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#fortunate造句| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1、I am fortunate to have Prof. Smith guide me in my research.我有幸由史密斯教授指导我的研究。

2、I am fortunate in that I'm 5' 11', so it takes a while for the weight to be seen, but it'll come.她说:“我很幸运,我身高有1米8,所以即便长胖也不会马上看出来,但终归还是会显。

3、He came at a very fortunate time他来得恰是时候。

4、Spare a thought for those less fortunate than you关心一下比你困苦的人。

5、On the whole she counted herself a fortunate wife.总的来说她把自己看作是一位幸运的妻子。

6、Although you'll have too much to do, you'll feel fortunate to be in demand.虽然您有太多的事情要做,你会感到幸运的是需求。

7、The drowning man was saved by the fortunate appearance of a patrol boat.那个溺水的男子幸遇一艘巡逻艇而被救起。

8、I love winter, winter break, I was fortunate to see the flower show.我爱冬天,寒假,我有幸观看了花卉展。

9、It was very fortunate for him that I arrived on time.算他运气好,我准时到了。

10、He has been extraordinarily fortunate or clever, whichever is the right word.他一直格外幸运或者特别聪明, 不管是其中的哪一个。

11、In a fortunate situation, esp when others are unlucky处境幸运(尤指别人不幸时)

12、He counted himself fortunate to have such an opportunity.他认为自己有这样的机会是很幸运。

13、The United States is incredibly fortunate that the dollar enjoys this special status.由于美元享有这种特殊地位,使美国拥有令人难以置信的幸运。

14、The girl was fortunate enough to have her mother as a bosom friend.这个女孩非常幸运,她的妈妈是她的知心朋友。 。

15、This year I was fortunate enough to spend this holiday in a village there今年我很幸运,在那里的一个村子里度过了这个节日。

16、I am very fortunate to get the ringside seat to the event.我很幸运能够近距离观摩这个活动。

17、A few fortunate families have built concrete homes with migrant money少数幸运的家庭靠着打工带回的钱已经盖起了新房。

18、You are fortunate to have such a reasonable father你有这样一位通情达理的父亲,真是幸运。

19、We were fortunate to get a house like that我们幸而获得一楝像那样的房子。

20、And if fortunate enough, they may dig out the problem and get back to happy marriage again.如果够幸运的话,双方可能会找到婚姻的问题所在,然后又重回到幸福的婚姻中去。

21、A fortunate encounter brought us together.一次幸运的邂逅使我们相识。

22、Every year, his foundation pays school fees for less fortunate Kenyan children.拉加特基金会每年都要出钱,给肯尼亚的孩子交学费。

23、We were fortunate to get a house like that.我们幸而获得一楝像那样的房子。

24、Your arrival was a fortunate circumstance你的到来是命中注定的

25、If you are not one of the fortunate guests, these pages are the next best thing.如果你不在那些受邀的幸运宾客之列,那么这些画页同样也能使你有身临其境之感。

26、He is fortunate to have a job in the research lab, where they are studying Lyme disease.他很幸运地在研究淋巴疾病的科研室找到了一份工作。

27、she made a fortunate decision to go to medical school; rosy predictions她做出了一个幸运的决定——去上医科学校;充满希望的预言。

28、“I feel unbelievably fortunate to have fallen into this field when I was young, ” she says.“我能在年轻的时候就涉足这个领域,真是幸运得难以置信,”她说。

29、On a personal note, I have been fortunate to get to know Chris very well over the years.就个人而言,我有幸与克里斯相识相知那么多年。

30、Belle smiled. "it's fortunate that my father can live in the castle with us."Belle笑了,“幸运的是我的父亲和我们一起住在城堡里。”

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