Apex Legends Genburten Settings (2023)

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Apex Legends Genburten Settings (2023)

#Apex Legends Genburten Settings (2023)| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Genburten’s Apex Legend’s settings and recoils control has been in the warm waters for a while now. He is currently one of the best controller players in Apex Legends globally, if not the best. Unfortunately, most people he plays with would instead call his skills cheating rather than accepting that he is so much better than they are. Apex Legends by no means is a straightforward game, especially with a controller, but if you Watch Genburten Play, then the game looks so much easier. Today’s guide will look at Genburten’s Apex Settings and his secret for Recoil control.

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Genburten’s Best Apex Legends Settings

About five months ago when Genburten hit 100k subs on his youtube channel. He released his Apex Legends Setting and the Secret behind his insane recoil control. This guide will discuss all his settings in great detail, along with a brief explanation from Genburten about the importance of a few settings. Without further ado, let us get into it.

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Genburten’s ALC SettingsGenburten ALC settings in Apex LegendsApex ALC settings Genburtene uses

In Apex Legends, Genburten believes that Deadzone and Responsive Curve are the most critical settings in ALC. Because they both create consistency in your aim, these are the controller settings Genburten uses to be the best Apex player with a controller. The settings here are also the reason for Genburten’s exceptional recoil control in Apex Legends. 

Deadzone:2%Outer Threshold:3%Responsive Curve:0

Deadzone: This is the size of the inner zone in which the Input is not registered. So having it on 0% percent can have a bit of stick drift, but it would also mean that more Input is being registered. Then having it on 100% means no stick drift, but less Input is being registered. Genburten likes to have his Apex Legends Deadzone settings at 2% because he likes to have minimal stick drift, which assures him that his Input is registered.

Outer Threshold: It is that outer circle boundary for the max Input. Genburten has his Apex Legends Outer Threshold Settings at 3% because it is better for consistency and gives more freedom. Having it on a higher level means you will reach that max speed quicker, but Genburten does not recommend it because it takes away the consistency.

Responsive Curve: Genburten Responsive Curve settings in Apex Legends is extremely important. It’s the battle between classic and linear. Genburten loves to have linear because he used to play with a PlayStation 3, and the classic feels sluggish to him. Though, he also says it has more to do with personal preference. But he still doesn’t recommend going over 10 with this setting.

Genburten’s Apex Pitch & Yaw SettingsGenburten Pitch & Yaw Settings in Apex LegengsApex Pitch & Yaw Settings of Genburten

These settings are a vital part of ALC settings, as Genburten himself says. These settings determine your aim’s further movement, and they play a significant role in Genburten’s recoil control.

Yaw Speed:500Pitch Speed:500Turning Extra Yaw:0Turning Extra Pitch:0Turning Ramp-up Time:0Turning Ramp-up Delay:0

Yaw & Pitch Speed: Yaw & Pitch Speed are just fancy words for your horizontal and diagonal movement speed. Genburten likes to have his Yaw and Pitch speed settings in Apex at a maximum and equal level. These settings give him more freedom to move his aim how he likes to. If Yaw and Pitch are not identical, it causes your aim to be either more vertical or horizontal. That’s why it’s better to keep them at equal levels.

Turning Extra Pitch & Yaw: These settings control your aim’s acceleration in the game. So, for example, if you have 350 Pitch Speed and 60 Turning Extra Pitch, then when you hit that 350-speed limit, the extra 60 will kick in. But you will never know when they will kick in. That’s why Genburten keeps these settings at 0 in Apex. 

Genburten’s Apex ADS Pitch & Yaw SettingsGenburten's ADS Pitch & Yaw Settings in ApexApex ADS Pitch & Yaw Settings Genburten uses

Genburten likes to keep his Aim Downed Sight settings in Apex, as shown below. The ADS settings come into play when you aim down with your sight. These settings are to be more accurate so having lowered speed in these is a sensible thing to do.  

ADS Yaw Speed:   130ADS Pitch Speed:130ADS Turning Extra Yaw:0ADS Turning Extra Pitch:0ADS Turning Ramp-up Time:0ADS Turning Ramp-up Delay:0Genburten’s Apex Video SettingsGenburten's Apex Video SettingsApex Video Settings Genburten uses

These are the settings Genburten uses for the video in Apex Legends. He likes to have the top three settings, i.e., Display Mode, Aspect Ration, and Resolution, on default. And the rest we will explain down below. 

Display Mode:Full-ScreenAspect Ratio:16.9 (native)Resolution:1920 x 1080 (native)Brightness:50%Field of View (FOV):110FOV Ability Scaling:DisabledEnabled Sprint View Shake:Minimal

Brightness: Genburten uses a bright monitor for Apex, and that’s why he prefers to keep his brightness settings at 50%. But he says it’s a personal preference, and everyone can keep this setting how they like.

Field of View (FOV): Genburten likes to keep his FOV settings in Apex at 110% for better and more viewing areas. But then also explains that it’s more of a personal preference thing. But it’s better to have more field of view because you will see more of your surroundings and enemies in those surroundings. 

FOV Ability Scaling: This setting has been introduced in Apex because of increased movement speed with some abilities, i.e., Octane Stems. It increases your FOV when these abilities are used. Genburten would rather keep it disabled because it disrupts his consistency. But again, he says it’s dependent on personal preferences. 

Enabled Sprint View Shake: As for this setting in Apex, well Genburten likes to keep it disabled. Because he considers it horrible that when you’re running and your screen is shaking.

Genburten’s Apex Advance Video Setting Advance Video Settings of GenburtenAdvanced Video Settings Genburten uses

Genburten pretty much has all his advanced video settings for Apex at the lowest possible. He says that it gives him a significant boost in FPS and helps him game way smoother. He even has his NVidia Reflex at Enabled + Boost for that edge in the game. But he has Texture Streaming Budget at 2GB VRAM, Very Low, which is not the lowest in the game. Genburten explains that he wants his stream to look suitable for the viewers. 

V-Sync:DisabledNVidia Reflex:Enabled + BoostAdaptive Resolution FPS Target:0Adaptive Supersampling:N/AAnti-aliasing:NoneTexture Streaming Budget:Very Low (2GB VRAM)Texture Filtering:BilinearAmbient Occlusion Quality:DisabledSun Shadow Coverage:LowSun Shadow Detail:LowSpot Shadow Detail:DisabledModel Detail:LowEffects Detail:LowImpact Marks:DisabledRagdolls:LowGenburten’s Recoil Control Settings

This part of this article is probably the most wanted. Since Genburten says that people ask him the most is how he controls his recoil so well. Or is he cheating to achieve that perfection? But Genburten says it very simple and now let’s go through that quickly.

Genburten's Aim and Recoil Control in actionGenburten’ showing his Aim and Recoil Control.

According to Genburten, every gun in Apex has a recoil pattern. All you need to do is figure that pattern out and adjust to it. You can do that by shooting with a gun in practice mode and then see what pattern it follows when being fired. Like up, left, up, or something like that. Once you figure that out, try to move your stick in the opposite direction with micro-adjustments. It brings us to the importance of these Micro Adjustments for the stick.

Importance Of Micro-Adjustments

Having that 2% Deadzone in the Apex settings makes your slight movements count, and that is how Genburten handles his recoil so well. He moves the stick just slightly to match the recoil of the gun he is using. You can do it in practice yourself and let it sink in your muscle memory. Genburtne himself advises practicing that a lot till it sinks in and you can use it in battle automatically.

Now Genburten’s Apex linear settings we mentioned earlier come into play here. After practicing the recoil, you will need to take that a step further. With a low Deadzone rate and linear controls settings in Apex, Genburten is precisely able to switch targets easily. Because when you have that linear control, you can move your aim exactly where you want to. It is where Genburten gains an edge over most other players, and it’s simple as that. 

Positioning & Aiming

Most Apex Legends players tend to give Aim more importance than positioning. Genburten seems to be the opposite, and he believes that positioning is much more vital than aiming. Well, he is not wrong. It also doesn’t mean that aiming is less critical, but positioning is essential. All in all, you need to cover yourself adequately before starting a fight.

Let’s say you are in a firefight with someone, and you have the best settings, practiced recoil, and have appropriately done micro-adjustments. But during the fight, you are out in the open, and your enemy is in a cover. Chances are you will lose that fight because the enemy will have your whole body to aim at, while you can only aim at their head. So with all the amazing Genburten’s settings for Apex and with great recoil control, don’t forget positioning.


These are the absolute best Apex Legends controller settings available on the internet and from the best controller player, Genburten himself. If you found this guide helpful, let us know in the comments below if you are left with any questions about this guide. Or anything else about Genburten’s settings, feel to ask in the comments.

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