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#ordnance造句| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1、An Ordnance Survey grid reference gives the position of a place to within 100 metres.全国地形测量局的地图坐标标示某地的位置精确到100米以内。

2、Ordnance Officer ordered all the port cannon to be heaved to starboard to counteract the list.炮长命令将左舷所有大炮移到右舷以抵消倾斜,但是甲板的倾斜度还在加大。

3、The Ordnance Officer ordered all the port cannon to be heaved.炮长命令把左舷长所有大炮搬到。

4、The Ordnance Officer ordered all the port cannon to be heaved to starboard to counteract the list.炮长命令把左舷上所有大炮搬到右舷上来以抵消船的倾斜。

5、No, barring renewed global recession - but heavier ordnance may be wheeled into action.不会,除非全球经济重新陷入衰退——但“重型武器”有可能闪亮登场。

6、Ordnance C军械技术兵种

7、NORINCO(G) is sometimes referred to as the Ordnance Industry Group.Norinco时常也叫做兵器工业集团。

8、"That much ordnance going off would be the equivalent of an earthquake" Cartwright told me.“那么多 * * 的效果可能就等量于一次地震了。”Cart wright告诉我。

9、This paper analyses the mixed multi-attribute characteristic of ordnance urgency decision-making.分析了军械紧急调运方案优选决策的混合多属性特点。

10、During the summer of 2007 an average of 22 tonnes of ordnance was dropped on Helmand every month.在2007年夏天,平均每个月有22吨的炮火砸在赫尔曼德。

ordnance翻译n. 大炮, 军械, 武器 详情




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