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#外刊精读|已读回执,用英语怎么说?外刊里面有答案​| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265




外刊精读 | 朋友圈点赞怎么说?外刊里面有答案



Another pressure is responding the ‘right’ way and in the ‘right’ amount of time, which differs from one relationship to another. Read receipts are implicated here; they signal that a message has been “Read.” To many teens, the time between a message being Read and reciprocated matters a lot. Replying too quickly can be seen as over-eager, especially when the friendship is new or not close. But when it’s a close friend, too long a lag can be hurtful. One teen told us, “If I don’t stay connected, the friendship will fall apart.”

Teens may need guidance in setting boundaries that respect their friendships and themselves. How do you tell someone that you care and that you’re not available around the clock? Adults can help teens find kind but self-protective language that communicates when they need to disconnect. Encouraging teens to help their friends access other sources of support (like school counselors) is also key.

The qualities that make or break friendships are actually the same as they’ve always been: mutual sharing of joys and sorrows, a give and take of validation and support, and an ability to weather and resolve conflicts. But technologies have transformed how friendships play out. Social media intensifies the burdens that come along with being a good friend. Too often, these dynamics hit teens hard in ways that are lost on adults. We need that to change.




Another pressure is responding the ‘right’ way and in the ‘right’ amount of time, which differs from one relationship to another. Read receipts are implicated here; they signal that a message has been “Read.” To many teens, the time between a message being Read and reciprocated matters a lot. Replying too quickly can be seen as over-eager, especially when the friendship is new or not close. But when it’s a close friend, too long a lag can be hurtful. One teen told us, “If I don’t stay connected, the friendship will fall apart.”

1. receipt: the act of receiving sth 收到, e.g. to acknowledge receipt of a letter 签收信件

Read receipts:回执

2. implicate: to show or suggest that sb is involved in sth bad or criminal 牵涉,涉及(某人) 同义词:incriminate,e.g. He tried to avoid saying anything that would implicate him further. 他尽力避免说出任何会进一步牵连他的事情。

3. reciprocate: to behave or feel towards sb in the same way as they behave or feel towards you 回应, e.g. Her passion for him was not reciprocated. 她对他的热情没有得到回应。

4. fall apart: to break into parts in usually a sudden and unexpected way. E.g. The pie was falling apart as I tried to serve it.

5. 写作指导:第一句话为主题句,大家阅读时候要注意外刊写作的一个特点,一般是一个段落一件事,这一件事的大致内容一般是集中在第一句话。



Teens may need guidance in setting boundaries that respect their friendships and themselves. How do you tell someone that you care and that you’re not available around the clock? Adults can help teens find kind but self-protective language that communicates when they need to disconnect. Encouraging teens to help their friends access other sources of support (like school counselors) is also key.

1. around the clock: 同义词: for 24 hours, round the clock, e.g. Our stores are now open around the clock. =our stores are open 24 hours a day.

2. access: to reach, enter or use sth, 使用, e.g. The loft can be accessed by a ladder. 搭梯子可以上阁楼。



The qualities that make or break friendships are actually the same as they’ve always been: mutual sharing of joys and sorrows, a give and take of validation and support, and an ability to weather and resolve conflicts. But technologies have transformed how friendships play out. Social media intensifies the burdens that come along with being a good friend. Too often, these dynamics hit teens hard in ways that are lost on adults. We need that to change.

1. validation: 原形 validate, to prove that sth is true 证实,e.g. to validate a theory 证实理论

 OPP invalidate

2. weather: to come safely through a difficult period or experience 经受住,平安地渡过(困难), e.g. The company just managed to weather the recession. 这家公司勉强渡过了衰退期。

3. intensifies: intensify,(使)加强,同义词heighten. E.g. Violence intensified during the night. 在夜间暴力活动加剧了。




Another pressure is responding the ‘right’ way and in the ‘right’ amount of time, which differs from one relationship to another. Read receipts are implicated here; they signal that a message has been “Read.” To many teens, the time between a message being Read and reciprocated matters a lot. Replying too quickly can be seen as over-eager, especially when the friendship is new or not close. But when it’s a close friend, too long a lag can be hurtful. One teen told us, “If I don’t stay connected, the friendship will fall apart.”


Teens may need guidance in setting boundaries that respect their friendships and themselves. How do you tell someone that you care and that you’re not available around the clock? Adults can help teens find kind but self-protective language that communicates when they need to disconnect. Encouraging teens to help their friends access other sources of support (like school counselors) is also key.


The qualities that make or break friendships are actually the same as they’ve always been: mutual sharing of joys and sorrows, a give and take of validation and support, and an ability to weather and resolve conflicts. But technologies have transformed how friendships play out. Social media intensifies the burdens that come along with being a good friend. Too often, these dynamics hit teens hard in ways that are lost on adults. We need that to change.



Reading Questions:

1. What does replying too quickly mean when the friendship is new or not close?

2. What are the qualities that make or break friendships? 



Replying too quickly can be seen as over-eager.


Mutual sharing of joys and sorrows, a give and take of validation and support, and an ability to weather and resolve conflicts.







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