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2023-08-29 05:49| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Projectiles can now be made interceptable by certain TechnoTypes by setting Interceptable=true on them. The TechnoType scans for interceptable projectiles within a range if it has no other target and will use one of its weapons to shoot at them. Projectiles can define Armor and Strength. Weapons that cannot target the projectile’s armor type will not attempt to intercept it. On interception, if the projectile has Armor set, an amount equaling to the intercepting weapon’s Damage adjusted by Warhead Verses and the TechnoType’s firepower multipliers is deducted from the projectile’s current strength. Regardless of if the current projectile strength was reduced or not, if it sits at 0 or below after interception, the projectile is detonated.

Interceptor.Weapon determines the weapon (0 = Primary, 1 = Secondary) to be used for intercepting projectiles.

The interceptor weapon may need AG and/or AA set to true on its projectile to be able to target projectiles depending on their elevation from ground. If you don’t set those then the weapon won’t be able to target low-flying or high-flying projectiles respectively.

Interceptor.CanTargetHouses controls which houses the projectiles (or rather their firers) can belong to be eligible for interception.

Interceptor.GuardRange (and Interceptor.(Rookie|Veteran|EliteGuardRange) is maximum range of the unit to intercept projectile. The unit weapon range will limit the unit interception range though.

Interceptor.MinimumGuardRange (and Interceptor.(Rookie|Veteran|EliteMinimumGuardRange) is the minimum range of the unit to intercept projectile. Any projectile under this range will not be intercepted.

Interceptable.DeleteOnIntercept determines whether or not the projectile will simply be deleted on detonation upon interception, or if it will properly detonate. Will be overridden by Interceptor.DeleteOnIntercept setting on the interceptor.

Interceptable.WeaponOverride can be set to a WeaponType that will be used to override characteristics such as Damage and Warhead of the current projectile for detonation after interception. Will be overridden by Interceptor.WeaponOverride setting on the interceptor.

On interceptors, Interceptor.WeaponReplaceProjectile can be set to true to make Interceptor.WeaponOverride also replace the intercepted projectile’s type (including Image and other projectile characteristics) and Speed with its own. Does not replace particle systems (AttachedSystem, Ares feature).

On interceptors, Interceptor.WeaponCumulativeDamage can be set to true to make Damage from Interceptor.WeaponOverride weapon be added on the projectile’s damage rather than override it.

Interceptor.KeepIntact can be set to true to allow intercepted projectiles to continue traveling as if they were not intercepted, but effects such as Interceptor.WeaponOverride will still be applied.




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