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2023-09-20 06:14| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Shapefile维基百科:  (个人觉得写的很详细)


Shapefile file extensions

shp—The main file that stores the feature geometry. Required..shx—The index file that stores the index of the feature geometry. Required..dbf—The dBASE table that stores the attribute information of features. Required.  There is a one-to-one relationship between geometry and attributes, which is based on record number. Attribute records in the dBASE file must be in the same order as records in the main file..sbn and .sbx—The files that store the spatial index of the features..fbn and .fbx—The files that store the spatial index of the features for shapefiles that are read-only..ain and .aih—The files that store the attribute index of the active fields in a table or a theme's attribute table..atx—An .atx file is created for each shapefile or dBASE attribute index created in ArcCatalog. ArcView GIS 3.x attribute indexes for shapefiles and dBASE files are not used by ArcGIS. A new attribute indexing model has been developed for shapefiles and dBASE files..ixs—Geocoding index for read-write shapefiles..mxs—Geocoding index for read-write shapefiles (ODB format)..prj—The file that stores the coordinate system information. Used by ArcGIS..xml—Metadata for ArcGIS—stores information about the shapefile.


.shp — 图形格式,用于保存元素的几何实体。.shx — 图形索引格式。几何体位置索引,记录每一个几何体在shp文件之中的位置,能够加快向前或向后搜索一个几何体的效率。.dbf — 属性数据格式,以dBase IV的数据表格式存储每个几何形状的属性数据。


.prj — 投影格式,用于保存地理坐标系统与投影信息,是一个存储 well-known text 投影描述符的文本文件。 .sbn and .sbx — 几何体的空间索引 .fbn and .fbx — 只读的Shapefiles的几何体的空间索引 .ain and .aih — 列表中活动字段的属性索引。 .ixs — 可读写Shapefile文件的地理编码索引 .mxs — 可读写Shapefile文件的地理编码索引(ODB格式) .atx — .dbf文件的属性索引,其文件名格式为shapefile.columnname.atx (ArcGIS 8及之后的版本) .shp.xml — 以XML格式保存元数据。 .cpg — 用于描述.dbf文件的 代码页 ,指明其使用的 字符编码 。


当中.shp、.shx、.dbf三个是万万不能删除的,删除掉一个就出错了。shp没了一切全都没了,正所谓的皮之不存,毛将焉附。删掉shx虽然打不开文件,但有工具能修复。删掉.dbf文件也能修复,可属性是找不回来了。删掉.prj文件会导致投影信息丢失。.sbn 、.sbx 文件删掉后将丢失所建的索引,但不影响大局。








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