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ploy是什么意思/翻译_ploy读音音标/用法例句/同反义词 David • 10小时前 • 英文单词 • 阅读 2


ploy是什么意思/翻译_ploy读音音标/用法例句/同反义词 ploy

英 [plɔɪ] 美 [plɔɪ]

n.  计谋; 策略; 手法; 花招



Collins.1 / BNC.9604 / COCA.11458

ploy是什么意思/翻译_ploy读音音标/用法例句/同反义词 牛津词典


计谋;策略;手法;花招words or actions that are carefully planned to get an advantage over sb else a clever marketing ploy机智的销售策略 It was all a ploy to distract attention from his real aims.那全是障眼法,借以转移对他真实目的的注意。 柯林斯词典 N-COUNT 计策;计谋;手段A ploy is a way of behaving that someone plans carefully and secretly in order to gain an advantage for themselves. Cistmas should be a time of excitement and wonder, not a cynical marketing ploy.圣诞节应该是兴奋和美妙的时刻,而不该是一种肆无忌惮的营销策略。 双语例句 Cistmas should be a time of excitement and wonder, not a cynical marketing ploy. 圣诞节应该是兴奋和美妙的时刻,而不该是一种肆无忌惮的营销策略。 In one sense, this is a dangerous ploy. 从某种程度上说,这是一个危险的策划。 He says it appears to be a political ploy. 他说看来这好像是一个政治手段。 India Against Corruption, a grass-roots movement that has spawned an anticorruption political party called the Aam Admi Party, alleged that the transactions amounted to a ploy for DLF to give the Gandhi family property and money to curry favor. 印度反腐败组织(该组织作为一项草根运动推动了反腐败政党平民党(AamAdmiParty)的建立)称,这些交易是DLF的一种策略,旨在用房地产和金钱来贿赂甘地家族。 I think this is just a government ploy to deceive the public. 我认为这只是政府欺骗公众的手段。 It was a brilliant ploy. 真是个精彩的花招。 The Iraqi regime has used diplomacy as a ploy to gain time and advantage. 伊拉克政权一直利用外交作为争取时间和优势的策略。 This ploy can take all sorts of seemingly innocent guises. 这种策略可以采用各种看上去似乎无害的伪装。 What odd psychological ploy does Leoben conoy use against Kara Tace while she’s his prisoner on new caprica? 当里奥本寇诺依在新卡布里卡将卡拉瑟瑞斯囚禁的时候,他用了什么古怪的心理策略? Fox responded quickly, saying that it has negotiated in good faith, and called Cablevision’s claims a “ploy” to get the government to step in. 福克斯迅速作出反应,说谈判是真诚,并且声称有线电视的主张是一个“策略”,希望得到政府的介入。 Others accused him of a ploy to derail tougher European proposals. 其他人则指责布什这是在耍花招,使欧洲更为严格的提议无法实施。 Mr Moore, a former ACT health minister, said it might be questioned whether the ploy was promotional, but highlighted the industry’s latest of a series of desperate tactics. 摩尔先生是ACT的前卫生部长,他说,这种做法是否是促销宣传可能会受到质疑,但这种做法突出了烟草业不顾一切的系列最新策略。 Mr O ‘Neill denies that his invention was a marketing ploy. 奥尼尔否认他的创造是一种市场策略。 If so, it is a ploy to be welcomed. 如果是这样,这个花招应受到欢迎。 As a political ploy against mayor Ahn before the elections. 不过是在安市长选举之前的一次政治策略。 It’s just a ploy to make people feel sorry for him. 让大家为他惋惜只是一个计谋。 It is thought the burning sensation of the chilli pepper is an evolutionary ploy to stop mammals eating them. 有人认为,辣椒味道刺激,这可能是辣椒保护自己不被哺乳动物吃掉的一种进化的策略。 If there’s anything more annoying than gloating, it’s the lame little ploy we call envy preemption. 如果说什么比幸灾乐祸更令人生气,那就是我们称之为“嫉妒先发制人”的蹩脚小伎俩。 It’s such an obvious ploy for attention. 这吸引注意力的伎俩太明显了。 Their complaints are not treated as a ploy any more. 它们的抱怨现在再也不被视为是一种策略。 If it’s been a while since your base pay was adjusted, this ploy might work. 如果你的基础薪水调剂之后有一段时光了,这个策略可能会奏效。 The ploy, of course, is to hook customers early and stay with them as their incomes rise. 它们使用此类招术,当然是希望先勾住消费者,这样在消费者收入增长的时候,就会继续使用它们的产品。 It is too early to judge whether the ploy worked. 要判断这一策略是否有效,目前还为时尚早。 It could be a psychological ploy, or something worse. 他们可能有点心理问题,或者更糟。 They appear to be well-organised, even claiming that letting the rebels into the city was a ploy. 他们似乎精心组织,甚至声称让反政府武装入城是一项策略。 Or is the cowboy palaver just a political ploy to keep his core supporters happy? 或者,他那牛仔式的讲话只是用来取悦他的铁杆支持者的一个政治策略呢? Russia’s friendship with China is not just a ploy by their elites. 俄罗斯和中国的友谊不仅仅是它们的精英所布下的策略。 It is not conceivable that Britons could have been forced to vote a second time ( a standard EU ploy when voters rebel). 很难想象,英国人本可以被迫第二次投票的(一个欧盟对付选民反对时的标准策略)。 However, if your friend pretends over and over again to try and hit you, you can also enter a habituation learning phase, where you stop flinching, since you realize that it’s all just a ploy. 但如果你的朋友总是假装一次又一次的这样做,你也可能进入到习惯性学习阶段,这时你不再退缩,因为你认识到那仅仅是个假象。 Using the Welsh name was a clever marketing ploy. 用这个威尔士名字是个聪明的营销策略。 英英释义


a maneuver in a game or conversation

Synonym:    gambitstratagem

an opening remark intended to secure an advantage for the speaker

Synonym:    gambit



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