aria英文名字的寓意(介绍一下这个英文名aria) 54个

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aria英文名字的寓意(介绍一下这个英文名aria) 54个

2024-07-04 15:48| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

aria英文名字的寓意(介绍一下这个英文名aria) 54个 作者:oreo • 2022-11-27 03:25:25 • 阅读 47


1. 定义:'aria' 通常指的是歌剧或者古典音乐中的一个独唱段落,也可以指唱诗班中的一个独唱段落。

2. 来源:'aria'源于意大利语,意为“空气”,原本指的是一种古老的意大利舞蹈。后来演变为指独唱段落。

3. 类型:'aria'有多种类型,如咏叹调(cavatina)、回旋曲(cabaletta)、抒情咏叹曲(romanza)等等。

4. 用途:'aria'通常用于歌剧、古典音乐、圣歌和其他形式的音乐演出中。


1. The soprano sang a beautiful aria from a Mozart opera.


2. The tenor's performance of the famous aria brought the audience to tears.


3. The choir performed a stunning aria during the Christmas concert.


4. The opera singer practiced her aria for hours every day to ensure a flawless performance on stage.


5. The church choir member sang a beautiful aria during the Easter service.





1. 她的歌喉清澈明亮,演唱的咏叹调让人感到陶醉。

Her voice is clear and bright, and the aria she sings is intoxicating.

2. 在歌剧中,咏叹调往往被认为是最华丽的部分。

In opera, the aria is often considered the most glamorous part.




例句:In any case, nomads started to move to the south, to the countries known as Bactria, Aria, and Parthia. (在任何情况下,牧民开始转移到南部,给国家称为巴克特里亚,咏叹调,并安息。)


例句:Sir what abort recommendation is Aria talking about? (长官 阿瑞雅所说的取消行动建议是指什么?)


例句:WAI-ARIA - an accessibility standard. (WAI - ARIA——一个无障碍标准。)


例句:Nessun Dorma, a deliriously beautiful aria, is known by millions of people, but if you ask them to sing it, they can't. (翻译:《今夜无人入眠》,被成千上万的人认为是一首绝美的咏叹调。但是如果你要他们唱出来他们却不能。)


aria一般作为名词使用,如在grand aria(大咏唱调)、punto in aria([网络] 缕空绣;针织蕾丝花边)、short aria([网络] 短咏叹调)等常见短语中出现较多。

grand aria大咏唱调punto in aria[网络] 缕空绣;针织蕾丝花边short aria[网络] 短咏叹调scena ed aria含咏唱调的场景例句

1. WAI-ARIA - an accessibility standard. (翻译:WAI - ARIA——一个无障碍标准。)

2. Nessun Dorma, a deliriously beautiful aria, is known by millions of people, but if you ask them to sing it, they can't. (翻译:《今夜无人入眠》,被成千上万的人认为是一首绝美的咏叹调。但是如果你要他们唱出来他们却不能。)

3. The opera song that Andy Dufresne plays over the loud speakers is Canzonetta sull'aria from Mozart's Marriage of Figaro. (翻译:安迪用大喇叭播放的那首歌剧歌曲是莫扎特的《费加罗的婚礼》中“西风吹拂”这一段。)

4. It's a really difficult aria, especially at the end. (翻译:这是一个非常困难的唱段, 尤其是在末端。)

5. Ms. Flanigan sings radiantly, but her character is supposed to be deranged. So this sweet, soft aria undermines the dramatic tension. (翻译:Flanigan女士的演唱很精彩,但是这个角色应该是在精神上很不稳定的,所以这份甜蜜、温柔的咏叹调实际上了戏剧的张力。)

6. Oh, Silver Moon " -- Rusalka's aria, from Dvorak's opera. " (翻译:“月亮颂”--鲁萨尔卡的咏叹调,选自德沃夏克的歌剧《水仙女》。)

7. You just heard the Casta Diva aria from Bellini's Norma performed by Miss Veda Pierce. (翻译:您刚才听到的是由维黛·皮尔斯 表演的贝里尼的《诺玛》选段 《圣洁的女神》咏叹调)

8. The opera song that Andy Dufresne plays over the loud speakers is Canzonetta sull' aria from Mozart's Marriage of Figaro. (翻译:安迪用扬声器播放的那首歌剧歌曲是莫扎特的《费加罗的婚礼》中“西风吹拂”这一段。)

9. So I would like to share this piece with you, It's "Aria," of John Cage. (翻译:现在我想和大家分享这首曲子 约翰卡吉的 )

10. solemn music also is called heavy music , it includes cantata , sonata , aria and so on. (翻译:严肃音乐又被成为“重音乐”,它包括大合唱奏鸣曲咏叹调等。)

11. It's a kind of an aria, I would say, and in many tapes that I have. (翻译:就仿佛是咏叹调,我认为,在我有过的许多录影中。)

12. Flutter, or sing an aria down these rooms. (翻译:难道梦能够在这些房间里飘扬,引吭高唱? )

13. ... was spotted in unmarked black Dodge Charger stolen from in front of the Aria. (翻译:一辆装甲车和一辆道奇挑战者跑车 在酒店门口遭窃)

14. (CHUCKLES) If I remember rightly, Elissa has a rather fine aria in Act Three of Hannibal. (翻译:如果我没记错 伊莉萨有一段精彩的独唱 在汉尼拔第三幕)

15. Mr. Reyer, isn't there a rather marvelous aria for Elisa in Act Three of 'Hannibal'? (翻译:若我没记错的话《汉尼拔》的第三幕 伊莉莎不是应该有一段美妙的咏叹调吗?)


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