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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台期末模拟测试卷-英语四年级上册人教精通版一、单选题1.Mike: ______ ( )Miss White: Thank you!A.Let me clean board. B.Let’s clean the board. C.Let me help you.2.My best friend _______ a cute face and she _______ friendly. ( )A.have; is B.has; is C.is; has3.---________ is she ( )---She is Lucy.A.What B.Where C.Who4.Yesterday I ________ a book from the library. ( )A.bought B.borrowed C.took5.Give ______ the book. ( )A.we B.me C.they6.Where ______ the ______ ( )A.is, pens B.are, pens C.are, pen二、词形转换7.friend (形容词) .8.candy (复数) .9.let’s (完全形式) .10.aunt (对应词) .11.vegetables (单数) .三、用单词正确形式填空12.Look, the computer (be) red.13.—What would you like for dinner —Some fish and (beef).14.—Would you like (eat) the fish —Yes. I like (eat) it.15.We have (many) water. We need some (glass) of juice, too.四、句子匹配匹配题A.计算机 B.墙 C.扇子 D.地板 E.白色的 F.绿色的16.green ( )17.floor ( )18.fan ( )19.computer ( )20.white ( )21.wall( )五、填内容补全对话/短文and Here What me blackboardA: Excuse 22 . I lost my bike.B: 23 colour is it A: It’s white 24 red.B: Where is your key A: Look! 25 it is.B: OK. Let me write down on the 26 .A: Thank you so much!六、阅读选择My name is Zhang Peng. I am a boy. I have a new classroom. Let’s go and see! What’s in the classroom Two blackboards, one TV, three fans, four lights, many desks and chairs. There’s a picture on the wall. My friends and I are in the picture. Peter is my new friend. He’s tall and strong. He has glasses and his hair is short and brown. And he is funny and friendly too.27.How many blackboards are there in the new classroom ( )A.1. B.2. C.3.28.Is there a picture on the wall ( )A.Yes, there is. B.No, there isn’t. C.I don’t know.29.Peter is _________. ( )A.funny B.quiet C.short30.Peter’s hair is _________. ( )A.black and long B.short and brown C.long and brown31.Who is Peter ( )A. B. C.七、阅读判断Hello! I have a good friend. She’s from the UK. She’s ten years old. She’s tall and thin. She has big eyes and short hair. She has a yellow schoolbag. She has two storybooks, one key and some candies in her schoolbag. She has brown shoes. What’s her name Her name is Susan.32.Susan is my friend. ( )33.Susan is from Canada. ( )34.Susan has long hair. ( )35.Her shoes are brown. ( )36.Susan has a storybook in her schoolbag. ( )参考答案:1.C【详解】句意:迈克:____ 怀特小姐:谢谢你!A项表述有误,board前应加定冠词the,表示特指;B.让我们擦黑板吧。C.让我来帮你。别人帮助你时要表示感谢。C符合题意。故选C。【点睛】2.B【详解】句意:我最好的朋友有一张可爱的脸,她很友好。have有,原形;has有,第三人称单数;is是,根据句意可知第一空填is不符,主语My best friend是单数第三人称,故谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。故选B。3.C【解析】略4.B【详解】略5.B【详解】句意:给我这本书。本题考查人称代词。A我们,人称代词主格;B我,人称代词宾格;C他们,人称代词主格。give是动词,后面的人称代词用宾格做宾语,故选B。6.B【详解】句意:____在哪里?根据句意可知,该句是where引导的特殊疑问句,is是be动词第三人称单数形式,pens是可数名词复数,二者不匹配,排除A,are是be动词的复数形式,pen是可数名词单数,二者不匹配,排除C,are是be动词的复数形式,pens是可数名词复数,二者匹配,故选B。7.friendly 8.candies 9.let us 10.uncle 11.vegetable【解析】7.friend朋友,名词,形容词是friendly友好的,故答案为friendly。8.candy糖果,复数是把y变i加es,故答案为candies。9.let’s让我们,完全形式是let us,故答案为let us。10.aunt姑姑,名词,对应词是uncle叔叔,故答案为uncle。11.vegetables蔬菜,单数是去s,故答案为vegetable。12.is【详解】句意:看,这个电脑是红色的。该句是一般现在时,主语the computer是单数第三人称,故be动词用is,故答案为is。【点睛】13.beef【详解】句意:—你晚餐想吃什么?—一些鱼和牛肉。some修饰可数名词复数或不可数名词,and连接同级,beef牛肉,不可数名词,没有复数形式,故答案为beef。【点睛】14. to eat eating/to eat【详解】句意:—你想要吃鱼吗?—是的,我喜欢吃它。本题考查动词的形式,想要做某事would like to do sth,故第一个空用不定式形式to eat;喜欢做某事like doing sth/like to do sth,故第二个空填动名词eating或不定式to eat,故答案为to eat;eating/to eat。15. much glasses【详解】句意:我们有很多水。我们也需要几杯果汁。本题考查不定代词及名词的单复数,many很多,修饰不可数名词water要改为much;glass杯子,前面有some修饰用复数glasses。故答案为much,glasses。16.F 17.D 18.C 19.A 20.E 21.B【解析】略22.me 23.What 24.and 25.Here 26.blackboard【导语】本文是两人关于登记丢失物品的对话。22.根据下文可知丢失了自行车,询问别人前先表达打扰了,Excuse me,故答案为me。23.根据下句回答具体的颜色,可知本句询问它是什么颜色的what colour is it,故答案为What。24.根据上句询问它是什么颜色的,可知本句回答它是红白相间的It’s white and red,故答案为and。25.根据上句询问你的钥匙在哪里,可知本句回答它在这Here it is,故答案为Here。26.根据上下文可知本句回答让我写在黑板上write down on the blackboard,故答案为blackboard。27.B 28.A 29.A 30.B 31.B【分析】短文大意:张鹏介绍自己的教室,以及他的朋友彼得。27.句意:这个新教室里有多少个黑板?根据Two blackboards, one TV, three fans, four lights, many desks and chairs.可知有两块黑板。故选B。28.句意:墙上有画吗?根据There’s a picture on the wall.可知画在墙上。故做肯定回答,故选A。29.句意:彼得很______。A有趣的,B安静的,C短的,根据And he is funny and friendly too.可知他很有趣。故选A。30.句意:彼得的头发______。A又黑又长;B很短,是棕色的;C很长,是棕色的;根据He has glasses and his hair is short and brown. 可知他的头发很短,是棕色的。故选B。31.句意:彼得是谁?根据Peter is my new friend. He’s tall and strong. He has glasses and his hair is short and brown. And he is funny and friendly too.可知他又高又强壮,他戴着眼镜,他的头发很短,是棕色的。与B图相符,故选B。【点睛】32.T 33.F 34.F 35.T 36.F【导语】本文讲述了作者的好朋友苏珊的年龄,外貌特征及她的物品。32.句意:苏珊是我的朋友。根据“Hello! I have a good friend. Her name is Susan.”可知题干描述正确,故答案为T。33.句意:苏珊来自加拿大。根据“She’s from the UK”可知她来自英国。故答案为F。34.句意:苏珊有一头长发。根据“ She has big eyes and short hair.”可知她有大眼睛和短头发。故答案为F。35.句意:她的鞋子是棕色的。根据“She has brown shoes.”可知题干描述正确,故答案为T。36.句意:苏珊的书包里有一本故事书。根据“ She has two storybooks, one key and some candies in her schoolbag.”可知有两本故事书。故答案为F。21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com)






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