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2023-03-27 10:45| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

关于”有关减肥节食建议“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Advice on diet。以下是关于有关减肥节食建议高考英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Advice on diet

As a basic life skill, besides dving, swimming is also a beneficial sport. We can easily lose weight by swimming regularly, instead of trying to go on a diet. Swimming can exercise o muscles, impve o coordination and balance, so that girls can become attractive and boys masculine.

In addition, swimming is an effective resort. When people face the presse under water, we feel free and relaxed like fish in the water, becse we must concentrate on swimming. Will we forget all the unpleasant interference for a moment? It is the moment when we integrate into nate and find peace and harmony.





High school stage is the stage of prepang for University. In this stage, all students are working hard for a better fute. They hold the same goal and fight for the college entrance examination.

Especially in senior three, spnt is very important. Some suggestions are put forward to make spnt better. Students should have regular work and rest plans and sleep in time.

In this way, students can get up early and then efficiently The second is to keep a balanced diet. Students should pay attention to what they eat and have enough nuttion so as to maintain a good attitude. The last year of high school life must be hard and bong.

Those who persist will get what they want. If they follow the above suggestions, they will work better.




You want to have a happy life. Here are some suggestions for you. First of all, if you want to stay healthy, you should have a balanced diet.

For example, you can eat vegetables and fruits. Don't eat too much meat or junk food becse they can make you fat. Second, don't stay up late becse you need to have enough sleep to sleep before you can dnk a glass of hot milk, I suggest you do some sports ry day, such as running and playing basketball.

Third, when you have any pblems, you can go to yo teacher or yo class for . Don't be afraid of faile. Faile is the mother of success.

I hope you can have a happy life.







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