amenity是什么意思 amenity的翻译、中文解释 – 下午有课

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amenity是什么意思 amenity的翻译、中文解释 – 下午有课

2023-08-29 05:20| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

  amenity是什么意思 amenity的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



  例句:Almost anything can be attackedas a “loss of amenity”, and be defended as”not a significant loss of amenity”.

  翻译:可以指责任何事”有隐患” Almost anything can be attackedas a “loss of amenity”, 到头来总可以辩解说”毫无重大隐患” and be defended as”not a significant loss of amenity”.。


  amenity一般作为名词使用,如在feline amenity ties(冷嘲热讽的俏皮话,挖苦话;怀有恶意的礼貌,笑里藏刀)、loss of amenity([网络] 和安乐生活的丧失;丧失生活乐趣;失去的满足)、feline amenity ties(冷嘲热讽的俏皮话,挖苦话;怀有恶意的礼貌,笑里藏刀)等常见短语中出现较多。

  1. – A valuable civic amenity.

  翻译:一座贵重的居民福利设施 一座怪物 A valuable civic amenity.。

  2. Why did you encourage me to saythat unifying the administration meant no loss of amenity,when i’ve signed a death warrant fora whole army ofbeavers?

  翻译:为什么你让我告诉议会和媒体 这个统一法案 Why did you encourage me to saythat unifying the administration 毫无隐患 结果我在给一支 meant no loss of amenity,when I’ve signed a death warrant 海狸陆战队判死刑?。

  3. “the parties involved are obliged to stop all hostilities and non-amenity. ?a”

  翻译:有关各方停止 一切敌对及非友善行为。

  4. i’ve been having an amenity with Harry Kagan.


  5. But if there is a loss of amenity…

  翻译:明明说没隐患 结果造成了隐患 But if there is a loss of amenity…。

  6. The people of the island are rightly proud of this ageing public amenity.


  7. “Cannot be regardedas a significant loss of amenity”.

  翻译:以及”不会造成重大隐患” 都在里面 “Cannot be regardedas a significant loss of amenity”.。

  8. And that starts to be delivered in the form of the railroad suburb: the country villa along the railroad line, which allows people to enjoy the amenity of the city, but to return to the countryside every night.

  翻译:这种想法是以铁路市郊的形式来实现的: 铁路沿线的乡村别墅, 可以让人们享受到城市的便捷设施的同时 能够每晚回到郊外 。

  9. it’s about a new kind of public amenity for the city, a place to gather and read and share.

  翻译:这是城市的一个新型的公众设施, 一个可以聚会,读书和分享生活的地方。 。

  10. And that starts to be delivered in the form of the railroad suburb: the country villa along the railroad line, which allows people to enjoy the amenity of the city, but to return to the countryside every night.

  翻译:这种想法是以铁路市郊的形式来实现的: 铁路沿线的乡村别墅, 可以让人们享受到城市的便捷设施的同时 能够每晚回到郊外。

  11. You are definitely the best amenity in the building.


  12. “No loss of amenity”, it says.

  翻译:写着”毫无隐患” 不 大臣 “No loss of amenity”, it says.。

  13. Yes, you’ll have every amenity that you could possibly desire right here at your fingertips.

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