
您所在的位置:网站首页 ai智能是否能取代人类呢英语 【考研英语】同源文详解108期:人工智能对人类的威胁


2024-07-09 22:49| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

ⅢThe first step is to understand what computers can now do and what they are likely to be able to do in the future. Thanks to the rise in processing power and the growing abundance of digitally available data, AI is enjoying a boom in its capabilities. Today's “deep learning” systems, can teach themselves to perform some tasks, from pattern recognition to translation, almost as well as humans can. As a result, things that once called for a mind are now within the scope of computer programs. An algorithm named DeepFace can recognise individual human faces in images 97% of the time.

ⅣCrucially, this capacity is narrow and specific. Today's AI produces the semblance of intelligence through brute number-crunching force, without any great interest in approximating how minds equip humans with autonomy, interests and desires. Computers do not yet have anything approaching the wide, fluid ability to infer, judge and decide that is associated with intelligence in the conventional human sense.

ⅤEven in the short run, not all the consequences will be positive. The capacity to monitor billions of conversations and to pick out every citizen from the crowd by his voice or her face poses grave threats to liberty. And even when there are broad gains for society, many individuals will lose out from AI. AI will probably turf out increasingly large number of white-collar workers. Surveillance and dislocations are not, though, what worries Hawking, Musk and Gates. Their concern is altogether more distant and more apocalyptic: the threat of autonomous machines with superhuman cognitive capacity and interests that conflict with those of Homo sapiens.

ⅥEven if the prospect of what Mr Hawking calls “full” AI is still distant, it is prudent for societies to plan for how to cope. That is easier than it seems, not least because humans have been creating autonomous entities with superhuman capacities and interests for some time. These parallels also suggest concrete ways for societies to develop AI safely. Just as armies need civilian oversight, markets are regulated and bureaucracies must be transparent and accountable, so AI systems must be open to scrutiny. Because systems designers cannot foresee every set of circumstances, there must also be an off-switch. These constraints can be put in place without compromising progress. From the nuclear bomb to traffic rules, mankind has used technical ingenuity and legal strictures to constrain other powerful innovations.


1.spell [spel] v. 招致[带来]麻烦/灾难/危险等

2.existential [ˌegzɪˈstenʃəl] a. 关于人类存在的

3.dread [dred] n. 恐惧,害怕

4.renowned [rɪˈnaʊnd] a. 有名望的,著名的

5.Silicon Valley 硅谷

6.self-deception 自我欺骗

7.semblance [ˈsembləns] n. [情况或性质的]稍微相似,有点类似

8.fluid [ˈflu:ɪd] a. 不固定的,易变的

9.pick out 分辨出,辨认出

10.lose out 失去,丧失

11.prudent [ˈpru:dnt] a. 明智谨慎的

12.entity [ˈentəti] n. 实体

13.concrete [ˈkɒŋkri:t] a. 具体的

14.civilian [səˈvɪliən] n. 平民,老百姓

15.oversight [ˈəʊvəsaɪt] n. 监管[监督]某事

16.transparent [trænsˈpærənt] a. 透明的

17.accountable [əˈkaʊntəbl] a. 负有责任的

18.scrutiny [ˈskru:təni] n. 仔细的审视;彻底的检查

19.*executioner [ˌeksɪˈkju:ʃənə(r)] n. 死刑执行人,行刑人

20.*algorithm [ˈælgərɪðəm] n. 演算法,计算程序

21.*apocalyptic [əˌpɒkəˈlɪptɪk] a. 预言将有大灾难的

22*Homo sapiens 智人,现代人



Ⅰ①“The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race,” Stephen Hawking warns. ②Elon Musk fears that the development of artificial intelligence, or AI, may be the biggest existential threat humanity faces. ③Bill Gates urges people to beware of it.


点评:第一、二段为文章“提出问题”部分。其中第一段为引子:霍金等三位名人提出“应警惕人工智能的威胁”。主要逻辑衔接是:①段中三句呈并列关系,分别介绍霍金(Stephen Hawking)、马斯克(Musk)、比尔盖茨(Bill Gates)观点;②三组同/近义词复现(一,the development of (full) artificial intelligence,it;二, spell the end of the human race、the biggest existential threat humanity faces, beware of it;三,warn,fear, urge)凸显三位人物相同的关注对象:(强)人工智能对人类的威胁。

Ⅱ①Dread that the nuisance people create will become their masters, or their executioners, is hardly new. ②But voiced by a renowned cosmologist, a Silicon Valley entrepreneur and the founder of Microsoft, such fears have taken on new weight. ③With supercomputers in every pocket and robots looking down on every battlefield, just dismissing them as science fiction seems like self-deception. ④The question is how to worry wisely.


点评:第二段基于上述三位名人观点,提出本文讨论问题:如何理智地担忧人工智能对人类的威胁。首先指出对人工智能的担忧并不新鲜。随后转而指出,但三位权威人士观点使得这种担忧有了更重的分量。最后明确本文讨论问题:如何明智地担忧人工智能对人类的威胁。主要逻辑衔接是:①首句承接上段,指出恐慌人工智能并非新鲜事物,同时为下文的描述作出铺垫。句中Dread that the abominations people create will become their masters, or their executioners回指并进一步明确上段对人工智能的担忧。②第二句利用But进行转折,指出三位名人的话语使得对人工智能的担忧有了更重的分量。句中such fears回指上句的dread以及上段所述担忧;take on new weight 与hardly new相呼应。③第三句进一步指出人工智能在生活中的普遍使用,并基于此指出将人工智能的威胁认作只是科幻大片中的场景是在自欺欺人。此处supercomputers与robots可认作与AI同指。④第四句进而总结上文,提出全文讨论问题:如何明智地担忧人工智能的威胁。

Ⅲ①The first step is to understand what computers can now do and what they are likely to be able to do in the future. ②Thanks to the rise in processing power and the growing abundance of digitally available data, AI is enjoying a boom in its capabilities. ③Today's “deep learning” systems, can teach themselves to perform some tasks, from pattern recognition to translation, almost as well as humans can. ④As a result, things that once called for a mind are now within the scope of computer programs. ⑤An algorithm named DeepFace can recognise individual human faces in images 97% of the time.


点评:第三至五段为“分析问题”部分。其中第三段分析计算机“已经具备的能力”。首先承接上文指出,解决问题首先要了解计算机“现在能做什么”以及“将来可能能做什么”。进而详细分析计算机已经具备的能力。主要逻辑衔接是:①本段与上段形成“指出问题——分析解决问题”的结构,the first step is to体现这一结构。③第二、三句具体分析计算机所具备的能力,其中第三句具体举例说明第二句(enjoying a boom in its capabilities)。④第四、五句借助As a result总结概括上文,点明计算机现如今具备的强大功能,并举例例证。

Ⅳ①Crucially, this capacity is narrow and specific. ②Today's AI produces the semblance of intelligence through brute number-crunching force, without any great interest in approximating how minds equip humans with autonomy, interests and desires. ③Computers do not yet have anything approaching the wide, fluid ability to infer, judge and decide that is associated with intelligence in the conventional human sense.


点评:第四段指出计算机目前“尚不具备的能力”:首先指出目前的计算机能力有限单一;接着指出AI尚不具备人类大脑的自制、兴趣和欲望,故计算机尚不具备推理、判断和决定能力。主要逻辑衔接是:①首句引领整段,指出计算机能力具有局限性(narrow and specific)。②第二、三句形成因果关系,共同说明首句。其中without ...autonomy, interests and desires和do not yet have ...ability to infer, judge and decide...intelligence in the conventional human sense相呼应,指出现在的计算机/人工智能尚不具备真正的人类智慧,即说明narrow and specific具体所指。

Ⅴ①Even in the short run, not all the consequences will be positive. ②The capacity to monitor billions of conversations and to pick out every citizen from the crowd by his voice or her face poses grave threats to liberty. ③And even when there are broad gains for society, many individuals will lose out from AI. ④AI will probably turf out increasingly large number of white-collar workers. ⑤Surveillance and dislocations are not, though, what worries Hawking, Musk and Gates. ⑥Their concern is altogether more distant and more apocalyptic: the threat of autonomous machines with superhuman cognitive capacity and interests that conflict with those of Homo sapiens.


点评:第五段正面分析人工智能对人类的威胁。首先指出人工智能发展产生的两大负面影响:威胁到人类的自由、使许多人失业。最后转而指出,但这些并非霍金等担心的问题,霍金等人真正担心的是“具有超认知能力的自动机器与人类的冲突”这一威胁。主要逻辑衔接是:①首句承上启下指出,AI技术所带来的影响并不都是积极的;第二至四句对消极影响进行具体阐释,pose grave threats to liberty...many individuals will lose out from AI/turf out whole regiments of white-collar workers说明首句not all the consequences will be positive所指。③第五、六句转而否认上述两大威胁是霍金等人的担忧所在,并最终明确其担忧对象,两句间以...are not what worries... The concern is...体现两句间取舍逻辑。其中Homo sapiens(智人)替代humans/we,强调“人类智慧”,凸显“人工智能/智慧一旦全面实现,且与人类智慧相矛盾”时的巨大威胁。

Ⅵ①Even if the prospect of what Mr Hawking calls “full” AI is still distant, it is prudent for societies to plan for how to cope. ②That is easier than it seems, not least because humans have been creating autonomous entities with superhuman capacities and interests for some time. ③These parallels also suggest concrete ways for societies to develop AI safely. ④Just as armies need civilian oversight, markets are regulated and bureaucracies must be transparent and accountable, so AI systems must be open to scrutiny. ⑤Because systems designers cannot foresee every set of circumstances, there must also be an off-switch. ⑥These constraints can be put in place without compromising progress. ⑦From the nuclear bomb to traffic rules, mankind has used technical ingenuity and legal strictures to constrain other powerful innovations.


点评:第六段为“问题解决”部分,作者提出建议:应对人工智能的发展予以监督控制。首先指出:虽然上述担忧情形非常遥远,但仍应提早计划、谨慎应对。随后指出:基于已有经验,应对人工智能威胁并非如人们所想的一样困难。最后提出具体建议:将人工智能体系接受开放审查;对其设置“暂停键”。主要逻辑衔接是:①首句承上启下,其中从句总结上述内容,主句提出建议。full的复现与文章首段呼应;第二句以that回指第一段主要内容,并指出应对AI技术威胁没有看起来那么困难,not least because引出对主要原因的阐释。②第三、四句通过类比市场、军队等,指出措施一:应对AI研究进行公开监督(must be open to scrutiny)。其中these parallels,just as 体现类比关系, 并提出具体的措施。第五句进一步指出措施二:应对AI研究设置“暂停键” (there must also be an off-switch)。③第六句类比人类对原子弹等其他潜在威胁的控制,指出上述限制措施并不会阻碍其发展。句中These constraints指代上述限制措施。返回搜狐,查看更多




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