they're going to hang him. Do you feel sorry for him?"" Of course I feel sorry for him. He has never hurt anyone. All that he's ever done is getting drunk, but he doesn't ask other people for money. He earns his money by fishing. And I remember one day when he didn't have any money at all, he gave me one of the fish he'd caught. He's a good man who's helped me when I needed it.""And he's done the same for me too. He taught me how to catch fish. There must be something we can do to get him out of jail.""Forget it, Tom.   There's nothing we can do, and if therewas, he'd just be caught again.""Yes. I can't stand to hear the way people talk about him now. And he shouldn't be remembered like this after he dies. He's not the killer everyone thinks he is."Later that evening, the boys went to visit Potter. They had done this before, always going to his window and giving him some of Huck's tobacco and a little something to eat. Potter always appreciated their visits. The boys noticed this and it made them feel even sadder. Tonight, as they talked, Potter said:" You boys haven't treated me differently since I was put in jail, but everyone else hates me now, even if I'd been friends with them before. All the people I'd tried to help in the past, they've forgotten me. They never come here to see me. You're the only people who have been good to me in these terrible times, and I want you to know I'll always remember your kindness. Now, I want to give you some advice, boys. I've done something terrible. I never thought that I could do something like that before, but... well, I guess I was just drunk. But now I'm going to die for what I did. Anyway, I want to tell you this: Don't ever be like me. Don't let drinking control and destroy your life like it has controlled and destroyed mine. I hope you're listening very carefully. I know what I'm talking about. You two boys are good people and if you do what I tell you, you'll stay good. Can you come here closer, so I can see your faces better? Yes, those are the faces of two good boys, who've helped old Potter in his times of trouble and I know that they'd do more if they could. Now, you boys go on home; it's starting to get late."Tom felt terrible. He couldn't sleep well at all. And he spent the following two days sitting outside the courthouse. There, the judge was listening to the village's report about how the murder happened. As much as Tom wanted to go inside to hear what was happening, he wouldn't let himself. Huck was there too, but they tried not to sit with each other or talk at all, so no one would suspect them of knowing something. Whenever Tom heard the people talk about what was happening, the informntion was always bad. It seemed that Indian Joe had told his story well and the judge believed it.Tom walked around thinking all day and night. When he returned home, he found himself lying in bed thinking more about Muff Potter and the judge.The next morning, the whole village went to the courthouse, because this was to be the day that the judge made his decision. Potter came in looking sad and without hope. Indian Joe sat in the seats with everyone else, to watch. He looked very calm. Then the judge came in.Two men were questioned. One man had seen Potter the morning after the murder washing himself in the river. He said that when Potter had realized someone had seen him, he ran away. The other man talked about finding Potter's knife near the dead doctor's body.Muff Potter's lawyer never asked a single question, which surprised everyone in the courtroom. They all thought: "Why is this man just sitting there listening? He should be trying to help Potter; that's what he's paid to do."And when more men were questioned. Potter's lawyer still just sat there listening, not saying a single word. Finally, after all of the questions had been asked and stories had been told, Potter's lawyer stood and said to the judge:"Sir, because Muff Potter cannot remember anything about that night, and because none of the people questioned today were actually there when the murder happened. I have decided to bring someone to the courtroom who could remember very clearly what happened. I'd like to bring in Thomas Sawyer."As Tom stood up and walked to the front of the room, everyone watched him with their eyes wide and their mouths open. During the questioning, Tom looked very frightened.The lawyer began by asking: "Mr. Sawyer, could you tell the courtroom where you were the night that Doctor Robinson was killed?"Tom could see Indian Joe looking directly at him and he quickly lost his ability to speak. He sat there silent for a moment, and finally managed to say:"I was in the graveyard, Sir."Suddenly everyone in the room started talking to each other. The judge had to ask them to be silent. Indian Joe didn't say anything, he just smiled."Where were you in the graveyard?""Near Hoss Williams's grave. Sir.""When you say near, what do you mean?""I was about as close to the grave as I am close to you now, Sir.""Was anyone with you?""Yes   ""OK, you needn't say his name, we may be asking him questions later. Tell us, did you have anything with you there?"Tom looked at the ground without speaking."Tell the courtroom what you had with you. Remember to tell the truth.""We had a dead cat, Sir."The people in the courtroom started laughing so much when they heard this. The judge, once again, had to ask them to be quiet." We found the bones of this cat, which proves that the boy was there. Now, Mr. Sawyer, tell us what you saw that night."(www.jichangqing .cn)Tom told his story and as he did, the people's eyes got wider and wider, and Indian Joe looked more and more angry."So, when the doctor hit Huff Potter, Indian Joe took the knife he'd picked up and..."Suddenly, from the crowd, a knife came flying at Tom's head. Luckily, it missed him and flew into the wall almost cutting Tom's ear. And then Indian Joe was running to the window, hitting anyone who tried to stop him. When he reached the window he jumped out and ran into the forest.===============

The Adventures of Tom SawyeiCHAPTER TWENTY TWO Tom Becomes a HeroSo everyone in the village was again talking about Tom.People, both young and old, respected him more andmore. The village newspaper wrote a story about him, and thisimpressed people even more. Some thought him great enough toone day become the American President.So Muff Potter was now free again, and everyone treated him like they had before he'd been arrested. He seemed to forgive most of the people for hating him so much while he was in jail.Even though these were exciting days for Tom, he was still very frightened about Indian Joe. And Huck was also afraid. Although he was happy for Muff Potter, he was angry with Tom for breaking their agreement. He worried that some people might know that he'd been there too. But most of all, he feared that Indian Joe knew. And no one knew where Indian Joe was hiding.============







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