asahi是什么意思 asahi的中文翻译、读音、例句

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asahi是什么意思 asahi的中文翻译、读音、例句

2023-11-29 13:41| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

导读: asahi在中文中有"朝日、朝日新闻"的意思,asahi是什么意思 asahi的中文翻译、读音、例句,还经常被翻译为朝日啤酒,发音音标为[asahi],asahi在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《中小学生词典》中,共找到25个与asahi相关的释义和例句。


1. Asahi是日本一家著名的啤酒品牌。

2. 旭日,代表着新的开始和希望。

3. Asahi日报是日本一家知名的报纸,每天都有大量的新闻报道。




例句:But after years of broken promises, voters ear to be unimpressed, according to a poll published on Monday August 3rd by Asahi Shimbun. (但是几年来一直违背诺言,从xx月xx日星期一,AsahiShimbun公布的民意测验来看,选民们似乎不会被其打动。)


例句:I figured three and five "Mouri-san and Detective Shiratori would naturally come if I mentioned Asahi-san invited me here. (我只要说旭先生找我有事,我猜他们就一定会跟来)


例句:Therefore it is fair to say that the Asahi news reports on yellow sand are mostly objective. (总而言之,《朝日新闻》中的黄沙报道可以说是客观的。)


1. Therefore it is fair to say that the Asahi news reports on yellow sand are mostly objective. (翻译:总而言之,《朝日新闻》中的黄沙报道可以说是客观的。)

2. The conversation, the Asahi beer and warm sake in the bar compensated for the bland food on board. (翻译:一路呆在暖和的酒吧里聊天和畅饮朝日啤酒,可以算作对船上乏味伙食的补偿。)

3. Asahi Satoko was born in 1979 in Chiba, Japan. She works and lives in Tokyo. She studied oil painting at Tama Art University. (翻译:朝日聡子,xx年生于日本千叶市,现居东京。她毕业于多摩美术大学油画系。)

4. Asahi caught wind of a "wine boom" and used his vast fortune to buy up all the rare foreign wine available! (翻译:旭注意到了红酒越来越受欢迎 利用庞大财力从海外买进稀有的酒品)

5. Nishimura & Asahi is one of Japan's so-called Big Four law firms. (翻译:西村朝日法律事务所是日本所谓四大律所之一。)

6. Good to hear from you again. (翻译:很高兴又和你聊. Asahi, hakashiro)

7. In addition we have the agents of Asahi, Croda, Huntsman and Clariant product. (翻译:同时旭硝子、禾大、亨斯迈、科莱恩的纺织助剂产品。)

8. Japan's Asahi television station in Cairo correspondent Nomura Yoshihisa 21 killed in car crash in Libya. (翻译:日本朝日电视台开罗记者站站长野村能久xx日在利比亚遭遇车祸身亡。)

9. One of Dr. Evil's henchmen has been spotted at the Asahi Sumo Arena. (翻译:博士的一个手下,正在国立相扑竞技场!)

10. When the river freezes in winter, it can be crossed on foot.(Koichi Furuya/ The Asahi Shimbun) (翻译:冬天河面结冰后,人们徒步就能越河。)

11. Similarly , parties at Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group serve only Asahi, a big client of the bank . (翻译:无独有偶的是,银行业的大客户朝日金融集团在他们的派对上只提供朝日啤酒。)

12. I don't seem to see Asahi-san... after he invited guests here... (翻译:好像没有看到旭先生 奇怪了,招待客人来,主人却不在)

13. Okay, I've decided to have a jug of Asahi dry. (翻译:好,我决定要一扎舒波乐干啤。)

14. Nishimura & Asahi opened offices last year in Beijing and Ho Chi Minh City in June and October, respectively. (翻译:西村朝日于去年xx月和xx月分别在北京和市开了代表处。)

1. 词汇意义:Asahi可以指的是多个不同事物,包括一个日本啤酒品牌、一个日本报纸、以及一个日本电视台等等。

2. 发音:Asahi这个单词在英语中的发音是 /əˈsɑhi/。

3. 词源:Asahi这个单词源于日语,意思是“朝日”,可以指的是日出、太阳或者早晨。因此,这个单词可以与阳光、新的一天等概念联系起来。

4. 商标:Asahi是一个日本啤酒品牌,该品牌在其他国家也有销售。这个商标在亚洲被普遍认可,因其高品质啤酒而闻名于世。

5. 媒体:Asahi还可以指的是一个日本电视台和报纸,他们致力于报道国内和国际新闻,向日本传递准确和可靠的信息。


1. Asahi is one of the most popular beer brands in Japan.


2. Asahi Shimbun is a major newspaper in Japan, with a daily circulation of over 6 million.


3. Asahi TV is a popular television network in Japan, broadcasting a variety of programs including news, sports, and entertainment.


4. I tried Asahi beer for the first time when I visited Japan last year.


5. Asahi is known for its high-quality beer, which has won several international awards.


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