Allegro 版本查看和降版本

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Allegro 版本查看和降版本

2024-07-13 13:48| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

23.1 to 22.1

执行菜单File > Export > Downrev design可以将设计另存为17.4版本

22.1 to 17.4


17.4 to 17.2

17.4可以从User Preferences中设置Database_compatibility_mode改为17.2兼容,不过此功能也仅是支持可用17.2浏览,如果17.4中的设计使用的Footprint是17.4环境的产物,则它仍然是17.4的。不能通过下述17.2 to 16.6向下降版本

17.4中执行菜单File > Export > Downrev design可以将设计另存为17.2版本

17.2 to 16.6


EDA365 deargds 编写的SKill,不支持设计规则转换




allegro_downrev_library 是一个批处理程序,主要应用于将library parts从17.x(可能只是17.2)降至16.5,此功能为17.2的更新版本功能,需要更新补丁,具体哪一号不清楚了。 支持格式:.psm, .bsm, .osm, .fsm, .ssm, and .pad 不支持 board (.brd) and drawing (.dra)

语法allegro_downrev_library   [-outfile ] input design(s):输入文件全路径(不是文件夹),支持通配符output design:Specify the output design name. If not defined, the input design is saved with .orig extension.Using wildcard downrev will overwrite design file names.output design:输出文件名称,如果包含通配符通配符部分将覆盖原文件output design 参数可缺省,此时默认输入路径=输入路径,且原文件将增加.orig继续保留

此处语法测试有点疑问 记录结果如下

allegro_downrev_library *.pad *.?sm 覆盖且不生成.orig allegro_downrev_library *.pad 或 allegro_downrev_library *.?sm 覆盖且生成生成orig allegro_downrev_library 4-65mm.pad -outfile 4-65mm.pad 覆盖不生成orig allegro_downrev_library 4-65mm.pad -outfile 4-65-166mm.pad 覆盖不生成orig 转换结果详情


Adjacent keepout definitionsSame layer keepout definitionsAnti-route keepout (ARK) definitionsBackdrill informationCounter bore/sink settingsCoverlay pad definitionsNew padstack usage typesAny properties associated with padstack


新的焊盘形状:圆角焊盘、倒角焊盘、环形盘、多边形焊盘 方形钻孔Flash symbol in place of thermal padsMore than 16 user-defined mask layer

Symbols数据的变化 (.psm, .bsm, .ssm, .fsm, and .osm)

DESIGN_OUTLINE or CUTOUT class层图形转换到BOARD_GEOMETRY/OUTLINE层IGID_FLEX or SURFACE_FINISHES classes 将被删除Contains pins which are specified for Chip on Board connection.程序将转换失败


切换Cadence为17.X环境。直接准备17.x的 pad文件或Symbols文件,或从17.2的设计中导出。将文本内容为allegro_downrev_library *.pad *.?sm的bat文件放置在焊盘图形同目录下执行,若使用skill方式参考命令如下shell(strcat(allegro_downrev_library lib\\.pad lib\\.?sm)) 注意修改为你的焊盘图形路径。3中的输出是不包含drawing (.dra)文件的,需要的话需要放到16.6的设计中再导出。16.X to 16.X


16.6选择菜单 File > Export > Downrev design可以直接输出16.5或16.3的版本16.5选择菜单 File > Export > Downrev design可以直接输出16.3或16.2的版本16.3选择菜单File > Export > Downrev design可以直接输出16.2或16.01的版本16.2选择菜单File > Export > Downrev design可以直接输出16.01的版本16.X to 15.7

EDA365 deargds 编写的SKill



当前%CDSROOT%为16.x(切版本到16.X,17.X和15.X没有DOWNREV15.exe程序)将设计通过16.X to 16.X的方法输出16.01版本通过DOWNREV15.exe程序将16.01版本转换为15.7版本

DOWNREV15.exe 需要通过DOS或批处理执行 语法如下

@echo off set DOWNREV_16_TO_15=%CDSROOT%\tools\pcb\bin\vc5 %DOWNREV_16_TO_15%\downrev15.exe 1601.brd -outfile 157.brd pause ::1601.brd和157.brd分别代表对应版本设计的文件名 DOWNREV15.exe在%CDSROOT%\tools\pcb\bin\vc5这个路径下1601.brd是相对路径的写法,如不适用相对路径可使用绝对路径同时生成log文件报告版本差异,注意查看


15.X to 15.X

15.7选择菜单File > Export 可选另存为15.2或15.0的版本

查看Allegro brd的设计版本号

Win+R输入CMD回车 进度CMD 输入如下指令

dbstat ::报告当前文件夹下brd使用的版本和设计平台(NT代表Windows) dbstat *.brd ::报告当前文件夹下brd使用的产品选项(-t)和一些编辑信息(-e) dbstat -t -e *.brd dbstat [-v] [-p] [-t] ...



.brd .mcm .sip.mdd .dpf .dpm .dps .scf.pad .dra .mcm .psm .ssm .fsm, .bsm


-v - Database version of design

-t - Report last saved tiering level. This is NOT the same as the last product/option(s) active during saving the design. Instead it is the equivalent product and options that match the DRC in effect when the design was saved.

-p - The architecture on which the design was last saved (UNIX or NT) UNIX: big-endian systems (SPARC, PA-RISC) NT: Little-endian systems (Intel or AMD) (Windows, Linux, Sol86) This means it reports NT for saved designs on Linux.

-e - Reports design meta data on a single line: USER= EDIT_TIME_MINUTES= VERSION_ID= User name is shown in quotes to allow for spaces If a design lack some of the meta data it is shown as 0 or an empty string Future software versions may add additional attributes.

The reported database version of the design may NOT be the same as the version of Allegro used to save the database. The version reported by dbstat is the earliest version of Allegro that can open the design. If you do not use the capability of latter Allegro dot releases then the database revision is not changed.

Dbstat accepts the wildcard character *. to report on multiple designs.

Note: For padstack (.pad) designs saved prior to version 10, dbstat returns the message, Pre-rev 10 pad file.

Example: dbstat test.brd returns information similar to the following: test.brd: 16.0 NT dbstat -e test.brd returns USER=fxf EDIT_TIME_MINUTES=5 VERSION_ID=1397491497





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