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2023-03-12 05:53| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1、They think that there's some Freudian answer to solvingthese problems, " said the ASA's Kline.他们认为解决这些问题有某种佛洛伊德的办法。

2、I need your answer by six o 'clock tonight — otherwise we'll leave you out of it!我必须在今晚六点前得到你的答复,否则我们就把你排除在外。

3、Will you give me some information and answer some of my questions?你能向我提供些这方面的信息,回答些我的问题吗?

4、If the answer is mumbling, the Americans will assume the worst.如果答案模棱两可,美国人就会设想最糟糕的情况。

5、Providing operational support to client countries – to answer growing demand.向借款国提供业务支持,以回应其不断增长的需求。

6、"Gould." I replied. My answer triggered a heated discussion.“古尔德。”我回答道。一场激烈的辩论也随之而起。

7、Before we can attempt to answer this question, a visual inspection of our data is required.在我们试着回答这个问题之前,需要数据的可视化检查。

8、The retired officer recalls being the first to answer an alarm at a jeweller' s shop.一名退休人员首先回应了珠宝商店铺发出报警的事件。

9、We must answer his letter right away.我们应当马上给他回信。

10、They postponed sending an answer to a request他们耽搁了对一项请求的答覆。

11、Simply marking an answer wrong will not help the student to get future examples correct.只将某个解答判为错误不会帮助学生答对以后的例题。

12、She made an answer to him definitely.她给了他一个明确的回答。

13、The answer is, the usual suspects: greed and cowardice.答案中这个司空见惯的嫌疑犯正是“贪婪”和“懦弱”。

14、Your answer seems to beg the real question.你的回答似乎避开了问题之所在。

15、I am sorry I did not answer your letter -- I can only plead forgetfulness.对不起没有给你回信,对此我只能以忘记作为托词。

16、Two guards accompanied him and removed his handcuffs so he could answer nature’s call.两个警卫陪着他,并打开手铐以使其可以上厕所。

17、Swede would answer with pride: "Both, Sir!" For many days this practice continued.瑞典人会骄傲地答道:“两次,长官。”这样的练习进行了好多天。

18、The answer is user retention.答案是为了保留用户。

19、Answer up when the judge asks you a question法官问你问题时, 你要照实回答。

20、And the answer starts, paradoxically, with the limits they should impose on themselves.矛盾的是,答案始于他们应对自己施加的限制。

21、To avoid giving a direct answer to回避避免做直接回答

22、Then ponder that question and answer it.然后你思考和回答这个问题。

23、Is it not the answer to why all matters are in motion?这不就是为什么一切物质都在运动的答案吗?

24、Most girls in my class feel ill at ease when called on to answer questions.我班里的大多数女生在被要求回答问题时都似乎感到不自在。

25、This tracking can help answer the age-old question: Who's using this service?这个跟踪功能可以帮助回答一个很古老的问题:谁在使用此服务?

26、The Chimney Sweeper and the Shepherdess waited for his answer nervously.扫烟囱的人和牧羊女紧张地等待他的回答。

27、Her answer was gruff, but her eyes twinkled.她的回答很粗鲁,但她眨了眨眼睛。

28、'I'll look at it in the showroom and can answer this better after that, ' he said.他说,我会去陈列室仔细考察,然后才能更好地回答哪些款式能大卖的问题。

29、an answer to a problem对某问题的解答

30、Which leads us to the second part answer to where the newsroom should be hosted.这引出了我们第二部分的问题,即应该在哪儿托管编辑室。

answer翻译n. 答案, 回答, 回报, 答辩vt. 回答, 反驳, 适应, 响应, 符合vi. 回答, 答应, 负责, 符合, 成功【计】 用户问题及答案新闻组相关词组: to answer for... 详情




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