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2023-06-13 15:17| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

量词 1. a glass of orange juice // 一杯橙汁 2. a pot of tea // 一壶茶 3. a bowl of soup // 一碗汤 4. a sheet of paper // 一张纸 5. a pack of cards // 一副扑克牌 6. a tin of beans // 一罐豆子 7. a can of coke // 一罐可乐 8. a pair of cho[sticks // 一双筷子 9. a pair of scissors // 一把剪子 10. a pair of pants // 一条裤子 11. a piece of // 一片、一块 [pi:s] a piece of bread 一片面包 a piece of cloth 一块布,一块布料 a piece of furniture 一件家具 a piece of news 一则新闻 a piece of shit 一抛屎 a piece of cake 轻松的事 a piece of work 难事;一件作品;一项工作 a piece of goods 人(尤指女人) a piece of advice 一条建议 a piece of music 一首曲子 a piece of paper 一张纸 前有do后无to的形式

不定式作表语,不省略 to 是正常,省略 to 是有条件的。

在下列情况下,作表语的不定式可以省略to:当主语部分含有行为动词 do (包括 do 的各种时态和非谓语形式: does, did, have done, will do, to do, doing 等),注意这里指的是实义动词do,而不是助动词do,而且要含有all, everything, the first, the best 等表示“所有,唯一” 等概念的词语,或 what 引导的主语从句。当然在这种情况下,不省略to 也没错。网友的例句符合上述条件(最喜欢的——唯一性),可以省略to。


All you should do is (to) work hard. 你应该做的一切就是努力工作。 What he wanted to do was (to) become a skillful worker. 他的愿望是成为一个技术熟练的工人。 What you have to do is (to) fill in in the form. 你所要做的是把表格填完。 All I want to do now is (to) drink some water.  我想做的一切就是喝点水。 All you need to do is (to) press the button. 你所要做的就是按一下按钮。 Everything he has done is (to) get the award. 他所做的一切都是为了得奖。 The best thing you do is (to) ask questions. 你最好还是问问题。 The first thing for the thief to do is (to) run away.  小偷想做的第一件事就是逃跑。 The first thing I do every morning is (to) take plenty of exercise. 每天早晨我所做的第一件事就是进行充分的体育锻炼。 until和by加time until: 指一个连续的动作到某个特定时间结束 i am working until 7PM tonight // 我今晚要工作到7点 the shop is open until 7PM // 营业到7点 by: 某个事情需要在指定事件前发生或者完成 send me the report by 7PM // 7点前把报告发我 i'll be back by 7PM // 7点前回来 except/besides/apart form除什么之外 except / except for : 不包含这个东西在内 i like everybody except him // 除了他之外 我谁都喜欢 besides: 包括这个东西 还有.. besides english, i also speak english // 除了英语 我还讲法语 right now/soon/later/wait a minute/wait a moment/ wait a second right now/ right away: 马上 expose/reveal的区别

"Leak":意为“泄露”(v. 泄密、泄露(液体或者气体泄露)),通常指未经授权或非法途径泄露出来的信息。例如,(某公司的机密文件被泄露了)。

"Expose" 意为“揭露”(暴露),通常指通过调查或公开行动揭露出来的信息。例如(记者揭露了政治家的丑闻, 揭露真相,暴露骨头在外部)。

"Reveal" 意为“揭晓”,通常指有意或主动地揭露出来的信息。例如(揭晓答案,揭晓谜底)”。



Persist:表示对某个目标或行动的坚定持续,尤其是在面对困难或挫折时 She persisted in her studies despite the challenges she faced.//尽管面临挑战,她仍然坚持学习 Insist:强调强烈要求或坚定立场,通常是在面对反对或挑战的情况下。 He insisted on seeing the manager to complain about the service. //他坚持要见经理投诉服务 Persevere:更加强调不屈不挠的努力和耐心,通常是为了达到长期目标而付出的持续努力。例如:They persevered through years of hard work to make their business successful.(他们经过多年的努力坚持自己的生意成功了) look/see/watch区别 afraid/scared/frightened/terrified/fearful区别


scared:adj. 受惊吓的,比afraid强烈一点,表示突然意外的惊吓(动词scare,使惊吓、比如你吓到我了)

frightened: adj. 感到恐惧的,比scared正式严肃,表示面对危险或者威胁时的恐惧(动词frighten,使恐惧)

terrified:adj. 非常害怕的,最强烈的害怕,表示极度的恐惧和惊慌失措(动词terrify. 使害怕、使恐怖 )

fearful: adj. 害怕的, 恐惧的; 普通用词,既指外界情况变化而引起的恐惧,又指来自内心的害怕与焦虑(动词:fear,害怕、恐惧;名词:害怕、恐惧)。

awful: adj. 指威严得令人害怕或敬畏,有一定的感情色彩


offended(/əˈfend/):adj. 生气的(被冒犯),表示被冒犯到导致的生气,不会有强烈的情绪反应(动词offend,冒犯、得罪、惹恼)

annoyed:adj,生气的(烦恼),表示轻微的烦恼(动词annoy, 打搅、干扰、烦扰、恼火 )

angry:adj. 生气的(愤怒),表示更强烈的愤怒

irritated(/ˈɪr.ɪ.teɪt/): adj. 生气的(恼火) 表示指因为被某些事情打扰或干扰而感到不耐烦或恼火(动词irritate, 激怒、使恼火)

enrage:adj. 生气的(暴怒),表示因为某种极端的、严重的或令人愤怒的事件而感到极度的怒火

outraged: adj. 气愤的、愤慨的,表示对某种不道德或不公正的行为或事件感到极度愤怒或义愤填膺(比如:“我们全体员工对公司的裁员决定感到非常愤慨)(动词名词outrage, 愤怒、愤慨)


"Elegant":adj. 表示优雅的、高雅的(侧重风格)。例如:她穿着一条优雅的黑色礼服出席晚宴。



"Polished":形容词,表示擦亮的、优美的、圆滑的(侧重经过磨练或润色达到完满或出色的水平)。例如:这篇文章流畅而想象力丰富,明显经过反复修改和润色|讲话得体、谈吐得体的演讲者或一位技艺精湛的音乐家。(v. polish,擦亮)

"Sophisticated":形容词 用于描述高度发达、精密和具有复杂性的设计、艺术或思想,例如:时尚、建筑或哲学。




Scenery: 通常是指自然或人造的环境,因为它们出现在眼睛面前

Landscape: 特指从远处看的广阔风景,尤其是自然风光的外观

View: 强调可以看到的东西,特别是从特定的有利位置。


"Scenery" generally refers to natural or man-made surroundings as they appear to the eye.

"Landscape" specifically denotes the appearance of an expanse of scenery, especially a natural one, as seen from a distance.

"View" emphasizes what can be seen, particularly from a specific vantage point.

"Vista" refers to a long, expansive view, often scenic or beautiful, that is visible through the naked eye.

"Panorama" describes a wide and unbroken view extending in all directions, particularly one seen from a high point.

"Scene" normally refers to a particular aspect or view of an environment, such as the way street traffic looks or how light fills a room.

"Sights" typically refers to notable and interesting tourist attractions or sights, frequently those in a foreign locale.

"Scenery" generally refers to natural or man-made surroundings as they appear to the eye.

"Landscape" specifically denotes the appearance of an expanse of scenery, especially a natural one, as seen from a distance.

"View" emphasizes what can be seen, particularly from a specific vantage point.

"Vista" refers to a long, expansive view, often scenic or beautiful, that is visible through the naked eye.

"Panorama" describes a wide and unbroken view extending in all directions, particularly one seen from a high point.

"Scene" normally refers to a particular aspect or view of an environment, such as the way street traffic looks or how light fills a room.

"Sights" typically refers to notable and interesting tourist attractions or sights, frequently those in a foreign locale.










发现(recognize/find/discover)区别 arise/rise/raise的区别 arise:v.多指问题的出现或者发生。不接受宾语, 没有被动语态


a problem arose(arise), during the meeting // 会议期间出现问题。 rise /raɪz/:v. 表示起身、上升、升起;增加;上涨水平或体积;不及物(通常用于描述自然上升的事物,没有被动语态)。


the sun rises int the east // 太阳从东方升起 The price has risen. // 价格上涨了 The level line has risen // 水平线上升 i rose at 6am yesterday // 6点起床 raise/reɪz/:表示把具体事物举到高处或把抽象事物提高;及物需要宾语;有被动语态(通常用于描述被某人或其他事物提升或增加数量或者提高水平强度、培养之类)



he raised his hands to ask questions // 他举手问问题 she raised her salary after working for several years // 工作几年后,它涨工资了 lift/lɪft/: 语气比raise强,指用体力或机械的力从下方来抬起或者举起某物。及物需要宾语 he lift the box ont the shelf //他把盒子举到架子上 no和Not的区别


no:表示否定,一般用来否定名词或者代词 There is no milk in the fridge.(冰箱里没有牛奶。) She has no friends in this city.(她在这个城市没有朋友。) not:表示否定,一般则用来否定verb、adj、adv或者整个句子 I do not like coffee. //(我不喜欢咖啡。) He is not happy with his salary. //(他对自己的薪水不满意。) It is not raining today. //(今天没有下雨。) neither/nor/either区别 if和whether表示是否时 whether(连词) I wasn't sure whether you'd like it. 我拿不准你是否喜欢它 whether or not(是否的意思)

whether or not也表示是否的意思,基本可以和whether互换,whether or not比较冗长

I haven't decided whether or not I'm going to attend the party. // 我还没决定是不是参加这个聚会 so do i/so i do区别 1. So do I

用法说明 这一结构主要用来说明前面所说的情况也同样适用于后面的人或物,意为“……也一样”,该结构中的助动词 do 根据前文的情况也可换成 is, am, are, was, were, does, did, can, could 等。如:

He passed the exam, and so did I. // 他通过了考试,我也通过了考试。/ 他和我都通过了考试。 =He passed the exam, and I passed the exam, too. =Both he and I passed the exam. =He and I both passed the exam.


They went to the zoo yesterday. So did we. // 他们昨天去了动物园,我们也去了。


**但是如果前面所述情况为否定式,则用neither, nor引出倒装句(此时不能用so)。 **


He couldn't do it, and neither could she. // 他做不了这事,她也做不了。 He never comes late. Nor do I. // 他从不迟到,我也从不迟到。 2. so I do 的用法说明 2. so I do

语法说明:这类结构主要用于加强语气,其意为“的确如此、确实如此”,该结构中的助动词 do 根据前文的情况也可换成 is, am, are, was, were, does, did, can, could 等。

—He has done a good job. // 他干得不错。 —So he has. // 他的确干得不错。 —He will speak at the meeting tomorrow. // 他明天将在会上发言。 —So he will. // 确实如此。 —He went to see his friend yesterday. // 他昨天去看朋友了。 —So he did. // 的确如此。 so和neither和either 1. 习惯用语 too和as well:表示也,通常放在肯定句的末尾 either:表示也,通常是放在否定句的句尾 also:表示也,通常放在句中间 1. i can swim, she (also) can swim too (as well) // 他不喜歡這位教授,他的同學也是 2. He doesn’t like the professor, and his classmate doesn’t either. 2. so和neither

so(也)和neither(也不) :用于句首,其后用倒装;neither用于否定句,so用于肯定句。

语法:neither/so + 助动词(助动词的时态和上一句保持一致) + 主语

1. i cant swim, neither can i // 我不会游泳,我也不会 2. i havent got any small change(零钱), neither have i //没有面额小的零钱 3. i didnt see that movie, neither did i // 这里注意,has和前面句子的时态一致,现在完成时,但单复数需要和主语she保持一致 4. i havent been to europe, neither has she 5. i saw the movie, so did i // 我也看过 3. either和neither either除了表示也,neither表示也不;都用于否定句,neither需要倒装




with和by当做“用”的区别 1. with当做“用”

with场景: 如果我们所用的是身体的某一个部位(比如:手、脚、头等等)、或是某一类工具或乐器(锤子、笔、小提琴等等)


I can touch the ground **with my hands**. (我能够用手摸到地面。) I saw a man saw a saw **with a saw**. (我看见一个人拿着锯正在锯一把锯) by当做“用”



Please contact me **by phone**. (请用电话和我联系。) They go to school **by bike**. (他们骑自行车去上学。) 介词at的用法 表示具体时间点: at 8 oclock // 在8点钟 表示具体的地点(不包括城市国家之类的) at home // 在家 at theater // 在剧院 表示状态或者情况 at work // 在工作 at risk // 有风险 at peace // 合并 表示某个动作的对象或者情感上的反应 eg1: laugh at someone // 嘲笑某人 eg2:i was surprised at the news // 我对这个消息感到惊讶 eg3:She was disgusted at the way they treated their children // 她对他们对待孩子的方式感到厌恶,反感 表示价格 at $5 // 5美元 介词with的用法 描述人的行为和态度 eg1: She walked with confidence // 她自信地走着 eg2: she spoke with enthusiasm // 他充满热情地说话 eg3: The child played with joy // 孩子们玩得很开心 eg4: They worked with diligence // 他们勤勉地工作 eg5: I am disgusted with his way of speaking // 我对他说话的方式很厌恶 表示附带的品质、属性或者特征 eg1: he is a man with beard // 他是个带胡须的男人 表示工具、手段或方法 eg1: i cut the meat with a knife // 我用刀切肉 表示某种关系或者伴随情况 eg1: i live with my family 表示一起、或者合作、一起做某事 eg1: i work with my workmate/colleagues 表示原因、理由、根据 He was punished, with good reason. // 他受到了惩罚,有充分的理由 短语集 1. look forward to + doing


2. be likely to do

1、be likely to do sth:很有可能做某事。

2、likely do sth:可能做某事。

It is likely to rain. 好像快要下雨了 That 's likely to be a tough sell.这款产品很可能不好卖。 I don't like to be in deep. Don't urge me to do so. 我不想陷得很深,不要极力劝我去这样做。

likely do sth .译为大概.. likely做副词. 主要用在most,或者very的后面. 例句: They'll very likely come by car. 他们很有可能会开车来.

3. it sounds like

it sounds like xxx // 听起来像xxxx

1. it sounds like that's impossible // 听起来像是不可能的 2. it sounds like a question // 听起来像是一个问题 4. up to短语

1.1 表示范围的上限或者下限或者最多

eg1: “The temperature today will be up to 30 degrees Celsius // 今天的温度最高会达到30摄氏度 eg2: My salary could be up to $60,000 per year // 我的工资可能达到每年6万美元

1.2 表示直到(表示某件事情一直持续到达到某个状态或时间)

i will work up to 5PM and thend i will go home // 我会工作直到下午5点然后回家

1.3 表示最多( 表示某物或某人所能达到的最大限度)

you will bring up to two guests to the party // 你可以带最多两位客人参加派对

1.4 表示符合(表示符合要求或标准)

this product is up to our quality standards // 这个产品符合我们的质量标准 5 so on

so on: 表示等等,用在一系列同性质词后

apple、banana and so on //苹果香蕉等等 what if 疑问词+不定式



1. A traffic light tells us when to cross the road. // 交通信号告诉我们何时穿越马路。 2. When to start has not been decided. // 何时动身尚未决定。 3. The question is how to carry out the plan.  // 问题是怎样执行这个计划。

疑问词+不定式特例:why不能加to do

他向我解释了他为什么迟到的原因。 误:He explained to me why to be late. 正:He explained to me why he was late.


Why not try again? // 干嘛不再试试呢? Why get upset just because you got a bad mark?  // 何必因为没有考好就想不开呢?


Here psychologist explains why to BBC World Service programme // 解释为什么向BBC节目 what to do和how to do it

为什么how to do+it?


处理或者消化什么事情 digest消化 i need to take some time to digest what you have said // 需要时间消化你说的话 process处理 i need to process lots of changes at work recently // 需要处理最近工作上的变化 比较级


1. 比较级句型

A be/v + adj比较级 + than + B


i am shorter than tina (is) the blue car is more expensive than the red car (is) john runs faster then bob (does)

越来越xxxx ==== 比较级 and 比较级

单音节: it's getting darker and darker

多音节(more): you are more and more beautiful

越xxx, 越xxxx ==== the 比较级, the 比较级

the faster, the better // 越快越好 the longer she lived abroad, the more she wondered xxx // 国外住的时间越久,她越想知道xxxx 2. 比较级变化语法







nicer larger










more tired

more expensive

3. 不规则变化


bad/ill === worse

many/much === more

little === less

old === older/elder

far === father 更远

最高级 多/少 1. 多

a lot of == lots of

a lot相当于副词 very非常

many+可数名词复数 much+不可数名词

lots of + 可数名词复数/不可数名词

lots of + 可数名词复数 === many+可数名词复数 lots of + 不可数名词 === much+不可数名词

lots of 和 many和much区别是:lots of常用于肯定句中

// he doesn't have lots of money(much用于否定中,肯定句的多用a lot of)

// he doesn't have much money

2. 少

few/a few + 可数名词(手指数得过来) little/a little + 不可数名词

a few:有一点(肯定) few:几乎没有(否定)

a little: 有一点(肯定) little: 几乎没有(否定)

A few students in my classroom play basketball // 班里有几个学生打篮球

There are few pencils in my pencil box // 文具盒里几乎没有笔了

there are little water in the bottle // 瓶子里几乎没有水了

i have a little to buy this gift

3 bit和little的区别 a bit:表示有点儿,修饰v和形容词,作状语(相当于副词) eg1: the weather is a bit cold // 天气有点冷 eg2: Please wait a bit. // 请等一下 a little 和 a bit of都是加不可数名词表示一点点、有点

区别是:需要记住 a bit 必须加of之后才可以加名词

eg: I know a bit of French.我懂一点法语。

a little bit等价于 a bit


1. for a bit 和 for a little意思相同,相当于 for a while 或 for a short time,可互换。 eg:We talked for a bit. = **We talked for a short time. // 我们谈了一会儿。 eg:Please hang on for a bit. // 请等一会儿,不要挂断。 4. 大量



i've thrown away a large amount of sugar

there are a number of problems to be solved

5. 多少的比较级 fewer + 可数名词 : 少 less + 不可数 : 少 more + 可数/不可数: 多

i have less free time than i used to // 我的空闲时间比以前少了

there is less traffic on the road at the weekend // 周末路上车辆少了

do you want some more water?

there are fewer people in the park than usual // 公园里的人比平时少

i have fewer things in the house because i am moving soon // 家里东西比较少 因为我马上就要搬家了

6. 好坏的比较级

better? worse

as用法 1. as表示像(like也可以表示像)

like表示“像”时,后面常常会跟n; as表示像时,用作连词,后面跟句子(必须主语和动词)

eg1: the flower is blue, like the sky. // 花是蓝色的,像天空那样 eg2: he treats me as i would like to be treated // 他对待我 像我想要被对待的那样(他待我如我所愿) eg3: do as i say, not as i do // 照我说的那样做,而不是像我做的那样


1. she speaks like a women 2. she speaks as a women does


1. i like it// 我喜欢它 // 我也是(倒装) as do i 这里如果不会用倒装,也可以直接使用 (i do too) 回答 2. as if/though 3. as..as用法



3.1 语法结构1:as + adj/adv的原级 + as ...,表示...和...一样

3.2 语法结构2:not as/so + adj/adv的原级 + as ...,表示...不如...

3.3 语法结构3:less + adj/adv的原级 + than...,表示...不如...;等价于语法结构2


1. this book is as interesting as that one (is) // 这本书比那本有趣 2. this book is not so/as interesting as that one (is) // 这本书不如那本有趣(通常第一个as用so的比较多) 3. this book is less interesting than that one (is) // 这本书不如那本有趣



1. john speaks english as well as bob (does) // john和bob的英语说的一样好 2. john does not speak english so/as well as bob (does) //john说英语不如bob说的好 3. john speaks english less well than bob (does) //john说英语不如bob说的好 4. as作为 感叹句 what + a/an (+adj) + 可数名词单数 (+ 主 + 谓语)!————常用 1.1 what a beautiful girl (she is) // 没有形容词的时候,不知道好坏、此时需要结合语气和上下文决定好坏; 比如看见阳光明媚,此时what a day就表示多么美好的一天。看待下雨天就是多么糟糕的一天 1.2 what a day! what + adj + 可数名词复数/不可数名词 (+ 主谓) 2.1 what lovely children (they are) 2.2 what terrible wether (it is) how + adj/adv +(主谓)————常用 3.1 how handsome (the boy is) 3.2 how fast (he run) how adj + a/an + 可数名词单数 + (主谓) 4.1 how cute a boy (he is) such和so用法



such语法:such (+a/an) (+adj.) + n

so语法:so + adj/adv

1. you are such diligent students //你是如此勤奋的学生 2. you are so diligent // 你是如此的勤奋

注意:凡是有例外,如果是可数名词单数又有形容词修饰时可用so, 但注意语序so +adj + a/an +n,少一个条件都不行。

1. he is so nice a guy 2. i love such exciting work



# 如此多的日子来来往往 1. so many days come and go 2. so much money 3. so few people 4. so little time # 剩很少的面包以至于我需要其他的东西吃 5. there is so little bread left that i need something else to eat # 如此小的孩子,以至于需要照看 6. they are such little kids that they need taking care of 祈使句


并且祈使句的否定直接在动词原型前加do not,必须是do not,因为省略的主语是you,其他的词比如情态动词或者其他都不行。

1. sit down please 2. open the door 3. Look! 4. give me your hand


1. dont sit down...... 2. dont do that


1. come and see my new dress 2. go and wash your hands 3. wait and see // 等等瞧 疑问句系列 一般疑问句 特殊疑问句 1. what疑问句

语法结构:what (+n) + 助动词/系动词 + 主语?

2. how疑问句

语法结构:how (+adj/adv)+ 助动词/系动词 + 主语?


how are you? 或者 how is john


how tall is john?

3. whose疑问句

语法结构:whose + n + 助动词/系动词 + 主语?


# 那是谁的书? whose book is that? 反义疑问句

反义疑问句 :有两部分组成,前一部分是陈述句(主句)、后一部分是简短问句、两部分有逗号隔开。


八字方针:前肯后否,前否后肯 问句和主句的的主语保持一致,且问句用代词不用名词(并且做主语的不能用宾格) 前后助动词(be动词或者do、does、have、will、can等等),时态保持一致 1. you hava lived here for many years, havent you? 2. he wont be late, will he? 3. you are tired, arent you? 4. it isnt going to rain, is it? 5. he went out, didnt he? 6. john doesnt feel ill , does he? // 注意这里不能是does john,问句主语只能用代词he,不能用名词john 7. there is no water here, is there? // there be句型的特殊点,问句必须是there,而不是前面句子的主语water 8. he hasnt left yet, has he? 9. he hardly go, dose go? // hardly有否定的意思 the冠词

辅音前读e, 元音前读 i

the sun ,the earth,



1. there are some pictures on the desk 2. are there any pictures on the desk? there be句型

there be句型表示事物的存在,和have表示的有不一样。

1. there is a book // 那儿有一本书 2. there is not book // 那儿没有书 3. is there a book // 那儿有书吗 shall用法 口语类短语 1. 很爽 1. it feels so good //很爽 2. it feels so good to eat a big bowl of hot noodles // 吃一大碗面条很爽 2. 请假 ask for leave // 请假 现在分词




这个用法是现在分词做定语修饰前面的名词哈,因为一个句子只能有一个动词,it (主)was (be 系) a picture of a boa constrictor(表) digesting an elephant (现在分词短语做定语,修饰大蟒蛇的状态:是在消化一只大象。 )。

举个栗子: Tom (sitting on the chair)is my friend.这里括号内部分, 表示Tom现在的一种状态:坐在椅子上。 括号部分去掉也不会影响句子的完整性

现在分词做定语:修饰名词或者代词;表示正在进行的动作或者状态 eg1: the running water is very clear // 流动的水很清澈(running做定语修饰名词water,表示水正在流动的状态) eg2: he saw a man smoking a cigarette // 他看见一男人正在吸烟(smoking做定语修饰man,表示正在吸烟的动作) 现在分词做状语:做状语可以表示时间、原因、方式、条件等状况、修饰整个句子或者谓语动词 eg1: Laughing loudly, she ran towards me.// (laughing修饰整个句子,表示她一边笑一边向我跑来) eg2: I missed the bus, being late. // (being late表原因,表示因为迟到导致错过了公交车) 现在分词做主语或者宾语:现在分词本身可以作为主语或宾语,表示正在进行的动作或状态 eg1: Singing is my favorite hobby // singing做主语,表示唱歌这种状态 eg2: We enjoy listening to music while driving // 我们喜欢一边开车一边听音乐(listening to music做宾语表示正在进行的动作) 过去式和过去分词区别

过去式: 表示主动过去,有时间内涵,通常用作谓语,是一个完整独立的时态;

过去分词: 表示被动或者完成,属于非谓语,相当于形容词或副词。(过去分词没有时间内涵,所以不能独立做谓语动词,不是一个完整独立的时态哦)




1. 过去分词做定语 单个过去分词作定语通常放在它所修饰的名词前 例句1:You should pay attention on your *spoken* English. 过去分词短语通常放在被修饰的词的后面,它的作用相当于一个定语从句,但表达更为简洁。 例句2:This is one of the schools *built* in 2001 试比较:This is one of the schools which were built in 2001(定语从句表达) 例句3: Is this the book recommended by the teacher? = Is this the book which is recommended by the teacher? 这是老师推荐的那本书吗? (recommended by the teacher表示被动和完成) 2. 过去分词(短语)作状语


eg1:Born in 1930, Yuan graduated from Southwest Agriculture College in 1953. //袁博士出生于1930年1953年毕业于西南农业大学。(Born in 1930作伴随状语,表被动和完成) eg2: Viewed from above, the valleys form the shape of a man. // 从上往下俯瞰,山谷呈现人形轮廓。(Viewed from above表被动,作条件状语或时间状语) eg3: While left alone, her son acquitted himself very well. // 虽然被丢下没人照看,她儿子还是表现得非常好。(While)left alone表被动和完成,作时间状语 eg4: Viewed as a tool of international communication, English is important. //被看作国际交流的工具,英语很重要(Viewed as a tool of international communication表被动,作原因状语) eg5: Invited by him,I will go there toady.(原因) eg6: Kept in water,these flowers will remain fresh. (条件) 3. 过去分词(短语)作宾语补足语 例句1.I found the beautiful river changed a lot. 例句2.You should let the pictures shown in hall. 定语从句省略引导词问题


1. The book (that) I read yesterday was very interesting. 2. The person (who/whom) I met at the party was my old classmate

解析 : someone else may take something (that) you think is yours

something后面的这个that引导的定语从句, something 在这个定语从句里面充当宾语,所以可以省略不写: 把something还原到从句中就是: you think something is yours


Meanwhile: 与此同时

in other words:换句话说

in summary: 总而言之

as usual: 照常

get用法 verb作为:购买、获得 I get a gift from my friends verb作为:收到

I just got a message.

Did you get my email?

动词 “get” 后接形容词可以表示 “变得……”

let's get started! // 让我们开始 (started是过去分词形式,在这里做形容词)

So many messages! I'm getting really annoyed!

The soup is getting cold.

动词 “get” 可以表示 “理解,明白”

I don't get the joke.

Sorry, I don't get what you mean.

动词 “get” 还可以表示 “到达”

I need to get home early so I'm off! // 我需要早点大家,所以先走了

What time will you be able to get here?

made短语(make) made in + 产地 // 由哪里制造 iphone is made in china made by + sb // 由什么人制造 made with // 指食物的成分或者原料 Sushi is made with raw fish // 寿司用生鱼做的 made of // 用什么材料制成(变化少 可以看见原材料) Furnitrue is made of oak // 家具用橡木做的 made from // 用什么材料制成(形状性质变化大) Glass is made from sand // 玻璃用沙子做的 make up // 编造、化妆、和好、弥补 eg1:she made up a story to explain her absence // 她编了个故事来解释她的缺席 eg2: after a big argument, finally they make up with each other // 大吵之后,他们和好了 eg1: she spent an hours making up // 她花了一小时来化妆 eg2:he made up a lie to cover up the truth // 他编造了一个谎言来掩盖真相 eg3:you should compenstate for his loss to make up for it // 你应该赔偿他的损失以便弥补他的损失 make sense // 有意义、讲得通 this plans makes sense, its very reasonable(rational) // 这个计划很合理,有道理 make out // 处理、应对、辨认出;理解;填写支票、填写、起草报告等 eg1: i dont make out what you are saying // 听不懂你在说什么 eg2:how is Bob making out in his new job // bob的新工作处理的怎么样 eg3: make out a report // 起草一份报告 eg1: its difficult to make out that blurry face // 很难辨认出模糊的脸 eg2:make out this application form // 请填写这个申请表 eg3:i cant make out your ideas // 我无法理解你的想法 make do : 尽力应付、将就着过日子 eg1: we must make do with this situation // 我们必须尽力应对这个困境 eg2: During the economic downturn, people had to make do // 经济不景气的时期, 人们必须将就着过 make a difference:有影响、有作用 eg1: your help really make a difference // 你的帮助真的有很大的作用 eg2:each of us can make a difference with our actions // 我们每一个人的行动都可以产生积极的影响 make way:让路、腾出地方 eg1: please make way, the ambulance needs to pass // 请让路,救护车要通过 eg2: he make away on his desk // 他腾出了书桌上的空间 ``` # take短语 1. take off # put短语 # pull短语 # push短语 # cut短语 # get短语 # set短语 # pick短语 # look短语 # turn短语 # look短语 # keep短语 # go短语 # come短语 1. come up 2. come from: 由…导致,是因为…的缘故 ```js I feel awful. That comes from eating too much. //我觉得很难受,那是因为吃得太多了。 ``` # find短语 1. find out: 了解 查明、弄清楚 ```js i want to find out what happened // 想查明或者弄清发生了什么 ``` # figure短语 > 解析:So 'figure sth out'= figure out sth/+句子, eg: 1. this math problem is difficult. I need to figure it out. 2.This math problem is difficult, I need to figure out how to do it. 1. figure out # work短语 1. work on # even短语 1. even if:即使 2. even though: 尽管,虽然 3. even so:即便如此 4. even out:使平坦,调节,平衡 5. even up: 结账,把账算清 6. not even:连……都没有 7. even keel:平稳状态 8. even money: 赔率相等的赌注 neither和nor和either的区别以及使用场景 whether or和whether or not的区别以及使用场景 "Whether" 和 "whether or not" 的意思相同,不过在使用上有一些细微的差别。 "Whether" 通常用于引导一个直接的 yes/no 问题,例如: Do you know whether it's going to rain tomorrow? 而 "whether or not" 更多地用于引导一个更加复杂的语句,其中可能包含多个选择或条件,例如: I haven't decided whether or not I'm going to attend the party. 总体来说,两个词组的使用是可以互换的,但 "whether or not" 虽然语气更加严谨,但也更为冗长。




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