Changing colors and fonts

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Changing colors and fonts

2023-09-04 16:05| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

PlantUMLLanguage specificationSkinparam command   Discord server        

Edit in DokuwikiEdit in AsciidocEdit in MarkdownSkinparam 命令


原文: You can change colors and font of the drawing using the skinparam command.


skinparam backgroundColor transparent

Edit in DokuwikiEdit in AsciidocEdit in Markdown使用

你可以(以以下方式)使用本命令: 在图(diagram)的定义中, 和其他命令类似在一个包含文件中在一个配置文件中,提供给命令行 或者 ANT 任务使用。

You can use this command : * In the diagram definition, like any other commands, * In an included file, * In a configuration file, provided in the command line or the ANT task.

Edit in DokuwikiEdit in AsciidocEdit in Markdown内嵌



To avoid repetition, it is possible to nest definition. So the following definition :

skinparam xxxxParam1 value1 skinparam xxxxParam2 value2 skinparam xxxxParam3 value3 skinparam xxxxParam4 value4

严格等价于: is strictly equivalent to:

skinparam xxxx { Param1 value1 Param2 value2 Param3 value3 Param4 value4 }

Edit in DokuwikiEdit in AsciidocEdit in Markdown黑白 (Black and White)

你可以强制使用 黑白 输出格式,通过 skinparam monochrome true 命令。 You can force the use of a black&white output using skinparam monochrome true command.

🎉 Copied! @startuml skinparam monochrome true actor User participant "First Class" as A participant "Second Class" as B participant "Last Class" as C User -> A: DoWork activate A A -> B: Create Request activate B B -> C: DoWork activate C C --> B: WorkDone destroy C B --> A: Request Created deactivate B A --> User: Done deactivate A @enduml

Edit in DokuwikiEdit in AsciidocEdit in MarkdownShadowing

You can disable the shadowing using the skinparam shadowing false command.

🎉 Copied! @startuml left to right direction skinparam shadowing false skinparam shadowing true actor User (Glowing use case) as guc (Flat use case) as fuc User -- guc User -- fuc @enduml

Edit in DokuwikiEdit in AsciidocEdit in Markdown颜色翻转 (Reverse colors)

可以通过 skinparam monochrome reverse 命令,强制使用 黑和白 的输出, 在黑色背景的环境下,尤其适用。

You can force the use of a black&white output using skinparam monochrome reverse command. This can be useful for black background environment.

🎉 Copied! @startuml skinparam monochrome reverse actor User participant "First Class" as A participant "Second Class" as B participant "Last Class" as C User -> A: DoWork activate A A -> B: Create Request activate B B -> C: DoWork activate C C --> B: WorkDone destroy C B --> A: Request Created deactivate B A --> User: Done deactivate A @enduml

Edit in DokuwikiEdit in AsciidocEdit in Markdown颜色 (Colors)

你可以使用 标准颜色名称 或者 RGB码

You can use either standard color name or RGB code.

🎉 Copied! @startuml colors @enduml

transparent 只能用于图片背景

transparent can only be used for background of the image.

Edit in DokuwikiEdit in AsciidocEdit in Markdown字体颜色、名称、大小 (Font color, name and size)

可以通过使用 xxxFontColor, xxxFontSize , xxxFontName 三个参数, 来修改绘图中的字体(颜色、大小、名称)。

You can change the font for the drawing using xxxFontColor, xxxFontSize and xxxFontName parameters.


skinparam classFontColor red skinparam classFontSize 10 skinparam classFontName Aapex

也可以使用 skinparam defaultFontName 命令, 来修改默认的字体。

You can also change the default font for all fonts using skinparam defaultFontName.


skinparam defaultFontName Aapex

请注意:字体名称高度依赖于操作系统,因此不要过度使用它, 当你考虑到可移植性时。 Helvetica and Courier 应该是全平台可用。

Please note the fontname is highly system dependent, so do not over use it, if you look for portability. Helvetica and Courier should be available on all system.


java -jar plantuml.jar -language

A lot of parameters are available. You can list them using the following command: java -jar plantuml.jar -language

WARNING This translation need to be updated. WARNINGEdit in DokuwikiEdit in AsciidocEdit in Markdown文本对齐 (Text Alignment)

通过left, right or center, 可以设置文本对齐.

也可以 sequenceMessageAlign 指令 赋值为 direction 或 reverseDirection 以便让文本对齐与箭头方向一致。

Text alignment can be set up to left, right or center. You can also use direction or reverseDirection values for sequenceMessageAlign which align text depending on arrow direction.

Param name Default value Comment sequenceMessageAlign left 用于时序图中的 消息 (message) sequenceReferenceAlign center 在时序图中用于 ref over

🎉 Copied! @startuml skinparam sequenceMessageAlign center Alice -> Bob : Hi Alice -> Bob : This is very long @enduml

WARNING This translation need to be updated. WARNINGEdit in DokuwikiEdit in AsciidocEdit in MarkdownExamples

🎉 Copied! @startuml skinparam backgroundColor #EEEBDC skinparam handwritten true skinparam sequence { ArrowColor DeepSkyBlue ActorBorderColor DeepSkyBlue LifeLineBorderColor blue LifeLineBackgroundColor #A9DCDF ParticipantBorderColor DeepSkyBlue ParticipantBackgroundColor DodgerBlue ParticipantFontName Impact ParticipantFontSize 17 ParticipantFontColor #A9DCDF ActorBackgroundColor aqua ActorFontColor DeepSkyBlue ActorFontSize 17 ActorFontName Aapex } actor User participant "First Class" as A participant "Second Class" as B participant "Last Class" as C User -> A: DoWork activate A A -> B: Create Request activate B B -> C: DoWork activate C C --> B: WorkDone destroy C B --> A: Request Created deactivate B A --> User: Done deactivate A @enduml

🎉 Copied! @startuml skinparam handwritten true skinparam actor { BorderColor black FontName Courier BackgroundColor> Gold } skinparam usecase { BackgroundColor DarkSeaGreen BorderColor DarkSlateGray BackgroundColor> YellowGreen BorderColor> YellowGreen ArrowColor Olive } User > :Main Database: as MySql > (Start) > (Use the application) as (Use) > User -> (Start) User --> (Use) MySql --> (Use) @enduml

🎉 Copied! @startuml skinparam roundcorner 20 skinparam class { BackgroundColor PaleGreen ArrowColor SeaGreen BorderColor SpringGreen } skinparam stereotypeCBackgroundColor YellowGreen Class01 "1" *-- "many" Class02 : contains Class03 o-- Class04 : aggregation @enduml

🎉 Copied! @startuml skinparam interface { backgroundColor RosyBrown borderColor orange } skinparam component { FontSize 13 BackgroundColor LightCoral BorderColor #FF6655 FontName Courier BorderColor black BackgroundColor gold ArrowFontName Impact ArrowColor #FF6655 ArrowFontColor #777777 } () "Data Access" as DA [Web Server] > DA - [First Component] [First Component] ..> () HTTP : use HTTP - [Web Server] @enduml

🎉 Copied! @startuml [AA] [BB] [CC] node node1 node node2 database Production skinparam component { backgroundColor DarkKhaki backgroundColor Green } skinparam node { borderColor Green backgroundColor Yellow backgroundColor Magenta } skinparam databaseBackgroundColor Aqua @enduml

Edit in DokuwikiEdit in AsciidocEdit in Markdown所有skinparam的参数列表 (List of all skinparam parameters)


Since the documentation is not always up to date, you can have the complete list of parameters using this command:

java -jar plantuml.jar -language

或者可以使用命令,产生一幅有所有skinparam参数的图: Or you can generate a "diagram" with a list of all the skinparam parameters using:

结果如下: That will give you the following result:

🎉 Copied! @startuml help skinparams @enduml

你也可以在 查看 ’‘skinparam’‘ 的参数. You can also view each skinparam parameters with its results displayed at the page [`All Skin Parameters`]( of [`Ashley's PlantUML Doc`]( * []( WARNING This translation need to be updated. WARNING使用内嵌黑白 (Black and White)Shadowing颜色翻转 (Reverse colors)颜色 (Colors)字体颜色、名称、大小 (Font color, name and size)文本对齐 (Text Alignment)Examples所有skinparam的参数列表 (List of all skinparam parameters)

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