prove, verify, bear out, demonstrate, confirm, validate, testify, certify 的区别

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prove, verify, bear out, demonstrate, confirm, validate, testify, certify 的区别

2023-08-18 08:19| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1. prove

prove “证明”,证明(某事属实), 普通用词,泛指有充分的、可靠的事实证明某一观点或结论是正确的。可用作及物动词,后接宾语或宾语从句。

Galileo proved the law of falling objects to the world from the leaning tower in Pizza. 伽利略在比萨斜塔证明物体落体定律。The data obtained clearly proves that the proposed method is far better than the traditional one. 获得的数据清楚地证明,提出的方法比传统的方法好的多。There wasn’t enough evidence to prove him guilty of the crime of which he was accused. 没有足够的证据能他犯了被指控的罪行。 2. verify

verify “证明”、“证实”、“核实”。多指通过实验、论证,查核证实某事的是对的,也可表示“查证”、“核实”某事的真实性。

Physical and chemical tests verify that the device has neither radioactive pollution nor toxic side effects. 物理和化学测试验证明该装置无放射性污染,对人体也无毒无副作用。We need more proofs to verify whether he is guilty of the crime. 我们需要有更多的证据才能证明他是否犯罪。The new technology, including the digital photograph, will help authorities verify a traveller’s identity. 包括使用数码照片的这种新科技将能帮助当局查证旅行者的身份。Ask for the guests’ name if not known and verify the guests’ information in the computer. 如果不知道客户的名称可要求告知,并核实电脑中客户信息。 3. bear out

bear out “证明”、“证实”。该动词短语用法相当于同 prove、verify。

We will not make a decision before all the facts we mentioned have been borne out(proved、verified). 在我们提到的所有的事实得到证实之前,我们不会做出决定。It seemed to bear out Hemingway’s own gloomy maxim about America. 这似乎证实了海明威关于美国的阴郁格言。 4. demonstrate

demonstrate “证明”、“证实”。指用充分有力、无可辩驳事实或证据证明某事,语气较强。

The success of Olympic Games demonstrated that people of different nations and cultures can work together peacefully. 奥运会的成功举行证明不同的国家及其文化是能和睦相处的。The researchers say this is the first study to demonstrate a link between midlife belly fat and the risk of dementia. 研究人员说,这是首次通过研究证实中年腹部肥胖与患痴呆的危险有关联。 5. confirm

confirm “(进一步)证实”、“确定”。指对已有的观点、说法、预测、猜疑予以证实或确证。

Many scientists have predicted that the atmosphere is becoming warmer and warmer, but so far not enough evidence has produced to confirm the prediction. 许多科学家曾预测气候会变得越来越暖和,但到目前为止还没有足够的证据来证实这项预测。Instead of replying to our inquiry about the truth of the fact, he asked to resign, which confirmed our suspicion on him. 他没有对我们询问这件事的实真相作出回答,反而提出辞职,这证实了我们的对他的怀疑。You had better confirm your reservation for the hotel before your departure to the city. 在出发前往该市之前,你最好确定一下酒店预订。X-rays have confirmed that he has not broken any bones. X光片证实他没有骨折。

证实的强度: confirm < verify < validate

6. validate

validate “验证”,“使…证实”。形容词valid可指理论、观点、说法“站得住脚的”、“正确的”,因此validate常用于证明理论、观点、说法的正确性或站得住脚。 如:to validate a theory 证实理论

Can you validate your views against economic growth? 你能验证你反对经济增长的说法的观点吗?Many people reported the witness of UFO, but none of them have been validated as yet. 许多人报道说看到了不明飞行物,但没有一个报道得到证实。 7. testify

testify “作证”。多指以事实口头为某人或某事作证,也可指在法庭上为当事人的提供证词。该词也可用于指一般的证明,接宾语时常用testify to。

He testified to having seen the man leaving the building at the time of the murder being committed. 他作证说在谋杀发生时他看到那个男子离开那栋楼。Can you testify the man’s statement that he was not at the scene of the crime? 这位男子说他不在犯罪现场,你能证明他的说法吗? 8. certify

certify “证明”。指用合法的证书、证件或带签名盖章的证明、权威性或人格来证实某事的可靠性和真实性,含“担保”“保证”之意。

I won’t buy such an expensive painting until it is certified by an expert. 我不会买这幅贵的画,除非得到专家的认证。I certify that all the information given in this application is true and accurate. 我保证所有在本申请表格填报的资料是真实和准确的。 9. prove (to be)

prove 可用作系动词,后接“to be + 形容词或名词”,to be 可省略,意为“证明是”。

The task seemed to be easy but proved to be difficult. 这项任务似乎很容易,但被证明是很困难的。I imagine that it would prove (to be) a very easy task. 我想这将证明是一个很容易的任务。 10. turn out turn out (to be)It turns out that ………

turn out 用法与系动词 prove 相同,表示“证明是”、“结果是”、“原来是”的意思。这一短语可以转化成句型 “It turns out that ………”。

The person I spoke to turned out to be our new teacher. It turned out that the person I spoke to was our new teacher. 和我说话的那个人原来是我们的新老师。Though it looked like rain this morning, it has turned out to be a fine day. 今天早上天看上去好像要下雨,结果是个好天气。We place high expectation on the new method, but it turned out that it does not work well. 我们对新的方法期望很高,但事实证明它不是很行。 4)It turns out that consumer spending remains a big drive of worldeconomic growth. 结果表明,消费者消费仍然是世界经济增长一大动力。





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