10 acts of kindness to make someone smile

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10 acts of kindness to make someone smile

2023-12-21 02:46| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Send a handwritten card or letter to someone

Revisit the good old days by sending handwritten cards or letters to your friends and family. There’s something about a handwritten letter or card that feels more meaningful than a text or an email. It is a great way to make someone feel special and loved. It doesn’t only have to be during special occasions or festivals; you could send someone a letter or a card when they’re feeling low or even as a random surprise. Your kind words can lift their spirits and give them joy and hope during good times and bad.

Share happy and positive pictures

When you scroll through your social media feed, you come across many pictures that make you smile or inspire you. It could be anything from a motivational quote to an image of kittens playing around. Share them with friends and family and let them know you’re thinking of them. This will give them a reason to smile, even if just for a moment. This small act of kindness can help someone start their day on a positive note or inspire them to stay strong during difficult times.

Give an extra tip

We often tend to forget the valuable services of the people who make our lives easier every day. They are the restaurant servers, delivery people, parking attendants, taxi drivers and many others who help us live comfortable lives. For instance, rain or shine, the delivery man is always on time to deliver your order to your doorstep. Their dedication and reliability surely deserve our appreciation. So, the next time a delivery agent rings your doorbell, surprise him with a generous tip and an encouraging note thanking him for his service. This simple act of kindness will surely bring a smile to his face and make his day better.

Help out by doing an unexpected household chore

Even when you are done with your share of household chores, surprising your partner or parents by doing their chores can truly brighten up their day. This will not only give them time to take a break but also enhance the bond you share. For example, if your partner is not particularly fond of a specific chore, you can surprise them by taking care of it. Actions do speak louder than words, and this small act of kindness will show your effort towards making the lives of those around you easier.

Say thank you and mean it

How many times do you say ‘thank you’ in a day? Maybe 10 or 20 times? But how many times do you actually mean it rather than just say it out of courtesy and politeness? Saying ‘thank you’ is a simple but powerful act of kindness to show gratitude to someone. It could be your friend who helped you complete an assignment or your mother who prepares your breakfast every day. Take the time to say ‘thank you’ with utmost sincerity and conviction. It will generate a sense of positivity and make the other person instantly happy.

Offer a heartfelt apology

We make mistakes—both big and small—all the time. Our mistakes are what make us human. But if something you said or did hurt someone, make sure to offer a genuine apology. Admit your mistake and the negative impact it had. Don’t offer excuses or justifications otherwise you’ll sound like you’re trying to shift the blame to someone or something else. An apology doesn’t erase the deed but it does establish the fact that you know your actions or words caused harm, and that you’ll prevent the same from happening in the future.




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