anyconnect 记住帐号密码

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anyconnect 记住帐号密码

#anyconnect 记住帐号密码| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Time to read — 5 to 15 minutes.


1.密码与密码 (1. Assword vs Password)

ASSWORD vs PASSWORD (The only difference is ‘P’). Your PASSWORD could have been better & protected by ‘P’. But due to missing ‘P,’ your PASSWORD became an ASSWORD.

密码与密码(唯一的区别是“ P”)。 您的密码本可以更好,并且受“ P”保护。 但是由于缺少“ P”,您的密码成为了密码。

World’s strongest Password — “JaneLove123” 😂 😂

世界上最强的密码—“ JaneLove123”😂

Yes, we are completely okay if you do love your Jane more than 123. We can’t stop you from spreading your love around Jane or Janes, but believe me, in some or very near days, your Jane will leave you soon.


Hackers are very likely going to love your Jane too; they are everywhere watching you by apps, services, networks, shopping carts, and even more endlessly.

黑客很可能也会爱你的简。 他们到处都在通过应用程序,服务,网络,购物车来监视您,甚至是无休止的。

I am talking about all the people who make the same mistakes when they set their Password, Yes, Passwords, more than 60% of smart people even choose a very predictable password, and that is the case they are becoming a victim of being Hacked. Ohh Laa Laaa Laaa, something terrible and spooky :) I love that game, getting in…

我说的是所有在设置密码时都会犯同样错误的人,是的,密码,超过60%的聪明人甚至选择了一个非常可预测的密码,这就是他们成为被黑客攻击的受害者的情况。 哦,Laa Laaa Laaa,太可怕了,很怪异:)我喜欢那个游戏,进入……

Now every single day people are used to sharing like they have been hacked and some shitty people (actually for me they are smart ;) asking for money, net banking transfer, book a flight ticket, buy a car, asking for the price of Corona vaccine (That was funny.. he he he). So! Why are they saying like that and seriously how it could be possible to hack Facebook or my Insta or Twitter or Gmail or my Amazon or Flipkart or so-called shine media account.

现在,人们每天都习惯于像被黑客攻击一样和一些卑鄙的人(实际上对我来说是聪明的)共享信息,以获取金钱,进行网上银行转账,预订机票,购买汽车,询问Corona的价格疫苗(真有趣..他他他)。 所以! 他们为什么这么说,并认真地考虑了如何破解Facebook或我的Insta或Twitter或Gmail或我的Amazon或Flipkart或所谓的Shine媒体帐户。

Yes, it is possible, it is possible in many ways. It is possible because you are still loving your Jane and sharing your Password across public accessible WiFi, internet network, coffee shop, cyber cafe, writing your Password in files, etc..

是的,有可能,在许多方面都有可能。 这是可能的,因为您仍然爱着Jane并在公共可访问的WiFi,互联网,咖啡店,网吧中共享密码,并在文件中写入密码等。

2.社交媒体威胁 (2. Social Media Threats) Social Engineering

社会工程学 Phishing Attacks

网络钓鱼攻击 Fake Accounts

假账户 Celebrity Spoofing

名人欺骗 Compromised Sites

受损网站 Fake Social Media Links

假社交媒体链接 Information Leakage

信息泄漏 3.黑客与你 (3. Hackers vs. You)

Hackers are always looking for flaws in computers, networks, or mobile devices. Hackers typically have advanced knowledge of program languages. It takes patience when it comes to hacking systems. People use generic passwords and share them all online.

黑客一直在寻找计算机,网络或移动设备中的缺陷。 黑客通常具有程序语言的高级知识。 涉及黑客系统时需要耐心。 人们使用通用密码并在线共享它们。

Tools accessible to hackers make it easy to crack these passwords. Your footprint online provides easy access for hackers.

黑客可以使用的工具可以轻松破解这些密码。 您的在线足迹可让黑客轻松访问。

4.社交媒体误解 (4. Social Media Misconceptions) Social media posting can be completely deleted.

社交媒体发布可以完全删除。 Using social media while on public WiFi are protected networks.

在公共WiFi上使用社交媒体是受保护的网络。 Profile information makes it easier to be connected with others and should be fully completed.

个人资料信息使与他人的联系变得更加容易,应该完全完成。 No one has access to your information unless you allow it.

除非您允许,否则任何人都无法访问您的信息。 Everything you place in your profile, such as preferences, political opinions, comments, doesn’t interest anyone that could harm you.

您在个人资料中放置的所有内容(例如偏好,政治观点,评论)都不会引起任何可能伤害您的人的兴趣。 Negative comments about employers or the government aren’t accessible to anyone without your approval.


Now the question is, How can we protect our Mobile, Desktops, Social Media Accounts from being exposed?


Well, you asked a very delicate question. Still, the answer is very tedious, lengthy, gibberish because it’s not a meme, there is no fancy stuff or picture (umm sorry 😔), and to keep your things secret and protected — you first have to understand the circumstances and the way Cyber Criminals follow.

好吧,你问了一个非常微妙的问题。 尽管如此,答案仍然非常繁琐,冗长,乱七八糟,因为它不是模因,没有奇特的东西或图片(对不起😔),并且要保护自己的事情秘密和受到保护-您首先必须了解网络的情况和方式罪犯随之而来。

Hacking could be possible in many ways, but most of them are —


1 — You gave access to someone, You secret file is visible, You share your details in the wrong window, keyloggers, etc


2 — Someone gave access to us, Using free WiFi, cafe, public Internet

2 —有人允许我们访问,使用免费的WiFi,咖啡馆,公共互联网

3 — We are accessing sharable things Home PC, Friends PC, Common Phones, etc

3-我们正在访问家用PC,Friends PC,通用电话等可共享的东西

How to keep our Social Accounts, Bank Password Safe?


[ Rule №1 ]Do not share much information on social media 🚫


Putting lots of personal information on social media posts. Feeds, chats, comments make you very vulnerable.

在社交媒体上发布大量个人信息。 提要,聊天,评论使您非常脆弱。

I often see the messages “Sun na.. call karte hain kya? No? 887766xxxxxxx” kind of comments. And yes 50 INR recharge link could lead you in big trouble, and Fortune Wheel will not make you Ambani :)

我经常看到“ Sun na ..叫karte hain kya? 没有? 887766xxxxxxx”这样的评论。 是的,50印度卢比的充值链接可能会给您带来大麻烦,而“命运之轮”不会让您成为Ambani :)

So be aware and do not share those links on social media or WhatsApp.


[ Rule №2 ]Beware of fake friend requests 😈


Do not accept strangers friend requests (Avoid sexy body profile pics 😂, its a trap ⛓)


[ Rule №3 ]Verify contacts and identity 🤝


Verify your contacts by chatting or contacting them directly (in case of any gibberish or strange activity)


We all share general information like DOB — Date Of Birth, School/College Name, Mobile No, Zip Code/Pin Code, Your Name/User Name, Schooling/UG/PG Year, DOJ Work, Company Name, Current Location, Your Native Place, Etc..

我们都共享常规信息,例如DOB-出生日期,学校/学院名称,手机号码,邮政编码/ Pin代码,您的姓名/用户名,上学/ UG / PG年,DOJ工作,公司名称,当前位置,您的原住民等等

And very less and unknown information like PAN Card, Adhar Card, Driving License Number, Bank Account Number, Your Shoe Size, Your Vehicle Number, Your EMI Date / Loan Date, Favorite Serials Name, Sports Channels, Personality, Etc..


[ Rule №4 ]Make a Strong Password Habit 💪🏻


Do not use a very obvious password for your account like ILU@123, India123, MyPassword111 & SweetHome123. Those are very weak and vulnerable passwords and could cost you in a minute or less by using the dictionary attacks or rainbow tables.

不要为您的帐户使用非常明显的密码,例如ILU @ 123,India123,MyPassword111和SweetHome123。 这些密码非常弱且易受攻击,使用字典攻击或Rainbow表可能会在一分钟或更短的时间内使您付诸东流。

How to create a Strong Password & Memorise it?


Well, it’s a little tricky, but in a little shot, it will be easy for you.


Use one of those less known facts about you or information, which helps you remember and create a strong password.


Replace alphabets with Special Characters as you can replace,


Aa = @, Ii = !, Ss = $,Hh = #, Cc = (, Dd = !) and so on.. Weak Password ‘apple123’, Strong Password ‘@pp!e!23’ or let’s say ‘Happy1987’ to ‘#@ppy!9$7’ — you got it right..?

Aa = @,Ii =!,Ss = $,Hh =#,Cc =(,Dd =!)等等。弱密码'apple123',强密码'@pp!e!23'或我们说'Happy1987 '到'#@ ppy!9 $ 7'-你说对了..?

Use at least eight-character Password including Capital, Small, Numbers & Special Characters example ‘My$trongP@$$word20K’ for ‘MyStrongPassword20K’

至少使用八个字符的密码(包括大写,小写,数字和特殊字符),例如“ My $ trongP @ $$ word20K”用于“ MyStrongPassword20K”

You can create a Super Strong Password (My$trongP@$$word20K), and you could use this with many accounts by Prefixing them e.g.

您可以创建一个超级强密码(My $ trongP @ $$ word20K),并且可以通过对它们进行前缀来将其用于许多帐户,例如

FB#My$trongP@$$word20K or TW#My$trongP@$$word20K or GM#My$trongP@$$word20K or IG#My$trongP@$$word20K or SBI#My$trongP@$$word20K and so on..

FB#My $ trongP @ $$ word20K或TW#My $ trongP @ $$ word20K或GM#My $ trongP @ $$ word20K或IG#My $ trongP @ $$ word20K或SBI#My $ trongP @ $$ word20K和等等。

FB = Facebook, TW = Twitter, GM = Gmail, IG = Instagram etc…

FB = Facebook,TW = Twitter,GM = Gmail,IG = Instagram等…

[ Rule №5 ]Never save your secrets in Plain Text 📦 anywhere


Often and most people save their secrets in plain text like ‘do-not-open.txt’, ‘paap-lagega.txt’, ‘my-secrets.txt’, ‘sunny-deol.txt’, ‘jai-ma-ambe.txt’ and in many more fun ways. A plain text file means anybody can access the information by just opening the file — it’s damn simple.

通常,大多数人会以“ do-not-open.txt”,“ paap-lagega.txt”,“ my-secrets.txt”,“ sunny-deol.txt”,“ jai-ma- ambe.txt”以及更多有趣的方式。 纯文本文件意味着任何人都可以通过打开文件来访问信息-这太简单了。

My suggestion is to use Excel or Word as Password Protection and to keep secrets Password protected rather than in a simple flat text.


Be aware of your wife; she may ask you, “Why this file is password protected, tell me the password 🤛🏻?”

注意你的妻子; 她可能会问您:“为什么此文件受密码保护,请告诉我密码🤛🏻?”

[ Rule №6]Don’t TRUST Public desktop/laptops/networks


Do not save your passwords in any public computers, friends laptop, or neighbor’s desktop. NEVER EVER STORE YOUR PASSWORD ON DESKTOP/PC/LAPTOP/FILE/CAFE

不要将密码保存在任何公用计算机,朋友笔记本电脑或邻居的桌面上。 永远不要在桌面/ PC /笔记本电脑/文件/咖啡馆上存储密码

[ Rule №7]Use Google to verify the website address


To prevent access to wrong or misspelled while typing the address, I would recommend using Google. Because it’s very, very tough and likely impossible to put wrong/spooky web sites address in Google search index, especially on the first-page results.

为避免在输入地址时出现错误或拼写错误,建议您使用Google。 因为在Google搜索索引中(尤其是首页结果中)放置错误/诡异的网站地址非常非常困难,而且可能不可能。

You might enter your details in the wrong window e.g.; you wanted to open, but by mistake, you hit enter to open

您可能在错误的窗口中输入了您的详细信息,例如; 您想打开https:// www。,但是您误输入回车键来打开

Thus use Google if you don’t know the address e.g. Facebook login and Google will show you the correct address


[ Rule №8]Make sure the website is trustworthy and secure with HTTPS


Nowadays, almost every browser warns you when you are about to access any dangerous websites. Still, there are chances to miss the goal.

如今,几乎每种浏览器都会在您访问任何危险网站时警告您。 尽管如此,仍有机会错过目标。

So, always check HTTPS in the address bar ‘https:’ not ‘http: The ‘s’ in HTTP stands for Secure, and it indicates the site is secure, and data from your local pc to the server will be transferred in an encrypted way over the Internet.

因此,请始终在地址栏中检查HTTPS:“ https:”而不是“ http:HTTP”中的“ s”表示安全,它表示站点是安全的,并且本地计算机到服务器的数据将以加密方式传输通过互联网的方式。

So far, so fresh, Good…


If you doubt, click on the browser address bar and click on the Green/Gray Padlock icon (only for https:// site). It will tell you the website’s authenticity and information.

如果您不确定,请单击浏览器地址栏,然后单击绿色/灰色挂锁图标(仅适用于https://网站)。 它将告诉您网站的真实性和信息。

[ Rule №9]Never share your account information over email


No matter what, you are supposed to not share your user name and Password with anyone over email or SMS. Nobody will ask you to share the Password. If someone does, ‘It is fake and avoids them.

无论如何,您不应通过电子邮件或短信与任何人共享您的用户名和密码。 没有人会要求您共享密码。 如果有人这样做,那就是假货,要避免。

[ Rule №10]Think before you reply to an email/spam/phishing/scam


I see many emails in the inbox, which mimics that those emails come from Facebook or SBI or ICICI or your bank. Some of the examples are [email protected] or, [email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected] or something.

我在收件箱中看到许多电子邮件,它们模仿了这些电子邮件来自Facebook或SBI或ICICI或您的银行。 其中一些示例是[email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected]或类似的东西。

Beware of those fake/phishing/scam emails and never reply with your secrets and sensitive data. Those all are fake and spams, and it could be possible they are phishing attempts, better to stay away and check those emails once in google search to verify their authenticity or direct call your bank call center to verify those emails. Still, NEVER SHARE YOUR BANK SECRETS WITH ANYONE IN ANY FORM OF MODE OR COMMUNICATION.

谨防那些虚假/网络钓鱼/诈骗电子邮件,并且永远不要回覆您的秘密和敏感数据。 这些都是假的和垃圾邮件,有可能它们是网络钓鱼尝试,最好远离并在Google搜索中检查这些电子邮件一次以验证其真实性,或直接致电您的银行呼叫中心以验证这些电子邮件。 不过, 永远不要以任何形式或通讯的方式与任何人共享您的银行机密 。

Remember, Facebook use .COM TLD (top-level domain); thus, all Facebook emails must be ended with .com and not with .org or else. Secondly, it’s; hence [email protected] is okay but not [email protected] and so on. Still, NEVER SHARE YOUR SOCIAL ACCOUNT SECRETS WITH ANYONE IN ANY FORM OF MODE OR COMMUNICATION.

记住,Facebook使用.COM TLD(顶级域); 因此,所有Facebook电子邮件必须以.com结尾,而不以.org或其他结尾。 其次,它是 ; 因此,support @ facebook.com可以,但不支持[email protected],依此类推。 不过, 永远不要以任何形式或通信的形式与任何人共享您的社交帐户秘密。

[ Rule №11]Do not use Apps from Elsewhere, Unauthorized stores, Internet sites


Use the official website & portal to download apps and software, do not use crack or mode version of apps. They could immensely harm you and could lead you in financial trouble.

使用官方网站和门户网站下载应用程序和软件,请勿使用破解版或模式版本的应用程序。 它们会极大地伤害您,并可能导致您陷入财务困境。

[ Rule №12]Use advance Antivirus/ Security Softwares


Many people do not like to use Antivirus because they are expensive in terms of the license and have, they slow their desktops, etc. Really! Those are not expensive, and some of the most advanced antiviruses are available less than in 300 INR yearly (25 INR monthly). Antiviruses are a great way and utility tools to get rid of most auto-dialers, malicious code, spams, phishing emails, dangerous apps, etc.

许多人不喜欢使用防病毒软件,因为它们的许可证价格昂贵,并且拥有降低桌面速度的功能,等等。真的! 这些价格不贵,而且某些最先进的防病毒软件的价格每年不到300 INR(每月25 INR)。 防病毒是摆脱大多数自动拨号程序,恶意代码,垃圾邮件,网络钓鱼电子邮件,危险应用程序等的好方法和实用工具。

Use Real-time Protection to keep your devices safe and do not forget to update them in a specific interval.


[ Rule №13]Remember 3P Rule


P — Proper, P — Password, P — Protection

P —正确,P —密码,P —保护

Use a hard to guess Password, have a good length of Password. Use some of the special characters in the Password.

使用难以猜测的密码,并确保密码的长度。 在密码中使用一些特殊字符。

If possible, use MFA — Mobile Factor Authentication. So that whenever you or someone would try to access your account, notification would be sent to your register mobile to enter the code.

如果可能,请使用MFA-移动因素身份验证。 这样,无论何时您或某人尝试访问您的帐户,都会将通知发送到您的注册手机以输入代码。

5.常见问题 (5. FAQs)

How Hackers Hacks Your Social Media / Accounts?


Well, this is very easy to hack noobs or a person who doesn’t understand the Web very well. Emails, SMS, Phishing, Spam/Games, Redirection, and many more ways they could trick you.

好吧,这很容易让菜鸟或对网络不太了解的人使用。 电子邮件,短信,网络钓鱼,垃圾邮件/游戏,重定向,以及许多其他欺骗您的方法。

Ways to Hack Social Media / Accounts —


[ Step 1 ]Malicious Emails, Phishing attacks & Links


Most of the Hackers build a Fake Social Media/Bank Website very similar to the real one and create Shorten links (https:// bit. ly/er54fdff, https:// goo .le/fb/5644545) and sends via email with a subject like, “Someone tried to log in your account” with a button named ‘Check Activity’. As soon as you click on the button, a web page opens similar to the real one; you enter your details and Boom!!!! you are gone.

大多数黑客都建立了一个与真实网站非常相似的假社交媒体/银行网站,并创建了缩短链接(https:// bit。ly / er54fdff,https:// goo .le / fb / 5644545)并通过电子邮件发送标题为“有人尝试登录您的帐户”的主题,并带有一个名为“检查活动”的按钮。 一旦您单击该按钮,就会打开一个类似于真实页面的网页。 您输入您的详细信息和繁荣!! 你走了。

[ Step 2 ]Using Mind’s Blind Spots


Another way is to suppose hackers have a fake site named https://www. (Notice the ooo, it’s 3 O), or let’s say https://www. or

另一种方法是假设黑客拥有一个名为https:// www的假网站。请注意,这是3 O),或者说https:// www。 Twwitter.com或。

Human eyes and brains have some blind spots, and believe me; you can not recognize the difference quickly. Because “Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.” …. well, you made it well! yeah :)

人的眼睛和大脑有一些盲点,相信我。 您无法很快识别出差异。 因为“在Cmabrigde Uinervtisy担任主教的职位,它不会在杂乱无章的杂物中留下更多的痕迹。 该rset可以是toatl mses,您可以将其设置为wathit porbelm。 蒂斯是布斯科,不是死神伊斯尔特里夫(istlef)而是埃文·特维特(ertle lteter)。 …。 好吧,你做得很好! 是的:)

So that’s the issue with our eyes and brains. Sometimes the brain reads fast before you.

这就是我们的眼睛和大脑的问题。 有时大脑在您之前会快速阅读。

[ Step 3 ]Popular, but untrustworthy posts, links on social media


Okay, so you are a delighted Facebook customer (not a user, you are sharing your shits and pots on Facebook and they are doing business upon that), yeah me too.


Hackers create a profile and share some So-Called Mems on their account, and yes, it’s public.


People love to enjoy mems, isn’t it, yes of course. Now what happens. I click on a mems link, and it redirects me on another tab with the new link. It asked me to do login suppose Social Login like Facebook login, Twitter Login, or Gmail login.

人们喜欢享受记忆,不是吗,是的。 现在发生了什么。 我单击一个mems链接,它使用新链接将我重定向到另一个选项卡上。 它要求我以社交登录(例如Facebook登录,Twitter登录或Gmail登录)为前提进行登录。

I did it! Well, garrrr.. what happened? It says, Sorry for the inconvenience we are facing some issue to connect Facebook or your Account Server. Please do login with your Facebook/Account username and password. And they gave you a similar nice form. Ssshhhhh.. no no no

我做的! 好吧,garrrr ..发生了什么事? 它说:很抱歉给我们带来连接Facebook或您的Account Server的麻烦。 请使用您的Facebook /帐户用户名和密码登录。 他们给了你类似的形式。 Ssshhhhh .. no no no

I am so curious and eager to get mems, and I did as I asked — Now LOL! you hacked… Oh, how poor you are :(

我很好奇,渴望获得记忆,我按照我的要求去做-现在,哈哈! 你砍死了...哦,你真可怜:(

[ Step 4 ]A malicious piece of shits (Make Dead to Live)

[步骤4]恶意片段(Make Dead to Live)

I got some fancy chrome, firefox wallpaper changer extensions or addons — Hip Hip Hurray. I am the happiest person on the earth because I have an Addons or Extension, which I just downloaded from “Un-Official link or got it via Email”. I installed it and now nothing serious, everything is working cool.

我得到了一些精美的镀Chrome,firefox墙纸更换扩展程序或插件-Hip Hip Hurray。 我是地球上最幸福的人,因为我有一个Addons或Extension,我是从“非官方链接或通过电子邮件获得的”下载的。 我安装了它,现在没什么大不了的,一切工作都很棒。

Now when you open any page in the browser, “The malicious extensions will read those data and could send to their master server (Master Node) and of course, once again you become a Real Hero “You hacked”


[ Step 5 ]I want to become so cool (🤟🏻) around people (Oh! you start dying slowly)


I read an article, and suddenly I started to feel like a Super Man or dreaming of becoming a Super Hacker, Yes I will do it for sure. So I got the code/script to download anybody’s protected Profile Picture or Know their Hidden Secrets :) That’s the trick Hackers give you malicious code free.

我读了一篇文章,突然间我开始觉得自己像个超人,或者梦想成为一名超级黑客,是的,我肯定会做的。 因此,我得到了代码/脚本来下载任何人的受保护的个人资料图片或知道他们的隐藏秘密:)这就是黑客为您免费提供恶意代码的诀窍。

Ahem… I called my friend to show the peace of junk and to become so-called Hacker “Feeling Yeah” or “Failing Yeah”. Yes, that’s true; most of the teenagers do that. They don’t know what the piece of code does that, but as Hackers promised in a fancy way, they accepted it.

哎呀……我打电话给我的朋友,表现出垃圾的安宁,并成为所谓的黑客“ Feeling Yeah”或“ Failing Yeah”。 是的,这是真的; 大多数青少年都这样做。 他们不知道这段代码是做什么的,但是正如黑客以一种幻想的方式承诺的那样,他们接受了它。

We called it ‘XSS’ Cross-Site Scripting attack, what it does. It takes your Browser’s Cookie Data and sends it over the network to the hacker’s machine. Yes, If I got your Browser’s Session Cookie, I can log in to your account without knowing your user name or Password, and I can play around it.

我们将其称为“ XSS”跨站点脚本攻击。 它获取您的浏览器的Cookie数据,并通过网络将其发送到黑客的计算机。 是的,如果我得到了您浏览器的会话Cookie,则可以在不知道您的用户名或密码的情况下登录到您的帐户,并且可以使用它。

Rapidly I will access your account and accept Hackers Friend Requests and remove the logs and activities without you knowing it (if you are a Facebook Zombie) having 2345 friends; then, it is hard to guess 2346.

我将Swift访问您的帐户并接受Hack​​er Friend Requests,并删除日志和活动,而您不知道(如果您是Facebook Zombie)有2345个朋友; 那么,很难猜测2346。

Never Run/Execute any Code/Script from over the Internet, Browser Console, etc.


Remember, you are a Facebook, Gmail user, not a Professional Programmer or Developer or Advocate. You don’t know the consequences of that code execution. So better to stay away.

请记住,您是Facebook,Gmail用户,而不是专业程序员或开发人员或倡导者。 您不知道该代码执行的后果。 所以最好远离。

[ Step 6]Free WiFi, Cafe, Public Internet & Networks


This is a very common & massive attack actually; we got the bunch of kids who were looking for free WiFi, internet connections — damn greedy people. So Hackers decided to go to a crowded place and open their WiFi for everyone. Suddenly people start noticing that a Hey! You dumbo “McOonalds Free WiFi, IS AVAILABLE TO CONNECT’ Yeah! Party — Download all the creepy things now (You caught me).

实际上,这是一种非常常见且大规模的攻击; 我们有一堆正在寻找免费WiFi,互联网连接的孩子-该死的贪婪的人。 因此,黑客决定去一个拥挤的地方,为所有人打开WiFi。 突然,人们开始注意到嘿! 您大声疾呼“ McOonalds免费WiFi,可以连接'是的! 派对—立即下载所有令人毛骨悚然的内容(您抓住了我)。

As soon as you connect to the WiFi and start doing/sharing some activity over the network — BELIEVE ME, HE/SHE IS WATCHING YOU LIKE NOTHING.


They know about your breakups, your food habits, your upcoming vacations, and so on.


You are telling him/her your every secret, and he/she is fine to collect and alter that information. So never do any Banking or Important Transactions over the Public Network, use your Network, Mobile Internet connections only.

您正在告诉他/她您的每个秘密,他/她可以收集和更改该信息。 因此,切勿在公共网络上进行任何银行业务或重要交易,仅使用网络和移动Internet连接 。

[ Step 7]This one is great, Misspelled URL/Website Address


In this attack, we open the black door for us; sometimes, we type the address in the address bar. But for some reason, it is wrong, or it misspelled due to keyboard or anything, and we open the wrong window to access.

在这次攻击中,我们为我们打开了黑门。 有时,我们在地址栏中输入地址。 但是由于某种原因,这是错误的,或者由于键盘或其他任何原因而拼写错误,因此我们打开了错误的访问窗口。

That was a bit of great luck for the day, and hackers celebrated your errors.


They just show you the same social media page, but in the wrong address ( ‘e’ is missing, and that ‘e’ going to give an electric shock.

他们只是向您显示相同的社交媒体页面,但是在错误的地址(中,缺少“ e”,并且该“ e”会引起触电。

Some of the very common questions regarding safety —


1 — Is hacking possible if I don’t have an Internet connection?


Yes, Hackers could use Bluetooth to connect your device or use Electromagnetic Radiation, Accelerometers, Lasers, Power Consumption to hack you.


2 — What if my Bluetooth and the Internet turned off?

2 —如果我的蓝牙和互联网关闭了怎么办?

Now, it’s almost impossible to hack you, but still, Electromagnetic Radiation, Accelerometers, Lasers, Power Consumption are there to trouble you.


3 — Could it be possible to hack me via GPS?


Yes — they could hack you via your service provider radio signals.


4 — Can an Offline Computer be Hacked?

4 —脱机计算机会被黑客入侵吗?

Technically — as of right now — the answer is no. If you never connect your computer, you are 100 percent safe from hackers on the Internet. There is no way someone can hack and retrieve, alter or monitor information without physical access. But there are efforts to overcome this obstacle. A New York Times article reported an NSA technology allowing hackers to get into a computer, even if it is not connected and alters the data. But even this technology requires physical access to the computer. According to the Times report, “In most cases, the radio frequency hardware must be physically inserted by a spy, a manufacturer or an unwitting user.” But there are some very advance tricks are like,

从技术上讲-到目前为止,答案是否定的。 如果您从不连接计算机,那么Internet上的黑客将100%安全。 没有物理访问权,任何人都无法破解,检索,更改或监视信息。 但是我们正在努力克服这一障碍。 《纽约时报》的一篇文章报道了一种NSA技术,即使计算机没有连接并改变数据,黑客也可以进入计算机。 但是,即使这项技术也需要对计算机的物理访问。 根据《泰晤士报》的报道:“在大多数情况下,无线电频率硬件必须由间谍,制造商或不知情的用户实际插入。” 但是有一些非常先进的技巧,

Electromagnetic Radiation


Beware of plugging in your phone to charge it. When plugged in, your phone lets off electromagnetic radiation that can be tracked. Although a hacker has to be relatively close to your phone — within 67 feet — to gain information, he or she can use a device that detects your phone’s radio spectrum and tracks your keystrokes. As you can imagine, your keystrokes could give away highly-classified personal information.

当心插入手机充电。 插入手机后,手机会释放出可以追踪的电磁辐射。 尽管黑客必须相对靠近您的手机(67英尺以内)才能获取信息,但他或她可以使用一种设备来检测您手机的无线电频谱并跟踪您的击键。 可以想象,您的按键操作可能会泄露高度分类的个人信息。



Your accelerometer — the sensor in your phone to track tilt and motion — can be used to detect typing. When used close to a computer, the accelerometer has a nearly 80-percent accuracy of keystroke detection.

加速度计(手机中用于跟踪倾斜和运动的传感器)可用于检测打字。 当在靠近计算机的地方使用时,加速度计的击键检测精度接近80%。

That’s not the only type of hacking the accelerometer is used for, either. This kind of data might not be the typical data hackers want, but did you know that your smartphone can give away your location even when it’s disconnected? Hackers can follow your movements if you’re traveling on a train. Each step and the duration between each stop can be monitored by an accelerometer to give away your location.

这也不是加速度计用于黑客攻击的唯一方式。 这类数据可能不是黑客想要的典型数据,但是您是否知道智能手机即使断开连接也可以放弃您的位置? 如果您乘火车旅行,黑客可以跟随您的动作。 加速度计可以监控每个步骤以及每个站点之间的持续时间,以释放您的位置。



Another way hackers read your keystrokes is by aiming a laser at a smartphone keyboard to track its vibrations. While this method is technically more accurate than using the accelerometer, the laser has to be directed towards the part of the phone that reflects light.

黑客阅读您击键的另一种方式是将激光对准智能手机键盘以跟踪其振动。 尽管此方法在技术上比使用加速度计更准确,但必须将激光对准手机反射光的部分。

Power Consumption


Load Monitoring is a way to watch voltage and current changes to figure out a person’s connected activity. The technique is typically used by electricity companies to monitor electricity usage in specific places. However, it has also been used as a way to determine which device is running at each time. It also has the potential to be used by hackers to see which devices they have successfully infected with malware.

负载监视是一种监视电压和电流变化以弄清一个人的活动的方法。 电力公司通常使用该技术来监视特定位置的用电量。 但是,它也已被用作确定每次运行哪个设备的方法。 它也有可能被黑客用来查看他们成功感染了恶意软件的设备。

These are crafty, spy-level hacks to think about, and they might not happen to you personally. But common hacks do happen all the time.

这些都是狡猾的间谍级别的骇客,您个人可能不会遇到。 但是常见的骇客行为一直都在发生。

Hope you enjoyed the post and you would take your Password now more seriously.


Good luck & hope you are bit confident now :)


— Thanks for reading,Let’s keep the Internet open and safeNeeraj Singh

—感谢您的阅读,让我们保持互联网的开放和安全Neeraj Singh




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