hostess是什么意思 hostess的中文翻译、读音、例句

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hostess是什么意思 hostess的中文翻译、读音、例句

2023-08-15 00:37| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

导读: hostess通常被翻译为"女主人、女房东"的意思,hostess是什么意思 hostess的中文翻译、读音、例句,其次还有"女主人"的意思,读音为[h'oustis],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英英汉-英英汉词典》中,共找到23个与hostess相关的近义词和例句。

hostess的中文翻译是女主人,女主持人,女主人公等。读音为 ['həʊstɪs]。


1. The hostess greeted us warmly and showed us to our table.(女主人热情地迎接我们,并带我们到座位上。)

2. She was an excellent hostess and made sure everyone had a good time.(她是一位出色的女主人,确保每个人都度过了美好的时光。)

3. The hostess of the TV show is very popular among the viewers.(这个电视节目的女主持人在观众中非常受欢迎。)

hostess在中文中有"女主人 、女老板"的意思,其次还有"女主人"的意思,读音为['hәustis],hostess来源于英语,在《学生实用英汉双解大词典》中,共找到76个与hostess相关的例句。



例句:Hostess says Commander Wilson was there meeting this guy. (水烟坊主说Wilson中校在那里 跟这个人见面)


例句:Hostess: Yueru GuanBA (Hons) MScShakespeare's plays and poetry provide a wonderful exploration of human nature and morality. (莎士比亚的剧作和诗歌提供了美妙的人性和道德的探索。)


例句:Hostess, you have potatoes there...they have burnt, probably, already. (老婆,你在煮土豆... 他们可能已经弄焦了...)


例句:THE HOSTESS: Ralph Brown as Donny in "Withnail and I. " I mean the root of this film's cultness surely is weird humor. (翻译:主持人:拉尔夫•布朗在《我与长指甲》中饰演唐尼。这部影片邪典的本质在于它的另类幽默。)


hostess一般作为名词使用,如在hostess gown((女式)待客长礼服)、hostess trolley([网络] 女主人手推车)、hostess trolleys([网络] 女主人手推车)等常见短语中出现较多。

hostess gown(女式)待客长礼服hostess trolley[网络] 女主人手推车hostess trolleys[网络] 女主人手推车hostess trollies[网络] 女主人手推车tea hostess(茶会上的)端茶女侍者例句

1. Hostess, you have potatoes there...they have burnt, probably, already. (翻译:老婆,你在煮土豆... 他们可能已经弄焦了...)

2. THE HOSTESS: Ralph Brown as Donny in "Withnail and I. " I mean the root of this film's cultness surely is weird humor. (翻译:主持人:拉尔夫•布朗在《我与长指甲》中饰演唐尼。这部影片邪典的本质在于它的另类幽默。)

3. Air Hostess: Here's your MaiTai and your Macadamia nuts. Now which of the Low Ho Island dinners would you like to order? (翻译:空姐:这是你的玛塔和你的澳洲坚果,你想吃我们阿罗哈岛的那种风味晚餐?)

4. If I had a little extra money, I'd buy a Hostess Fruit Pie. (翻译:如果我得到一些零钱, 我会买一个“女主人水果派” )

5. Hostess or by fragmentation. A little gruesome, maybe, but it works for tapeworms. (翻译:或者通过碎裂。也许有点可怕,但是适合绦虫。)

6. Can I get a Coke... and a Hostess cupcake? (翻译:能给我来杯可乐吗... 在给我一份例牌的蛋糕)



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